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‘The Bridge to a New World’ (History of the Grade Chart) -
b) Detailed analysis (1) |
(to other Scientology pages) |
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“THE BRIDGE is a term originating in Dianetic days to symbolize travel from unknowingness to revelation. It itself is based on the mystics’ abyss allegory, wherein a wide, deep chasm is seen to separate a lower state of existence and a higher plateau of perfection; many attempting to attain the higher plateau do not but fall, instead, into the abyss. We conceive Scientology as a bridge between the lower and higher state, a thing hitherto lacking.” |
L. Ron Hubbard |
(from ‘Advance! 18’, [Apr-May 73] “The Way to the Higher Plateau”) |
History of the Grade Chart - b) Detailed analysis (page 1, index page)
I got to look into this while researching the tracks of David Mayo. During his time of reign the Bridge was turned upside down (1978-82). There are indications that he was involved in a variety of these changes. This discovery and various related information actually incited me to dig deeper into this and finally motivated me to do this Grade Chart research covering the first chart released in 1965 to present time.
Nov-Dec 1963: Early notices about a chart
A “general Classification Chart Issue One” is found in HCO PL 26 Nov 63 “Certificate and Classification Changes, Everyone Classified”. This was shortly after amended by HCO PL 11 Dec 63 “Classification for Everyone”. Both of these references are found in ‘The Organization Executive Course: Technical Division 4’ (1972) as well as ‘The Organization Executive Course: Technical Division, Volume 4’ (1991).
We also find an interesting note in one of the Saint-Hill Special Briefing Course lectures given in 1963: |
“Anyway, however that is, somebody now is in this position. He's out here on the street, he hears about Scientology. So he goes around and he understands there's an auditor there and he has some meetings on Friday night or something like that. And he decides he'll go along. He's heard from Bill or something. And he goes along there. He sees a chart up on the wall of where he's supposed to go. This tells him at once that there is someplace to go, that there is a way to get there, and if various states of arrived beingness are described with great reality on this chart, and so on ... |
He frankly won't look at the upper levels of the chart. They won't interest him. He will be mostly looking at the immediately adjacent interests of the chart, you see. And he'll say, those are a good thing to have and this is all he has to do. And this is all he has to study. And this is his practice of activity and it's on this schedule and that sort of thing. And that shows him that he can move from that point on forward. The road then is not blocked out because he sees that every time he gets at one of these points, he can then take off to the next point similarly informed and equipped.” LRH
 (from Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #325, renumbered 1991: #357 “Certifications and Classifications”, given on 3 Dec 63) |
Sound snippet |
Various information is found on this lecture about its Certifications and Classifications.
1965: First Grade Chart released and early adjustments
The Grade Chart as an actual chart was first released in May 1965. This chart is also found reprinted in ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes (1976 & 1991 release) directly following HCO PL 5 May 65 “Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart”. This foregoing HCO PL discussed this chart. These reprints in these volumes of the chart appear identical in text with only one small exception. Which is in the column “Processes Used” at Class/Grade VII, the actual chart also notes the text: “O.T. Processes for Self”.
(May) 1965 |
Class/Grade |
Certificate |
Auditors of this class only audits pcs* to |
↑ |
Hubbard Graduate Auditor (HGA) |
↑ |
↑ |
VI |
Hubbard Senior Scientologist HSS) |
↑ |
↑ |
V |
Hubbard Validated Auditor (HVA) |
↑ |
Grades 0-V |
↑ |
IV |
Hubbard Advanced Auditor (HAA) |
↑ |
↑ |
Hubbard Professional Auditor (HPA) |
↑ |
Grades 0-III |
↑ |
II |
Hubbard Certified Auditor (HCA) |
↑ |
Grades 0-II |
↑ |
I |
Hubbard Trained Scientologist (HTS) |
↑ |
Grades 0-I |
↑ |
0 |
Hubbard Recognized Scientologist (HRS) |
↑ |
Grades 0 |
↑ |
None |
Hubbard Qualified Scientologist (HQS) |
↑ |
↑ |
None |
Hubbard Book Auditor (HBA) |
↑ |
↑ |
None |
Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist (HAS) |
↑ |
↑ |
None |
Beginning Scientologist (BS) |
↑ |
The book ‘What Is Scientology?’ (any edition) lists 6509C09 SHSBC-66 “Classification and Gradation” (film). Which is a 29 minutes visual explanation from L. Ron Hubbard of this first Grade Chart.
The following chart issued now clearly divided into a separate Training and a Processing side: |
26th September 1965 |
Auditor classes |
Preclear grades |
↑ |
Class VII Auditor |
↑ |
Clear |
↑ |
Class VI Auditor |
↑ |
Grade VI release |
↑ |
Class V Auditor |
↑ |
Grade V release |
↑ |
Class IV Auditor |
↑ |
Grade IV release |
↑ |
Class III Auditor |
↑ |
Grade III release |
↑ |
Class II Auditor |
↑ |
Grade II release |
↑ |
Class I Auditor |
↑ |
Grade I release |
↑ |
Class 0 Auditor |
↑ |
Grade 0 release |
↑ |
Not classed |
↑ |
Ungraded |
Adjustments to the Grade Chart (as per late September 1965): |
“Further research has revealed additional data concerning Releases which
makes it necessary to re-name the types of Release, or else deny preclears all
the benefits available from states of Release. |
As mentioned in earlier lectures there are several intermediate stages of Release between Level Zero and Level Five. I have finally isolated these and they agree with the Gradation Chart of Levels. |
This changes also in some degree the upper levels of Academy training materials without actually adding any but only reassigning the same materials to different levels.” |
Accordingly there was decided for: |
“So as to minimize any upset in introducing these additional levels of Release we will cease to call Release by stages and call them by Grades. In earlier material and lectures the terms ‘1st Stage Release’ indicated a person released anywhere between Level Zero and Level IV, a ‘Second Stage Release’ indicated a Power Process Release, a ‘Third Stage Release’ was one made by orientation processes and a ‘Fourth Stage Release’ meant one made by R6 EW. This was before I found that the additional levels were important or obtainable. Without wiping out the meaning of these ‘stages’, we will simply cease to use them to designate Releases and designate by GRADES. We will then use the exact processes of the grades that obtain the state of Release for the preclear and thus keep things straight.” LRH
 (from HCOB 22 Sept 65 “Release Gradation,
New Levels of Release”) |
See for further detailed information about this also HCOB 27 Sept 65 “Release Gradation Additional Data (Supplements HCOB 22 Sept 65)”. |
The 26th September 1965 Grade Chart notes: |
“Note: By Scientology AUDITING an individual can attain new states of Existence called RELEASE and CLEAR. While no training is required up to Preclear GRADE V RELEASE, it is then necessary if the individual at GRADE VI Release or Clear is to retain all his gains. The quality of processing has been upgraded in 1965 as higher states have been found. Clear today is a higher state than previously. We once called ‘Clear’ what is today called RELEASE. Clear was higher than was first thought.” |
Accordingly we see that Clear has been placed at Grade VII instead of previously at Grade VI. Following we see that HCOB 27 Sept 65 “Release Gradation Additional Data” places the level of Operating Thetan (OT) at Grade VIII. |
1966-Jan 1968: ‘Dianetic Auditor’ and ‘Dianetic Release’ appear on chart
Importance of Dianetics stressed
“No auditor will ever be worth very much unless he has come in the right way – through Dianetics. The concept of physical and mental difficulty stemming from a mental image picture was a great discovery and the technology of erasing such pictures as developed must not be lost on our trained Scientologists.” LRH
(from HCOB 3 Apr 66 “Dianetic Auditing Course”, also printed in ‘Ability 183’, [ca May-Jun 66] “A New Dianetic Auditing Course”)
At this point in time there had been an interruption
of various months in the lecturing of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC). One of the reasons was a trip that L. Ron Hubbard made to Rhodesia (see ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1992 edition), page 633) he took a flight over there on 18 Mar 1966. Upon his return and resuming the SHSBC lecturing he gave a lecture telling what it had been about (see SHSBC lecture #69, renumbered 1991: #432 “About Rhodesia”, given on 19 Jul 66). |
It is also reported: “Upon his return he finds a major portion of the bridge line-up was dropped out. Just in time he revitalizes the subject. There was the Chart Mary Sue drew up in 1965 and the cutative chart of early 1966 which Ron deep-sixed.”. At present it is still sort of unclear what is exactly meant here. It refers to 2 separate charts. But we find the below notice from L. Ron Hubbard in a following lecture: |
“And now, if we look at the Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates, first one issued, and the modern one which is about to be issued—since the interim issue of early 1966 dropped several points off this chart that were vital to it and made it relatively unworkable, and which won't be dropped again. I came back home in time.” LRH
 (from SHSBC lecture #71, renumbered 1991: #434 “The Classification Chart and Auditing”, given on 26 Jul 66) |
Sound snippet |
It is not directly named in this lecture itself what these “dropped several points” were. It seems however to have been the Dianetic Auditor and Dianetic Release. Both the 2 charts that I have from 1966 (one undated and the other from December 1966) do note these, whereas both the 2 Grade Charts issued in 1965 did not. This “dropped several points off this chart” in essence does not necessary have to mean that physically points had been taken off from any previous issued chart. This was a process in development. It could just have been a simple omission to include on a later issued chart. The matter basically was that Dianetics did not need classification or gradation, but Scientology did! It was simply incorrect to think that the walk on the chart started with Scientology. It has always started with Dianetics. |
Now could there have been another release of a Grade Chart from early 1966, or is here simply referred to the 26th September 1965 Grade Chart that in fact would have been the one that was in use during that time? Considering also that this chart may have been dated like that, it may not have been properly distributed till some months later. |
The foregoing lecture SHSBC lecture #70, renumbered 1991: #433 “Dianetic Auditing”, given on 21 Jul 66 directly foregoing this appears to actually confirm this interpretation: |
“I go away, and right away everybody forgets how to audit. No, the processes today are so fast, they're so rapid, that an auditor cannot be trained. That's it. I mean, it's as simple as that. I recognized this some time ago, and back in April wrote a bulletin which covered this which has actually not been put into action yet and which is being put into action right now, and I think went into action at 2—2:00 P.M. That's it. Ron's back.” LRH |
Sound snippet |
(Note: The referred to bulletin in this lecture is HCOB 3 Apr 66 “Dianetic Auditing Course”) |
Then when we actually physically examine the 26th September 1965 and the undated (© 1966) Grade Chart they appear technically and text wise identical with the only exception that the 1966 chart added: |
(undated © 1966) |
Auditor classes |
Certificate |
Preclear grades |
Name of state |
↑ |
Class 0 Auditor |
Hubbard Trained Scientologist (HTS) |
↑ |
Grade 0 release |
Communications release |
↑ |
Dianetic Auditor |
Hubbard Dianetic Auditor (HDA) (new) |
↑ |
Ungraded |
Dianetic release (new) |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Qualified Scientologist (HQS) |
↑ |
Ungraded |
It being noted though that there has been in existence this Dianetic Auditor prior to this, it's just that it had not been listed as yet on this Grade Chart. This may therefore have been the chart referred to in the previously quoted SHSBC lecture #71, 26 Jul 66, and thus may date this undated © 1966 Grade Chart to have been issued at least at about July/August 1966.
