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The story of the ‘Cramming Series’ - LRH or not LRH?
A history of the division where the auditor qualifies himself |
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“QUALIFICATIONS DIVISION, 1. it could be called the correction division or the adjustment division. But qualifications would also serve. (SH Spec 77, 6608C23) 2. the Qual Division monitors not only technical quality and honesty but the administrative quality and honesty of the entire organization. HCO establishes an org but Qual makes it run. Therefore, it has to be completely effective in its duties and functions. Qual is in the business of finding and restoring lost tech. (BPL 22 Nov 71R)” |
(from ‘Modern Management Technology Defined’* (released 1976)) |
The Cramming Section of a Scientology organization is quite important, as this is the place where corrections are being made in your auditing skills. It is located in the Qualifications Division which is Division 5. And indeed the Qual Library exists foremost for to qualify (correct the skills of) the auditor.
Some quotations on the subject of ‘cramming’ that isolate what it is about
From ‘Modern Management Technology Defined’ (released 1976): |
“CRAMMING SECTION, a section of the Department of Review (Division 5, Department 14). The prime purpose of the Department of Review and all its sections and units is: to help Ron correct any non-optimum result of the organization and also to advise ways and means based on actual experience in the department to safeguard against any continued poor result from any technical personnel or the function of the organization. More specifically, the Cramming Section teaches students what they have missed. (HCO PL 10 Nov 65)” |
“CRAMMING, there are two areas of cramming: (1) tech cramming, (2) admin cramming. There are two basic types of cramming: (a) to rapidly prepare a person for post or technical action, through intensive study, word clearing and drilling on key materials, (b) to rapidly correct a person after the fact of an error or flub, by finding the why, and handling that why with study and word clearing of the particular data involved and drilling the actions to a point of confidence and competence. This covers cramming orders sent to Qual or originated by the Cramming Officer or Qual Sec on out-points in the org. (BTB 8 Mar 75 II) ” |
“CRAMMING OFFICER, (Correction Division) purpose of the Cramming Officer is to help LRH to isolate and correct real causes for staff and student misapplication of technology or policy and see that the correct data is known, cleared of misunderstoods and drilled to confident certainty, thus ensuring the technical honesty of the organization. (BPL 7 Dec 71R I)” |
From ‘Dianetics and Scientology, Technical Dictionary’: |
“CRAMMING, 1. a section in the Qualifications Division where a student is given high pressure instruction at his own cost after being found slow in study or when failing his exams. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III) 2. the cramming section teaches students what they have missed. This includes trained auditors who wish to be brought up-to-date on current technical developments. (HCO PL 13 May 69)” |
“CRAMMING ORDER, 1. a cramming order is written to handle a specific situation. If that is not handled, the situation will worsen or change, thus the original cramming order will not sufficiently handle if it is stale dated. (BTB 21 Jan 73R) 2. there is a certain technology on how to write up a cramming order: (1) isolate the exact outnesses in the folder; (2) order those HCOBs or PLs crammed; (3) now look in a slightly wider circle around the data flunked and get which basic is involved (i.e. Auditor Code, TRs, metering, handling the session, handling the pc as a being, etc.) and get that crammed, too. (BTB 12 Dec 71R)” |

The story of the ‘Cramming Series’ - LRH or not LRH? - An overview
A detailed chronology of the Cramming Series references. (separate pop-up windows) |
Cramming Series 1971-75
The initial series of cramming references were first developed and issued during Dec 71/Jun 73 (#1-24). The #25 & 26 were issued only as late as 1974-75. This series comprised of a collection of a total of thus 26 numbered references that addressed the various aspects of cramming. Only 3 of these references were written by L. Ron Hubbard (#18, 25 & 26). It does thus appear here that L. Ron Hubbard was not that much involved in writing up references about these matters himself. He did however relate various specifics of cramming through his lectures which in turn were published through HCOBs that were compiled and written by other persons.
Cramming Series 1976-80 (as made available in the old Technical Bulletins volumes)
An updated series of these we find in ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology: Auditing Series, Volume IX, 1965-1975’ (1976), which volume comprised of a compilation of various series of references. On pages 87-124 we find these new Cramming Series #1-16. ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology: Volume XI, 1976-1978’ (1979) & ‘Volume XII, 1978-1979’ (1980) added #17-20 to these. I refer to them as the 1976-80 Cramming Series. Only 3 of the first 16 of them were actually written by L. Ron Hubbard, the remainder were all BTBs except for one BPL. The years 1978-79 added #17-20 which were also attributed to have been written by L. Ron Hubbard, although 2 of them note that they were “assisted by” the then Senior C/S International. Per the signature rules in use at that time this would mean that this Senior C/S International actually wrote them.
Cramming Series 1981-84
In 1981 we see a completely new series of references on cramming. At its first release they comprised of a total of 26 issues (#1-23 and 3 that were unnumbered). The years 1983-84 added #24 & 25 to this series. Various of these were old authentic HCOBs that were written by L. Ron Hubbard in previous years. The remainder (18 issues) however were completely new releases and were as it appeared especially written to be included in this series, these were all attributed as having been written by L. Ron Hubbard which was clearly indicated on each of these. They were issued during the time span 16 Aug/2 Sept 81. Then 5 of the older authentic LRH issues were revised reissued in this same time period and made part of this new series.
