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The definition of ‘Clear’  or  A detailed tracking of
     how it was subjected to change through time
(Did the changed criteria for the Clear cognition in 1978-79 turn Dianetics & Scientology into a guessing game?)
(to other Scientology pages)

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Please note that words with an asterisk (*) are defined at the bottom of this page! Only first appearances are indicated.

“... Well, now of course there is such a thing as a Dianetic Clear, but it is not a Scientology Clear and the person has not gone Clear until he has been on the Clearing Course in Scientology. ...
And that is a Dianetic Clear and you move on up the line and you hit a Scientology Clear and actually the type of Clear which you are looking for is a Scientology Clear and not a Dianetic Clear.”
  L. Ron Hubbard            
  (from Grand National Convention special lecture “Expanded Grades and Training”, given on 21 Jun 70)  

“... and there is no shortcut for VI [=basic bank] and VII [=Clearing Course]. Anybody who comes along and tells you there's any shortcut for VI and VII, he's just trying to cut your throat. Remember that. There is no shortcut. ...
I'm not trying to scare you; I'm just trying to keep you from making mistakes.”
  L. Ron Hubbard            
  (from Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #72, renumbered 1991: #435 “Dianetic Auditing and the Mind”, given on 28 Jul 66)  


The definition of ‘Clear’ (page 1, index page)

I came to look into this because of various claims that were made regarding the matter of Clear in ‘SO ED* 2344 Int’, 20 Aug 83 “The Story of a Squirrel: David Mayo”. It resulted in a very thorough and complete overview of this condition referred to in Scientology as Clear.


Disclaimer and clarification
(page 1)
‘Clear’ defined
  Brief chronological overview regarding what is considered the ‘State of Clear
  (a) The Dianetic Clear
               - ‘Dianetic Clear’ is a Release (1965)  vs  ‘Dianetic Clear’ is a Clear (1978)
                 (Includes:  As reflected in ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’, 1975-78 vs 1983 edition; As reflected in the various revisions of HCOB 25 Jun 70 II “Glossary of C/S Terms”)
         - Additional consequences: A technical irregularity
- ‘LRH ED 301 Int’, 17 Dec 78 “Ron's Journal 30” reports about ‘Dianetic Clear’
  (b) The Scientology Clear  (running out the ‘Basic Basic’)
      - (1) ‘Scientology Clear’  vs  ‘Scientology Clear abandoned’ (1978)
- (2) ‘Running out the tiger’ (Fifth Stage Release)
- Inconsistency in terms: ‘Scientology Clear’ or ‘no Scientology Clear’?
            (Includes:  Listing of ‘Clear’ definitions from old Glossaries)
      - The Clear Bracelet
- The ‘Alternate Route to Clear’ (Sept 78) (complete overview)
  (c) The ‘Clear Cognition’
      - ‘Clear Cognition’ defined
- A situation in 1970 attended to. History repeating itself in 1978?
            (Includes:  Clear Cognition? Onto the ‘Dianetic Clear Special Intensive’ you go!)
      - Consequence (1):  Summation of the 1978 change  &  A matter of susceptibility
- Consequence (2):  Damaging the credibility and predictability of Dianetics & Scientology
  (d) The ‘Keyed-Out Clear’  (abandoned 1978)
  (e) The ‘Natural’ Clear
      - “There has never been a true Clear or true OT”  vs  The ‘Natural’ Clear (1979)
- The ‘Natural’ OT?
  Remaining expressions for Clear
      - ‘MEST Clear’ versus ‘Theta Clear’
- ‘Clear OT’,  ‘Theta Clear’,  ‘Clear Theta Clear’  &  ‘MEST Clear’ attestations
  Brief summary (a-e) of the changes and new approaches
Attestation of ‘Clear’
How to make out if you were a Clear? (certifying Clears) – A historical overview
(page 2)
      The original development (1958-1967)
- 1958→: Test for Clears (with use of Clear test form)
- 1963→: Clear test simplified (Clear test form abandoned)
- 1965→: ‘Grade VI Clear Test’ & “higher states ... found” (Grade Chart updated)
- 1966: The first Clear announced (John McMaster)
- 1966→: Introducing ‘Continental Clear Checker’ and ‘Clear Check Hat’
- 1967→: Finalizing the steps of the Clear check
A new development (1979- present time)
- 1979-85→: ‘Dianetic Clear Special Intensive’ (DCSI)/‘Clear Certainty Rundown’ (CCRD)
  Then and now: Attesting to Clear
         (Includes:  The Grade Chart  &  Our present day)
Additional related information
  A “misdefinition of the State of Clear”  (David Mayo relation per ‘SO ED 2344 Int’, 20 Aug 83)
      - The original problem proposed...
- The matter of HCOB 12 Nov 81 “Grade Chart Streamlined for Lower Grades”
- Harmonics (1): “Destructive ‘KSW’ Issues by Mayo” & “Lower Harmonics”
- Harmonics (2): “Lower Harmonics” & “‘variations’ of the State of Clear”
  Confusion on ‘The State of Clear’ (Dec 81)
  ‘Stalled Dianetic Clear: Solved’ (Mar 84)
  Notes on NED for OTs and its relation to ‘Clear’  (on different page)

