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Scientology: The ‘Primary Rundown’ and Superliteracy or
The telltale of ‘Fast Flow Training’ (1968-83) (1)
(includes an overview of ‘Key to Life’ course) |
(to other Scientology pages) |
>> Do you want to help with preserving the original technology? << Consult my want list here! Please note that words with an asterisk (*) are defined at the bottom of this page! Only first appearances are indicated.
“Primary Rundown: This course consists of thoroughly clearing the definitions of many basic words especially the small words such as ‘of,’ ‘at,’ ‘so,’ etc. and results in a person who can get the exact concept of what he reads and can literally visualize the materials he studies and becomes what is called in Scientology a ‘Super-Literate.’” (from page 11) |
 “The Primary Rundown consists of word clearing, a technique for locating and handling every misunderstood word the person has ever had, and study technology. It makes a student super-literate. Being a super-literate is like hearing and seeing and reading for the first time. Reading a text or instruction or book is comfortable. One has it in conceptual form. One can apply the material learned. It is a new state.” (from page 210) |
(from ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1978 edition)) |
 “So that there is NO question about what is meant by FAST FLOW TRAINING: |
L. Ron Hubbard |
(from HCOB* 13 Aug 72R* (Corrected and Reissued 15 Aug 72) “Fast Flow Training”) |
Go to “Changes in the flow of ‘information’, before and after”
index page
The disappearance of information (3) -
‘Primary Rundown’ and Superliteracy (page 1, index page)
This is a presentation of my research into the Primary Rundown and the relevancy of the term Fast Flow Training in regards to this. They appear interrelated, as the change in the criteria for Fast Flow Training turned out to be rather disastrous for the continued use of the Primary Rundown.
General overview and basic definitions
“Word Clearing: L. Ron Hubbard found that the basis of any inability to study or apply what one has learned can be traced to one or more words not understood in one's studies. By locating and getting defined those words that weren't understood one can experience a remarkable resurgence in one's ability to study a subject and in actually using what one has learned. There are many forms of word clearing but they are all geared to finding the words misunderstood and clearing up the dull, sleepy, ‘don't want to’ feelings that people get when reading or listening to something.” |
(from ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1978 edition), page 10) |
In early 1972 L. Ron Hubbard gave various lectures relating to the subject of study, unfortunately none of these lectures have ever been released to the public as far as known. They are listed on page 319/320 in the book ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1978 edition). The present in use revised edition of the same book (1992) does not list these anymore. Since that time they may very well have been considered Sea Org (SO) only. These lectures that were given during 22 Mar to 6 Apr 1972: |
7203C22 SO “A ‘Why’”
7203C23 SO “Course Supervision”
7203C27 SO “Supervision - Study”
7203C28 SO “Training Program” |
7203C28 SO “Study and Student Hat”
7203C29 SO “Study ‘Why’”
7204C06 SO “The Primary Rundown” |
Two months later on 14 Jun 1972 one other lecture is listed: |
7206C14 SO “Superliteracy” |
If there is anyone out there who knows more about these lectures, or has copies of these, please contact me! |
“Highest Priority - Study and Tech Breakthrough”
In 1972 investigation had revealed that students and Course Supervisors encountered difficulties with maintaining a proper application and results of the study technology as used by Scientology. Targets were now set to accomplish that “Every student completing every course he entered and becoming a high quality successful graduate using the materials he studied.” LRH*
The proposed handling was: |
“The Student Hat and the Study Tapes are required to be done TWICE before the student begins to study any other materials on any course. The first time through, each word in the Student Hat or Study Tapes he does not know, he must look up and use and Method 4* word clearing must be used thoroughly the first time through the Student Hat or Study Tapes. He is then checked out for misunderstoods and these are handled. He must then go through the materials a second time, USING Study Tech throughout them. He must then pass an examination that will disclose any further misunderstoods. If these show up he must again do the Student Hat and Study Tapes. |
Any student now in study who is slow or glib to do this without proceeding further.” LRH
 (all quotations in this section are from ‘LRH ED* 174 Int’, 29 Mar 72 “Highest Priority - Study and Tech Breakthrough”) |
Primary Correction Rundown (PCRD)
The proposed handling as laid out in previous chapter was first introduced and made part of a correction action to be done on auditors*: |
“As it is obviously a waste of Cramming* time to cram an auditor, student or staff member who has not known how to study ..., it is vital that HIS FIRST CRAMMING ACTION is done in the Dept of Personnel Enhancement.” LRH
 (from HCOB 30 Mar 72 “Primary Correction Rundown, First Cramming Correction”) |
Here it becomes also clear why it is called Primary, it is simply a first action.
Primary Rundown (PRD) and superliteracy
Later the Primary Correction Rundown (PCRD) also became available as a standard course of action and was not anymore primarily specified as a corrective action. Every person could now do the rundown whenever they pleased. Here the Student Hat materials and the Study Tapes, were simply isolated from the student correction steps. This course of action was called the Primary Rundown. At this time the Primary Correction Rundown turned into an action that was used on those persons that had difficulties while being on the Primary Rundown.
 (from HCOB 4 Apr 72 “Tech Div Primary Rundown”) |
A general explanation
According to an article found in the periodical ‘The Auditor 87 (UK Edition)’ [ca May 73]. |
The Relationship of the Primary Rundown to Your Next Major Course
The Primary Rundown, developed by L. Ron Hubbard, is THE breakthrough to end all breakthroughs in the field of study and education. |
 The following article shows what it is and its relationship to the training route to Clear and the state of Operating Thetan. |
——— |
RUNDOWN: In Scientology, a rundown is a series of actions done to achieve a specific desired result.
PRIMARY RUNDOWN: This famous rundown consists of Word Clearing Method One and the Study Tapes and Student Hat done in a special way. The end result is a Super-Literate.
SUPER: Superiority in size, quality, number or degree.
LITERACY: The ability to read and write. |
 A student doing Scientology training will do the Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist (HAS) Course the Hubbard Qualified Scientologist |
(HQS) Course then the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course (HSDC).
 He will then do the PRIMARY RUNDOWN and become SUPERLITERATE before doing the Academy Levels 0-IV, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, Class VII, Class VIII and Class IX Courses.
 After a student has done the Primary Rundown he then studies as a FAST FLOW student and is designated as such.
 Fast Flow students rapidly and effectively learn and apply the materials of the courses they then study. |
 The student on completing the Primary Rundown will have the ability to COMFORTABLY and QUICKLY take data from a page and be able at once to APPLY it. A person who can do that is SUPER-LITERATE.
 The Primary Rundown consists of three major parts. These are:
 Word Clearing Method One: This is the action taken to clean up ALL misunderstoods in every subject one has studied. It is done by a Word Clearing Auditor.
 The result of a properly done Method One Word Clearing is the recovery of one's education. This in itself is quite astonishing.
 This makes one a WORD CLEAR.
 Study Tapes: The next action is to do the Study Tapes (Lectures by L. Ron Hubbard giving fantastic data on the basics of study, the problems of study and how to resolve them). These tapes are done word by word, EACH word looked up in a good dictionary or simple grammar book.