Cramming Series 1991 (as made available in the new Technical Bulletins volumes)
A whole 10 years later in 1991 we see once again a new Cramming Series being issued, a variety of these were previously found included in the earlier released series. Although this time they had all been given a new series number, as now they were rearranged in chronological order according to original release date (HCOB date). |
We also see that a total of 15 references from these previous 1981 Cramming Series got cancelled 10 years later by HCO Admin Letter 20 Oct 91 “Cancellation of Cramming Series Issues”. The oddity here is that now the claim is made: “None of these bulletins were written or approved by LRH.”. If you look in the 1991 release of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes you will not find any of the remaining 11 references there either, at least not under their original HCOB date. It appears here that a couple of them are actually still found in there, it is just that they had been given a new HCOB date. Various of these 11 references (but only in the original mimeo print-offs*) carried revision notices that tell that in the previous 1981 release some other persons had added non-LRH data into these, but now these additions had been removed in this re-release. |
As a side note, not only the 1981 Cramming Series were subjected to such a treatment. There have been quite a few of such releases during these early ’80s that say in the revision notes that non-LRH data had been added into them, the year 1981 very often turns up. Although a considerable amount of these, at their original release, had carried a signature that designated L. Ron Hubbard as the author. None of these sometimes extensive revision notes however you will find in the 1991 release of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ or ‘The Organization Executive Course’ volumes! You will only find them in the original mimeo print-offs of these references.
An additional peculiar notice that can be made here is that these new ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes were released on 9 May ’91. This is actually predating, with a whole 5 months, the actual cancellation of 15 of these HCOBs according to HCO Admin Letter 20 Oct 91 “Cancellation of Cramming Series Issues”. One would have expected them being officially cancelled prior to excluding them from the new ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes release, and not this being done 5 months after their release! It would appear here that it was all part of a long term project. After all we not only saw the release of a whole new series of books of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes, but also a new series of ‘The Organization Executive Course’ volumes published all in 1991.
Now, what do we have here? A total of 26 references of which at least 15 supposedly were written by L. Ron Hubbard released as HCOBs and then about all of them cancelled, or given a new reference date, 10 years later. A variety of other supposedly by LRH written references were cancelled like this by other HCO Admin Letters issued during 1991. |
A question that comes to mind is why it took 10 years before anyone found out that these Cramming Series were not written by L. Ron Hubbard and consequently were cancelled? As a matter of fact I know them being in use at Flag (Clearwater, Fl), shortly prior to cancellation. One could ask what was actually happening during these early ’80s? Then on 27 Aug ’80, as if in great irony, we experience the re-release of HCO PL 7 Feb 65 “Keeping Scientology Working”, that was then reinforcing the application of this reference. A “SPECIAL MESSAGE” was now added to that effect. To consult the added text in full please go here (separate window). |
First the Cramming Series were primarily written down by other persons than L. Ron Hubbard (1971-73). This was pretty much maintained by the reworked series from 1976-79. Then these were replaced by a, for the larger part, newly written series of references that were issued in 1981. These newly written references received the indication to actually have been written by L. Ron Hubbard as they carried his signature, and were lacking even the mention of some assistant or other notifications. Then rather amazingly a 10 years later all these newly written 15 references were cancelled for the clearly circumscribed reason that they had falsely been attributed to have been written by L. Ron Hubbard (ref. HCO Admin Letter 20 Oct 91). Today we find just a few of all the references that the 1981-series comprised of (a total of 28 references), still presented in the 1991 release of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’, although these few references had now been given a new HCOB-date.
Non-LRH turns into LRH, which then turns back into non-LRH, and in some cases this again gets reversed once more to that it was LRH after all who had written them (or not). One may ask here what actually is happening here?
‘Cramming Series’ A.D. 1981 (some noteworthy comments)
Where to be found ...