Back to Main Index Disclaimer and clarification

The things that I relate about here involve some consequences of a primarily technical nature. This Clear is essentially a crucial part of the subject matters of Dianetics and Scientology. As various Scientologists have asked me what gave me the right to write about these things, do research into it, ask pertinent questions, place critique and publish it, they probably should reflect on that which is referred to as Keeping Scientology Working. At a time in the past (1965) a certain status quo had been established after which a policy letter was written aiming to maintain and guard this status quo. However as the times as ever are-a-changin' you would want to make sure and see to it, that which you once had you are still having that today! This requires a particular alertness to matters.

If one has a properly working technology, it will have to prove itself each and every time. For that reason the things that I say will not harm, instead it rather makes you more aware. Knowing its history through time will enable you to catch on and correct and/or reverse where things may have gone awry. If you don't ask or are not allowed to ask certain things you will in the end lose virtually everything. It has been found that within the Church of Scientology that you are not allowed to utter even the littlest of criticism about the ruling management of this church. If you do, you are likely to have a finger pointed at you as it is deemed that there must be something wrong with you! Here you are not being evaluated, instead you simply will be judged. Where this is occurring matters will have turned into group-think and these characterize sect behaviour. It is just not a very survival status quo. I oppose to this kind of behaviour. Where such an atmosphere is prevalent you can count on that things will have gone awry somewhere or someplace.

This study essentially is about comparing various materials that were taken from different time periods. There where inconsistencies surfaced, they were recorded and questions are being asked. My conclusions, wonderings and questions are directly based on officially published church materials and source materials. All the things that I address can be traced back directly to these consulted materials. The source of these materials are referenced in detail.

“Our technology has not been discovered by a group. True, if the group had not supported me in many ways, I could not have discovered it either. But it remains that if in its formative stages it was not discovered by a group, then group efforts, one can only assume, will not add to it or successfully alter it in the future. I can only say this now that it is done. There remains, of course, group tabulation or coordination of what has been done, which will be valuable—only so long as it does not seek to alter basic principles and successful applications.”          LRH
(from HCO PL* 7 Feb 65 “Keeping Scientology Working”)

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‘Clear’ defined

Back to Main Index Brief chronological overview regarding what is considered the ‘State of Clear’

