Creation index
Seminar 3 Dinosaurs and the Bible, part c
- Interviews - |
(this seminar was given in 2005, with a few sections added from 1999 seminar) |
[Introduction to Dr. Hovind], [Dr. Hovind's justice cycle], [Is Dr. Hovind being edited?], [Dr. Hovind vs Wikipedia] |
[Video presentation of seminars 1-7], [Introduction to seminar transcripts], [Seminar 1: “The Age of the Earth”],
[Seminar 2: “The Garden of Eden”],
[Seminar 3: “Dinosaurs and the Bible”],
[Seminar 4: “Lies in the Textbooks?”],
[Seminar 5: “The Dangers of Evolution”],
[Seminar 6: “The Hovind Theory”],
[Seminar 7: “Question and Answers”] |
“Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down? ... |
 Out of his mouth goe burning lampes, and sparkes of fire leape out. |
 Out of his nostrels goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron. |
 His breath kindleth coales, and a flame goeth out of his mouth.” |
Job 41:1,19-21 |
Seminar 3: Dinosaurs and the Bible (part c, Interviews)
Go to “Dinosaurs and the Bible” index page
Interviews with people who claim to have seen living dinosaur-like creatures
Dr. Hovind interviews Sandy Mansi; Lake Champlain monster; Champ
Kent: “Hello, this is Kent Hovind. It is August 31, 1993. I am sitting here at ‘The Antique Quest’ in Winchester, New Hampshire, with Sandy Mansi. It's good to see you again Sandy. I saw you back in 1992; and Sandy is the one that saw Champ. Her picture appears on the cover of the book by Joseph W. Zarzynski. Why don't you tell us when it was, and where you were, and a little bit about it.”
Sandy: “I was at Lake Champlain, on the Vermont side with my fiancé (now my husband) and my children. We were exploring the lake. We grew up in that area. And we were just exploring the lakes. Sitting there enjoying the peace and quiet. My husband had gone back to the car to get a camera. While he was gone there was a disturbance in the lake. And I looked out and I thought it was perhaps a school of fish; maybe a scuba diver or something, And then the head and neck broke the surface of the water. The head flipped up, and the neck and the back, and I knew it wasn't a fish.”
Kent: “I heard that somebody told you that they thought it was a duck.”
Sandy: “Well, a two thousand pound duck!”
Kent: “When you were at the church, you came to hear me speak in Dublin, New Hampshire. I had all my dinosaurs on the table, you immediately picked up this one as Champ. But you said it was a little different than what you saw.”
Sandy: “Yes, what I saw, the creature's neck was not near as long. The head is shaped right like a horse head. The neck is not near as long.”
Kent: “There are three or four different swimming dinosaurs that the bones have been found of. There's the Cronosaur, that has a huge neck; the Plesiosaur which you are holding; then there is the Elasmosaur, it had a shorter neck, and the head is at a right angle to the body, instead of in line with the body. There may also be others undiscovered yet. We will get that where they can see this image on the camera.”
Sandy: “I think this one, but more with a shorter neck, or the neck may not of been all out of the water too.”
Kent: “Okay, all right this was back in 1977. How many other people do you know or have you talked to that claimed they have seen it also?”
Sandy: “I have spoken with probably about six different people who have seen it. And all of our accounts are very, very similar. So we all can't be crazy. We all can't be telling of something that we didn't see; but they are all very, very similar. The shape of the head and neck, just the massive size of it.”
Kent: “You watched it for about how long would you say?”
Sandy: “Probably from the time of the disturbance until it went back down, maybe eight minutes. Eight to ten minutes, okay. You told me the last time we talked about a year ago, when it first came up it was looking different directions, it was looking around. When it came up, it was facing this way kind of to me, then when it came up out of the water. Amd then it looked around, when I did take the one snap shot, it was getting fidgety. It was getting a little more movement to it, and it had turned its head to look over its back. And that's when I got the snap shot, and then it turned and went down. It started going down like this, and then it put its head down under the water. After it was completely under water, I heard a boat coming. I heard a boat. I didn't even see the boat, but I heard it coming. It knew that a boat was coming long before my sense of hearing did.”