Differences in the lower part of the charts issued in 1966-68
(undated © 1966) |
Auditor classes |
Certificate |
Preclear grades |
Name of state |
↑ |
Dianetic Auditor |
Hubbard Dianetic Auditor (HDA) (new) |
↑ |
Ungraded |
Dianetic release (new)
(Subject audited:
Secondaries and Engrams) |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Qualified Scientologist (HQS) |
↑ |
Ungraded |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Book Auditor (HBA) |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist (HAS) |
↑ |
Not classed |
Beginning Scientologist (Bn. Scn.) |
Turned into:
1st December 1966 |
Auditor classes |
Certificate |
Preclear grades |
Name of state |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Extension Course Graduate (new) |
↑ |
Ungraded |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Qualified Scientologist (HQS) |
↑ |
Ungraded |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist (HAS) |
↑ |
Ungraded |
↑ |
Not classed |
Beginning Scientologist (Bn. Scn.) |
↑ |
Ungraded |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Dianetic Auditor (HDA) |
↑ |
Senior Dianetic
release |
Engram release
(Erasure of pain and
unconsciousness) |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Book Auditor (HBA) |
↑ |
Ungraded |
↑ |
Not classed |
Dianetic Co-Auditor (DCA) (new) |
↑ |
Dianetic release |
Secondary release
(Erasure of loss and
misemotion) |
↑ |
Not classed |
↑ |
Straight Wire
release |
Recall release (new)
(Improvement in memory and
ability to recall) |
Straightwire processing had been in existence prior to this however it was not listed as such on the chart till now. It was still listed on the 1st January 1968 Grade Chart, but not on the 1st September 1969 Grade Chart and following. Only to return on the June 1970 Grade Chart and from there on out it was to stay on the chart.
The 1st January 1968 Grade Chart shows few adjustments. In sequence the Hubbard Extension Course Graduate took the place of the Beginning Scientologist, which in turn was taken off the chart.
Attestation for grades (1966-68)
The 1st December 1966 Grade Chart is the first chart to add an “Attainment” column which then could be attested for.
The 1st January 1968 Grade Chart then renamed this column “Abilities Attained”.
In March of that year we also see the release of this policy letter saying the following: |
“4. The PC or student signs an attestation slip that he has
completed, or can apply the data or has attained the grade. All
attestations must be action attestations. Never one like ‘I've read
the data and know it’. Only, ‘I can apply Q & A data to a PC’, is
acceptable for an attestation.”
 (from HCO PL 14 Mar 68 (Reissued 8 May 68) “Policies Governing the Qualifications Division”) |
Thus this addition on the Grade Chart was amongst other for attestation purposes. |
In this time period and till about 1970 L. Ron Hubbard frequently referred in lectures and also policy letters to in particular these attestation (Abilities Gained) notices on the 1966 and 1968 charts and that they were valid.
Since June 1970 the column was extended upon and actually turned to 2 columns. See further development discussed at “Jun-Dec 1970: The era of ‘Quickie Lower Grades’ put to an end ”, section “(2) Corrections (c): Proper attestation of grades”, click here to consult.
Sept 1969-Mar 1970: The ‘Standard Dianetic Auditor’ & HSDC
There are recorded the following Grade Charts: |
1st September 1969 (©1969), ASHO LA |
1st December 1969, [UK?] (noted in HCOB 12 Jun 70 “Programming of Cases”) |
March 1970 (©1969), AOLA |
The September 1969 and the March 1970 chart appear almost identical technically but are issued at different orgs. There is also listed a December 1969 chart that would fall inbetween these above 2 mentioned charts datewise, and is assumably issued in UK. Do you have a copy of the 1st December 1969 Grade Chart for me? Then please contact me! |
‘Standard Dianetics’ (Apr 69)
“Why Dianetics fell out of use had nothing to do with its workability. It has worked and well since 1950. … |
 (from HCOB 24 Apr 69 “Dianetic Use”) |
The 1st September 1969 Grade Chart put the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course’ (HSDC) into place. This course rehabbed and straightened out all the data for Standard Dianetic auditing. As such it was a very vital development. The bulk of the references for this course were issued earlier in 1969 (see list of references here, pop-up window).
Course checksheets (and corrections) issued in 1969: |
Reference |
Title & info |
HCO PL 7 May 69 I |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet”
(referred to in HCO PL 7 May 69 II “HSDC Policy”)
HCO PL 20 May 69 |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet”
(contains references dated upto 29 May 69)
HCO PL 1 Jun 69 III |
“Hubbard Dianetic Supervisors Course Checksheet” |
HCO PL 30 Jun 69 |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet Amendments, Deletions & Additions” |
HCO PL 24 Jul 69 |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet” |
HCO PL 1 Dec 69
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet”
(Updates HCO PL 24 July 1969)
Note: A full list of all known published Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course (HSDC) checksheets (1969-77) can be found here (separate window). The HSDC was abolished in 1978 and replaced with NED. |
This 1st September 1969 Grade Chart also established the Hubbard Dianetics Course (HDC) as a prerequisite for the next level of auditor training which is Class 0. We see that this was changed on the March 1970 chart. On that chart this prerequisite was instead moved to be placed at auditor level Class V and VI. |
Charts |
Prerequisites to the various Auditor Classes |
Dianetics Auditor |
Class 0
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV
Class V
Class VI
1st Sept
1969 |
None |
Class 0 |
Class I |
Class II |
Class III |
Class III |
Class III |
March 1970 |
None |
None |
Class 0 |
Class I |
Class II |
Class III |
Class III or Clear
Class III or Clear
In a sense this change in on the March 1970 chart may be seen as a bit awkward, considering that the message given earlier was that “No auditor will ever be worth very much unless he has come in the right way – through Dianetics. The concept of physical and mental difficulty stemming from a mental image picture was a great discovery and the technology of erasing such pictures as developed must not be lost on our trained Scientologists.” LRH (from HCOB 3 Apr 66 “Dianetic Auditing Course”, also printed in ‘Ability 183’, [ca May-Jun 66] “A New Dianetic Auditing Course”). A consideration may have been that a classed auditor also came with particular skills. For instance it required a Class II auditor to run rudiments*. The message given would thus remain the same, however one did not necesarily had to start with Dianetics.
This is also the first chart that changed the text above the 2 main columns. |
As per 1st January 1968 Grade Chart: |
Into, as per 1st September 1969 Grade Chart: |
Which is interesting and confirms the importance of Dianetics being represented in it. |
Dianetics as represented on the new chart: |
1st September 1969 |
Auditor classes |
Certificate |
Preclear grades |
Abilities attained |
↑ |
Class 0 Auditor |
Hubbard Recognized Scientologist (HRS) |
↑ |
Grade 0 release |
↑ |
Standard Dianetic
Auditor and Course
Supervisor |
Hubbard Dianetic Graduate (HDG) |
↑ |
Dianetic Case
Intensifies and stabilizes the gains achieved on single flow auditing. |
↑ |
Dianetic Auditor |
Hubbard Dianetic Counselor (HDC) |
↑ |
Dianetic Auditing
Health and happiness, freedom from those things which make a person susceptible to, and hold in place, physical illness. |
Introductory Levels of Study and Application |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Qualified Scientologist (HQS) |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Extension Course Graduate |
↑ |
Book Auditor |
Hubbard Book Auditor (HBA) |
↑ |
Not classed |
... [various services] |
This chart for some reason does not list Straightwire processing foregoing Dianetic Auditing which had been listed on both the 2 previous issued charts.
‘Triple Grades’ (Feb 69)
“In Triple Grades the following are the only flows used: |
1. Self → Another |
2. Self ← Another |
3. Others ← Another” LRH |
 (from HCOB 3 Feb 69 “Triple Grades Flows”) |
Following the Grade IV Release we see the following addition: |
1st September 1969 |
Preclear grades |
Abilities attained |
↑ |
Grade V release |
↑ |
Triple Grades release (new) |
Intensifies and stabilizes the gains of the lower grade releases. |
↑ |
Grade IV release |
The reference that introduced Triple Grades appears to have been HCOB 24 Jan 69 II “Sub-Zeros–Triple Grades, Lower Levels–Triple Grades”: |
“Triple Grades depends upon the three primary flows: Out-Flow, In-Flow, and Cross-Flow. These are designated respectively: F1, F2, and F3.” LRH |
These are referred to in HCOB 25 Jan 69 III “Triple Lower Grades” as: |
“Triple Grades means handling 3 of available flows, the 3 major ones, self to another, another to self, another to others.” LRH |
They were fairly quickly abandoned and were replaced in the June 1970 Grade Chart with Expanded Lower Grades (see next chapter for details), or click here to consult. |
OT I-VI & Class VIII Auditor on chart (‘Standard Tech’ established)
“Exact handling of all cases to 100% result. Review of all cases. Section IV OT Rundown. Case supervision of other auditors.”