1950:  The original definition of Clear was as per the book ‘Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health’, first released in 1950. Chapter 2 of this book, entitled “The Clear”, is dedicated to listing its characteristics. The first 2 paragraphs read:
“Dianetically, the optimum individual is called the clear. One will hear much of that word, both as a noun and a verb, in this volume, so it is well to spend time here at the outset setting forth exactly what can be called a clear, the goal of dianetic therapy.
A clear can be tested for any and all psychoses, neuroses, compulsions and repressions (all aberrations) and can be examined for any autogenic (self-generated) diseases referred to as psycho-somatic ills. These tests confirm the clear to be entirely without such ills or aberrations. Additional tests of his intelligence indicate it to be high above the current norm. Observation of his activity demonstrates that he pursues existence with vigor and satisfaction.”          LRH
These were the original predictions for this condition. As the years went by various findings were recorded. It would take another 15 years to establish various final fundamentals for the condition. One of the developments was that the subject matter of Dianetics had to be broadened and this was because Dianetics was related to the body and the physical. Scientology therefore was coined and was first used in December 1951 that would address man as a spiritual being. It was amongst other found that various things that previously had cleared with Dianetics had the tendency to reappear (get restimulated) later on nonetheless. Scientology now was addressing decisions and various things attached to the cleared incidents that after disclosing these (having the person looking at them and therewith discharging them) then appeared to prevent the individual from falling back again.

1958:  In the periodical ‘Ability 71’, [Mar-Apr 58] “Being Clear and How to Get There” we find a recapture of chapter II entitled ‘The Clear’ of the book ‘Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health’. Interesting to see here is that the words Dianetics in this text had been replaced with Scientology.
The book for example said (first paragraph):
“DIANETICALLY, the optimum individual is called the clear. One will hear much of that word, both as a noun and a verb, in this volume, so it is well to spend time here at the outset setting forth exactly what can be called a clear, the goal of dianetic therapy.”
In ‘Ability 71’, [Mar-Apr 58] we then find that it turned to:
“SCIENTOLOGICALLY, the optimum individual is called the clear. One will hear much of that word, both as a noun and a verb, so it is well to spend time here at the outset setting forth exactly what can be called a clear, the goal of Scientology processing.”
The remainder of the 10 page long chapter remain about identical in text, only skipping the last 2 paragraphs.
We find this adapted version of this text repeated in ‘Ability 149’, May 63.

1965:  This year marked the occurrence of 2 very significant developments:
Firstly with the release HCOB 2 Apr 65 “The Road to Clear” it said about the Clear as described in the book ‘Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health’ that:
“This is a simulated clear. We called it a ‘keyed out clear’ quite properly. But it isn't a clear I know now, it's a RELEASE. The person has been released from his reactive mind*. He still has that reactive mind but he's not in it. He is just released from it.”          LRH
This determined what a Dianetic Clear actually was. It set its boundaries.
Secondly the 26th Sept 1965 Grade Chart stated:
“By Scientology AUDITING an individual can attain new states of Existence called RELEASE and CLEAR. ... The quality of processing has been upgraded in 1965 as higher states have been found. Clear today is a higher state than previously. We once called ‘Clear’ what is today called RELEASE. Clear was higher than was first thought.”
Practically this resulted in that Clear was now positioned at Grade VII instead of Grade VI.
Quite important here is also the release of HCOB 5 Aug 65 “Release Stages” that clearly lays out the various release stages and that one should not just pass by any of these steps!

1966:  It appears to have been a struggle of many years to adequately determine the condition of this Clear. The problem was to establish common denominators as every person has different experiences and walks in life. The year 1966 then marked the announcement of the first Clear in the person of John McMasters (ref. HCOB 23 Aug 66 II “Clear Test” & announcements in the various periodicals).

1970:  We are still being told:
“In 1966, after years of research and development, Ron finalized the Clearing Course at Saint Hill Manor in England. This was a breakthrough of almost unimaginable magnitude. Since the first publication of ‘Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health’ in 1950, Ron had communicated about the State of CLEAR where people freed from the influence of the Reactive Mind. However, up to 1966 the states attained were temporary as the person was only keyed-out Clear or Release.
  Now, completion of the Clearing Course means that a person's own reactive mind is VANISHED and cannot key back in again.
(from periodical ‘Advance 8’, [ca Mar 70])

1972:  And 2 years after that it was confidently stated:
“On the Clearing Course you don't become released from your bank or make a small part vanish–you erase all of it!
(from periodical ‘Clear News 73 (AOLA edition)’, [ca Mar/Apr 72], page 4)