Kent: “A lot of people that I interview have told me like the ones in Africa, dinosaurs in Africa, the natives claim that they have very sensitive hearing. They'll hear you coming and then they'll duck under the water. I've got missionary friends over there that say there are dinosaurs over there in that swamp.”
Sandy: “Absolutely, I am sure of it. God created one, He created many. This is something that has to be a creation. It is not something that comes from an eel, or any of that nonsense. He created one, He created many.”
Kent: “Your picture as well as being on the cover of Joseph's book has been in a number of places. It was in Time Magazine, July, 1981. You were on the TV show Unsolved Mysteries, this last week?”
Sandy: “That was three times they showed it. The first time was in September of last year, 1992. Then recently again about a week or so ago. They had another run of.”
Kent: “So you are a movie star now.”
Sandy: “No...”
Kent: “There are those who teach that evolution is a proven fact. That dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. As you know I think very differently, and I have been a science teacher for 15 years, I have a strong opinion that a few dinosaurs are even still alive, the world is not millions of years ago. Would you say that what you saw best describes as being a dinosaur of some kind? Water dwelling?”
Sandy: “I saw a dinosaur.”
Kent: “You felt like you were seeing a dinosaur, huh?”
Sandy: “I know I did. I know I saw a dinosaur.”
Kent: “You know, okay.”
Sandy: “I saw a dinosaur.”
Kent: “Now, the question comes to some people's mind, why did you only take one picture?”
Sandy: “Because I didn't want to miss anything.”
Kent: “Because you were watching it?”
Sandy: “I was busy watching it. I brought the camera out. I took the one photograph and I put it down. I did not want to miss anything. I was in such total awe,...”
Kent: “Right.”
Sandy: “... about what was happening, and I don't even know why I took the one. It was just instinct; my husband had handed me the camera. He had gone after the camera to take pictures of the children.”
Kent: “That was before it surfaced.”
Sandy: “He didn't even know anything was going on until he got back there. And he helped me up the bank and handed me the camera, he helped me up the bank. I was shaking, and I moved down on my knees, and I picked the camera up. Took the one photograph and I put it down. I was going to fall down.”
Kent: “You could have taken twenty pictures.”
Sandy: “Right. Absolutely. But I wanted to watch it. And my mind was trying to rationalize it. And I was trying to think, what is this? And it comes to a point when you cannot rationalize with yourself. You stand in awe.”
Kent: “Well, great. Anything else? Any typical questions you get asked? Most of the people that interview you, are those that believe in evolution?”
Sandy: “Yes.”
Kent: “How do you feel about that? [Sandy shaking head] You don't like that.”
Sandy: “No.”
Kent: “I agree with you 100%. I appreciate you letting me use your picture. I put it on one of my posters.”
Sandy: “Beautiful.”
Kent: “I have quite a few pictures from different people. My motive is to strength people's faith in the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God. There's Sandy's picture. You have been featured in a number of shows, magazines, and things like that. You have lived here how long in Winchester?”
Sandy: “Twenty years.”
Kent: “Twenty years, so you had no intention of becoming a celebrity by photographing Champ?”
Sandy: “No, as a matter of fact I didn't even want to publish; I kept it a secret for two years. Then I made them keep it in the scientific world. I was forced by the media to publish, because they were calling. And they really persisted, if I had ever seen it, so I was forced to do it. That's why I had to put a copyright on it, so I could have some control and protection. They would have to get my permission in order to use it.”
Kent: “That was smart, a good move. Now people ask me: ‘If there are so many of these creatures then why don't we get more pictures?’ I ask them the question: ‘Have you ever seen a car wreck?’ They say: ‘Well, sure.’ I say: ‘Give me a picture of one as it happens.’ You never see a picture of a car wreck as it happens, and yet thousands of car wrecks happens. So its fleeting, it last a few seconds, and you don't think about taking a picture until it's too late. Well maybe you could keep me posted. And send me any information if you get any more. People come to you all the time and say: ‘I saw it.’”
Sandy: “Yes.”
Kent: “I would like to keep a file of that. Just send me the list.”