 There are booklets of the Words in alphabetical order for each tape, as they appear newly on each time.
 When one has done the booklet fully one listens to the tape. He is then checked on an E-Meter for any misunderstood words. If any are found he gets them defined and then hears the |
tape again.
 In this way he goes all the way through the study tape series.
 As these tapes also contain all the basics of study itself he is at once in possession of the first real data on how to study something.
 The Student Hat: He now goes through the Student ‘Hat’ in the same way.
 The Student ‘Hat’ is a course containing all of the technology of study and all the materials on how to study.
 In doing this he has raised his UNDERSTANDING of words and through words up to about ten times that of the average college graduate.
 And he has done it.
 He will find some remarkable things have come about.
 He can read COMFORTABLY.
 He can place what he reads into immediate ACTION.
 His IQ will soar.
 He will be able to put his thoughts down on paper with ease and clarity.
 And there's more case gain in it than many other actions.
 For those who have had a hard time in schools, the Primary Correction Rundown adds correction of the past upsets and invalidations of education and finds the reason he is ‘against |
 The end results are the same.
 So it even works for tough cases! |
 The Primary Rundown is a sweepingly fantastic discovery in the field of education, it is a big win in the world of study and ability.
 The first real data on how to study lies there in the rundown, waiting for the student to have it.
 Because the Primary Rundown resolves all study it makes possible the FAST FLOW system of training giving RAPID advance in any direction, with the student duplicating the materials of Scientology courses exactly and |
being able to at once APPLY them to help his fellow Man to freedom and happiness.
 This is THE breakthrough to end all breakthroughs in study and education.
 The Primary Rundown makes the Training Route fast and certain for EVERYONE.
 Come to Saint Hill, or your Local Organisation, do the PRIMARY RUNDOWN and FAST FLOW all the way to Class VI and above. |
A detailed overview of the steps taken
All the steps are carefully and in detail laid out in HCOB 4 Apr 72 (Revised 30 May 72) “Primary Rundown (Revised)”, to view these click here (pop-up window).
Superliteracy further explained (What does the PRD do? - Time/cost involved)
“Super-Literate, super-superiority in size, quality, number or degree. Literacy — the ability to read and write. What is really needed is the ability to comfortably and quickly take data from a page and be able at once to apply it. Anyone who could do that would be Super-Literate. Super-Literacy is the end product of a Primary Rundown.” |
(from ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1978 edition), page 339) |
What is the essence of this Rundown? What does it do? Why does it do what it claims it does? |
An explanation in detail is found in an article that was published in the Scientology periodical ‘The Auditor 77’ , [May 72]. You can consult the full article here (pop-up window). This same information was also published in ‘LRH ED 178 Int’, 30 May 72 “Super-Literacy”. An adaptation of this was later released as HCOB 7 Sept 74 “Superliteracy and the Cleared Word”. |
The following information, costs and some time indication are given in ‘Ability 269’, (Dec 73): |
“You can increase your learning skills in a short, intense, six weeks course – The Primary Rundown. This course consists of spiritual counseling which clears up any misunderstoods you have on subjects you have studied in the past, and a training section with unique study methods which enable you to attain a new state of awareness– Superliteracy. Superliteracy is now a requirement for most Scientology training, but it is also a must for anyone who wants to know, to learn rapidly.
Donation – Course: $750 Counseling: $625 per 12½ hour intensive.” |
Interestingly it was offered at no cost if you signed up for either the Academy Levels (0-4) or the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) as was advertised in the various promotion and in Scientology periodicals.
The Primary Rundown course checksheet
There was the ordinarily done Student Hat course but there was now also Student Hat for Students on the Primary Rundown. The latter first started with the study tapes. Each had their own checksheet. The below listed checksheets are the ones known to me.
Primary Rundown checksheet: |
Reference |
Revision date |
Title |
HCO PL* 12 Apr 72 II |
“The Student Hat Checksheet for Students on the Primary Rd or the Primary Correction Rd” |
HCO PL 12 Apr 72R II
6 May 72 |
“same title” |
HCO PL 12 Apr 72RA II |
18 Aug 72 |
“same title” |
BPL* 12 Apr 72RB II |
20 Jan 75 |
“The Student Hat Checksheet for Students on the Primary Rundown” |
Ordinarily done Student Hat checksheet: |
Reference |
Revision date |
Title |
HCO PL 21 Mar 71 |
“Student Hat” |
HCO PL 3 May 71 |
“?Student Hat Checksheet?” [title uncertain] |
HCO PL 5 Feb 72 |
“Students Hat Revised” |
HCO PL 12 Apr 72-1 II |
“The Student Hat Checksheet for Students Who Are Not on Primary Rd or Primary Correction Rd” |
HCO PL 12 Apr 72R-1 II |
6 May 72 |
“same title” |
HCO PL 12 Apr 72RA-1 II |
18 Aug 72
2nd revision |
“same title” |
BPL 12 Apr 72RA-1R II |
22 Nov 76
3rd revision |
“same title” |
BPL 12 Apr 72RA-1RB II |
27 Mar 77
4th revision |
“same title” |
Reference |
Revision date |
Title |
HCO PL 6 Aug 72 |
“Primary Rundown–Primary Correction Rundown, Merchandizing of” |
HCO PL 6 Aug 72R |
10 Oct 72 |
“same title” |
BPL 6 Aug 72RA |
7 Aug 75 |
“same title” |
HCOB 12 Apr 72 |
“Further Definitions of Scientology Terms Contained in the Student Hat and Not Elsewhere Defined” |
BTB* 12 Apr 72 |
6 Sept 74 |
“same title” |
HCO PL 12 Apr 72 III |
“Introduction to the Student Hat” |
Success stories from persons that completed the Primary Rundown
 In the summer of AD 22 the Fast Flow System of training was introduced to Saint Hill. Since then Students have been having incredible wins on the Saint Hill courses.
 The length of time for students to be on course has decreased immensely. On average students |
finish the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course in 3 to 4 months as Fast Flow Students, when the length of time on course before was 5 to 6 months.
 The students on course as Fast Flow Students have great ability to read comfortably and place what they read into immediate ACTION. |
(from ‘The Auditor 82 (UK Edition)’, [ca Nov 72]) |
“Primary Rundown |
 Believe it or not, I didn't really know any of the words when I did the Student Hat. I had had courses at the graduate level in linguistics and I couldn't really define ‘a’ ‘the’ . . . I've rediscovered my love for reading and writing. I study about twice as fast now.
 It may take you a while to finish the Primary Rundown, but you save so much time for the rest of your life in handling paperwork and writing reports that it will buy thousands of hours later in which you can relax and enjoy yourself. A lot of teachers and business people are harried by their paperwork. As a Super-Literate, you can have time left to do what you are supposed to be doing and what you enjoy doing on your job. I can go through fifty student weekly reports in a few minutes and see what's there. I handle my administrative duties as a teacher much faster.
 I think everyone should try it.