1978:  Thus far it had been a logical development. What does not seem logical is that the statement of L. Ron Hubbard from 1965 got reversed 13 years later in 1978 with HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear” that stated that:
“The state of Clear can be achieved on Dianetics. I have now determined there is no such thing as Keyed-Out Clear. There is only a Dianetic Clear and he is a Clear.”
You see, it defies logic when you after 15 years of research and testing then stabilize the definition and the state of Clear in late 1965, which conclusion was already surfacing since the development of Scientology during the ’50s. Various articles in amongst other the magazine ‘Ability’ and also HCOBs actually witness to that fact. We have for example HCOB 7 Apr 60 “A New Summary of Auditing” that says: “To flatten an incident Dianetically, you only erase it. To flatten it Scientologically you run it until pc has it back again fully and is total cause over it (you run it after it has erased).”  LRH.
You are then not likely to find out 13 years later in 1978 that you had been in error about that. After all the previous 15 years of research and testing (1950-65) had already resulted in these findings and led to the conclusion made in 1965. Dianetics and Scientology deal with results that can be replicated. It would not be in the line of logic to assume that it would take an additional whole 13 years to establish that it could not do so. The 1978 reversal is sudden, unexpected, unexplained and appears as out of the blue. Various of its consequences are discussed and folded out in detail in the below.

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Back to Main Index (a) The Dianetic Clear  

‘Dianetic Clear’ is a Release (1965)  vs  ‘Dianetic Clear’ is a Clear (1978)
           (Includes:  As reflected in ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’, 1975-78 vs 1983 edition; 
  As reflected in the various revisions of HCOB 25 Jun 70 II “Glossary of C/S Terms”)
Additional consequences: A technical irregularity
‘LRH ED 301 Int’, 17 Dec 78 “Ron's Journal 30” reports about ‘Dianetic Clear’

Go back ‘Dianetic Clear’ is a Release (1965)  vs  ‘Dianetic Clear’ is a Clear (1978)
(Includes:  As reflected in ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’, 1975-78 vs 1983 edition; 
          As reflected in the various revisions of HCOB 25 Jun 70 II “Glossary of C/S Terms”)


“The 1947 scale of wins was this:  Get a pc to have pictures by any device. Get the pc to erase light locks. Get the pc to be more and more able to handle gradiently heavier bits of bank*. When pc was fully confident, pc was clear. ...
To flatten an incident Dianetically, you only erase it. To flatten it Scientologically you run it until pc has it back again fully and is total cause over it (you run it after it has erased).”          LRH
(from HCOB 7 Apr 60 “A New Summary of Auditing”)

“I have just made a breakthrough in finding what a clear really is. ...
A clear has no vicious Reactive Mind and operates at total mental capacity just like the first book (‘Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health’) said. In fact every early definition of CLEAR is found to be correct.
People have been unable to define release to their own satisfaction. I find now a RELEASE is a person who has been able to back out of his ‘bank’. The bank is still there but the person isn't sunk into it with all its somatics and depressions. The E-Meter reads at the Clear read! The needle of the meter is floppy. This is a simulated clear. We called it a ‘keyed out clear’ quite properly. But it isn't a clear I know now, it's a RELEASE. The person has been released from his reactive mind. He still has that reactive mind but he's not in it. He is just released from it. He may go into it again but it feels good to be out of it.”          LRH
(from HCOB 2 Apr 65 “The Road to Clear”)

“And that would be a Release. And in the early days this was so good that a Dianetic Clear—we're making them now, we're making Dianetic Clears again. I've gotten two or three thank-you despatches and things like that. We're making Dianetic Clears. But of course a Dianetic Clear is actually merely a Release and unfortunate, but they strangely enough have approximately the same manifestations that are described in Book One.”          LRH
(from Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #75, renumbered 1991: #438 “Releases and Clears”, given on 16 Aug 66)
sound  Sound snippet

The Dianetic Clear is a release.