Sandy: “Absolutely.”
Dr. Hovind's continues his interview with Sandy Mansi
Kent: “Here is Champ up here on the wall. Tell them about the old gentleman that came and looked at it.”
Sandy: “I was standing here at the counter. An elderly gentleman came in. And he was staring at the picture, and staring, and he asked me where it was? I told him it was ‘Champ’ in Lake Champlain. He went on to tell me that he never told a soul about this, and he was in his eighties. He said he was eighty-nine or eighty-seven. He told me about when he was a young man, he went fishing with his grandfather up in Lake Champlain. It was up by the Bulwagga Bay, that area.”
Kent: “He grew up on the lake?”
Sandy: “Yes, he grew up on the lake. He told me he and his grandfather were out fishing, and this monstrous big thing, he said, came out of the water. And his grandfather told him that it was Champ and that he wasn't to tell anybody. People would only laugh and think that they were insane. All those years he never told a soul about it. I was the first person he told. He said to me: ‘I was not insane and my grandfather was not insane, we saw a living, breathing dinosaur.’ I was like, Hallelujah.”
Kent: “Yes. More testimonies.”
Sandy: “Absolutely.”
Kent: “Now other people have seen it and come to you and say hey...?”
Sandy: “Yes, I appreciate that because it gives me the indication that I am not crazy. I am not fabricating it. This is what I saw, and this is what they saw. And we all saw something, and someday maybe the lake will give up her secret, who knows; let's not kill it.”
Kent: “Don't kill it, no. Right, thank you so much, you've got customers here, we better let you go.”
The following is the video taken by Lee Smith from the top of the lighthouse at Crown Point, New York; facing Lake Champlain
Pause... (video starts, no audio at first)
Boy: “It's a shark! It's got some white things on it! It's coming out of it, coming out of the water. Hey it's going under. It's following its trails. It went under right there, dad.”
Dad: “Let's see those binoculars.”
Boy: “Huh?”
Dad: “Let's see those binoculars.”
Boy: “It was a shark?”
Dad: “No, it wasn't a shark. Something just came up there.”
Boy: “I've seen it, dad.”
Dad: “It's gone.”
Boy: “It went under.”
Dad: “I think we just saw ‘Champ’.”
Boy: “What's Champ?”
Dad: “The Lake Champlain monster. It's gone, Clayton. I shouldn't have looked out of the binoculars so long; I should have gotten the camera.”
Boy: “It probably went under the same way.”
Dad: “It started way the heck out there. He was just past that buoy when that sail boat went by.”
Boy: “I know.”
Dad: “I was looking at it with the binoculars. I thought it was just a log. It went all the way from that buoy all the way inland, then it went underneath right in there.”
Scientific video presentation about finding of a giant squid
Male person: “This is a giant squid of the species Architeuthis Dux. It came on shore November 22, 1979, near Brainerd's Conurs Island, Bon Vista Bay, Newfoundland. It is an immature female. it is a small female, but it is of the species of the giant squid. I believe the giant squid reaches approximately a maximum size of something like 150 feet (4-6 m). If this is 20 feet (6 m) long than it's almost 8 times longer than this in overall length. And that's a big squid.”
Various interviews with people who have seen strange creatures in the sea
Sighting made by 2 seamen; George Vinnicombe & John Cox
Presentator: “In 1976, just 30 miles (50 km) off of Lizard Point, in Cornwall, two fishermen, George Venican and John Cox also met a monster.”
George: “It once came in 30 miles off, 25-30 miles (45-50 km) off. I saw what I thought what was an upturned boat on me.”
John: “We went over to investigate. When we got closer we could see that it wasn't an upturned boat. It was something others have seen before. So dark in color with sort of bumps on the back. Between 15-18 feet (4-5 m) in length. Rising above the sea about 3 feet (1 m). It was a flat calm day; there was no disturbance on the sea at all.”
George: “We got up closer, a little closer, I came astern, it was raising up out of the water. He was only about 3 feet (1m) from where the back of the boat was. His head peered out of the water! I thought it was a thing that I never saw before after about 40 years at sea. And it gradually sank in the water; it disappeared. After talking about it, the only thing we could think of was that it is very much like a prehistoric animal.”