It may be kind of hard to actually locate a set of these 1981 Cramming Series references. The 1976-80 release of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes only cover the technical references up to December 1979. So you don't find them included in there. Then one would have expected them to have been included in the HCOB update volumes which were published during 1982-85, they contain al what was issued during the period Jan 1980 to Dec 1984 (5 ring binders). But, these Cramming Series are not in there either. Then there was also an additional set of HCOB update volumes published in 1986 (3 large sized ring binders). They contained all the revisions incorporated into earlier HCOBs since, and also the HCOBs from the period Jan 1980 to Dec 1985 that were valid in 1986. But then, these 1981 Cramming Series are not found in there either. But there may exist a separate binder containing all of these 1981 Cramming Series issues. I vaguely(?) recall that we had something like that at the Mimeograph section at the FLB at Flag (Clearwater, Fl). Can anyone enlighten me, confirm or help me with a copy of this set? |
However here in Europe things appear subjected to a different approach. The HCOB update volumes binders that had been issued by New Era, located in Copenhagen, Denmark, do contain the bulk of the 1981 Cramming Series issues. |
Remarkable references claimed written by L. Ron Hubbard at its release, but authorship denounced 10 years later
HCOB/PL 16 Aug 81 “The Purpose and Function of Cramming” |
- (4 pages long). Basically an overview of the subject as it seems collected from various sources. |
HCOB/PL 1 Sept 81 “Cramming BTBs and BPLs Cancelled” |
- (6 pages long). A rundown of the BTBs and BPLs contained in the 1976-80 Cramming Series and an explanation in detail why they were being cancelled, and what was not good with these. And there seem to have been something wrong with about every one of them. It is kind of ironic if you think about it, as during 10 years it was confirmed that these 1981 Cramming Series were also devised by other persons. And then a variety of these BPLs/BTBs being cancelled were re-released/restored/rewritten, but that now suddenly were attributed to L. Ron Hubbard as the writer/compiler. |
The data as contained in these BTBs and BPLs had been in development since 1971, meaning that it has been in use and successfully. But if one reads through the arguments given in this reference one gets the impression that one purposely want to find fault with particularly these BTBs and BPLs, as if something was really awfully wrong with each and every one of them. |
HCOB/PL 2 Sept 81 “The Cramming officer” |
- (4 pages long). An overview of the hat of the Cramming Officer. This also gives the impression of being information deriving from various sources and collected here. |
HCOB 17 Aug 81, Cramming Series 1 “An Introduction to the New Cramming Series” |
- (6 pages long). A rundown of the new Cramming Series references in detail. It notes about the previous series: |
“Until now a large section of the Cramming Series has been in the form of BTBs and BPLs by others. On reviewing them to find out why they have not resulted in uniformly superlative cramming in orgs all over the planet, it was found that some false data and questionable tech points had gotten into them. Complexity had been entered into something which is essentially a simple procedure. This led to the possibility of missing the very obvious misunderstoods and false data.” |
Again one gets the impression something is awfully wrong with these things that were written down “by others”. Truly ironic as this reference indicated at the signatory section that it was written by L. Ron Hubbard. But 10 years later HCO Admin Letter 20 Oct 91 “Cancellation of Cramming Series Issues” informs this reference itself was written by some ‘other’ as well! This HCO AL lists a total of 15 of these 1981 Cramming Series issues (each of them had been attributed to actually having been written by L. Ron Hubbard), and now it said about them: “None of these bulletins were written or approved by LRH.”. |
HCOB 18 Aug 81, Cramming Series 2 “The Basic Cramming Procedure” |
- (10 pages long). This reference lays out in detail which steps were to be taken and what one should be alerted to: “One - checking the Person's PC Folder, Two - Familiarizing Yourself with the Cramming Order, Three - Beginning the Cram, Four - Determining the Error, Five - Locating The Underlying Out ness, Six - Drawing Up The Program, Seven - Doing The Program, Eight - Completing The Cram”. Only one part of this, not written by L. Ron Hubbard HCOB, was reinstated in 1991 by HCOB 20 Apr 91 “Cramming and Basics”, this rather short section is found in the 1981 HCOB on pages 8 & 9 of that reference in chapter entitled “The Importance of Basics” although it was rephrased. |
All the above 5 discussed references were cancelled by this HCO AL. I picked the above 5 references as they reveal various things to us. They are summaries of some sort, and essentially are aiming at to discredit the cramming data developed by other persons. Some persons must have taken the effort to compile all of these. They are quite thorough, and indeed they also contain various valid information. The most remarkable thing of it all in fact is that these 1981 Cramming Series were in full use shortly prior to their cancellation in 1991 (I can personally confirm that they were in use at Flag (Clearwater, Florida) as late as 1990). How is it possible that these references during all these years escaped the attention of for example L. Ron Hubbard himself? It gives the impression someone else was running the show. It is not logical to assume that L. Ron Hubbard would have tolerated these references carrying his signature when he had not actually written them, or would have been unaware of their existence overall. Mind that in Scientology that cramming is considered an invaluable and much used tool. We can also say that that L. Ron Hubbard in fact did write these 1981 Cramming Series, and in 1991 someone else claimed they were not. Which would sound even more illogical. In what ever way you regard the matter these are very strange happenings indeed!
The initial 26 references as found in the 1981 Cramming Series (#1-23, and 3 unnumbered issues), released between 16 Aug/2 Sept 1981 had about all of them the following notices in the signatory area: |
Assisted by
Research and Technical
Compilations Unit |
Accepted by the |
of the
A few times it noted ‘RTCU’ instead of ‘RTC’ which stands for the same thing anyway. Later this became to be called ‘RTRC’ which stands for ‘LRH Technical Research and Compilations’. You will find this used a lot with references presented in the 1991 release of ‘The Organization Executive Course’ & ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes.
An extensive rewrite of an old BTB in ‘1981 Cramming Series’ issues
HCOB/PL 24 Aug 1981, Cramming Series 8, “How to Write a Cramming Order” extended the original BTB 12 Dec 71R XIV “How to Write up a Cramming Order” with a full 3 pages. HCOB 12 Dec 71 XIV (Reissued 28 Nov 89) “How to Write up a Cramming Order” basically restored the original text (revision notes tell that it reverted back to the original non-LRH HCOB 12 Dec 71 XIV “same title”). With this new reissue of the reference it was now attributed to L. Ron Hubbard. For a detailed analysis of this see next chapter: “‘Cramming Series - A.D. 1991’ (a chronological analysis of each which are found in this series)”, CS#8”.
‘Why Finding’ as part of the Cramming Procedure - Suspended with ‘1981 Cramming Series’ issues
HCOB 10 Jun 1973RB (Re-Revised 12 Aug 81) I, Cramming Series 10RB, “Cramming”. This was an original LRH reference that in fact appeared revised in these 1981 Cramming Series references.