Then all of a sudden in 1978 this was reversed. Interesting is that it has been done through statement lacking any proper explanation for the reversal:

“The state of Clear can be achieved on Dianetics.
I have now determined there is no such thing as Keyed-Out Clear [= a Release]. There is only a Dianetic Clear and he is a Clear.”
(from HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear”)
With the following consequence:
“A Dianetic Clear is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course, but goes directly onto OT I (after doing the Solo Auditor Course).”
(from HCOB 25 Jun 70RA (Revised 6 Oct 78) II “Glossary of C/S Terms”)

An alteration that evidently is clashing with one of the targets set for Division VI (Public Division) in ‘LRH ED 107 Int’ 3 Jun 70 “Orders to Divisions for Immediate Compliance”:
“Run down and kill in its tracks any wild rumour that a ‘Dianetic Clear’ can't go on up the grades or have Power or go real Clear and OT.”          LRH
Instead it gets now promoted to actually not go Scientology Clear or “real Clear”!

Nonetheless this change is upheld in the 1985 revision (RB version) and the 1988 revision (RC version) which is still in use today. It says in these: “(This bulletin revises the definition of ‘Dianetic Clear’, pages 113-114, Technical Dictionary, and the definition of ‘Keyed-Out Clear’, page 221, Technical Dictionary, 1st printing 1975, 2nd printing 1975 and 3rd printing 1978.)”. (see below for comparison with present and previous definitions as given in this ‘Technical Dictionary’).

As reflected in ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’, 1975-78 vs 1983 edition

The original entry found in early editions of ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’ was:
“DIANETIC CLEAR, 1. there is such a state. Only about two per cent actually go clear on Dn. A Dn Clear as any other Dn pc now goes on up through the grades of Scn and onto the proper Clearing Course. The Dn Clear of Book I was clear of somatics. The Book I definition is correct. This is the end phenomena of Dn as per the class chart and Book I. Two percent, no more, make Dn Clear accidentally. They still need expanded lower grades to make Scn Clear. (HCOB 25 Jun 70 II) See also DIANETIC CASE COMPLETION.”
“DIANETIC CASE COMPLETION, 1. all somatic chains that were in restimulation have been traced to basic and blown. The pc is now happy and healthy. Other engrams and chains can exist back on the track but as they are not in restimulation they have no effect on the person. (Dn Today, p. 63) 2. a healthy, happy, high IQ human being; freedom from those things which make a person susceptible to, or ‘hold in place’ physical illness. (Scn 0-8, p. 137)”
   (above entries both from ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’, 1st/2nd print: 1975, 3rd print: (early) 1978)   

Turned to (after September 1978 starting in the 1983 release which version is in use today):
“DIANETIC CLEAR, 1. the state of Clear can be achieved on Dn. It is not however attained by feeding people cognitions; Clears are made through auditing. The state of Dn Clear means the pc has erased his Dn case or mental image pictures. The discovery that a Dn Clear must not be run on engrams, R3RA or any version of R3R, results in an expansion of the Non-lnterference Zone. (HCOB 25 Jun 70RA II) 2. the state of Clear can be achieved on Dianetics. The state of Dianetic Clear means the pc has erased his Dianetic case or mental image pictures; he has attained the ability to be at cause over mental matter, energy, space and time on the first dynamic. (HCOB 24 Sept 78 III)”
            (from ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’, 1983 edition and onward)   

It may be particular noteworthy that the 1983 and onwards edition has omitted to phrase that “A Dianetic Clear is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course, ... .”. A line that in fact is also found in ‘(HCOB 25 Jun 70RA II)’ the reference that is quoted from here above.