Radio program about Ogopogo (section 1; Mr. Palridge)
Announcer: “We are having an open line program. Theresa, How are you?”
Therese: “I am fine, thank you.”
Announcer: “We are talking about the Ogopogo today. A lot of people in the area have seen it. The legend goes on for many years, and we will be talking to some experts. We've got Arlene Gull coming in. Arlene wrote a book on it. [female's voice: That's right.] We are going to go to the phone lines right now. Line two, good morning. Hello there Mr. Palridge. Yes go ahead.”
Mr. Palridge: “You wanted to know about Ogopogo.”
Announcer: “I certainly do.”
Mr. Palridge: “Yes, okay. I had a taxi and I took a passenger to the hospital. I was coming down Abbott Street, ...”
Paul Pugliese (video): “...and I got as far as about here, I looked towards the lake. I was surprised. I saw this thing come out of the water. It was like a horse's head with kind of horns on it. Well, he was huge, you know. Standing up there, oh my, just like a big serpent. Then another fellow came up behind me: ‘What are you looking at?’ I said: ‘I see Ogopogo over there.’ He said: ‘Where!? Where?’ - ‘Over there,’ I said. I had the door opened of the car. I stepped out just a little bit, and he slipped back into the water. He said: ‘Gee look at the big waves there.’ And all we could see was big waves, going down there over near the boat ramp. It disappeared. Then I got all excited. I got in the car. I pulled into the Willow Inn and I told the people. They were having breakfast. ‘I've just seen Ogopogo!’ They said: ‘What the heck have you been drinking, hey...?’”
Radio program about Ogopogo (section 2; unknown female)
Announcer: “Line four, go ahead please.”
Female: “Hello John.”
Announcer: “How are you?”
Female: “I am not too bad.”
Announcer: “Good. Are you going to give me your name?”
Female: “No, I am not.”
Announcer: “Okay. Tell me about the...”
Female: “I saw Ogopogo off of Clarsen four years ago.”
Announcer: “You don't want to give your name on the air.”
Female: “No, I don't.”
Announcer: “You told some people obviously.”
Female: “Ah, yes.”
Announcer: “Are you afraid that they might think that you are a little bit of a...?”
Female: “I later had some ‘straaange’ phone calls.”
Announcer: “I get them every day and that's what they pay me for.”
Female: “Well, I do not get paid for them; I really don't want any more, thank you.
Female's story (video): ”We were up on the beach having a picnic. My daughter was on the swings when I saw this ‘creature’ underneath the wharf there. When I turned around and saw it and realized it was the legendary Ogopogo, I just freaked out I just grabbed the baby and ran down to the beach. And I guess I yelled over and over, ‘It's him!’
Young girl: “She was screaming loudly. I couldn't believe it; her face was so red.”
Female: “It was fishing, or whatever it was doing. It was there for quite some time, then it straightened out. And it went along those poles. And as it traveled along just the three humps were showing. And they were from one end of those poles to the other; spaced out, the three humps were. It traveled along the beach until about the corner over there. And then it turned and it went straight across the lake.”
Radio program about Ogopogo (section 3; Arlene Gaal)
Announcer: “All right we are going to break from the phone calls right now. And we'll introduce to you someone that's well known to the Okanagan Valley. Arlene Gaal; Arlene has written a book on the Ogopogo. Good morning, Arlene. How are you?”
Arlene: “Good Morning John. Good morning Theresa.”
Theresa: “Good morning.”
Female: “How many sighting have you documented?”
Arlene: “Literally hundreds, literally hundreds.”
Theresa: “When was the first sighting?”
Arlene: “The very first sighting was in 1852. The first ‘documented’ sighting in 1852, and it is now 1980.”
Theresa: “Do we take it to mean that there must be more than one Ogopogo?”
Arlene: “There definitely appears to be more than one.”
Theresa: “There has been a film made, I think it was back in 1968. It's pretty hard not to believe when you see it right in front of your eyes. Tell us about that film this morning.”