S C – Los Angeles” |
(from ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1978 edition), page 16) |
Another lengthy and detailed PRD completion success story (from Bill Good) is found in ‘LRH ED 182 Int’, 11 Nov 72 “A Success Story” (consult here, pop-up window). This reference will give you a fairly thorough impression of what the Rundown involves, it also gives you an indication of the time it would take to complete the action. The text of this reference appears also printed in full in ‘The Auditor 84 (UK Edition)’, [ca Dec 72]. |
At a time that the Church of Scientology ran this project with these personal webpages on the Internet, this Bill Good was also presented there. This was online at least until Dec 2015 at Today you can still access this via this Internet archive. Click here to visit (external link) (last checked: 19 Sept 2019). |
Bill Good seems to have it made since, see his biography here (external link), as found on his company website (last checked: 19 Sept 2019). |
More “Primary Rundown Success” stories can be found in the periodical ‘The Auditor 87 (UK Edition)’, [ca May 73]. You can consult these here (pop-up window). It is noteworthy that one of the persons revealing his success is a 12-year old David Miscavige. Most people will know about his future career within the Church of Scientology.
The term ‘Fast Flow Training’ identified
A chronological overview of what it meant from 1968 to present time
Lecture 5 Jan 68, AO-1 “Fast Flow and Inspection Before the Fact”
A Fast Flow System of Management was introduced by HCO PL 29 Mar 65 II “Administration, Flows and Expansion: The F A S T F L O W System”.
The basic idea in regards to learning had turned: “Fast Flow is obtained by removing all unnecessary actions.” (from HCO PL 14 Mar 68 “Policies Governing the Qualifications Division”).
It was introduced and implemented as follows: |
 John McMaster, Clear 1, Class VII Honours, now on a tour of all Scientology Organizations, is bringing with him a special tape lecture by L. Ron Hubbard on the new Fast Flow System of Examination, without inspection.
 This recording was made at the Advanced Organization early in January, 1968, at the first Graduation Ceremony at the Advanced Organization.
 Ron attended the graduation and when it had finished, stepped forward and gave a fine lecture on the new Fast Flow System. |
 In his lecture, Ron lucidly explains how the Fast Flow System sweeps aside all barriers to swift progress by students or preclears on the |
road to Total Freedom. From Class 0 to Class VII or Grade 0 to Clear and beyond, fast progress and certainty is the keynote of each step you take.
 The Fast Flow System was piloted at the Advanced Organization, and following its success there, Ron sent a Sea Org Officer, Fred Payer, to Saint Hill to put the Fast Flow System in at Saint Hill. Fred is currently making a world tour specifically to put in the Fast Flow System of examination without inspection in every Scientology Organization.
 Ron's lecture will be played at 8 p.m. on the evening of John's first lecture at each Scientology Organization. John is giving two lectures at each Organization.” |
(from ‘The Auditor 34’, [ca Apr 68]) |
“Fast Flow System in at Saint Hill |
 Since the introduction of the fast flow system at Saint Hill, students on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course have never looked so confident nor moved so fast through the levels of the course. The average time spent by students on the course has been cut by half. The course, still the same matchless Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, can now be completed in only 12 weeks! |
 In early January 1968, the new fast flow system of examination without inspection was put into operation at Saint Hill by L. Ron Hubbard and the students immediately began achieving more, and faster, than ever before. Within ten days of the introduction of the fast flow system, the Director of Training reported a one hundred percent increase in the number of students certifying or classifying.” |
(from ‘The Auditor 34’, [ca Apr 68]) |
“The fast flow system without examination is now in at St. Hill. All students, preclears and staff now operate on the new fast flow system. All actions which may stop or impede a person's progress have been removed. There are no more written or practical examinations. All a person has to do is complete the requirements and attest that a level of training |
or grade of release has been achieved. The new fast flow system really flows fast and students and preclears are moving even faster through courses and processing. This streamlining at St. Hill actually means that a greater number of students can receive St. Hill services at any given time and has greatly improved efficiency.” |
(from ‘The Auditor 32’, [ca Feb 68]) |
Then in event of difficulties occurring in regards to attesting: |
“It is sometimes easier for a pc to falsely attest than to face
his own bank. To escape, he falsely attests. If ethics action for
such false attestation is soft, it encourages him to falsely attest
as there is no real penalty. Where ethics action is savage, it is
easier for him to face his bank and so he actually makes it. |
Only about 4 or 5% will falsely attest in the face of heavy
ethics. This is no reason to hold up 95 or 96 people every hundred.
Savage ethics such as a Condition of Liability enforced prevents
the number from getting any larger than 4 or 5%.” LRH
 (from HCO PL 7 Feb 68 “Fast Flow and Ethics”) |
“For persons who have been found guilty at any time of a FALSE
ATTESTATION – thereafter an attestation will never be accepted by
anyone. There will only be an
examination.” LRH
 (from HCO PL 11 Mar 68 “False Attestation”) |
A note about how to attest: |
“The PC or student signs an attestation slip that he has
completed, or can apply the data or has attained the grade. All
attestations must be action attestations. Never one like ‘I've read
the data and know it’. Only, ‘I can apply Q & A data to a PC, is
acceptable for an attestation.”
 (from HCO PL 14 Mar 68 “Policies Governing the Qualifications Division”) |
Later that year in August 1968: |
 (from ‘LRH ED 29 WW, 16 SH, 1 EU, 1 US’, 1 Aug 68 “untitled”) |
Note: Revoked by ‘LRH ED 2 Int’, 20 Jan 69 “Attestation Reinstated” & HCO PL 3 Sept 69 “same title” that reissued this LRH ED 2 Int as an HCO PL. See next section here under. |
‘LRH ED 2 Int’, 20 Jan 69 “Attestation Reinstated”
Fast Flow defined and reinstated as follows: |
“FAST FLOW means the student attests his theory or practical
class when he believes he has covered the materials and can
do it. There is no examination. |
The student's own attestation is accepted and he is certified. |
If he has made a false attestation it shows up in his auditing. |
However, he will not now be ordered to retrain if he errs
in his auditing. He will be fined as an Ethics matter.
The fine will be proportionate to the cost of the auditing
done incorrectly.” LRH |
“I am sorry for any inconvenience or slow this temporary
suspension of Fast Flow may have brought about. The first
release of the new non-examination system was a test. It
was withdrawn and any holes in it patched up. |
Fast Flow on training as well as auditing is now fully and
permanently released. It was not suspended on grades or
auditing. It is now restored to training.” LRH |
“Class VIII was a great break through in auditing. It
pushed results to 100%. With Class VIIIs around the
simplicity and directness of auditing is in full view and
results will be higher than ever before.” LRH
 (all above citations from ‘LRH ED 2 Int’ *, 20 Jan 69 “Attestation Reinstated”) |
(* Note: This is a reissue of ‘LRH ED 82 Int’, 17 Jan 69 “same title”. It is sometimes also referred to as ‘LRH ED 82’, 20 Jan 69 “same title”. The most used reference to it however is as ‘LRH ED 2 Int’, 20 Jan 69 “Attestation Reinstated” for which reason I use this here.) |
May and July 1969 came with a few notices about twinning: |
“... a student may work with another student to be sure he knows it.
In this case, HCO Policy Letter of 26 August 1965, ‘Scientology Training-Twin
Checkouts’, should be followed, except that the student still attests on his own
Checksheet for each item.”