(from 1st September 1969 Grade Chart, Class VIII teaches about)
Also newly listed we find on this latest chart: |
Developments |
Dates |
OT I |
Released: Aug 66 (Jul 66*)
Revised: Jul 68* |
Released: Sept 66 (Jul 66*) |
Released: 20 Sept 67 (18 Jan 68*) |
OT IV, V & VI |
Released: 23* Jan 68 |
Class VIII Auditor Course |
First mention: 11 Mar 68 (see FO 497)
Released: 24 Sept 68 |
Addenda: Given are the dates that are found in ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1992 edition). The dates indicated with an asterisk (*) were found in an article that was published in ‘Advance! 18’, [Apr-May 73], entitled: “A History of Advanced Courses”. |
The release of the Class VIII Auditor put into place the expression Standard Tech. This was basically what the Class VIII Course and its 19 lectures was all about, establishing exactly that.
“STANDARD TECH, 1. a standardization of processes so that they apply to 100 per cent of the cases to which they are addressed. (Class VIII, No. 19) 2. the accumulation of those exact processes which make a way between humanoid and OT, the exact method of organizing them, the exact method of delivering them, and the exact repair of any errors made on that route. (Class VIII, No. 2) 3. that terribly narrow path which we now call standard tech is composed of those things which if they are out inhibit and prohibit all case gain. (Class VIII, No. 1) 4. standard tech is not a process or a series of processes. It is following the rules of processing. (HCOB 26 Feb 70) 5. that tech which has absolutely no arbitraries. (HCOB 23 Aug 68)” |
(from ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’) |
Jun-Dec 1970: The era of ‘Quickie Grades’ put to an end
“QUICKIE GRADES, 1. a derogatory term denoting grades ‘run’ without running all the processes of the grades each to full end phenomena thus reducing the effectiveness of Scn by failure to apply it properly. (BTB 12 Apr 72R) 2. pc didn't actually reach full abilities in earlier Scn auditing. (HCOB 25 Jun 70 II)” |
(from ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’) |
(1) Preparation & resignation of L. Ron Hubbard vs Time interim Mar 66-Jun 70
 “1 Mar. 1966: THE GUARDIAN post was established. The purpose of the Guardian is: To help L. Ron Hubbard enforce and issue policy, and to safeguard Scientology orgs, Scientologists and Scientology.”
(from ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1978 edition), page 142) |
 “On 18 March he flies to Rhodesia where he investigates the ability of a single individual to single-handedly assist a smal country to overcome its problems.
 In July [mid] he returns to England and delivers the final lectures of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.“
(from ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1992 edition), page 633) |
 “1 September 1966: L. Ron Hubbard resigned from the Board of Directors and post of Executive Director of Scientology organizations to continue his writing and research. He was given the title of Founder and his administrative duties were taken over by Executive Council Worldwide (WW).”
(from ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1992 edition), page 641) |
Obviously one of the reasons why the Guardian Office was established was to unburden the load on L. Ron Hubbard in order for him to be able to occupy himself with other aims and/or duties taken upon himself. Then for a 4-month period (mid-March to mid-July) he resided in Rhodesia. On 19 July he resumed lecturing for the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lectures. Then finally on 1 September 1966 he resigned his leadership duties. |
Basically from that time on people were left to themselves, to make things go right with the organization and all that which came with it, this without the direct supervision of L. Ron Hubbard. This did result in certain consequences. |
In 1968 Standard Tech was established (Class VIII) which 19 lectures addressed some of these consequences: |
“Now there've been people on the line who have put out re–written bulletins and things like that, and there is a re–written bulletin which shows just that happening. But that is bonkers! So we can assume that people who are a bit inclined to malign, knock apart and shoot the human race, and have that as their only goal, can get into Scientology and can remove things from the technical line, or pervert or alter things in the technical line, which then makes Scientology unworkable.” LRH
 (from Class VIII lecture #1 “An Introduction to Standard Tech”, given on 24 Sept 68) |
Sound snippet |
“The situation with regard to standard tech at this time is we have had a few mice. And I imagine down through the years there will be a few other mice. A bulletin gets altered, a tape gets pulled off the line, some vital action is shifted. Somebody comes tearing in with a brand new idea that seems to be absolutely vitally essential, and the first thing you know, why we have trouble of one kind or another. And tech fails. And it suddenly ceases to give the results which it should attain. |
At that time morale goes down. ‘No, Scientology doesn't work.’ These are the danger points of the past and of the future.” LRH
 (from Class VIII lecture #5 “The Standard Green Form and Rudiments”, given on 28 Sept 68) |
Sound snippet |
“And additionally, we get the wild enthusiasm of somebody, of placing material on the line which is completely additive, and has nothing to do with it, and sometimes do this and sign my name to it. And we have the wild enthusiasm for pulling key material off the line, which makes other things, then, not make any sense. And these various things have occurred in the past, and you right now have several instances of this.” LRH
 (from Class VIII lecture #11 “Assessment and Listing Basics”, given on 7 Oct 68) |
Sound snippet |
“A few bulletins, a few things come out that I haven't written, I haven't said anything about, there's some errors creep on in those things, and it throws technology out. This is what you've got to keep an eye out for.” LRH
 (from Class VIII lecture #19 “An Evaluation of Examination Answers and Data on Standard Tech”, given on 15 Oct 68) |
I don't have a soundfile for this last lecture, anyone can help me with that? Please contact me! |
By June 1970 it had caused HCO PL “Keeping Scientology Working” to be reissued which added the following notice: |
“Note: Neglect of this PL has caused great hardship on staffs, has cost countless millions and made it necessary in 1970 to engage in an all-out, international effort to restore basic Scientology over the world. Within 5 years after the issue of this PL, with me off the lines, violation had almost destroyed orgs. ‘Quickie grades’ entered in and denied gain to tens of thousands of cases. Therefore actions which neglect or violate this policy letter are HIGH CRIMES resulting in Comm Evs on ADMINISTRATORS and EXECUTIVES. It is not ‘entirely a tech matter’, as its neglect destroys orgs and caused a 2-year slump.” LRH
 (from HCO PL 7 Feb 65 (Reissued 15 Jun 70) “Keeping Scientology Working”) |
For various details about the situation being corrected see HCO PL 30 May 70 “Cutatives”. |
Per this time line we can safely assume that since March 1966 L. Ron Hubbard wasn't in particular involved anymore in handling affairs of the Scientology organization. The same can be said about the technical line and production. He was primarily involved with research and lecturing. It was not until May/June 1970 that he personally interfered.
(2) Corrections (a): ‘Triple Grades’ turn ‘Expanded Grades’ (Jun 70)
Developments |
Dates |
Expanded Lower Grades 0-IV |
Released: 25 Jun 70 |
Addenda: Given is the date that is found in ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1992 edition). |
Further data one should be able to find in the lecture as listed in ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology: Volume VII, 1970-1971’ (1976) on page 91: |
21 June 1970 |
7006C21 SPEC LECT Expanded Grades and Training” |
There is only one lecture listed on that date in ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1978 edition) which is entitled: “Ron's Address to The Grand National Convention in Los Angeles”. It is listed with the title in the 1992 release of this book as it was found in the Technical Bulletins: Volume VII entry. The 1992 release of the book notes on page 760 that he addressed amongst other the “development of Expanded Grades and standardized training”. |
Either way this appears to be the earliest recorded notice about Expanded Grades. |
The following change occurred: |
March 1970 (©1969) |
June 1970 |
Preclear grades |
Abilities attained |
turns |
Preclear grades |
Ability gained
Inability lost |
↑ |
Grade V release |
↑ |
Grade V release |
↑ |
Triple Grades release |
Intensifies and stabilizes the gains of the lower grade releases. |
↑ |
Confirmation of Expanded Lower Grades (new) |
Knowledge of having
fully made lower grades |
Freedom from cruel impulses and from being humanoid |
↑ |
Grade IV release |
↑ |
Grade IV release |
HCOB 25 Jun 70 II “Glossary of C/S Terms” addresses this as follows: |
Pcs won't like being told they ‘have to have their lower grades rerun’. Actually that's not a factual statement anyway. The lower grades harmonic into the OT Levels. They can be run again with full 1950-1960 to 1970 processes as given on the SH Courses all through the 1960s. These are now regrouped and sorted out and are called EXPANDED LOWER GRADES. Only this route will now be sold. There are no Dianetic or Scientology single–triple or ‘Quickie Lower Grades’ any more.” LRH
 (originally from ‘LRH ED 101 Int’ 21 Jun 70 “Popular Names of Developments”) |
The references involving “to recover full use and results of EXPANDED LOWER GRADES” were listed at the beginning of the above quoted HCOB. The word recover also would indicate something that was put back into use again. |
Further development and releases concerning the Expanded Grades (1971-72) are discussed in next chapter “Aug 1974-Jan 1975: ‘The Bridge to a New World’”, see section “Further Expanded Grades development (1971-72) and its representation on the latest chart”, click here to consult.
(2) Corrections (b): The issue of ‘Multiple Declare’
August 1966 established the following: |
The significances of this reference are that it also noted on the routing of it denoted that it “Applies to SH Only”. The other significance is the notice “where rehabilitation is the main action
below Grade V” which indicated a limited use. |
In 1970 we see the issuance of ‘LRH ED 100 INT’, 10 May 70 “Lower Grades Upgraded” saying: |
“Reference: HCO PL 10 May 1970 Multiple Declare Cancelled |
If you want to know why your org is having trouble with some pcs, read the above new PL. |
Declaring several Grades at once was NEVER AUTHORIZED. |
There are several processes per grade as per the Classification Chart under ‘Trained In’. These are all run if necessary to produce an attest as per the ‘Abilities Attained’ Column.” LRH |
Apparently there had been a misuse of the practice for we read in that referred to HCO PL: |
“Probably the main trouble orgs have had recently has come from
tossing aside all Lower Grades. Thus the route to Total Freedom
became impeded.” LRH |
That very HCO PL accordingly regulated: |
This HCO PL specifically cancelled HCO PL 6 Aug 66 “Declare, Multiple”, “which permitted a pc to be run from
Grade 0 to IV and declare them all at once”. With the notice that: |
“You will note that even the Multiple Declare PL (6 Aug 66) was
SH Only and was intended only for rehabilitation of already run
grades so Power could be run.” LRH
 (from HCO PL 10 May 70 “Single Declare”) |
Either way Multiple Declaring was adequately and indefinitely abolished since May 1970. |
The guideline since then being: |
“It is Policy NOT to downgrade Scientology lower grades just for
the sake of speed and Admin flows. ... |
 (from HCO PL 10 May 70 “Single Declare”) |
(2) Corrections (c): Proper attestation of grades (‘Ability Gained’ and ‘Inability Lost’)
Attestation was introduced when Abilities Gained columns appeared on the charts issued in 1966 and 1968. (discussed in earlier chapter “1966-Jan 1968: ‘Dianetic Auditor’ and ‘Dianetic Release’ appear on chart”, section “Attestation for grades (since 1966)”)
With HCO PL 14 Mar 68 “Policies Governing the Qualifications Division” appear to have been issued Grade Attestation forms. These actual forms then were later replaced with HCO PL 6 Apr 70 II “Scientology Release Attestation Form”. This divided up the attestations into Single and Triple grades. Each attestation for each grade and action (Single and Triple) had to be separately signed off on this form.