Arlene: “The Folden film was taken in 1968 by a gentleman by the name of Art Folden. He was returning from a trip to his home in Chase. And as he neared the peach lined area he spotted an object in the lake. He said to his wife: ‘Look, there is Ogopogo.’ She laughed at him. He got out and started filming the creature. What we see in the film is a large animate object moving through the water. It is surfacing and submerging at various speeds and at various times. And it also shows the creature taking off at very high speed and producing a massive wake. And this is the footage in the film that I like very much because you see a creature just pushing water quickly, with that massive wake, creating huge wave action. This is believability on my part.”
Announcer (John): “Have there been any recent sightings?”
Arlene: “We've had approximately seven to eight sightings this year. We have one that has been the very best sighting.”
Announcer (John): “Why?”
Arlene: “That was the Rieger family.”
Frank Rieger: “It was a beautiful day the water was just as calm as glass. I just looked across and I could see a big wave coming at me. And at that time I did not take much notice of it, and it kept coming closer. And I thought to myself, why would there be a wave coming if there's no wind or anything? So I called to my son, I said: ‘Come on back here and take a look. See if you can think what the heck is coming down the lake here.’ So he took a look at it and replied: ‘Gee, I don't know.’ So we had my grandson along too. He said: ‘Hey grandpa, that's the Ogopogo!’ It would have ran right into us, but we pulled the boat along off to the side. So we followed it along side for about maybe 15-20 minutes. I would say the monster was possibly 14-16 feet long (4-5 m) and which was above water was about 3 feet. It had quite a hump in the front shoulders, and it had a hump on the back where the tail went. I'd say the tail was approximately 30-40 (9-12 m) or maybe 50 feet you couldn't see the end of it. But he did have along tail. He had four legs. I would say the monster weighed approximately maybe 30 tons.”
Jim Rieger: “And his head in the front was moving from side to side. It seemed like he was looking for fish or feeding or something like that. And he was stirring up a tremendous amount of water.”
Frank Rieger: “If I would have never seen it, I wouldn't have ever believed it. Actually I don't really care if anyone believes me or not. I saw that animal and I know it is here. I know it is a tremendous sized animal.”
Dr. Hovind interviewing John Kraft; Washington Crossing, Penn.; Lake Erie Monster, 1991
John: ”It was some sort of what we call a ‘monster fish’ for lack of a better word. But it was approximately 30 to 35 feet (9-11 m) in length. And its head was protruding out of the water, and you could see the flagellum action of the tail. And the waves going beyond it. And I took two pictures of it.”
Kent: “You said it was roughly similar to this? What was different?”
John: “Similar to this, but I couldn't see these fins on the side.”
Kent: “Okay.”
John: “Because that was the fish that I saw, or whatever, but they were not within sight. You could only see the head, the neck, and the upper part of the body.”
Dr. Hovind interviewing Mr. Cal Bombay; Canada at the ‘100 Huntley Street Program’
Kent: “This is Kent Hovind from Pensacola, Florida. I am here in Canada, at the 100 Huntley Street Program. Several years ago I think it was 1994, when I was here on the program. I brought my book from Dr. Roy Mackel, A Living Dinosaur. And Cal, who is sitting here beside me. He said: ‘When I was in Africa I saw something like that a dinosaur.’ I turned to this page, Page 256 in Roy Mackels book and Cal, you said: ‘Hey, I saw one of those!’ Would you take just a few minutes and tell the folks what you saw and where you work. And if they can get a hold of you in case they have any questions, just describe what you saw.”
Cal: “It was one of the most startling experiences that I have ever had. It was about, in 1963 I think. I was on my way through the old roads of Kenya, back to Nairobi to pick up a car. So I was taking this old Chevrolet that was almost probably too big for the roads because of the pot holes I was going rather slow. It was a hilly country near a place called Muhoroni. That's down in the Rift Valley, but a hilly part of the Rift Valley. As we were coming up to the brow of the hill, oh, and my wife was with me. Suddenly it was laying there in front of us, across the road 7, 8, or 9 feet (2-3 m) long. Which I thought at first it was a crocodile. And then I thought, no it can't be a crocodile. This is a dry part of the country. Then as I looked at it we slowed down. Stopped the car actually, and sat there looking at it for about 10 minutes. And as I looked at it, I thought of the actual word ‘prehistoric’ went through my mind. I said: ‘This can't be real.’ I have seen pictures like this but not quite like this one. Anyway, from the tail right up to the back of it's head were, I don't know what you call them...”