“Where an exec wants certain material covered, that's okay. Cover it. But find the WHY! And on a repeat order, realize it was a wrong Why and really work it over.” LRH
(from HCOB 10 Jun 73RA (Reissued 19 Sept 74) I “Cramming” )
The above reference was revised in 1981, revision notes informed us: “(Revised to delete Why Finding as part of the Cramming Procedure.)”. The same paragraph turned into: (revisions in italics) |
“Where an exec wants certain material covered, that's okay. Cover it. But find out exactly what needs to be handled and cram on that! And on a repeat order, realize you did not get to the actual source of the out ness or the wrong area was addressed. So this time really work it over.”
 (from HCOB 10 Jun 73RB (Re-Revised 12 Aug 81) “same title” ) |
We also find a notice about this in HCOB 18 Mar 75R (Revised 25 Aug 81), Cramming Series 15R, “Meter Use in Qual” that said in the revision notes: “(Revised to delete the reference to Why Finding as it is currently suspended as part of the Cramming procedure, ...)”.
The original HCOB (10 Jun 73) was restored (except for minor correction) with the issuance of HCOB 15 Mar 72 (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “Cramming”. It was given a new date because it now noted that it had been originally issued as the ‘Apollo OODs’ on 15 Mar 72’.
Again this all is quite ironic
we were informed that these 1981 Cramming Series were written/compiled by some ‘other’. One of these references in this series HCOB 17 Aug 81 “An Introduction to the New Cramming Series” had said about the BTBs and BPLs cramming references: “On reviewing them ... it was found that some false data and questionable tech points had gotten into them.”. And now we find that authentic LRH data was altered, only to be restored 10 years later with the 1991 Cramming Series references.
Anyway someone suspended Why Finding and therewith altered the LRH original procedures back in 1981… which alteration was upheld during a whole 10 years!
‘Cramming Series’ A.D. 1991 (a chronological analysis of each which are found in this series)
There are 22 references listed in the 1991 Cramming Series, although #3-7 do not exist. Here below I address each of them. If any of them were previously taken from some other source (OODs or LRH ED) then the original date of the source of the information had been incorporated in the HCOB as well. This is why we see different dates, when in reality they are the same reference. For this series the references had been put in chronological date order, meaning the oldest one became #1 and so on.
► = publication history in chronological sequence for each respective reference
CS#1: HCOB 19 Apr 71R (Revised 19 Apr 91) “Tech Quality” |
Original LRH. This has been taken from ‘LRH ED 140 Int’, 19 Apr 71 “Tech Deliver Quality”. |
► HCOB 1 May 78 “Tech Quality”
► HCOB 1 May 78R (Revised 30 Aug 81) “same title”
► HCOB 19 Apr 71R (Revised 19 Apr 91) “same title” |
The LRH ED turned HCOB on 1 May ’78. In 1991 the HCOB was given the date of the original LRH ED. |
The only change worthy of notice is that a sentence was added in the 1981 revision. In 1991 the original was restored, the revision notices say amongst other: “(… remove a sentence incorrectly added in 1981. …)”. |
CS#2: HCOB 8 Dec 71R (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “The C/S and Cramming Cycles” |
► HCOB 8 Dec 71 “The C/S and Cramming Cycles” notes: “Flag Dept 12 C/S” (initials ‘RL’) and “for L. RON HUBBARD, FOUNDER”, which means written and issued by “Flag Dept 12 C/S”. No indication of involvement of L. Ron Hubbard himself. |
► BTB 8 Dec 71 (Released 3 Jul 74) “same title” notes also the above info, no mention of any interference of LRH is given anywhere in this BTB! |
► HCOB 25 Aug 81 “same title” notes: “L. Ron Hubbard, FOUNDER” & “Assisted by Research and Technical Compilations Unit” (2 revisions incorporated in this HCOB) |
► HCOB 8 Dec 71R (Revised 25 Aug 81) “same title” notes: “L. Ron Hubbard, FOUNDER” & “Assisted by Flag C/S” (note that this version incorporated the ‘R’ for revision which HCOB 25 Aug 81 should have received, HCOB 25 Aug 81 & HCOB 8 Dec 71R appear identical in text) |
Per the information that could be found this reference was not written by L. Ron Hubbard, in addition as the BTB release makes no mention of any interference of any kind at all from L. Ron Hubbard. The original writer of the reference had been demoted to an “Assisted by” and L. Ron Hubbard had now been attributed as being the writer/compiler of this reference. |
‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology: Subject Volume 2’ (1991 release) says at the bottom of page 508:
“[Note: Cramming Series 3-7 do not exist as numbered in this series. The issues originally assigned these Cramming Series numbers were not written by LRH and have since been cancelled.]” |
Why have these not simply been skipped in the numbering? (CS#8 could have become CS#3, CS#9 become CS#4 etc...) |
There is no cancellation information found for CS#3. CS#4-7 were all cancelled by HCO AL 20 Oct 91 “Cancellation of Cramming Series Issues” which at the same time also cancelled 8 other references in the series (CS#1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 16, 22, 23). It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to not renumber the whole new series as the bulk of them do not match the reference numbers listed for the 1981 Cramming Series references anyway. |
CS#8: HCOB 12 Dec 71 XIV (Reissued 28 Nov 89) “How to Write up a Cramming Order” |
► BTB 12 Dec 71R XIV “How to Write up a Cramming Order” notes: “Written & Revised by CS-5”, “Ensign Judy Ziff” & “Commodore's Staff Aides”. It said further that it was “Approved by the Board of Issues”. |
► HCOB/PL 24 Aug 81 “How to Write a Cramming Order”. Whereas the original BTB was only a half page long, and had only provided some brief instructions. Now it had been fully rewritten and added upon and became 3½ pages long. Revision notes say: “... expands upon the data originally given in the BTB on writing cramming orders.”. It was signed at the bottom: “L. Ron Hubbard, FOUNDER” and as “Assisted by Research and Technical Compilations Unit”. |
► HCOB 12 Dec 71 XIV (Reissued 28 Nov 89) “How to Write up a Cramming Order” part of the revision notes say: “This HCOB was originally written at LRH's directions and approved by him.” In fact this is not true as the BTB had said: “Approved by the Board of Issues”, in addition the BTB does not make any mention of it having been written “at LRH's directions”.