As reflected in the various revisions of HCOB 25 Jun 70 II “Glossary of C/S Terms”

A comparison of the definition of Dianetic Clear as found in the various revisions (at different time intervals) of this HCOB 25 Jun 70 II “Glossary of C/S Terms” also reveals the matter. You can consult this in the below link (pop-up window).
    HCOB 25 Jun 70 II “Glossary of C/S Terms” - Definition of Dianetic Clear compared

Go back Additional consequences: A technical irregularity

HCOB 25 Jun 70RA (Revised 6 Oct 78) II “Glossary of C/S Terms” added in its glossary for “DIANETIC CLEAR” amongst other:
“The state of Clear can be achieved on Dianetics. ...
After Dianetic Clear, you can run Grades 0-IV. You do not run the pc on the R3RA section of the new Service Fac handling, however. He can be given Touch or Contact Assists (as can Clears and OTs), but not a Dianetic Auditing Assist nor any Dianetic auditing.
A Dianetic Clear is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course, but goes directly onto OT I (after doing the Solo Auditor Course).”

At this point in time Dianetics (NED) is still placed on the Grade Chart to be received prior to receiving the Grades. Per this Grade Chart if you are declared Clear, then these Grades are already behind you. Not just Grade V, VA, VI & VII, no they are ALL behind you! Then why does it say in the above HCOB that “After Dianetic Clear, you can run Grades 0-IV” and in the paragraph directly following “A Dianetic Clear is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course, but goes directly onto OT I? You do the Grades 0-IV, but you do not Grade V-VII? This is not explained anywhere that I know of. This is sort of handled since November 1981 at which time Dianetics (NED) was moved to be received after the Grades. However quite clearly the time period Sept 1978 to Nov 1981 is unaccounted for!

Go back ‘LRH ED 301 Int’, 17 Dec 78 “Ron's Journal 30” reports about ‘Dianetic Clear’

“DIANETIC CLEARS. Undoubtedly the BIG news that resounded around the world in ’78 was the huge numbers of people who were discovered to have made Dianetic Clear. In 1950 and on, people used to ask ‘Where are all the Clears?’ Well, they were right there! In 1978 I discovered that it was deadly to go on running Dianetics on a Dianetic Clear. Such gave the semblance of no case gain! (Naturally.) So when I announced that running Dianetics on a Dianetic Clear was forbidden, people began to look around and lo and behold they had been making Clears with Dianetics and had been going right on by it! The pc who had made it wasn't declared Clear and further Dianetics didn't work on him (naturally). So in 1978, after my announcement, auditors began to check and listen to the pc and found they had real Clears all over the place!”
(from ‘LRH ED 301 Int’, 17 Dec 78 “Ron's Journal 30, 1978—The Year of Lightning Fast New Tech”)

Noteworthy is that it concludes “that it was deadly to go on running Dianetics on a Dianetic Clear”. These are strong words indeed! Also interesting is that it then notes that this “gave the semblance of no case gain!”. I am not sure though how this would work. Various reasons actually could account for that. A question that arises here is why it took a whole 13 years to come around this and to realize that something would have been going on with it as it is not reported anywhere? Contrary to this there are 2 HCOBs, which are HCOB 1 May 69 “Grinding Out Engrams” & HCOB 24 May 69 “The Difficult Case”, that confirm and guide conclusively that there would be no problems with running Dianetics on Clears previously. If it was “deadly” then where are the dead people and why were these 2 HCOBs not cancelled or at least revised? They are still valid references till this day.

Another consideration surfaces when one analyzes: “In 1950 and on, people used to ask ‘Where are all the Clears?’ Well, they were right there!”. After which it jumps to some discovery in 1978 (see LRH ED quotation). The thing that does not add up here is the fact that at least as early as 1960 or otherwise 1965 that it was acknowledged that a Dianetic Clear was only a Release of some sort. And that Scientology would turn it into a stable Clear. Thus “‘Where are all the Clears?’” at least for that time period it would be an unnecessary question. Why is this not mentioned in the quotation? To me there does not seem to be much relevance between “In 1950 and on” and then suddenly jumping to “In 1978 I discovered” and skipping the in-between time lap. It is strange as if it was not until 1978 that “auditors began to check and listen to the pc”? The findings of the ’60s were not of minor consequence! And did it not say in ‘Ability 67’, [mid Feb 58]: “Today's clears are quite clear. The state is finite, precise and stable. We ought to be able to say so.”. And these were at that time considered Scientology Clears (see more quotations in next chapter at “The Clear Bracelet”).