 (from HCO PL 8 May 69 II “Fast Flow by Attestation”) |
“Although Academy and Briefing Courses are taught on a fast flow
basis with no examinations, students must apply HCO P/L 26 Aug 65,
‘SCIENTOLOGY TRAINING TWIN CHECKOUTS’ on all star-rated materials
of their level.”
 (from HCO PL 22 Jul 69 “Fast Flow Training”) |
Both of the above quoted references were cancelled by HCO PL 29 Jul 72 II “Fast Flow Training” ( see next chapter). |
HCO PL 29 Jul 72 II “Fast Flow - Training”
This one is still escaping me. Issued at an interesting time. It was issued 2 weeks prior to the release of the reference that firmly established the definition of Fast Flow Training (see next chapter). I have not been able to acquire a copy of this. If you may have a copy of this, then please contact me!
It does not appear to be listed in the ‘HCO Policy Letter Subject Index’ (released 1976) in the section that lists policy letters “written by the Founder or ordered by him”. It does however appear in the section that lists policy letters that were cancelled and not written by L. Ron Hubbard. I like to consult this reference just for the matter of curiosity.
HCOB 21 Aug 79 “Twinning” notes: |
“The following BPLs and HCO PLs which cancelled issues on twinning, or cancelled or suspended twinning itself, are now CANCELLED: |
1. |
HCO PL 29 Jul 72 II FAST FLOW IN TRAINING written by Training and Services Aide. Though the issues it cancelled remain cancelled, this HCO PL itself was cancelled by BPL 10 Oct 75 X CANCELLATION OF POLICY LETTERS 1972 and remains so.” |
H COB 13 Aug 72R (Corrected and Reissued 15 Aug 72) “Fast Flow Training”
In August 1972 we have a change in what is required prior to be considered eligible for Fast Flow Training:
 So that there is NO question about what is meant by FAST FLOW TRAINING:
 The Fast Flow Student studies within his knowledge of study tech. He is assisted by Supervisors. Any Word Clearing action needed can be done on him. He can be sent to Qual and Crammed. He can be starrated and made to clay demo by the Supervisor.
 He does not however have to have a twin, he does not automatically starrate starrate items, he does not have to have an examination.
 The Fast Flow System makes for very rapid training. This becomes possible due to the development of the Primary Rundown and Primary Correction Rundown. |
 Primary Rundown or Primary Correction Rundown are required for Levels 0 to IV or above and for FEBC*. They are not required for HSDC or the many other courses below these levels. |
 Those students who have not had a Primary Rundown or Primary Correction must star-rate, clay demo, twin and go through the materials as many times as required, using the entirety of the student hat.
 It is much faster to do the PRD or PCRD first. |
 The FAST FLOW STUDENT should be given a blue lapel award and wear it in Class. It should say FFS on it in black letters.
 This gives the green light to rapid and effective completion of courses for the SUPER-LITERATE. |
 ” |
(from ‘The Auditor 79 (UK Edition)’, [Aug 72]) |
Subsequently we see this article in The Auditor issued as HCOB 13 Aug 72R (Corrected and Reissued 15 Aug 72) “Fast Flow Training”.
“Academy Courses are now FAST FLOW. |
This is possible because of the gains obtainable in the Primary Rundown. The Primary Rundown is a requisite to starting Academy Training AND is included FREE with full payment for Academy Levels 0 - IV. ... |
The length of each Academy Level for someone who has completed the Primary Rundown is approximately 7 - 10 days, not including co-auditing time.”
(from ‘Ability 252’, [ca Aug 72])
“Understand at the speed of thought!
Take The Primary Rundown |
Every human being has the potential of extraordinary rapid learning. Every individual can reach a stage where he can look at a page, absorb the essential data and – what is more important – be able to apply it in his life. ... |
You can increase your learning skills in a short, intense, six weeks course – The Primary Rundown. This course consists of spiritual counseling which clears up any misunderstoods you have on subjects you have studied in the past, and a training section with unique study methods which enable you to attain a new state of awareness – Superliteracy. Superliteracy is now a requirement for most Scientology training, but it is also a must for anyone who wants to know, to learn rapidly.
 (from ‘Ability 269’, (Dec 73))
HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II “Fast Flow Training Reinstated”
In 1974 we see the release of HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II “Fast Flow Training Reinstated”. We find an entry of this in the ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’ (first released 1975) that reads as follows: |
“FAST FLOW STUDENT, the fast flow student passes courses by an attestation at Certs and Awards that he (a) enrolled properly on the course, (b) has paid for the course (or signed a no-charge invoice for 2½ or 5 year contracted staff), (c) has studied and understands all the materials on the checksheet, (d) has done the drills called for by the checksheet, (e) can produce the result required in the course materials. Twin* checkouts* are suspended. Examinations are not required. (HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II)” |
For a while I had some trouble to locate an actual copy of this reference. It was already cancelled and taken out of circulation slightly more than just 2 years later in October 1976. This very reference is though of great significance in regards to the future use of the Primary Rundown. I finally did find a copy of the reference included in a “Student Hat for students on the Primary Rundown” pack from early 1975. The full text of this reference can be consulted at the link here below. |
HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II “Fast Flow Training Reinstated” (pop-up window). |
The message of this reference is quite clear. Its release notices already tell us: “(SUSPENDS any HCOB, HCO PL, BTB or BPL requiring twin training or checkouts, preventing Supervisor checkouts or requiring PRD as a prerequisite for courses.)”. See scanning here below:
It advises for Staff training: |
“The Student Hat is suspended as a requisite for staff courses for staff. |
The Study Tech requirements for staff are the Applied Scholastics Basic Study Manual and Method 1 with each word cleared to F/N. The Primary RD is not a prerequisite for any staff training course including the OEC*. |
Twin checkouts are suspended. The course theory materials on the checksheet are attested as studied, understood and able to apply. |
Examinations are not required.” |
And for Academy training: |
“The Primary RD is suspended as a prerequisite for all Academy Courses. The only prerequisites are the Applied Scholastics Basic Study Manual, unless the student has already done a non-Superliterate Student Hat or PRD and Method 1 for Level 0-4 students with each word fully cleared to F/N. |
Requirements of twin training or checkouts are suspended. The student need not have a twin. The student signs off the items done on his checksheet attesting that he has studied them applying Study Tech, knows and understands them and can apply them.” |
We see that it abolishes the Primary Rundown as a prerequisite for courses like the Academy levels. But not only that, suddenly it was also all right to actually manage without even a twin* for training or checkouts*. It acts directly against the approach and concepts that where quite firmly established and put there in 1972 with HCOB 13 Aug 72R “Fast Flow Training”. Just about 2 years later its outline had already been abandoned and pushed to the side. It appears that one wishes to revert back to the status quo as laid out in the earlier discussed ‘LRH ED 2 Int’, 20 Jan 69 “Attestation Reinstated”. While doing that it is effectively abolishing the in 1972 established definition and meaning of the term Fast Flow Training.
A false signature...