The revision notes say further: “In 1974 it was incorrectly cancelled and reissued as BTB 12 Dec. 71R XIV, Cramming Series 8, C/S Series 70, HOW TO WRITE A CRAMMING ORDER ... .” In fact if an issue was not written by L. Ron Hubbard, even if ‘approved by’ or ‘ordered by’ or not, then it was the correct action to reissue those as either BPL or BTB, this as per the rules that existed. But this particular issue is lacking even any confirmation of it being ‘approved by’ or ‘ordered by’ L. Ron Hubbard.
The signature at the bottom of the issue now says: “L. Ron Hubbard, Founder” & “Assisted by Qual Aide”. Qual Aide one has to understand refers to exactly the same as CS-5. But Judy Ziff is not mentioned by her name anywhere anymore, not even with her initials. The initials for her say on the issue: ‘QA’, obviously this reads for Qual Aide. |
Anyway this latest version of this reference reverts back to the original BTB version (back to only half a page long). It tells pretty much the same, although the text had been partly rephrased. |
CS#9: HCOB 15 Mar 72 (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “Cramming” |
Previously issued as HCOB 10 Jun 73 “Cramming”. This 1991 release makes for the first time mention that the information was deriving from ‘Apollo OODs of 15 Mar 72’, which explains the date change of the HCOB. |
This authentic LRH reference was restored from the alteration incorporated in 1981, as part of the 1981 Cramming Series. For details see previous chapter: “‘Cramming Series - A.D. 1981’ (some noteworthy comments)”, section: “‘Why Finding’ as part of the Cramming Procedure - Cancelled by 1981 Cramming Series issues”. |
CS#10: HCOB 2 Sept 72 (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “Cramming Motto” |
► BTB 2 Sept 72R III “Good Cramming Is the Key to Flubless Auditors and Auditing” |
This original BTB 2 Sept 72R III “Good Cramming Is the Key to Flubless Auditors and Auditing” was incorporated into BTB 8 Mar 75 V “Cramming Expertise” as follows: “All Cramming Officers are to put up a large well lettered, permanent sign in the Cramming area:” |
Later this same Cramming Motto was incorporated into HCOB 16 Aug 81 “The Purpose and Function of Cramming”. It says on page 3 of this reference: “The following signs should be permanently positioned in a prominent place in the Tech and Admin Cramming areas:”. The first one reads: |
And it even added a second sign: |
This second sign was discarded of again in HCOB 2 Sept 72 (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “Cramming Motto”. |
► HCOB 2 Sept 72 (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “Cramming Motto”, its revision notes tell: “This issue was originally compiled at LRH's directions and approved by him.”. This may or may not be so. I can't verify this as I don't have been able to consult a copy of the original non-LRH HCOB 2 Sept 72 III or BTB 2 Sept 72R III.
The revision notes say further: “In 1974, it was illegally cancelled and replaced by BTB 2 Sept. 72R, GOOD CRAMMING IS THE KEY TO FLUBLESS AUDITORS AND AUDITING.”. Why does it say here “illegally” instead of what it usually says “incorrectly”? It can hardly be called illegal in any way. |
The revision notes then continue with: “That BTB it hereby cancelled and the original LRH data issued as an HCOB Bulletin.”. Prior to it being a BTB it had in fact been already an HCOB, a non-LRH HCOB. What is the “original LRH data” about? Was it the quotation itself or is it referring to putting it up as a sign? |
This 1991 version of this reference doesn't tell how the text came about or where it is deriving from, but in the signature area it is noted ‘LRH:CS5’. And these denote the compilers of the reference. A comparison can be made with the previous discussed CS#8 and that CS-5 had changed to Qual Aide, which is just another term for the exact same thing. Now why does it say here in the signature area still “Assisted by CS-5”, and not also Qual Aide? I am pretty confident though that this is also Judy Ziff that has originated the publication of this reference, she issued/compiled most of these early Cramming Series references. |
Anyway, so was this putting up signs an idea of L. Ron Hubbard, or was it the initiative of Judy Ziff? This reference is very short and is only addressing some sign to be put up. Judy Ziff is obviously not the source of the quotation, which she herself also attributes to L. Ron Hubbard. So she must have been the person that initiated the idea of putting up that sign, as she has been noted in these composer initials (this also in the 1991 version). Now, and if that was the original initiative of Judy Ziff (and it most certainly looks that way), then it should not be made to look like as if L. Ron Hubbard had originated that! |