Well, just think about what is actually being said here, the time factor involved, and how it all would fit in logically.

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Back to Main Index (b) The Scientology Clear  (running out the ‘Basic Basic’)

Go back (1) ‘Scientology Clear’  vs  ‘Scientology Clear abandoned’ (1978)


Defined in 1957 as “A Scientology Clear would be able to confront the physical universe, other bodies, his own body, other minds, his own mind and other beings—without trimmings.”  LRH  (from ‘Ability 52’, [early Aug 57] “Confronting”).
Then we see that ‘Ability 132’, Sept 61 and ‘Ability 141’, Sept 62 states SCIENTOLOGY PROCESSING PRODUCES CLEARS. with “Definition of Clear” quoted: “A person at willing and knowing cause over his own life, his environment and his surroundings, and without a reactive or subconscious mind.”  LRH  (from ‘Ability 66’, early Feb 58).

“This bulletin is retroactive to the first person cleared by modern Scientology.”          LRH
(from HCOB 30 Jun 58 “Procedure for Certifying Clears”)

“To flatten an incident Dianetically, you only erase it. To flatten it Scientologically you run it until pc has it back again fully and is total cause over it (you run it after it has erased).”          LRH
(from HCOB 7 Apr 60 “A New Summary of Auditing”)

“That we are today making a TOTAL Clear as well as Operating Thetans is completely out of comparison with what Dianetics was trying to do.
Scientology is the route from human being to total freedom and total beingness. Dianetics was the route from aberrated or aberrated and ill human to capable human.”          LRH
(from HCOB 3 Apr 66 “Dianetics Auditing Course”)

“So that—the lower grades, however, these things are so perfected—and there is no shortcut for VI and VII. Anybody who comes along and tells you there's any shortcut for VI and VII, he's just trying to cut your throat. Remember that. There is no shortcut.
Somebody said to me, ‘I should have thought, Ron, that you would have blown the whole bank just by plotting it.’ Ho, ho, ho! Ha! Even me, no. And I was—get—I got, on engrams, eventually so I could take a fantastic engram, you know, where you were just blown all to pieces and betrayed at the same time and totally surprised and scattered all over the environment for a few minutes and that sort of thing, and blow those things just by inspection. Say, ‘Oh yes, there it is.’ Whoooch! And gone, see? I got up to a point where I could do that. Huh, confronting the basic reactive bank isn't like that. I'm not trying to scare you; I'm just trying to keep you from making mistakes.”          LRH
(from Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #72, renumbered 1991: #435 “Dianetic Auditing and the Mind”, given on 28 Jul 66)
sound  Sound snippet

BASIC BASIC—This belongs in Scientology. It is wholly beyond the scope of Dianetics. It means the most basic basic of all basics and results in clearing. It is found on the Clearing Course. If contacted or run before the pc was brought up through the Scientology Grades, he wouldn't be able to handle it anyway as experience has shown. So this is part of Scientology, not Dianetics.”          LRH
(from HCOB 23 Apr 69 “Basic Definitions”)

“... Well, now of course there is such a thing as a Dianetic Clear, but it is not a Scientology Clear and the person has not gone Clear until he has been on the Clearing Course in Scientology. But what we were making, what we were making as a Dianetic Clear, actually there is more to it then that, but Dianetic Clears actually exist. It is perfectly true don't you see, that after a person has been audited for a while, quite a while, on Dianetics that he can go Clear, he is a Dianetic Clear. And this Dianetic Clear however is not the same as a Scientology Clear, there are 2 different kind of Clears in this matter. ...
There is a percentage of people who go totally Clear on Dianetics is too slight to give it much attention. I am, now I am talking about the state of absolute Clear. So get the idea of the 2 kinds of Clears, well that's true, that's true, there is the Dianetic Clear who is without somatics and he feels great. And then as you go on up the line, why, there is a higher state of Clear, which is reached as a Scientology Clear. And some years ago this was clarified and we called the Dianetic Clear, we called him a release and this was more truthful in the matter. Nevertheless Book One is absolutely correct, there is such a thing as a Dianetic Clear and he does have those abilities if you continue to process him properly on Dianetics. And that is a Dianetic Clear and you move on up the line and you hit a Scientology Clear and actually the type of Clear which you are looking for is a Scientology Clear and not a Dianetic Clear.”          LRH
(from GNC special lecture “Expanded Grades and Training”, given on 21 Jun 70 - Recorded lecture made by L. Ron Hubbard for presentation to the Grand National Convention of the “20th anniversary of Dianetics and Total Freedom” held in Los Angeles)
sound  Sound snippet
(Please note that above sound snippet is longer than the printed text that you find here above.)