Then HCO PL 10 May 70 “Single Declare” phrases the routine of attesting as follows: |
“The examiner is permitted to ask the end phenomena question for
that grade. If the pc cannot attest he has attained it, he must be
returned to session to have the process completed, additional
processes of that grade run.” LRH |
The next sequence was the release of ‘LRH ED 103 Int’, 21 May 70 “Fast Flow Grades Cancelled” that informed about various drastic actions. It said in regards to “EXAMINER AND GRADE DECLARES”: |
“The Examiner can put the pc on a meter, can give the pc the end
phenomena of the grade he is there to declare in print or ask it
and ask if he has attained it. |
OR BAD INDICATORS ARE PRESENT the Examiner sends the pc back to the
HGC! ... |
Procedure would be (a) pc and his auditor go to Examiner; (b)
Examiner looks at the folder to see if it is okay and enough
auditing (the ‘Trained in’ processes) done for the grade; (c)
Examiner sends them back to HGC if he won't examine; or (c) puts pc
on cans; (e) notes meter OK; (f) asks or shows the end question for
the grade; (g) if pc says no it is back to the HGC, if pc says yes
it's on to Certs and Awards. |
After every session there is also an examination as per current
policy and the Exam report goes in the folder as has been done. |
It is the declare exam for a grade that has reverted to ’66 exam
procedure and which is given above.” LRH |
The earlier mentioned HCO PL 6 Apr 70 II “Scientology Release Attestation Form” was replaced by HCO PL 25 Jun 70 (Revised and reissued 17 Jul 70) “Expanded Lower Grades, Chart of Abilities Gained and Inabilities Lost”. This being the chart “used by the examiner when a pc is sent for ‘Declare?’ on a grade”. |
This appears to be an excerpt from the actual June 1970 Grade Chart that also lists Grade V and above. The December 1970 Grade Chart had minor corrections and filled in missing data although it virtually is identical to the June 1970 Grade Chart. |
A list of the full criteria for ‘Ability Gained’ and ‘Inability Lost’ as per the corrected December 1970 Grade Chart can be consulted on my introduction page for the Grade Chart, click here (separate window). |
Per HCO PL 25 Jun 70 (Revised and reissued 17 Jul 70) “Expanded Lower Grades, Chart of Abilities Gained and Inabilities Lost” it had turned: |
“The examiner first checks the pc's auditing folder to see that
every process of a Grade being attested to has been run to true End
Phenomena for each process. |
He then puts the pc on the meter noting TA and needle behaviour. |
The pc then makes a statement to the examiner which indicates
that the pc actually made the end result of a Grade. |
The examiner gets the pc to state the ability he has attained:
the exact wording of flows 1, 2 and 3 of the Grade as given below.
The pc may give the exact meaning in his own words, expressed as an
ability gained or an inability lost for that Grade.” |
The procedure was very detailed and rather precise. |
This HCO PL turned BPL in 1974, lastly revised and issued as BPL 25 Jun 70RB (Revised 27 Apr 75) “Expanded Lower Grades, Chart of Abilities Gained”. These BPL releases are sort of interesting as the list turned very brief indeed where the original HCO PL had been very extensive and detailed. Then finally in 1980 it was reissued again as an HCO PL although under another date and fully attributed to L. Ron Hubbard. Presently in use as HCO PL 23 Oct 80R (Revised 16 Nov 87) II “Chart of Abilities Gained for Lower Levels and Expanded Grades”. |
OT VII (Sept 70) & OT VIII (to be released)
Newly listed we find on this latest chart: |
Developments |
Dates |
Released: 20 Sept 70 |
Released: Never officially released
First mention made: 26 Aug 68*
Announced at least since: Oct 68* |
Addenda: Given are the dates that are found in ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1992 edition). The date indicated with * refers to HCOB 26 Aug 68 “The Class VIII Course”, * is per ‘Advance 2’, [ca Oct 68]. |
Be it noted though that the June 1970 Grade Chart listed OT VII still as ‘to be released’. The December 1970 Grade Chart adjusted to this.
Various further additions on the chart
The June 1970 Grade Chart also added: |
June 1970 |
Auditor classes |
Certificate |
Preclear grades |
Processes audited |
↑ |
... |
... |
↑ |
... |
... |
↑ |
Consultant (new) |
Hubbard Consultant (HC) |
↑ |
ARC Straightwire Release |
... |
Introductory Levels of Study and Application |
↑ |
... |
... |
↑ |
Life Repair (new)
Completion |
2 Way Comm and
according to CS |
↑ |
↑ |
Group Processing (new)
Completion |
Group Processes |
“HUBBARD CONSULTANT, a Hubbard Consultant is skilled in testing, two-way comm, consultation, programming and interpersonal relations. This is the certificate especially awarded to persons trained to handle personnel, students and staff. These technologies and special training were developed to apply Scn auditing skills to the field of administration especially. An HC is not an auditor but a consultant. HC is a requisite for course supervisors and student consultants. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III) Abbr. HC.” |
(from ‘Modern Management Technology Defined’* (released 1976)) |
This could be seen as interesting as this was apparently not an auditor and still it was placed on the chart like that. It was still present at the December 1970 Grade Chart. The January 1975 Grade Chart then does not list it anymore.
Group Processing and Life Repair can be seen as pre-actions prior to actually following the standards steps of the chart. They were referred to if found necessary and thus conditional. Subject to the adjudication of the CS (Case Supervisor). These remained standard actions (esp. Life Repair) although since the mid-’80s they may not be listed anymore at the same location on the chart. |
Either way the June 1970 Grade Chart was the first to make mention of them. |
Aug 1974-Jan 1975: ‘The Bridge to a New World’
“The ‘NEW’ thing to do is the Grade Chart. Everything you are doing should contribute to getting the pc up the Bridge. THIS is the Bridge. |
There is a new Grade Chart being prepared which has some changes in it, based on recent discoveries. It is urgent that you know of these in advance.”
 (from HCOB 31 Aug 74 “New Grade Chart”) |
A sort of noteworthy change that is not actually addressed in this HCOB was that the previous columns ‘Ability Gained’ and ‘Inability Lost’ (still on December 1970 Grade Chart) were blended together into just one column (named ‘Ability Gained’). In addition the different flows (F1, F2 & F3) as previously given in detail for the Lower Grades on the earlier chart were taken off. A consideration may have been because of surveyability and easy oversight of the chart itself (after all the various attestation forms still would have been kept intact as they were or pretty much so), nonetheless this change should not be regarded as insignificant.
Study technology (BSM) as a prerequisite & minor other changes worth mentioning
December 1970 |
January 1975 (©1974) |
Auditor classes |
Certificate |
turns |
Auditor classes |
Certificate |
↑ |
Standard Dianetic Auditor |
Hubbard Dianetic Counselor (HDC) |
↑ |
Permanent HDC |
↑ |
Standard Dianetic Auditor |
Hubbard Dianetic Counselor (HDC) (Prov.) |
↑ |
Consultant |
Hubbard Consultant (HC) |
↑ |
Not classed |
Hubbard Scientology Student (new) |
Introductory Levels of Study and Application |
↑ |
Not classed |
... |
↑ |
Not classed |
... |
The Standard Dianetic Auditor changed to be listed as a Provisional status and as a Permanent. Basically it meant that by then you had proven by application that you had the skills (so-called Internship). The ordinary Auditor classes already had been listed like that. |
Then the Hubbard Consultant was skipped from the chart. Instead it listed the Hubbard Scientology Student which was just a person having done the Basic Study Manual (BSM) and could apply study procedures. It functioned here as a prerequisite to the Standard Dianetic Auditor course where the previous chart didn't have any prerequisite. So this chart is the first to make mention of and introduce so-called study technology. |
The Drug Rundown (Oct 71)
January 1975 (©1974) |
Auditor classes |
Certificate |
Preclear grades |
Ability gained |
↑ |
... |
... |
↑ |
Expanded ARC Straightwire Release |
Know he/she won't get any worse |
↑ |
Drug Rundown Completion (new) |
Freedom from harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and medicine and free from need to take them |
Introductory Levels of Study and Application |
↑ |
Life Repair
Completion |
Awareness of truth and the way of personal freedom |
↑ |
... |
... |
↑ |
Group Processing
Completion |
Awareness that change is available |
↑ |
... |
... |
↑ |
... |
... |
↑ |
... |
... |
Placing it on the Grade Chart was ordained by HCOB 31 Aug 74 “New Grade Chart”. It made specifc reference to HCOB 31 May 74 “Unhandled Drugs and Ethics” that said: |
“Several recent cases have come to light where the person was permitted to go on upper grades, Expanded Dianetics, Power and even OT Levels whose drugs had not been handled. |
In each case there was no or poor case gain, organizational upsets and wasted auditing.” LRH |
Accordingly a measure had been taken: |
Which then was reflected on this latest Grade Chart. |
But there was a pre-history about these drugs. Various matters relating to it had already been addressed in some earlier published references i.e. HCOB 28 Aug 68 II “Drugs” & HCOB 29 Aug 68 “Drug Data”. |
Then HCOB 25 Oct 71 “Drug Drying Out” explains the following: |
“When the world went druggie (about 1960), this problem of drying out became one of the first order. It was not just a problem to us. All pre-Scientology efforts failed—and had been failing for all Man's history. But relatively small numbers had been involved. After 1960 the problem became planet-wide.” LRH |
And observing the following: |
“It occasionally happens that someone is still on drugs when he or she requires drug processing. |
This sets up a very rough problem. |
If the person is still on drugs, processing will have little effect. He will not cease to be a drug addict. The drugs trap him.” LRH |
And offering some proposals to solution for withdrawal symptoms (when coming off drugs): |
“1. |
Light objective (look outward, take attention off body) processes ease the gradual withdrawal and make it possible. |
2. |
Nutritionist experiments indicate that vitamins assist the withdrawal.” LRH |
It proposes something that is referred to as a Drug Bomb (heavy doses of vitamins). A note is made to administer with great caution. See for further details this HCOB. |
The HCOB further noted that neither of these remedies will “fully handle drugs”. Then saying that “The person on vitamins if not processed will relapse.”. And so there was something that was referred to as a Drug Rundown. This was issued as HCOB 25 Oct 71 II “The Special Drug Rundown”. It was later reissued as a BTB which would mean that it was not actually compiled by L. Ron Hubbard. I have not been able to consult a full copy of this, there were various revisions of this reference. Do you have any of these be it the HCOB or the BTB version? Then please contact me! |
An entry about the reference is though found in ‘Modern Management Technology Defined’ (released 1976). It states amongst other that: “The Special Drug Rundown was issued to handle persons currently on drugs. Such persons have to be weaned off drugs in order to be audited.”. It recommends as the first step a full TR (Training Routine) course and then objective processes (in order to get the person into present time). After that you may start a standard Drug Rundown. |
What does this auditing actually address? This is very accurately phrased on the (December 1978) Grade Chart at ‘Subject Audited’: “Attitudes, emotions, sensations and pains connected with taking and prior to taking drugs, medicine and alcohol”. |
A further remedy was later proposed in HCOB 5 Nov 74 “Drugs, More About” which is referred to as Cal-Mag Formula. That the HCOB notes as “being in a research phase”. Which purpose was to supply to body with suffient doses of Calcium and Magnesium to respectively counteract “Muscular spasms” and “Nervous reactions”. The HCOB then notes that this was worked on previously in 1973. The recipe of this Formula is provided for in this HCOB.