CS#11: HCOB 15 Oct 74 (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “Cramming over Out-Ruds” |
CS#12: HCOB 18 Mar 75 (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “Meter Use in Qual” |
CS#13: HCOB 22 Jan 77 (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “In-Tech, the Only Way to Achieve It” |
CS#14: HCOB 2 Jun 78RC (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “Cramming Repair Assessment List” |
Original LRH, although the list has now 56 questions instead of only 44 as HCOB 2 Jun 78R (Revised 14 Jun 78) “Cramming Repair Assessment List” used to have. I do not have a copy of the RA revision although I do have a copy of HCOB 2 Jun 78RB (Revised 31 Mar 82) “same title”, this one list 56 questions as well and the revision notes tell that it added the 2 questions “Items 30 & 45 to the list”. This means that the RA version must have had 54 questions listed. If you can help me with a copy of the RA version please contact me! |
CS#14-1: HCOB 2 Jun 78RC-1 (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “Cramming Repair Assessment List, Word List” |
Source of this is unverified, this addition was first released on 3 Jul ’88. |
CS#15: HCOB 24 Sept 79RA (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “Flying Ruds in Cramming” |
CS#16: HCOB 21 Dec 79R (Reissued 19 Apr 91) “Auditor Assignment Policies, Cramming Assignment Policies” |
The originals of these references were both written by David Mayo, which is indicated “As assisted by Snr C/S Int”. They originally appeared as #19 & #20 of the 1976-80 Cramming Series, and were maintained in the new 1981 Cramming Series. |
HCOB 24 Sept 79 “Flying Ruds in Cramming”
HCOB 21 Dec 79 “Auditor Assignment Policies, Cramming Assignment Policies” |
Both these references witness of the following composer initials ‘LRH:DM’. These 2 original versions of these references are found in ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology: Volume XII, 1978-1979’ (1980). These 2 references are 2 out of a total of 3 references, carrying David Mayo involvement, that are actually found in the entirety of the whole of these 12 volumes that the 1976-80 release of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ comprised of. The claim has been made that David Mayo, who was posted as the Senior C/S International during 1978-82, had released a variety of references without them being authorized by L. Ron Hubbard. The 2 references presented here, that we see included in the 1991 Cramming Series as #15 & 16, had been completely rewritten (respectively 1986 & 1990), and they do appear quite different, although they maintained the original title and are addressing pretty much the very same things. |
HCOB 24 Sept 79RA (Re-Revised 18 Oct 86) “Flying Ruds in Cramming” says in the revision notes: “(This HCOB gives the original LRH data on flying ruds in Cramming. The 24 Sept. 79 HCOB and its 1981 revision were not Source material and are CANCELED.)”. |
HCOB 21 Dec 79R (Revised 30 Jul 90) “Auditor Assignment Policies, Cramming Assignment Policies” says in the revision notes: “(Revised to delete non-LRH data on the subject of doing cramming and corrective actions on OTs. …)”. |
An interesting change was incorporated in the signatory section of the 1987 version of this reference. Revision notes of the 1987 release tell us: “(Only changes are format corrections in the heading and signatory section.)”. |
1986 version: |
1987 version: |
Founder |
Founder |
Approved compilation from
LRH notes and directions
by LRH Technical Research
and Compilations |
Revision assisted by
LRH Technical Research
and Compilations |
| |
| |
Does this change mean that the information given in the 1986 release about the source of this material somehow was incorrect? And who is ‘PB’ as found in the composer initials? Anyhow this seems to have been the person that supposedly compiled this HCOB from these ‘LRH notes’. |
CS#17: HCOB 16 Jan 84 II (19 Apr 1991) “Repair of Past Cramming” |
CS#18. HCOB 19 Apr 91 “A Key Cramming Question” |
Source unverified, so far I have been unable to consult a copy of the original mimeo print-off of this that may have some release notices. |
CS#19: HCOB 20 Apr 91 “Cramming and Basics” |
The publication notices of this reference tell: “(The material in this HCOB was originally included in HCOB 18 Aug. 81, THE BASIC CRAMMING PROCEDURE, which has been cancelled. However this data on cramming and basics developed by LRH in late 1979, is being reissued here for use by Cramming Officers.)”.