Some things appear strange in regards to this HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II “Fast Flow Training Reinstated”. We find this HCO PL listed in the ‘HCO Policy Letter Subject Index’ (released March 1976) in ‘Appendix A’ which lists all the Policy Letters that were “written by the Founder or ordered by him”. At that time (March 1976) it appears in use and was considered a valid reference as witnessed by this ‘HCO Policy Letter Subject Index’. Then in October of that same year we are suddenly informed that this reference was “written for LRH and not by him”, this by the BPL that cancelled and replaced it which is BPL 18 Oct 76 “Successful Training Lineup”. |
Per the above notices it apparently was established after March 1976 that L. Ron Hubbard had not actually written this! Yes, you heard me correctly, he did not write it although it was issued as if he had written it! Then could it be possible that L. Ron Hubbard had ordered to have it written and issued? Do we actually have some way to find out if he actually knew about it having been released? The BPL cancelling it only notices that it was “written for LRH and not by him”. This can easily mean that he did not know about it having been issued. It did not require his authorization, it just went through this Board of Issues and got approved, printed up and distributed, and that's that. |
Basically everything that he did not write himself was indicated in the signatory area that it was written by such and so person and “for LRH”. Here we don't even learn who had actually written it! We thus have a reference here that was falsely published under the name of L. Ron Hubbard. We have it documented that such had happened from time to time also in previous years, it was then either counter-acted (not acted upon or implemented) or it got fairly quickly cancelled. |
Below scanning unfolds for us that the release itself does not indicate anywhere that it would have been “written for LRH”. We see only the signature of L. Ron Hubbard, and the composer initials ‘LRH’ tell us that the originator would have been L. Ron Hubbard, there is no additional co-compiler indicated. The small characters denote the typist with initials ‘nt’ (which here stands for Nancy Tidman). |
Would it have been written “for L. Ron Hubbard” it would have looked as follows:
John Doe (name of person)
HCO Expeditor WW (position held) |
for |
Copyright © 1974
by L. Ron Hubbard
(Note: I explain elsewhere on my website in detail how to interpret these various initials and what they mean. For consult click here, separate window) |
This time around it appears to be so that a non-LRH HCO PL was abolishing and suspending something that was set up by an LRH HCOB, which is quite noteworthy! It turns even more noteworthy when we realize that it had not been caught till 2 years later! And so finally in October 1976 it gets cancelled for given reason. See scanning here below:
The interesting thing here is that HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II “Fast Flow Training Reinstated”: |
(1) |
that it was falsely attributed as having been written by L. Ron Hubbard, to that effect we see that it carries a clearly incorrect signature; |
(2) |
that during the time that it was valid it was very well promoted, notices are found in for example ‘Advance! 25’, Oct 74 and ‘The Auditor 105 (US Edition)’, Nov 74; |
(3) |
referencing to it is also found in checksheets that were released in that time period, for example the Standard Academy Checksheets for Scientology Level 0 to 4 (BPL 26 Jan 72R (Revised and reissued 11 Oct 74 as BPL), Issue IV to VIII), and BPL 23 May 73R (Revised 30 Nov 74), Issue I “Class IV - Hubbard Advanced Auditor Case Supervisor Course”. It made reference to it as follows: “The course is done fast flow per HCO PL 31 Aug 74 Issue II Fast Flow Training Reinstated.” or “It is to be studied in sequence per HCO PL 31 Aug 74 Iss II Fast Flow Training Reinstated.”. |
Nonetheless for some reason it all had managed to escape the attention from everyone and including Ron Hubbard? Isn't this a bit well strange? |
When it finally was caught that it was not written by L. Ron Hubbard (just over 2 years later), we then see that the replacing reference (BPL 18 Oct 76 “Successful Training Lineup”) continues to follow and effectively reiterate the exact same line as that which HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II “Fast Flow Training Reinstated” had introduced! It did not, I repeat, it did not reinstate the Fast Flow Training definition as established earlier in 1972, it also did not reinstate the Primary Rundown as such. The 1974 HCO PL was not counteracted in this BPL release from 1976! How more strange can it get? A lot more as you will see...
We also do see that the BPL suddenly notes in the signature area at the bottom: “As ordered & approved by L. Ron Hubbard”, a fourth and a fifth revision of this BPL also note something like this, but this is then later on once again defied by the reference that in its turn replaced the BPL revision releases, which was HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I “Successful Training Lineup” (see later chapter with that title for quotations).
We do see here a persistent downgrade of the findings from L. Ron Hubbard concerning superliteracy and the importance of conceptual understanding. The abandoning of the Primary Rundown being a prerequisite for the Academy Levels (0-IV) and the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course was very well promoted in various Scientology periodicals and also referred to in various checksheets. Then these strange signature notices that first attribute personal involvement of L. Ron Hubbard, and that repeatedly later were defying that. All these are quite odd circumstances. Here one may start to wonder about where is L .Ron Hubbard?
There exists also BPL 31 Aug 74-1 “Additions to Fast Flow Training”. This is probably(?) issued on 8 August 1975 as there appears a quotation from a BPL issued on that date in ‘Ability 286’, [ca Aug 75]. Is this from BPL 31 Aug 74-1 or is there also a BPL 8 Aug 75 “(Fast Flow Training Additions)”? If anyone would have copies or information, please contact me!
‘Advance! 25’, Oct 74 “L. Ron Hubbard Reinstates Fast Flow Training on ALL AO Courses”
Article appeared in the various Scientology periodicals. They witness of practical implementation of the ideas and concept that was forwarded by HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II “Fast Flow Training Reinstated”.
We find the following article in ‘Advance! 25’ (US Edition), Oct 74: (quoted in full) |
“L. Ron Hubbard Reinstates Fast Flow Training on ALL AO* Courses |
In a recent ‘Policy Letter’ issued by the Founder, L. Ron Hubbard reinstated fast flow training on all Scientology courses, including the Solo Auditor's Course and the Advanced Courses. |
This means any barriers to training have been lifted by Ron. It means more thorough and smooth training for you on any present or future courses that might be offered at the Advanced Organization. |
Under fast flow training any requirement that you be examined on course materials has been suspended. Nor do you need to study with another student. You can study at your own speed, attesting that you have fully applied study technology and know, understand and can apply the materials you are studying. |
At all times the highly trained AOLA Course Supervisors will monitor your progress to ensure you receive totally standard course supervision and the full benefit of Ron's study technology.” |
Now does it really mean: “more thorough and smooth training for you on any present or future courses”? as you will be Fast Flowing all these courses without having done the Primary Rundown!
‘The Auditor 105 (US Edition)’, Nov 74 “Fast Flow Training Reinstated”
Another such an article promoting the concept.