HCOB 23 Dec 71 “The No-Interference Area” makes a notice in regards to Solo Grades. That if “It will be found that a pc cannot confront doing Solo Grades.”, that “The reason will be found to be Drugs.”. Then saying that “All pcs who ‘cannot run engrams’ CAN run Drug Engrams. They are afraid because they get into the bank heavily when on Drugs. Only Drugs can be run.” LRH.
Then HCOB 4 Apr 72 (Revised 30 May 72) “Primary Rundown (Revised)” notes the following: “Students who are or have been on Drugs need a Drug Rundown before tackling Method 1. Drugs fog up a student and prevent gains. And he loses the gains he gets.” LRH. That which may be interesting is that this reference specifically makes reference to HCOB 25 Oct 71 II “The Special Drug Rundown”.
Further Expanded Grades development (1971-72) and its representation on the latest chart
On this chart the Expanded Grades appear now properly integrated. Nonetheless an interesting correlation surfaces when the Ability Gained columns compare Confirmation of Expanded Lower Grades with Expanded Dianetics Completion. Be it noted though that Expanded Dianetics was a conditional action for persons cases that did not resolve easily (see respective section about Expanded Dianetics further below).
December 1970 |
January 1975 (©1974) |
Preclear grades |
Ability gained/
Inability lost |
turns |
Preclear grades |
Ability gained |
↑ |
Grade V Release |
... |
↑ |
Grade V Release |
... |
Knowledge of having fully made lower grades
 Freedom from cruel impulses and from being humanoid |
↑ |
Expanded Dianetics Completion (new) |
Freedom from cruel impulses and chronic an unwanted conditions.
Able to act without restraint |
↑ |
Confirmation of Expanded Lower Grades |
↑ |
Grade IV Release |
... |
↑ |
Expanded Grade IV Release |
... |
↑ |
Grade III Release |
... |
↑ |
Expanded Grade III Release |
... |
↑ |
Grade II Release |
... |
↑ |
Expanded Grade II Release |
... |
↑ |
Grade I Release |
... |
↑ |
Expanded Grade I Release |
... |
↑ |
Grade 0 Release |
... |
↑ |
Expanded Grade 0 Release |
... |
↑ |
Dianetic Case Completion |
... |
↑ |
Dianetic Case
Completion |
... |
↑ |
ARC Straightwire Release |
... |
↑ |
Expanded ARC Straightwire Release |
... |
Noted ‘Expanded Grades’ developments in the interim 1971-Jan 72
Since the introduction of Expanded Grades earlier in June 1970 and its appearance on the June 1970 Grade Chart various developments and releases have been noted.
A further release from October 1971 tells: |
A compilation of these Expanded Grade Processes can be found in a series of HCOBs that first were issued in early January 1972. Each came with the notice: “This Bulletin gives a checklist of the Expanded Triple Grade Process Commands. It is not all the possible processes for this level. If more are needed to attain full EP for the level, additional processes can be found in LRH Bulletins, Books , Tapes, PABS, and other issues.”. There were: |
Reference |
Title |
HCOB 4 Jan 72 |
“0-IV Expanded Grade Processes - Triples, Part A, ARC Straightwire, Secondaries & Engrams” |
HCOB 5 Jan 72 II |
“0-IV Expanded Grade Processes - Triples, Part B, Grade 0 Processes” |
HCOB 6 Jan 72 |
“0-IV Expanded Grade Processes - Triples, Part C, Grade 1 Processes” |
HCOB 7 Jan 72 II |
“0-IV Expanded Grade Processes - Triples, Part D, Grade 2 Processes” |
HCOB 8 Jan 72 III |
“0-IV Expanded Grade Processes - Triples, Part E, Grade 3 Processes” |
HCOB 9 Jan 72 II |
“0-IV Expanded Grade Processes - Triples, Part F, Grade 4 Processes” |
They got several times revised and then turned BTB in 1974 as they were not actually compiled by L. Ron Hubbard. |
Then by November 1976 these Triples were replaced with Quadruples. These are addressed in next chapter “(Dec) 1978: ‘NED’ and ‘NED for OTs’ appear on the chart”, section “Expanded Grade Processes (0-IV): ‘Triples’ turn ‘Quadruples’ ”. |
Expanded Dianetics (XDN) (Apr 72)
January 1975 (©1974) |
Auditor classes |
Certificate |
Processes taught |
Preclear grades |
Ability gained |
↑ |
Class V Auditor |
Hubbard Validated Auditor (HVA) |
... |
↑ |
Grade V Release |
Ability to handle power |
↑ |
Expanded Dianetics
Case Supervisor (new) |
(Prov. untill HSS-Class VI C/S) |
Expanded Dn. basics, EX DN set-ups, R3R of intentions and purposes, assessments and R3R to handle the present environment, past auditing, valences, emotional stress, chronic somatics, wants handled, hidden standards, responsibility, metalosis RD, PTS RD, assists and repairs and C/Sing on EX DN against the OCA. End result is an ability to audit others to Expanded Dn case completion. |
↑ |
Expanded Dianetics Completion
(new) |
Freedom from cruel impulses and chronic and unwanted conditions.
Able to act without restraint |
↑ |
Ex Dn Auditor (new) |
↑ |
Expanded Dianetics Auditor (new) |
Hubbard Graduate Dianetic Specialist (HGDS) (Prov.) |
↑ |
Class IV Auditor |
Hubbard Advanced Auditor (HAA) |
... |
↑ |
Expanded Grade IV Release |
Moving out of fixed conditions and gaining abilities to do new things |
Scientology dictionary entry: |
“EXPANDED DIANETICS, 1. that branch of Dn. Which uses Dn. in special ways for specific purposes. It is not HSDC Dn. Its position on the Grade Chart would be just above Class IV. Its proper number is Class IVA. It uses Dn. to change an Oxford Capacity Analysis (or an American Personality Analysis) and is run directly against these analysis graphs and the Science of Survival Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation. Expanded Dianetics is not the same as Standard Dn. as it requires special training and advanced skills. The main difference between these two branches is that Standard Dn. is very general in application. Expanded Dn. is very specifically adjusted to the PC. Some PCs, particularly heavy drug cases, or who have been given injurious psychiatric treatment or who are physically disabled or who are chronically ill or who have had trouble running engrams (to name a few) require a specially adapted technology. (HCOB 15 Apr 72) 2. it takes November 1970 discoveries about insanity and puts the handling of the roughest cases and chronic illness into the hands of auditors who do not have to be trained for years. (Orders of the Day 15 Sept 72) 3. research has revealed an upper level strata of Dn. Out of the original Dn. project has emerged a new set of skills. These are in fact a sort of OT level handling of Dn. for special cases. (ED 149R Flag) Abbr. EX DN, XDN, EXP DN.” |
(from ‘Modern Management Technology Defined’ (released 1976)) |
This should make it rather evident that Expanded Dianetics (XDN) is a conditional course of action. |
The basic outset is found in 4 lectures that were given to the students on the first Expanded Dianetics Course. These were: |
7203C30 SO XDN-1 “Expanded Dianetics”
7204C07 SO XDN-2 “Expanded Dianetics and Word Clearing”
7204C07 SO XDN-3 “Auditor Administration”
7204C07 SO XDN-4 “Illness Breakthrough” |
Expanded Dianetics came with various explaining reference material that as time progressed was further developed and elaborated upon. Below link aims to give a detailed overview of the various releases, tracking their history, to inform that what once was in use but not today, and how the original materials relate to the later releases: |
‘Expanded Dianetics Series’ and related references (pop-up window) |
The periodical ‘Clear News 79 (AOLA Edition)’ [Jan 73] notes on page 5: “Expanded Dianetics is a precise action which handles such things as a pc's fixated interests, unhandled things that he wants handled, intentions and evil purposes and much more!”.
In later days and in particular in 1984 another rundown was taken from these materials that became known as the False Purpose Rundown (FPRD). There was however a significant difference, which was that the primary function of the FPRD appears to have been actual Sec Checking. The matter being that XDN uses all four flows, where the FPRD focuses on just one flow. I explain this in detail in my “Scientology: ‘Security Checking’ - A chronology” study, see chapter “Establishment of False Purpose Rundown (FPRD) (Jun 84)”. Consult here (separate window).