This is a kind of odd, as HCOB 18 Aug 81 “The Basic Cramming Procedure” (which was #2 of 1981 Cramming Series) was cancelled by HCO Admin Letter 20 Oct 91 “Cancellation of Cramming Series Issues” for reason of: “None of these bulletins were written or approved by LRH.” (it listed 15 bulletins). If we consider that for example various of those lengthy references in the 1981 Cramming Series supposedly were written by LRH, but that this authorship later was denounced (including for HCOB 18 Aug 81 “The Basic Cramming Procedure”). Then why would we now accept/believe that this HCOB 20 Apr 91 “Cramming and Basics” contains authentic “data on cramming and basics developed by LRH in late 1979”, as it claims that it “reissued” the “material” which “was originally included in HCOB 18 Aug. 81, THE BASIC CRAMMING PROCEDURE”? The portion of the 1981 HCOB that is reproduced (and also rephrased) is found on page 8 & 9 in chapter entitled “The Importance of Basics”. It is too much claiming and too little explaining. |
CS#20: HCOB 21 Apr 91 “Auditor Coordination Drills” |
CS#21: HCOB 22 Apr 91 “What a Cramming Officer Has to Know” |
CS#22: HCOB 23 Apr 91 “The Tools of a Cramming Officer” |
Notable references as found in the ‘1976-80 Cramming Series’, but not maintained in the 1991 Series
BPL 6 Apr 72R “How to Find a Why on a Person and Handle”
In the 1976-80 Cramming Series we find as #16:
BPL 6 Apr 72R (Revised 16 Oct 75) “How to Find a Why on a Person and Handle”. |
We don't find this reference represented in the 1981 Cramming Series and not either in the 1991 Cramming Series. Although it says in the first paragraph of this BPL release: “The tech of finding a WHY on an individual person is extremely important and is the fundamental tool of the Esto, Cramming Officer, Dept of Personnel Enhancement and others.”. |
It was compiled by “Training & Services Aide” (initials ‘BL’) and “Dissem Aide” (initials ‘RR’). It was written “by order of L. RON HUBBARD”. |
It was later reissued as an HCO PL (although not added to the 1991 Cramming Series):
HCO PL 6 Apr 72R II (Revised 21 Jan 91) “How to Find a Why on a Person and Handle”. |
The revision notices said: “(This policy letter was originally compiled at LRH's directions and approved by him. In 1975, the PL was revised but then incorrectly made a BPL same title. That BPL is cancelled and the HCO PL is hereby restored with further revisions to include later LRH data on the subject of Why Finding. …)”. |
The BPL notices said nothing about any “LRH's directions”, just that it was written “by order of L. RON HUBBARD”, but there may indeed have been some directions of some sort. It doesn't though say anything about that L. Ron Hubbard approved it, it was as it said “Approved by the Commodore's Staff Aides and the Boards of Issues”. It was not either “incorrectly made a BPL”, simply because of the fact that the reference was not written by L. Ron Hubbard. Odd is that these revisions notes in this HCO PL reissue from 1991 do acknowledge that L. Ron Hubbard had in fact not written it, but is attributed to him anyhow. Ordering something to be written or giving some possible directions still do not make him the author of it, and it should therefore not have been issued as an HCO PL. Interesting is further that as it seems haphazardly some “later LRH data on the subject of Why Finding” was thrown in at various places. This last thing then was an initiative of “LRH Technical Research and Compilations”. And these additions may very well be useful, but it may also be very tricky to just add things in an already existing reference. It may have been safer to just add a reference list to this HCO PL. The HCO PL is by the way missing such a reference list.
Also it is to be taken notice of that (again) the composers initials are purposely changed into the post titles of the persons, rather than to use their personal names for these. We find in this 1991 release: ‘LRH:RTRC:T&SA:DA’, whereas ‘T&SA’ stands for Training and Service Aide, ‘DA’ for Dissem Aide. |
Anyway the original compilers in this 1991 release of this reference have been demoted here to an ‘Assisted by’ status, and L. Ron Hubbard has been attributed as being the writer/composer. |
BTB 12 Jun 73 I “The Tools of Cramming”
In the 1976-80 Cramming Series we find as #12:
BTB 12 Jun 73 (Reissued 1 July 74 as BTB) “The Tools of Cramming”. |
Compiled by Judy Ziff, but consisting of a variety of examples of “LRH cramming cycles on Auditors, C/Ses, Execs and Admin people.”. |
The information was fully upheld in the 1981 Cramming Series in HCOB 27 Aug 81 “Examples of LRH Cramming Orders” but was extended: “This HCOB replaces BTB 12 Jun 73 I, Cramming Series 12, THE TOOLS OF CRAMMING, ... . The sample LRH cramming orders from that BTB have been included in this HCOB and additional LRH cramming orders have been added.”. It turned from 4 pages to a total of 7 pages.
It would seem as if that this information would have been useful, but none of this is found in the present 1991 Cramming Series references.
The thing that is echoing in my mind is a realization brought forward by these 1981 Cramming Series. I reiterate here: “The most remarkable thing of it all in fact is that these 1981 Cramming Series were in full use shortly prior to their cancellation in 1991 (I can personally confirm that they were in use at Flag (Clearwater, Florida) as late as 1990). How is it possible that these references during all these years escaped the attention of for example L. Ron Hubbard himself? It gives the impression someone else was running the show. It is not logical to assume that L. Ron Hubbard would have tolerated these references carrying his signature when he had not actually written them, or would have been unaware of their existence overall. Mind that in Scientology that cramming is considered an invaluable and much used tool.”.
What to think of it? Well, I tell what I find. Then you figure it out...
..R, ..RA, ..RB (etc) or #R, #RA (etc):
For example: ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70R’ & ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70RA’, etc. The given date denotes the first time it has been published in issue-form. The R, RA indication may also follow after an issue-number. The R stands for ‘Revision’ and would refer to that it has been revised since it was first published.
If it is revised a 2nd time it is indicated as RA, a 3rd time RB, then RC, and so on.
‘Board Policy Letter’. Color flash–green ink on cream paper. These are the issues of the Boards of Directors of the Churches of Scientology and are separate and distinct from HCO Policy Letters written by LRH. Only LRH issues may be printed green on white for policy and only LRH issues may have the prefix HCO. These Board issues are valid as Policy. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I, New Issues).