Kent: “...serrations, ridges...”
Cal: “Ridges, like triangles, perfect triangles all the way from the head to the tail. And it was just laying squatted down on the road. Seeming to sun. So I looked at the thing for 10 minutes. I can shoot myself for not having my camera with me that day. But, I wish I had, but there it was, I have never seen anything like it neither before nor since. And I've asked people and I went to the natural history museum. I said: ‘Have you seen or heard of anything in Kenya of this nature?’ And they said: ‘No, there is nothing alive like that today.’ I said: ‘I saw something.’ And I argued with them rather intently for awhile And they said: ‘It must have been a figment of your imagination.’ Well, my wife and I both saw it. We asked, for several years if anybody have seen anything like that. Nobody had, nor have I since. But there it was laying there on the side of the road. After about 10 minutes, it stood up not quite as high as this drawing. But, it kind of wandered off into a very dry part of the country, bushy a little bit. It was a dry time of the year.It took off, and Marion and I just kinda looked at each other wondering what in the world is this thing.”
Kent: “What color was it?”
Cal: “It was kind of dusty gray.”
Kent: “Could you see the eyes?”
Cal: “Ya, they blinked. In fact it turned its head and looked at us; it didn't seem to be afraid of us.”
Kent: “Could you tell from the pupil of the eyeball was it slotted or round?”
Cal: “I don't think I was close enough to see that.”
Kent: “Was the shape of the snout like a crocodile? Would you say...”
Cal: “More like a crocodile than a hippo I'd say; it had a long face. Now some of the African people I asked, and they said it was a monitor lizard. I said that's impossible. I've seen many monitor lizards I've never seen one 9 feet (3 m) long; never has been one as long as that one. I've accidentally killed a couple of monitor Lizard by them hitting my car. They're smooth skinned; with no ridges on the back. I know a monitor lizard when I see one. This was not a monitor lizard; this thing had those ridges down its back.”
Kent: “Could you tell if it had smooth skin or scales?”
Cal: “It looked kind of bumpy, more like an alligator on the sides, I don't think it had scales. I can't really be sure.”
Kent: “Alright, well.”
Cal: “It's been a lot of years ago. This is 1997.”
Kent: “I understand. I have been saying for years that there is a few dinosaurs still alive. And the first thought in your mind was that it was something prehistoric, huh?”
Cal: “Well, I have been preconditioned by all the education that I'd had up until that time. Right. These things don't exist.”
Kent: “Whatever it is, it can't be a dinosaur. That's the first thought most people have.”
Cal: “I considered that it had to be some kind of a lizard. Because, you know, you have lizards from this size [giving measure with hand, 2 inches] till the gecko all the way up to monitor lizards.”
Kent: “You work here at 100 Huntley Street. What's the phone number here so if they have any questions they can call and ask for Mr. Cal Bombay?”
Cal: “My phone number is area code 1-905-335-7100, ex. 3206.”
Kent: “Well, call him up if you don't believe it.”
Cal: “I saw it. When I saw this picture I thought: ‘That is what I saw!’ I mean...”
Kent: “Let's get them to zoom in on this picture if you can, and we will close out with that. If you have any questions, we would be glad to help. Give us a call if you want more information on dinosaurs. You let us know. We are glad to send you our video tape on creation, evolution and dinosaurs. So that's what you saw that day in 1962?”
Cal: “This is the closest thing I have ever seen.”
Kent: “Okay thank you so much, brother. I appreciate the time and God bless you!”
Call: “You are welcome, thank you.”
We hope you have enjoyed the video series on creation, evolution and dinosaurs.
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Copyright © 1999, 2005. Made available on the Internet by Michel Snoeck, A.D. 2013.
This page revised:
30 April, 2017