We find the following article in ‘The Auditor 105 (US Edition)’, Nov 74: (quoted in full) |
“Fast Flow Training Reinstated
Your Road is Open to Greater Ability |
L. Ron Hubbard has swept away any delays or arbitraries which might be slowing down your training. FAST FLOW Training means you can increase your abilities faster than ever before. |
Here's what this means to you: |
1. You do not need to do the Primary Rundown before getting all the benefits of training. All you need now is the Basic Study Manual Course (1 week full time, free with Academy 0-IV). For the Organization Executive Course, Academy Training 0-IV and above, Method One Word Clearing is also required. Anyone can learn to co-audit this method of word clearing, which clears up misunderstood words in any past subjects you have studied. |
2. You complete each course as quickly as |
you can absorb the material and be able to apply it. Examinations and checkouts are no longer required. You attest you understand what you studied and have done the drills on the course and can produce the results required. That's all. |
3. All arbitrary auditing requirements of so many hours or so many completions from auditor training are removed. The requirement is “has produced the result required in the materials.” |
You will be assisted by your Course Supervisors as needed. |
Fast Flow Training opens the way for you! You can be at ASHO on the Briefing Course sooner than ever before. Take your next training step NOW. |
Primary Rundown no longer prerequisite for Academy and Higher Training!” |
It thus reads: “You do not need to do the Primary Rundown before getting all the benefits of training.”. Isn't this a contradictorily claim considering which was the goal and accomplishment of the Primary Rundown as announced, then how will you succeed in achieving that in the same manner if you do not enroll on the Primary Rundown?
Thus is further claimed: “L. Ron Hubbard has swept away any delays or arbitraries which might be slowing down your training. FAST FLOW Training means you can increase your abilities faster than ever before.”. Mind that the criteria for Fast Flow Training were invalidated and placed once again at a lower level by HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II “Fast Flow Training Reinstated”! |
As increasing your abilities can only be established through correct duplication of the material studied, then the Primary Rundown would be an advantage for that. Not enrolling first on it would per that thus be a disadvantage. Not doing this Primary Rundown, but still Fast Flowing is defying what it had said in HCOB 13 Aug 72R “Fast Flow Training”: “So that there is NO question about what is meant by FAST FLOW TRAINING: ANY STUDENT WHO HONESTLY COMPLETES THE PRIMARY RUNDOWN OR PRIMARY CORRECTION RUNDOWN IS THEREAFTER DESIGNATED A ‘FAST FLOW STUDENT’.” LRH. Now, why is this being ignored? Which here is the real arbitrary? |
It makes it all the more suspect as other people are speaking for L. Ron Hubbard. He did not write those articles as found in ‘Advance!’ and ‘The Auditor’, and he did not write HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II “Fast Flow Training Reinstated” either. The reality of it is that you instead have planted “delays or arbitraries which might be slowing down your training” as you will Fast Flow your courses without having done the Primary Rundown, which ii effect is not Fast Flow as it was established by HCOB 4 Apr 72 (Revised 30 May 72) “Primary Rundown (Revised)” that stated that “students will not prosper if their study is begun without a Primary Rundown”. It even said that “It is a high crime to omit this vital step.” LRH. If falsities slipped through here then why is no one seeing this, why is no one talking, and where is L. Ron Hubbard? |
Is a misunderstanding of some person the reason why Fast Flow Training as established in 1972 was abolished? Or was there some other reason? It wasn't caught, and was therefore not corrected either. |
BPL 18 Oct 76 “Successful Training Lineup”
This BPL 18 Oct 76 “Successful Training Lineup” thus had cancelled HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II “Fast Flow Training Reinstated”. It redefines Fast Flow in regards to study. It gave as the first rule of Fast Flow Training: |
“The only prerequisite for a student, staff or public, to be able to Fast Flow his courses is Student Hat and Method 1 Word Clearing. Where a student has already done the full Primary Rundown, he is also qualified to Fast Flow his courses.” |
Which is opposed to HCOB 13 Aug 72R “Fast Flow Training”: |
“So that there is NO question about what is meant by FAST FLOW TRAINING: |
BPL 18 Oct 76 “Successful Training Lineup” gave as the third rule of Fast Flow Training: |
“The prerequisites for Major Courses and Academy training are Student Hat and Method 1 Word Clearing.” |
Entirely contrary to that what HCOB 13 Aug 72R “Fast Flow Training” had ruled: |
“Primary Rundown or Primary Correction Rundown are required for Levels 0 to IV or above and for FEBC* . They are not required for HSDC* or the many other courses below these levels.” LRH |
* FEBC: Flag Executive Briefing Course. Consists of high level administration technology. * HSDC: Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course.). |
It was indicated in BPL 18 Oct 76 “Successful Training Lineup” that it was “As ordered & approved by L. RON HUBBARD, FOUNDER”. The actual compilers listed on this release were: |
“W/O R. Merwin, CS-7 (Warrant Officer, LRH Communicator Aide)”and
“Assisted by CS-3 (Finance Aide indicated with initials ‘FF’)”. |
Does anyone know who the CS-3 was as of October 1976, initials ‘FF’ was, please contact me. |
This Board Policy Letter was revised and reissued 5 more times. The 3rd revision (RB-version, Revised 29 Mar 77) does not make any mention of L. Ron Hubbard anywhere. The 4th revision (RC-version, Revised 14 Jun 77) notes “Revised by L. RON HUBBARD, FOUNDER”. The 5th revision (RD-version, Revised 10 Sept 78) also notes “Revised by L. RON HUBBARD, FOUNDER” after which it informs it was “Re-Revised by LRH Tech Comps Unit”, which then again notes this was “Approved by L. RON HUBBARD, FOUNDER”. In that last revision thus it list twice a stated involvement of L. Ron Hubbard. |
A bit well strange is that BPL 18 Oct 76RB (Revised 29 Mar 77) “Successful Training Lineup” changed authorship altogether, the original authors are no longer listed, now it says: |
“Julie Gillespie, Training & Services Aide” and
“Approved by W/O John Eastment, CS-4/5” |
“Authorized by AVU (initials ‘AH’) and
LRH Pers Comm” (initials ‘KU’ = Ken Urquhart) |
A few notes can be made here about this Julie Gillespie and also Ken Urquhart (listed on the RB, RC and RD versions). The former was later to become Mrs. Julie Gillespie Mayo (for further notes see next section that is about HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I “Successful Training Lineup”). The latter Ken Urquhart appeared later as an auditor in the group of David Mayo. This was after that David Mayo had been expunged from the church and had started his own group.