This issue-type was established in January 1974. In October 1975 a project was started to cancel HCO PLs not written by L. Ron Hubbard and if still found being of value having them reissued as BPLs. By 1980 all BPLs had been revoked.
‘Board Technical Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on cream paper. These are the issues of the Boards of Directors of the Churches of Scientology and are separate and distinct from HCO Bulletins written by LRH. Only LRH issues may be printed green on white for Technical Bulletins and only LRH issues may have the prefix HCO. These Board issues are valid as tech. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I, New Issues).
This issue-type was established in January 1974. In December 1974 a project was started to cancel HCO PLs not written by L. Ron Hubbard and if still found being of value having them reissued as BTBs. By 1980 all BTBs had been revoked.
ESTO (EstO):
‘Establishment Officer’. 1. The purpose of Establishment Officers is to establish and maintain the establishment of the org and each division therein. (HCO PL 7 Mar 72) 2. The Establishment Officer is the person who keeps it established and makes sure that it produces and the programs come out straight and that those targets and quotas are met. (ESTO 10, 7203C05 SO II)
‘Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on white paper. Written by LRH only , but only so starting from January 1974. These are the technical issue line. All data for auditing and courses is contained in HCOBs. For more information go here (separate window).
‘Hubbard Communication Office Policy Letter’. Color flash–green ink on white paper. Written by LRH only, but only so starting from January 1974. These are the organizational and administrative issue line. For more information go here (separate window).
An usual abbreviation for ‘L. Ron Hubbard’.
This is to stress that this HCO PL was in actual fact written by L. Ron Hubbard and not someone else. See further at ‘HCO PL’ in vocabulary.
‘Modern Management Technology Defined’ (released 1976):
This is within the Scientology organization commonly referred to as simply ‘Admin Dictionary’. Presently used editions of this book are identical to this first edition.
‘Orders Of the Day’. A type of ship's “newspaper” containing an item from the Commodore, the daily schedule for that day, news and notices, as well as orders necessary to administration of the ship's business. A copy of the OODs is delivered every morning to each in-basket on the ship. It should be read each day carefully so that you keep informed of what is going on around the ship and in the various divisions. (FO 2674)
‘The Organization Executive Course’:
Subtitled in the 1970-74 release: ‘An Encyclopedia of Scientology Policy’. This is a series of books that contain the HCO PLs, and any references that are primarily dealing with administrative matters. They are divided up division wise. The HCO PLs are printed in green ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in green bindings. These books may also be referred to as the ‘green volumes’ or even ‘OEC volumes’. The ‘old green volumes’ then would refer to the 1970-74 release, the ‘new green volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
Short for ‘organization(s)’.
original mimeo print-off:
Individually printed issues and distributed from the Mimeo Section of the Scientology organization as opposed to those collected in volumes. These are the issues that you may regard as the real first prints. As a rule these are typed out, mimeographed and distributed as soon as possible after having been compiled or written. They are always legal-sized, 8½ by 14 inches (approx. 21,6 x 35,6 cm). If the issue had 3 or more sides, the pages were collated and stapled together in the upper left corner. More detailed information about this is found here (separate window).
pc folder:
‘preclear folder’. The preclear is the person receiving Dianetics or Scientology processing. The folder contains all information relating to the processing the person is receiving.
P/L or PL:
‘HCO PL’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
Qual Library:
‘Qualifications Library’. Located in Division 5 (Qualifications Division), Department 14 (Dept. of Correction). 1. There is a Qual Librarian, whose duties are essentially those of a librarian, collecting up the materials, logging and storing them safely, making up cross reference files so that the material can be easily located. (BPL 21 Jan 73R, Use the Library to Restore Lost Technology) 2. Now that takes an interesting librarian because he's the Technical Information Center. (7109C05 SO, A Talk on a Basic Qual) 3. Qual is in the business of finding and restoring lost tech. (BPL 22 Nov 71R, Qual Org Officer/Esto)
rudiments (ruds):
1. Setting the case up for the session action. This includes ARC (communication) breaks, PTPs (Present Time Problems), W/Hs (Withholds), GF (Green Form) or O/R (Overrun) listing or any prepared list. ((HCOB 23 Aug 71) 2. The reason you use and clean rudiments is to get the preclear in session so you can have the preclear (1) in communication with the auditor and (2) interested in his own case. The purpose of rudiments is to set up a case to run, not to run a case. (HCOB 19 May 61)
Short for ‘rudiments’. See further at ‘rudiments’ in vocabulary.
‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’:
This is a series of books that contain the HCOBs, and any references that are primarily dealing with technical matters. The HCOBs are printed in red ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in red bindings. The references are arranged in chronological release order (per issue date). These books may also be referred to as the ‘red volumes’. The ‘old red volumes’ then would refer to the 1976-80 release, the ‘new red volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
‘training regimen or routine’. See at ‘training routine’ in vocabulary.
training routine (TR):
Training regimen or routine. Often referred to as a training drill. TRs are a precise training action putting a student through laid out practical steps gradient by gradient, to teach a student to apply with certainty what he has learned. In particular these are for training of an auditor in regards to communication. The ones presently in use are OT TR 0, TR 0 confronting, TR 0 bullbait, TR 1, 2, 2½, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, 100-A, 101, 102, 103 & 104. (for more data see ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’ & HCOB 17 Jul 69RB)

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Snoeck. All rights reserved.
This page revised:
14 July, 2024