Expanded Dianetics could said to be aiming at a complete handling. Also it was done (if called for) as an action that was part of your walk on the actual Grade Chart, where the FPRD is not. I find it being of particular importance to note these differences. It gets the more relevant as later at different time intervals this XDN disappeared from listing on this Grade Chart (disappeared since January 1982 Grade Chart and finally reappeared on the 1991 Grade Chart (the XDN Auditor on the chart itself as Class VA Graduate, the service was placed on the side as an additional processing service that may be done at various points at the Bridge).
The Solo Auditor Course (Jul 70)
Solo Auditing had been introduced in December 1964. It however required you to become at least a Provisional Class VI Auditor (ref. HCOB 8 Dec 64 “Solo Auditing and R6 EW Solo Auditing”). Then it was not inaugurated for non-professional preclears until October 1965 (ref. HCO PL 25 Oct 65 “Saint Hill Solo Audit Course”). |
Details about this pre-development of the Solo Auditor and various other matters directly relating can be consulted on my introduction page “History of the Grade Chart - a) General overview”, chapter “‘Processing versus Training prerequisites’ or ‘Training for Preclears’”. Or click here (separate window). |
The Solo Auditor does not appear prominently placed on any earlier released Grade Chart as it was on this latest one. Then it could be seen as odd that such a course first appears and is offered as a service to the public in ‘Advance! 15’, [late 1970]. Although obviously some sort of course had been available prior to that. |
The first chart (May 1965) had it listed as “R6 Processes Solo” and the following 3 charts (1965-66) all as “Class VI for Self” (which would indicate that it required you being a Class VI Auditor). We find an actual “Solo Audit Course” as such first noted on the 1st January
1968 Grade Chart. New however was how it was represented on the this latest Grade Chart. It was implemented directly between Grade VA and Grade VI on the Processing side of the chart although it was actually training. |
January 1975 (©1974) |
Preclear grades |
Ability gained |
Where obtained |
Training required |
↑ |
Grade VI Release |
Return of powers to act on own determinism–Freedom from dramatization |
Organizations (AO) |
Solo Audit Course |
↑ |
Solo Auditor (new) |
Ability to solo audit |
Organizations (AO) |
No training required but HSDC recommended |
↑ |
Solo Set-ups (new) |
Fully prepared for solo auditing |
Organizations (AO)
or Saint Hills (SH) |
No training required |
↑ |
Grade VA Release |
Recovery of knowledge |
Saint Hills (SH) |
No training required |
“Solo Setups: These setups are varied and are simply those auditing actions that a person needs to prepare him for the upper auditing levels.” |
“Solo Course: While this is a course, it is a prerequisite to the auditing levels to follow, as they are all ‘solo’ auditing levels, in that the person does the auditing himself. This course trains one in how to solo audit.” |
(from ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1978 edition), page 12) |
The notice as it appears in HCOB 31 Aug 74 “New Grade Chart” is as follows: |
“Set-ups for Solo are fully covered on HCO B 8 Jan 72R, Revised 8 July 74, Solo C/S Series 11 R. |
This will be included as part of Solo on the Grade Chart as it is a vital step. |
Pcs won't make it on Solo if they aren't set up.” |
The title of the referred to reference is “Advanced Courses C/S Checklist on Folders of New Students Onto Solo Course” and it is not listed particularly as confidential although it is not found in the regular publications such as‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes. Nor are any of other references that appear in the Solo C/S Series. |
Course checksheets released in the 1970-75 time span: |
Reference |
Title |
HCO PL 8 Jul 70 |
“Standard Solo Course Qual Section” (Confidential) |
HCO PL 12 Jul 70 |
“R6EW Solo Audit Course” (Confidential) |
HCO PL 12 Dec 71
(Revised 3 Feb 72 -R-, Revised 27 Jul 72 -RA-, Revised 30 Jun 73 -RB-, Revised 22 Jun 75) |
“The Solo Auditor Course” |
‘Clear News 77 (AOLA Edition)’, [Oct 72] notes on page 2: “Today, the Solo Audit Course is quite different than the course of the same name a year ago.”. Mentioning that “The Solo Audit Course now has more policy, more technical material, the new Solo Meter Drills and Solo TRs.”. And “now covered in two checksheets: A super fast Solo Audit Course checksheet and a separate R6EW Checksheet so that a student learns to Solo Audit first before he starts running the R6 Materials.”. Also noting: “The Student Hat has been dropped as a prerequisite to the Solo Audit Course.”. |
Class IX, X, XI & XII Auditor (1971)
January 1975 (©1974) |
Auditor classes |
Certificate |
Processes taught |
Where obtained |
↑ |
Class XII Auditor
(new) |
Class XII Auditor |
L-12 The Flag O.T. Executive Rundown |
Flag |
↑ |
Class XI Auditor
(new) |
Class XI Auditor |
L-11 New Life Rundown
L-11 Expanded
New Life Expansion Rundown |
Flag |
↑ |
Class X Auditor
(new) |
Class X Auditor |
L-10 O.T. An upper level rundown whose basic tech comes from research into increasing O.T. powers |
Flag |
↑ |
Class IX Auditor
(new) |
Hubbard Advanced Technical Specialist (HATS) |
Advanced procedures and developments since Class VIII |
Saint Hills (SH) |
↑ |
Class VIII Auditor |
Hubbard Standard Technical Specialist (HSTS) |
Class VIII procedures, all case set up actions, all processes and corrective actions O.T. processes and reviews |
Saint Hills (SH) |
Note: The entries as found under Processes taught are the same that are found in ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’. This is about all the actual published information about these. In fact this dictionary gives as a source this very Grade Chart. |
Class IX is about various corrective steps and other actions.
These so-called L-Rundowns (Ls) are usually referred to as prestige auditing. Indeed they are the highest level of auditing available and apparently require an expert auditor to deliver them. They can be received as early as you are a Grade IV Graduate. People tell that it would safe money if you would these Ls first and then continue moving on the Grade Chart, it will go much faster and will safe you money and effort. If you don't do them directly after Grade IV you have to wait till after OT III.
There is also found a recommendation in HCOB 31 May 71 “Best Advance Program” to do L10 following OT III Expanded (see for details next section “OT III Expanded (Sept 69) & Changes in the presentation of the OT levels”).
Couse checksheets released in the 1971-75 time span (there will be others, but these are the only records that I have): |
Reference |
Title |
HCO PL 2 May 71 |
“Class IX Course Checksheet” |
BPL 2 May 71R
(Revised 30 Mar 75) |
“Class IX Course Checksheet” |
HCO PL 6 Aug 71
(Revised 22 Sept 71,
Revised 30 Jun 75) |
“Org Auditor Okay to Audit Checksheet Section G,
Okay To Audit Class IX” |
HCO PL 6 Aug 71 V |
“Class IX Interneship Checksheet” |
BPL 6 Aug 71RA V
(Revised 23 Nov 76) |
“Class IX Interneship Checksheet” |
HCO PL 23 Oct 71 |
“Confidential Class X Checksheet” |
HCO PL 6 Aug 71
(Revised 22 Sept 71) |
“Org Auditor Okay to Audit Checksheet Section H,
Okay To Audit Class X” |
HCO PL 11 Nov 73 |
“Confidential Class XI Checksheet” |
OT III Expanded (Sept 69) & Changes in the presentation of the OT levels
(Includes: OT IIIX: (1) Introduction (Sept 69); (2) ‘Best Advance Program’ (May 71); (3) ‘OT Expansion Program’ (Jan 72))
January 1975 (©1974) |
Preclear grades |
Processes audited |
Ability gained |
↑ |
OT VIII and Above |
“There are perhaps 15 levels above OT VII fully developed but existing only in unissued note form, pending more people's full attainment of OT VI & VII” |
L. Ron Hubbard |
Section VIII O.T. and Above |
↑ |
... |
Section VII O.T. |
↑ |
... |
Section VI O.T. |
↑ |
OT V |
... |
Section V O.T. |
↑ |
... |
Section IV O.T. |
↑ |
OT III Expanded (new) |
... |
Section III O.T. Expanded |
↑ |
OT VII Processes (new) |
... |
Section VII OT Processes EP |
↑ |
... |
Section III O.T. |
↑ |
... |
Section II O.T. |
↑ |
OT I |
... |
Section I O.T. |
↑ |
Clear |
... |
Ability to be at cause over mental matter, energy, space and time on the 1st dynamic (Survival for self) |
The previous columns “Ability Gained” and “Inability Lost” as still found on the December 1970 Grade Chart were blended together into one column (“Ability Gained”). |
Interestingly enough with this new chart we do not see anymore the Ability Gained characteristics for the OT levels as we saw them on the previous chart. It is not clear to me why this was. By further examination it appears that the very last time these EPs (End Phenomenas) of these upper levels were published was in ‘Clear News 93 (AOLA edition)’ [ca Sept/Oct 73]. |
Interesting is also the notice at “OT VIII and Above” that reads: “There are perhaps 15 levels above OT VII fully developed but existing only in unissued note form, pending more people's full attainment of OT VI & VII” which is taken from HCOB 30 Jul 73 “Scientology, Current State of the Subject and Materials”. In a sense it seems to substitute the actual release of the long awaited OT VIII. You don't release, but instead increase the promise with more levels. |
More data on this on my page “The whereabouts of L. Ron Hubbard chronology”, chapter “The dropping out of the original OT VIII (1972-73)”. Or click here (separate window). |
OT III Expanded (1): Introduction (Sept 69)
“You will note that ‘OT VII’ is apparently out of sequence. It originally went OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT VI, OT VII. Then it was found that there was a level OT III Expanded. So it can go OT III, OT VII, OT IIIX, OT IV, OT V, OT VI or it can go OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT VI, OT VII, OT IIIX. One gets the most out of it by taking VII after OT III and then OT IV, OT V and OT VI really bite. Many persons were too nervous of OT III to do it well until a drug rundown and OT VII were done. Others thought OT III was endless and OT VII handled that.” LRH
(from HCOB 3 Feb 72 “R6EW–OT III No Interference Area”)
Various entries found in periodical Clear News (AOLA Edition): |
‘Clear News 71 (AOLA Edition)’, [early 72], page 4 |
‘Clear News 73 (AOLA
Edition)’, [Jun 72], page 4 |
‘Clear News 75 (AOLA
Edition)’, [Aug 72], page 4 |
‘Clear News 79 (AOLA
Edition)’, [Jan 73], page 5 |
Section III O.T. Expanded follows OT VII. At OT III Expanded one realizes the full potential gain of OT III. One crosses the wall of fire for good - to emerge a free being able to confront and handle the physical universe without barriers. |
At OT III Expanded one realizes the full potential gain of OT III. One crosses the wall of fire for good to emerge a free being able to confront and handle the physical universe without barriers.
