Floris van Rosemondt

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Floris van RosemondtThis Floris page gives some overview of the Floris phenomena. It lists the television series, merchandizing and more. I may have some of this merchandizing, however I am still interested in additional information and or the merchandizing itself. Feel free to contact me!

Floris was a series made for television, it was first broadcasted by NTS (now NOS) on Dutch television in 1969. Back in 1969 this series was very much appreciated, this by people of all ages. The series were filmed in black & white this as to save on productioncost. Floris was a good start for Rutger Hauer and also for Paul Verhoeven, both of them in later years achieved fame and success internationally. And now finally 30 years after date this series are available on video. And myself? Well, I have some good memories about it too!

sound   Floris theme

Paul Verhoeven
Scenario: Gerard Soeteman
Television channel: NTS (NOS)
Episodes: 12
Length (each):27 min
Language: Dutch
Colour: black & white

Main cast:
The allies
Floris van Rosemondt
(Rutger Hauer)
Wolter van Oldenstein
(Ton Vos)
(Jos Bergman)

 Gravin Ada van Couwenberg
 (Diana Marlet, pseud. of Diana Dobbelsteen)
 (Ida Bons) 

The enemy
Maarten van Rossum
(Hans Culeman)
(Tim Beekman)
Lange Pier
(Hans Boskamp)

Floris, Oldenstein & SindalaEpisodes:
 1. Het Gestolen Kasteel (The stolen castle)
 2. De Koperen Hond (The brass cannon)
 3. De Zwarte Kogels (The black balls)
 4. De Man Van Gent (The man from Gent)
 5. De Harige Duivel (The hairy devil)
 6. De Vrijbrief (The passport)
 7. De Drie Narren (The three fools)
 8. De Alruin (The mandrake)
 9. Het Brandende Water (The burning water)
10. De Wonderdoener (The miracle performer)
11. De Byzantijnse Beker, deel 1: Het Tournooi (The Byzantium goblet, part 1: The tournement)
12. De Byzantijnse Beker, deel 2: De Genezing (The Byzantium goblet, part 2: The recovery)
(13.) Rond Floris - een kijkje achter de schermen (Floris - a look behind the scenes)

Floris and Sindala
Sergeant and man in ambush

Floris on video & dvd
Video set left side: FlorisVideo set right side: Sindala
The 12 episodes are available on video, unfortunately ‘Floris - a look behind the screens’ was not added. Only in the dutch language, no English undertitles that is. First issued during 1997/98, all episodes on 4 tapes, retailprice F14,95 (about USD7 each). Later on in 1999 the whole set was also issued as a box set, available from the different bookclubs in the Netherlands.

Of the 19 episodes of 'Floris von Rosemund'  made by German filmmakers there are so far as I know no video's available. If they have come out on video, then please let me know.

We had to wait until early 2002 when finally all were released on a limited dvd collection. In addition were added the original historical introductions to each episode, but also recent interviews with those who were involved in the making of the series.

Floris books
There appeared 3 Floris books with story and photographs during the early ’70s
- Red cover:
- Green cover:
- Orange cover:
Het Verraad van Oldenstein (The treachery of Oldenstein)
Het Beleg van Oldenstein (The siege of Oldenstein)
De Vijand te Slim af (The enemy outwitted)

    Album 1 Album 2 Album 3

Floris in magazines
Taptoe (1970, 52e jaargang, weekly)

# 5 has a front cover with Floris and article (see on the left)

Not sure if anything else in this magazine
Jamin Junior (1972, 26 nrs, weekly, discontinued very abruptly, there was also an unnumbered introduction number)

# 8 has a front cover with Floris (see on the right)

The following stories appeared in the magazine with 2 pages in each number and colour illustrations from the television episodes
# 1-14   De Wonderdoener (The miracle performer)
# 15-26 De Zwarte Kogels (The black balls) [unfinished]
Jamin Junior

Record: Floris and the Fakir Floris playing records
- Longplaying record (ca 1970) ‘Floris en de fakir’ with 2 hearplays (told by the actual actors of the series!) - CNR 544-312
Kant 1: De geschenken van de hertog (The presents of the duke) &
Kant 2: De vier vreemde pelgrims (The four strange pilgrims)

- Singletje (ca 1970) ‘Music from the TV-filmseries Floris, the Imperial Orchestra' with 'Thema 1 & 2’
- IMPERIAL 5C 006-24109M

'Monty' bubblegum'Monty' bubblegumOther Floris curiosa

- When buying bubblegum from ‘Monty’ you also got a photographic picture card with a scene from the series (during 1970). These were packaged in a small ‘red/white bag’ carrying an illustration of Floris holding a shield & sword. There were 120 cards in total, all of these you could collect and trade with others. Would you become complete then you could turn them all around and lay out (like a jigsaw puzzle) 2 large scenes from the series. It appears that these were also made available as posters which you could order from ‘Monty’ for the little sum of fl1.00 a piece (=50 dollar cts). Card #1-60 made up the first poster and card #61-120 made up the 2nd poster.

Floris in Germany
Floris von RosemundThis series was shot in the Hungarian countryside and produced by German filmmakers, who tried to repeat the success of the original Dutch series.
Rutger Hauer is still Floris, however someone else is playing the role of Sindala, unfortunately.

The Dutch television series have come out on video, however as far as I know this is not the case for these German series. If somebody out there would have this on video, then I would be very much interested indeed.Floris on horseback

Director: Ferry Radax (Austria)
Television channel: Das Bayerische Fernsehen
Episodes: 19
Length (each):26 min
Language: German
Colour: colour

Main cast:
Rutger Hauer .... Floris von Rosemund
Derval de Tana .... Sindala
Fred Stillkrauth ..... van Rossum
Ferdy Maine ..... van Grauberg
Peter Pickl ..... Sergeant
Simone Rethel ..... Viola

 1. Das gestohlene Schlos  (The stolen castle)
 2. Die schwarzen Kugeln  (The black ball)
 3. Brennende Wasser  (Burning water)
 4. Der Goldmacher  (The goldmaker)
 5. Der kupferne Hund  (The copper canon)
 6. Der Teufelsmaler  (Painter of the devil)
 7. Die Geschenke des Herzogs  (The presents of the duke)
 8. Die Alraune  (The mandrake)
 9. Der Byzantinische Becher  (The Byzantium goblet)
10. Wallfahrer für die Madonna  (Pilgrims for the madonna)
11. Die Drei Narren  (The three fools)
12. Im Zeichen des Bosen  (The mark of the devil)
13. Das Gericht  (The court of justice)
14. Die Helden von Rosemund  (The heroes of Rosemund)
15. Die Hochzeit  (The wedding)
16. Rum für den Langen Pier  (Rum for Lange Pier)
17. Die Spuren der Künste  (The traces of the arts)
18. Die Wassergeister  (The waterghosts)
19. Das Friedenslied  (The peace song)

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