(more about ken Urquhart here, more about David Mayo here, separate windows) |
I don't know when or why these two persons suddenly make their appearance in this reference. In any case it is not at all standard practice to just remove original authors from a reference! May be the R or the RA version explains that, unfortunately I have not been able to consult these as yet. If anyone out there would have copies of any of these, then please contact me! |
A publication summary of BPL 18 Oct 76 “Successful Training Lineup”: |
Reference |
Release date |
Authors as indicated on reference |
BPL 18 Oct 76 |
n/a |
W/O R. Merwin,
Assisted by CS-3 (initials ‘FF’)
As ordered & approved by
for the
BPL 18 Oct 76-1 |
Addition of
? |
? |
BPL 18 Oct 76R |
? |
? |
BPL 18 Oct 76RA |
? |
? |
BPL 18 Oct 76RB |
29 Mar 77 |
Julie Gillespie,
Training & Services Aide
Approved by W/O John Eastment,
Authorized by AVU* (initials ‘AH’) and
LRH Pers Comm (initials ‘KU’ = Ken Urquhart)
Revised by L. RON HUBBARD,
for the
BPL 18 Oct 76RC |
14 Jun 77 |
Julie Gillespie,
Training & Services Aide
Approved by W/O John Eastment,
Authorized by AVU (initials ‘AH’) and
LRH Pers Comm (initials ‘KU’ = Ken Urquhart)
for the
BPL 18 Oct 76RC-1 |
Addition of
30 Aug 77 |
Marion Whitcher,
BPL Appeal Line
for AVU Aide (initials ‘MH’)
for the
BPL 18 Oct 76RD |
Revised 10 Sept 78 |
Julie Gillespie,
Training & Services Aide
Approved by W/O John Eastment,
Authorized by AVU (initials ‘AH’) and
LRH Pers Comm (initials ‘KU’ = Ken Urquhart)
Revised by L. RON HUBBARD,
Re-revised by LRH Tech Comps Unit (initials ‘TC’)
for the
* AVU, Authorization, Verification and Correction Unit. It is the point at which all Staff, Flag Bureaux and other evaluations and resulting plans, programs, projects and orders are authorized and verified for issue. The unit has the responsibility of catching and handling all errors in such traffic before they are issued. |
It was already clear from HCO PL 31 Aug 74 II “Fast Flow Training Reinstated” that it was reverting back to the previously released ‘LRH ED 2 Int’, 20 Jan 69 “Attestation Reinstated”, although that reference did not actually mention or quoted from this very LRH ED. The later reference BPL 18 Oct 76 “Successful Training Lineup” did carry the same message, but it was not until its 5th and final revision that it factually refers to it. This 5th revision added the text: |
A student attests his theory or practical class when he has fully covered the materials and can apply them. There is no examination. (LRH ED 2 INT)
(from BPL 18 Oct 76RD (Revised 10 Sept 78) “Successful Training Lineup”) |
HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I “Successful Training Lineup”
This HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I “Successful Training Lineup” cancelled and replaced BPL 18 Oct 76RD “same title”. This new reference could be said to be a comprised version of the earlier BPL version. It reinforces the “definition” of “FAST FLOW TRAINING” while quoting: “‘A student attests his theory or practical class when he has fully covered the materials and can apply them. There is no examination.’ (LRH ED 2 INT)”. |
The inconsistency here is why it refers to an LRH ED that was released as far back as 1969, an issue-type that only has a 12-month validity! What is the reason for that persistently no referrals are made to HCOB 13 Aug 72R “Fast Flow Training”? Why is it being ignored? This HCOB had not been revised re-released nor cancelled since! |
It was in the reference itself clearly indicated that it was written by “L. RON HUBBARD, FOUNDER”. HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I “Successful Training Lineup” maintains the third rule of Fast Flow Training as follows (about identical to how it was presented in the earlier BPL 18 Oct 76): |
“The only prerequisite for a student, staff or public to be able to fast flow his courses is Student Hat and Method One Word Clearing. Where a student has already done the full Primary Rundown, he is also qualified to fast flow his courses.”
 (from HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I “Successful Training Lineup”) |
Further HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I “Successful Training Lineup” explains: |
“BPL 18 Oct 76RD, Rev. 10.9.78 Urgent Important, Successful Training Lineup is canceled because it dropped Method One Word Clearing out of training. It sought to solve students on academy courses being held up due to incomplete Method One, by no longer requiring Method One. As a result Method One Word Clearing dropped out of use and academy students and interns are now being delayed in training because they haven't had Method One. The ‘problem’ of incomplete Method One isn't even a problem, all one would have to do is complete the Method One! |
Method One Word Clearing is now being reinstated by HCO PL 25 Sep 79 II Method One Word Clearing. |
The history of BPL 18 Oct 76 and its revisions is of interest because there have been some six people involved in writing and rewriting the various versions of this issue. Each sought to solve some real or imagined problem with training, by going unusual and altering or changing LRH policy on training. As a result, arbitraries were entered into training and LRH Tech was dropped out of use. Each time this happened, training became less effective and slower. Instead of getting back to LRH policy on training each new revision entered a new arbitrary and omitted a vital piece of LRH Tech.” |
Per the above it is justified to question the actual involvement of L. Ron Hubbard regarding especially the 4th & 5th revision of the BPL (version ‘RC’ & ‘RD’). These releases themselves actually claim that L. Ron Hubbard himself had revised the ‘RC’ version, and approved the ‘RD’ version. These claims per this HCO PL then were actual falsities!
A few notes have to be made in regards to this HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I “Successful Training Lineup” as its authorship had been interfered with. Sure, it was signed at the bottom with “L. Ron Hubbard, Founder”, but we also find the following composer initials found: ‘LRH:DM:gal’. Which theoretically stands for compilers/writers L. Ron Hubbard & David Mayo (the latter was the Senior C/S International* at the time), ‘gal’ are the initials of the typist. Certain issues arose in regards to David Mayo during the early ’80s and the claim has been made that David Mayo compiled various references himself and signed them with L. Ron Hubbard. Or it may have been that he changed issues without authorization of L. Ron Hubbard himself. Subsequently any of such references had been cancelled at a later date in the present Church of Scientology. |
In addition it came in vogue somewhere during 1979-80 that actual compilers/originators of issues were indicated as assistants. The issue itself then was attributed as having been written by L. Ron Hubbard, when in fact he may not even have seen it. See further section here under... |
HCOB 13 Aug 72RA (Revised 30 Aug 83) “Fast Flow Training”
All right then, HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I “Successful Training Lineup” was cancelled by HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I “Successful Training Lineup, Cancelled 30 August 1983”. |
This reference appears also to have been attributed as having been written by L. Ron Hubbard. The first 2 paragraphs read: |
“This issue, written by another, is hereby cancelled. |
The actual, proven successful lineup for training is given in HCOB 13 Aug 72RA. Revised 30 Aug 83, FAST FLOW TRAINING.” |
Interesting is that on this exact same day we see that HCOB 13 Aug 72R “Fast Flow Training” is revised and replaced by HCOB 13 Aug 72RA (Revised 30 Aug 83) “same title”. Of course this is not a coincidence. The only changes implemented in this original reference written by L. Ron Hubbard concerns these changed criteria for Fast Flow Training. So, the original was written by L. Ron Hubbard, but can we be equally sure about these revisions it was now subjected to?
“So that there is NO question about what is meant by FAST FLOW TRAINING: |
(from HCOB 13 Aug 72R (Corr. and Reiss. 15 Aug 72) “Fast Flow Training”) |
“So that there is NO question about what is meant by FAST FLOW TRAINING: |
(from HCOB 13 Aug 72RA (Revised 30 Aug 83) “Fast Flow Training”) |
And ...
“It is much faster to do the PRD or PCRD first.” LRH
(from HCOB 13 Aug 72R (Corr. and Reiss. 15 Aug 72) “Fast Flow Training”) |
“It is much faster to do Method One or the PRD or PCRD first.” LRH
from HCOB 13 Aug 72RA (Revised 30 Aug 83) “Fast Flow Training”) |
And these are actually rather significant changes! |
HCOB 13 Aug 72RA (Revised 30 Aug 83) “Fast Flow Training” also discarded of: |
Primary Rundown or Primary Correction Rundown are required for Levels 0 to IV or above and for FEBC. They are not required for HSDC or the many other courses below these levels.” LRH
(from HCOB 13 Aug 72R (Corr. and Reiss. 15 Aug 72) “Fast Flow Training”) |
You can consult a detailed comparison of the 2 versions of this same reference in a pop-up window that I created, click here to consult.