OT III Expanded is free to anybody successfully completing OT VII. |
Allows one to fully confront and handle any residual effects of OT III. The Wall of Fire becomes a past hurdle on the road to full OT. The wins and gains are a huge expansion of oneself as an OT - completely unencumbered and free. |
Through the Wall of Fire for good. The wins and gains are huge - the fullest possible gains from OT III! |
It appears that OT III Expanded (often referred to as OT IIIX) dates back to as early as September 1969 at which time it was released (ref. ‘Advance! 18’, [Apr-May 73], article: “A History of Advanced Courses”). It does not however appear on any Grade Chart issued in the ’70s. As far as the Grade Charts go it is first noted on the January 1975 Grade Chart. Initially it may just have been that what it said, an expansion to OT III, it may have been only conditional for some. For a while at least it may also have been still in a testing phase.
The periodical ‘Clear News 3 (AOLA Edition)’, 21 Nov 69 on its front page makes notice of a person that had gone “FROM EXPANDED OT III TO OT VI IN A FEW DAYS (6 days)”. A little later it notes “a list of improved services inaugurated in the past few weeks:”. At #4 it names “Free Expanded OT III for those paid up on old OT III.”. The first OT III Expanded competions that I find listed anywhere are in this Clear News #3, and there are 8 of them. |
‘Clear News 4 (AOLA Edition)’, 28 Nov 69 notes “AOLA has backed up its production of 100% Standard Tech. the result is almost daily production of Expanded OT III's and higher levels”. |
Success stories of these appear to be published frequently in the periodical together with these from other completions. |
‘Clear News 13 (AOLA Edition)’, 6 Feb 70 on its front page notes in an article entitled “MORE AND MORE OT III EXPANDED SUCCESSES”: “We're turning out real OT III Expandeds by the dozen (lots of Clears and OT levels too). These are the real exciting successes.”. It does give the impression that OT III Expanded in a sense may separated itself from the other regular OT levels judging from the nature of the success stories published. Or it may also be that this was simply the most recent service that had been released and therefore in particular had to be promoted.
Some observations had been made since the release of OT VII (20 Sept 70). ‘Clear News 44 (AOLA Edition)’, [Nov-Dec 70] on its front page noted a “tremendous surge of new OTs produced”. Then it says: “The release of OT VII has been the big turning point. After OT VII an OT has no trouble on the tough ‘wall-of-fire’ level – OT III. Many OT VIIs are receiving OT III to find extra gains and results.”. And it was also found that: “Results on Dianetics and Expanded Grades are also much faster and complete after OT VII.”. |
Then ‘Clear News 49 (AOLA Edition)’, [Jan 71] on its front page promotes: “Those incomplete on OT III or who are unstable at upper OT levels should contact the Advanced Courses Supervisor about the possibility of doing OT VII right away!”. |
Finally ‘Clear News 54 (AOLA Edition)’, [ca Apr 71] on its front page that addressed “EXPANDED GRADES AND DIANETICS FOR O.T.s.” recommends: “The lineup recommended to all Clears and OTs is – complete your OT levels through OT III and OT VII before doing your Expanded Grades and Dianetics. This program is what is being done on the Flag Ship and at AOLA at this time. This is the correct sequence of actions for Clears and OTs.”. Explained with: “The reason for this line up is because one receives far greater gains and more easily on Expanded Grades and Dianetics after completing OT III Expanded and OT VII.”. |
OT III Expanded (2): ‘Best Advance Program’ (May 71)
1. |
Dianetics to an EP |
2. |
Scientology ARC Straight Wire |
3. |
Triple Grades |
4. |
Power |
5. |
R6EW |
6. |
Clear |
7. |
OT I |
8. |
9. |
10. |
LDN* OT III and Handle |
11. |
12. |
OT III Expanded |
13. |
L10 |
14. |
Dianetics to full EP |
15. |
Expanded Grades to full EP each grade |
16. |
17. |
OT V |
18. |
19. |
OT VII Rehab |
20. |
Any new OT Levels” LRH
(from HCOB 31 May 71 “Best Advance Program”) |
* [LDN is a list used for Pcs on OT III or above.] |
This HCOB was revised reissued in October 1971. This was as it said because of the enforcement of “The sale of 12½ hours Intensives” (see HCOB 31 May 71R (Revised 21 Oct 71) “Standard 12½ Hour Intensive Programs”). |
It appears that the confidential HCOB 9 Jul 71 clearly indentifies OT IIIX as just being an OT III after OT VII.
HCOB 3 Feb 72 “R6EW–OT III No Interference Area” lists them as: |
“7. |
Operating Thetan III to attest. |
8. |
Operating Thetan VII (audited by an auditor level) to attest. |
9. |
OT III Expanded to attest. |
10. |
OT IV. |
11. |
OT V. |
12. |
OT VI. |
13. |
OT VIII as released.” LRH |
With the notice directly following: |
“After 7 above (OT III) or after 9 above (OT III Expanded) one can run more Dianetics, Expanded Grades, GF40, the famous L10 or do any other case action. One cannot profitably do these actions between Solo R6 and OT III. That's just the way the bank is.” LRH |
OT III Expanded (3): ‘OT Expansion Program’ (Jan 72)
Then ‘FO 3112’, 30 Jan 72 “OT III Expanded” introduced the following: |
“OT EXPANSION PROGRAM, the sequence of promotion and delivery of OT III and OT III Expanded is (1) OT III. (2) completion of past auditing cycles in the AO HGC and any required case handling actions, such as C/S 53, GF 40X and any other set-up for OT VII, as determined by the C/S. (3) OT VII. (4) OT III Expanded. The surveyed selling name for the section of auditing between OT III and OT VII is OT Expansion Program. (FO 3112)” |
(from ‘Modern Management Technology Defined’* (released 1976)) |
Thus it was placed between OT III and OT VII (Processes): |
Levels |
↑ |
↑ |
↑ |
OT V |
↑ |
↑ |
OT III Expanded (new) |
↑ |
OT VII Processes (new) |
↑ |
>> OT Expansion Program << |
↑ |
↑ |
↑ |
OT I |
↑ |
Clear |
Nonetheless this is not reflected or named on the actual Grade Chart that was issued in January 1975. We also see that the OT Expansion Program continues to appear on price lists well into 1978.
As addressed in the various promotion materials as found in periodicals: |
‘Clear News 71 (AOLA Edition)’, [early 72], page 4 |
‘Clear News 73 (AOLA
Edition)‘, [Jun 72], page 4 |
‘Clear News 79 (AOLA
Edition)’, [Jan 73], page 5 |
After the great “Wall of Fire” you emerge from the R6EW to OT III No Interference Band and move on to the O.T. Expansion Program. Here you complete any past auditing cycles and any required case handling in the AO HGC. |
Right after OT III you complete the OT Expansion Program. This handles any needed completion of past auditing cycles in the AO HGC and any required Case Handling actions. The program fully sets a Pre-OT up for OT VII and OT III Expanded. |
The OT Expansion Program is auditing done after the person is out of the No Interference Area (R6EW - OT III) or after OT III Expanded. The auditing can include all required case handling actions such as Dianetics, Expanded Grades, case clean-up or Expanded Dianetics. These actions are done in AOLA's HGC under our Class IX, HSST Case Supervisor. |
This would deem it being a conditional course of action.
It have been told at Flag by various persons that the old OT VII equalled the New OT III. This however may not be entirely true. In essence the New OT levels (in particular OT IV-VII) were separate from and developed much later in time. An old OT III however would still in essence equal a recent OT III completion. It's just that the original levels OT IIIX, IV, V, VI and VII had been dropped. True is that OT VII (on the old bridge) was placed to be received prior to OT IV. I don't know however in which degree the old OT VII and OT IIIX would have been integrated into that New OT III. Per the data that I have and the fact that OT III did not turn to be addressed as New OT III it does not seem so. Therefore it does not appear to be the case (at least technically) that an old OT VII would equal a recent OT III.
In essence these sequences being changed and switched around here and there should not be seen as an inconsistency, this for the simple reason that it was not until very recently (back in 1969-70) that the various OT levels had been released. This was a time where it was still a matter of finding out how different people would respond to the various processes and to secure a road that in effect would work for any random individual. |
However that which may be perceived as disturbing or rather confusing is the fact that it all so much later in time got abandoned, although we still find frequent referrals to this old OT IIIX and the old bridge specifics in the 1991 release of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes. Lacking is also the explanation what actually happened with all that and why it was assumed superfluous. |
..R, ..RA, ..RB (etc) or #R, #RA (etc):
For example: ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70R’ & ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70RA’, etc. The given date denotes the first time it has been published in issue-form. The R, RA indication may also follow after an issue-number. The R stands for ‘Revision’ and would refer to that it has been revised since it was first published.
If it is revised a 2nd time it is indicated as RA, a 3rd time RB, then RC, and so on.
‘Advanced Organization Los Angeles’: A Scientology organization which services higher level auditing & training, located in Los Angeles, USA.
‘Affinity, Reality, Communication’. A word from the initial letters of Affinity, Reality, Communication which together equate to Understanding. It is pronounced by stating its letters, A-R-C. To Scientologists it has come to mean good feeling, love or friendliness, such as “He was in ARC with his friend.” (LRH Def. Notes)
ARC break:
1. An incomplete cycle of some kind or another. It's a lowering of Affinity, Reality and Communication, so we call it an ARC break. (SH Spec 65, 6507C27) 2. A sudden drop or cutting of one's affinity, reality, or communication with someone or something. Upsets with people or things come about because of a lessening or sundering of affinity, reality, or communication or understanding. It's called an ARC break instead of an upset, because, if one discovers which of the three points of understanding have been cut, one can bring about a rapid recovery in the person's state of mind. (LRH Def. Notes) Abbr. ARCX
ARC Straightwire:
‘Affinity, Reality, Communication’. Basically these are procedures that have as purpose to establish a communication with the auditor in session in where one has the ability to recollect and communicate about it. This is a conditional action. 1. When we say straightwire, we're simply talking about stringing a line from cause to effect through the past. (5410CM07) 2. Straight memory is also called straightwire because the auditor is directing the memory of the preclear and in doing so is stringing wire, much on the order of a telephone line, between “I” and the standard memory bank. (Science of Survival, Bk. 2, p. 64) 3. A technique of direct memory. (5009CM23B)
‘American Saint Hill Organization’. A higher level Scientology organization residing in Los Angeles.