As of 1983 we are thus back to the status quo of 1969 as directed by an LRH ED (that only had a 12-month validity), and herewith we ignore the whole happening and instance of that apparently cumbersome Primary Rundown that was introduced with that much verve and vigor back in 1972.
..R, ..RA, ..RB (etc) or #R, #RA (etc):
For example: ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70R’ & ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70RA’, etc. The given date denotes the first time it has been published in issue-form. The R, RA indication may also follow after an issue-number. The R stands for ‘Revision’ and would refer to that it has been revised since it was first published.
If it is revised a 2nd time it is indicated as RA, a 3rd time RB, then RC, and so on.
Advanced Org(anization) (AO):
The denominates a Scientology organization which delivers higher level auditing and training. The first Advanced Organization was located in Saint Hill, England. The initials AO will appear somewhere in the name for the various AOs. For example: AOLA, ASHO, AOSH EU, etc.. This may also be referred to as a Saint-Hill organization.
Short for ‘Advanced Organization’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
‘Advanced Organization Los Angeles’: A Scientology organization which services higher level auditing & training, located in Los Angeles, USA.
audit, auditing, auditor:
The application of Scientology processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor (listener). The goal of the auditor is to make the receiver of the auditing look at incidents and reduce the mental charge which may lay upon them. The auditor may not evaluate and has to adhere to the Auditor's code.
‘Board Policy Letter’. Color flash–green ink on cream paper. These are the issues of the Boards of Directors of the Churches of Scientology and are separate and distinct from HCO Policy Letters written by LRH. Only LRH issues may be printed green on white for policy and only LRH issues may have the prefix HCO. These Board issues are valid as Policy. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I, New Issues).
This issue-type was established in January 1974. In October 1975 a project was started to cancel HCO PLs not written by L. Ron Hubbard and if still found being of value having them reissued as BPLs. By 1980 all BPLs had been revoked.
‘Board Technical Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on cream paper. These are the issues of the Boards of Directors of the Churches of Scientology and are separate and distinct from HCO Bulletins written by LRH. Only LRH issues may be printed green on white for Technical Bulletins and only LRH issues may have the prefix HCO. These Board issues are valid as tech. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I, New Issues).
This issue-type was established in January 1974. In December 1974 a project was started to cancel HCOBs not written by L. Ron Hubbard and if still found being of value having them reissued as BTBs. By 1980 all BTBs had been revoked.
The action of verifying a student's knowledge of something. This includes understanding of the words in a text, and being able to apply and demonstrate it.
‘End Phenomena’. The expected end result of some action done, a course completed etc ... In study: (1) floating needle, (2) cognition, (3) very good indicators, (pc happy).
floating needle (F/N):
The idle uninfluenced movement of the needle on the dial (of an E-meter) without any patterns or reactions in it. It can be as small as one inch or as large as dial wide. It does not fall or drop to the right of the dial. It moves to the left at the same speed as it moves to the right. It is observed on a Mark V E-meter calibrated with the TA (Tone Arm) between 2.0 and 3.0 with GIs (Good Indicators) in on the pc. It can occur after a cognition, blowdown of the TA (Tone Arm) or just moves into floating. The pc may or may not voice the cognition. (HCOB 7 May 69 V)
‘Flag Executive Briefing Course’. Consists of high
level administration technology.
‘floating needle’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
‘Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on white paper. Written by LRH only , but only so starting from January 1974. These are the technical issue line. All data for auditing and courses is contained in HCOBs. For more information go here (separate window).
‘Hubbard Communication Office Policy Letter’. Color flash–green ink on white paper. Written by LRH only, but only so starting from January 1974. These are the organizational and administrative issue line. For more information go here (separate window).
Short for ‘Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course’.
An usual abbreviation for ‘L. Ron Hubbard’.
‘L. Ron Hubbard Executive Directive’. Earlier called SEC EDs (Secretarial EDs). These are issued by LRH to various areas. They are not valid longer than one year if fully complied with when they are automatically retired. They otherwise remain valid until fully complied with or until amended or cancelled by another LRH ED. They carry current line, projects, programs, immediate orders and directions. They are numbered for area and sequence for the area and are sent to staffs or specific posts in orgs. They are blue ink on white paper with a special heading. (HCO PL 24 Sept 70R)
Method One Word Clearing:
1. by meter in session. A full assessment of many, many subjects is done. The auditor then takes each reading subject and clears the chain back to earlier words and or words in earlier subjects until he gets an F/N*. 2. assess, take the reading items from the best read on down and with E/S (earlier similar) pull each one to F/N. Get each word you find to F/N. There can be many F/Ns per subject. End off with a win on the subject. 3. the action taken to clean up all misunderstoods in every subject one has studied. It is done by a word clearing auditor. The result of a properly done Method One word clearing is the recovery of one's education. Abbr. M1.
‘Organization Executive Course’. Refers to ‘The Organization Executive Course’ volumes. See at that entry in vocabulary.
‘The Organization Executive Course’:
Subtitled in the 1970-74 release: ‘An Encyclopedia of Scientology Policy’. This is a series of books that contain the HCO PLs, and any references that are primarily dealing with administrative matters. They are divided up division wise. The HCO PLs are printed in green ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in green bindings. These books may also be referred to as the ‘green volumes’ or even ‘OEC volumes’. The ‘old green volumes’ then would refer to the 1970-74 release, the ‘new green volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
A series of steps which are auditing actions and processes designed to handle a specific aspect of a case and which have a known end phenomena. Example: Introspection Rundown. (LRH Def. Notes) As a rule this mostly works as a corrective action and not as a mandatory part of the Bridge.
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC):
This was a course delivered by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill, England during 1961-66 and comprises of 447 lectures. Its result is a very adept auditor and thorough know-how of Scientology itself. The materials are studied in chronological sequence so as to fully understand the development of the technology. This will make you a Class VI Auditor.
Sea Org (SO):
Short for ‘Sea Organization’. This is the senior organization within the Church of Scientology that see to it that Advanced Organizations (AOs) and the Class IV-V organizations do function well. They send out so-called missions if there are indications or if they find that improvement or corrections are called for. They also provide for dissemination and other programs that the Scientology organizations are to comply with. Missions may be send out to implement these and instruct the organizations.
‘Saint Hill Special Briefing Course’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
‘Sea Org(anization)’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
twin checkouts:
In Scientology training we use a system called twin checkouts. Each student is assigned a “twin” to work with. The student studies his assigned material and is sometimes coached over the rough spots by his twin. When the student knows the material, he is then given a checkout by his twin. If he flunks, he returns to study and when ready gets a new checkout. When he passes, the twin signs the assignment sheet certifying that he has grasped it.
Word Clearing Method ...:
See Method ... Word Clearing.

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Snoeck. All rights reserved.
This page revised:
15 July, 2024