‘Board Technical Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on cream paper. These are the issues of the Boards of Directors of the Churches of Scientology and are separate and distinct from HCO Bulletins written by LRH. Only LRH issues may be printed green on white for Technical Bulletins and only LRH issues may have the prefix HCO. These Board issues are valid as tech. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I, New Issues).
This issue-type was established in January 1974. In December 1974 a project was started to cancel HCOBs not written by L. Ron Hubbard and if still found being of value having them reissued as BTBs. By 1980 all BTBs had been revoked.
‘Case/Supervisor’. 1. That person in a Scientology Church who gives instructions regarding, and supervises the auditing of preclears. The abbreviation C/S can refer to the Case Supervisor or to the written instructions of a case supervisor depending on context. (BTB 12 Apr 72R) 2. The C/S is the case supervisor. He has to be an accomplished and properly certified auditor and a person trained additionally to supervise cases. The C/S is the auditor's “handler.” He tells the auditor what to do, corrects his tech, keeps the lines straight and keeps the auditor calm and willing and winning. The C/S is the pc's case director. His actions are done for the pc. (Dianetics Today, Bk. 3, p. 545)
1. What we mean by Clear is an erasure of the mental mass which inhibits their thinking, postulating, and so on. (SH Spec 75, 6608C16) 2. An unaberrated person. He is rational in that he forms the best possible solutions he can on the data he has and from his viewpoint. He obtains the maximum pleasure for the organism, present and future, as well as for the subjects along the other dynamics. The Clear has no engrams which can be restimulated to throw out the correctness of computation by entering hidden and false data in it. (Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, p. 111)
‘End Phenomena’. The expected end result of some action done, a course completed etc ... In study: (1) floating needle, (2) cognition, (3) very good indicators, (pc happy).
Ex Dn or XDN:
Short for ‘Expanded Dianetics’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
Expanded Dianetics (Ex Dn, XDN):
(1) “its results are freedom from cruel impulses and chronic unwanted conditions and ability to act in an optimum manner without restraint.”; (2) about the course: “Trains a person to understand and handle irrational behavior in others and chronic unwanted conditions.” (What Is Scientology? (1978), p 10 & 12)
Flag Order (FO):
This is the equivalent to a policy letter (HCO PL) in the Sea Org (senior organization within the Church of Scientology). Contains policy and sea technical materials. They are numbered and dated. They do not decay, HCO PLs and FOs are both in effect on Sea Org orgs, ships, offices and bases. Black ink on white paper. Distribution to all Sea Org members. It is vital for SO units to have master files and quantity of FOs from which hats can be made up for SO personnel and courses. (HCO PL 24 Sept 70R)
floating needle (F/N):
The idle uninfluenced movement of the needle on the dial (of an E-meter) without any patterns or reactions in it. It can be as small as one inch or as large as dial wide. It does not fall or drop to the right of the dial. It moves to the left at the same speed as it moves to the right. It is observed on a Mark V E-meter calibrated with the TA (Tone Arm) between 2.0 and 3.0 with GIs (Good Indicators) in on the pc. It can occur after a cognition, blowdown of the TA (Tone Arm) or just moves into floating. The pc may or may not voice the cognition. (HCOB 7 May 69 V)
‘floating needle’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
Short for ‘Flag Order’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
‘Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on white paper. Written by LRH only , but only so starting from January 1974. These are the technical issue line. All data for auditing and courses is contained in HCOBs. For more information go here (separate window).
‘Hubbard Communication Office Policy Letter’. Color flash–green ink on white paper. Written by LRH only, but only so starting from January 1974. These are the organizational and administrative issue line. For more information go here (separate window).
‘Hubbard Guidance Center’. The department of the technical division of a Scientology organization which sets you up for and delivers auditing.
‘Hubbard Qualified Scientologist’. 1. Teaches about co-auditing and how to handle other people with group auditing. Processes taught are TRs (Training Routines) 0 to 4 and 6 to 9, co-auditing on CCHs (Control Communication Havingness processes), Op Pro by Dup (Operating Procedure by Duplication process) and Self Analysis Lists. 2. This course is a basic course in the fundamentals of Scientology technology and gives a gradient of application of a few vital principles.
Short for ‘Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course’.
1. An analytical moment in which the perceptics of the engram are approximated, thus restimulating the engram or bringing it into action, the present time perceptics being erroneously interpreted by the reactive mind to mean that the same condition which produced physical pain once before is now again at hand. Locks contain mainly perceptics; no physical pain and very little misemotion. (Science of Survival, p. 112) 2. A situation of mental anguish. It depends for its force on the engram to which it is appended. The lock is more or less known to the analyzer. It's a moment of severe restimulation of an engram. (Dianetics: Evolution of a Science, p. 84).
An usual abbreviation for ‘L. Ron Hubbard’.
A coined word, meaning matter, energy, space and time, the physical universe. All physical phenomena may be considered as energy operating in space and time. The movement of matter or energy in time is the measure of space. All things are mest except theta.
‘Modern Management Technology Defined’ (released 1976):
This is within the Scientology organization commonly referred to as simply ‘Admin Dictionary’. Presently used editions of this book are identical to this first edition.
‘New Era Dianetics’. Officially released to the public on 30 July 1978 (ref.: ‘The Auditor 151 (US edition)’, Sept 78). It replaced and abolished the previous in use Standard Dianetics (St Dn).
objective processes:
1. Processes which familiarize a person with the MEST universe. (Scientology Abridged Dictionary) 2. Objective processes deal with body motions and observing and touching objects in the auditing room. (HCOB 30 Sept 71 V) 3. Look around or physical contact processes are obviously “objective.” Pcs who have been on drugs obviously have to be run on objective not subjective processes. Anyone can be brought more into present time with objective processes. (HCOB 2 Nov 57RA)
‘The Organization Executive Course’:
Subtitled in the 1970-74 release: ‘An Encyclopedia of Scientology Policy’. This is a series of books that contain the HCO PLs, and any references that are primarily dealing with administrative matters. They are divided up division wise. The HCO PLs are printed in green ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in green bindings. These books may also be referred to as the ‘green volumes’ or even ‘OEC volumes’. The ‘old green volumes’ then would refer to the 1970-74 release, the ‘new green volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
Operating Thetan (OT):
1. Willing and knowing cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space and time. And that would of course be mind and that would of course be universe. (SH Spec 80, 6609C08) 2. An individual who could operate totally independently of his body whether he had one or didn't have one. He's now himself, he's not dependent on the universe around him. (SH Spec 66, 6509C09) 3. A being at cause over matter, energy, space, time, form and life. Operating comes from “able to operate without dependency on things” and thetan is the Greek letter theta (θ), which the Greeks used to represent “thought” or perhaps “spirit” to which an “n” is added to make a new noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering. (Book of Case Remedies, p. 10)
‘Professional Auditors Bulletin’. Scientology periodical (monthly) send to all members to keep auditors informed about the latest discoveries concerning processing procedures and other.
Short for ‘OT III Expanded’.
preclear (pc):
1. A person who, through Scientology processing, is finding out more about himself and life. (The Phoenix Lectures, p. 20) 2. A spiritual being who is now on the road to becoming Clear, hence preclear. (HCOB 5 Apr 69) 3. One who is discovering things about himself and who is becoming clearer. (HCO PL 21 Aug 62)
‘Routine 6 End Words’. When the pc has taken the locks off the reactive mind itself, using R6EW, he attains Fourth Stage Release. (HCOB 30 Aug 65) [Grade VI Release].
rudiments (ruds):
1. Setting the case up for the session action. This includes ARC (communication) breaks, PTPs (Present Time Problems), W/Hs (Withholds), GF (Green Form) or O/R (Overrun) listing or any prepared list. ((HCOB 23 Aug 71) 2. The reason you use and clean rudiments is to get the preclear in session so you can have the preclear (1) in communication with the auditor and (2) interested in his own case. The purpose of rudiments is to set up a case to run, not to run a case. (HCOB 19 May 61)
Sec Check(ing):
Short for ‘security check(ing)’.
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC):
This was a course delivered by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill, England during 1961-66 and comprises of 447 lectures. Its result is a very adept auditor and thorough know-how of Scientology itself. The materials are studied in chronological sequence so as to fully understand the development of the technology. This will make you a Class VI Auditor.
SH (org):
‘Saint Hill (organization)’. A Saint Hill organization applies to any organization authorized to deliver the advanced level Scientology services. May also be referred to as an AO (Advanced Organization). For example AOSH UK or AOLA. The first AO was located in Saint-Hill, England.
‘Saint Hill Special Briefing Course’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
St Dn:
‘Standard Dianetics’. Reissue of 1950-Tech, as such established and released in April 1969 (ref.: HCOB 24 Apr 69 “Dianetic Use”). It was finalized in December of that year. Abolished and replaced by New Era Dianetics (NED) since 30 July 1978.
‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’:
This is a series of books that contain the HCOBs, and any references that are primarily dealing with technical matters. The HCOBs are printed in red ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in red bindings. The references are arranged in chronological release order (per issue date). These books may also be referred to as the ‘red volumes’. The ‘old red volumes’ then would refer to the 1976-80 release, the ‘new red volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
tone arm (TA):
1. Tone arm refers to the tone arm or its motion. (HCOB 13 Apr 64) 2. Tone arm action. A technical term for a quantitative measure of case gain in the Scientology processing of a preclear for a given unit of time. (Introduction to Scientology Ethics, p. 38) 3. The measure of accumulation of charge. (Class VIII No. 6) 4. A measure of the amount of encysted force which is leaving the case. (SH Spec 291, 6308C06)
XDN or Ex Dn:
Short for ‘Expanded Dianetics’. See at that entry in vocabulary.

Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008 Michel
Snoeck. All rights reserved.
This page revised:
14 July, 2024