“A Dianetic Clear or any other Dianetic pc now goes on up through the grades of Scientology and onto the proper Clearing Course. ... They still need Expanded Lower Grades to make Scientology Clear. Becoming a Dianetic Clear does not stop them from getting Power Processing. Modern Power is to its total End Phenomena.”          LRH
(from HCOB 25 Jun 70 II “Glossary of C/S Terms”)


Then suddenly and without explanation in 1978:

“When a person validly attains the state of Clear, whether this is reached on the Clearing Course or at any point earlier in his auditing, he attests to ‘the State of Clear.’ Clear is Clear and there are no qualifying remarks at the attest such as ‘Dianetic Clear’ or anything else.”  (underlining is mine)
(from HCOB 29 Nov 78R (Revised 31 Mar 81) “Dianetic Clear Attests”)

This is all as early as the release of HCOB 24 Sept 78 IV “The State of Clear” (Confidential) which confirms the above and confides us that it sometimes can occur on Goals Processing, and even on Objective Processes. Note that these Objective Processes are listed even prior to be received to the Scientology Grades as per the Grade Chart. This relates the message to us that you could get Clear this without ever doing Dianetics or even the Scientology Grades.
Which ironically already is contradicted 3 years later in 1981 when it states: “Scientology Grades do not make Clears, even though they sometimes exteriorize a person” (from HCOB 12 Dec 81 “The Theory of the New Grade Chart”) and “Scientology lower grades sometimes exteriorize a person but to date, to my knowledge, have never produced a Clear: That was not their purpose.” (HCOB 14 Dec 81 “The State of Clear”). Anyone cares to explain this?

The question is if one actually can go Clear without running out the BASIC BASIC—This belongs in Scientology. It is wholly beyond the scope of Dianetics. It means the most basic basic of all basics and results in clearing. It is found on the Clearing Course.”   LRH  (from HCOB 23 Apr 69 “Basic Definitions”).

Further information can be found at link here below:  (separate window)
    “The ‘Scientology Clear’ abandoned”  (its relation to New Era Dianetics investigated)

Go back (2) ‘Running out the tiger’  (Fifth Stage Release)

“First Stage removes a few tiger whiskers and the sneer. That's the locks going. The tiger is near or far—that means more or less 1st Stage, it doesn't mean there's less tiger.
Second Stage removes the tiger's misemotion and his front claws. The tiger can now be near or far but he is that much tiger. He can be so far away one is sure he has vanished. But he's just far. He remains that much tiger (minus whiskers, sneer, temper and front claws), he just isn't evident.
Third Stage pulls the tiger's ability to paralyze one's wits. In effect Third Stage removes impediments to one's ability to know. The tiger, though now minus whiskers, sneer, temper, front claws, and the ability to paralyze, is still about. He may at this stage walk off so far that one is positive there is no more tiger. But it's early to break out the champagne. Maybe he won't be back for years, even centuries, but he still exists.
Fourth Stage Release removes the tiger's claws all about and blunts his teeth. And causes him to hide in closets. But though he hasn't whiskers, sneer, claws, or his frightening effect, or the old sharpness, he is still a tiger. One can gambol about in the sun cheerily, feeling quite sure there is no tiger at all. Only the locks on the R6 bank are gone. That R6 bank is still there. ...
To obtain a FIFTH STAGE RELEASE, one has to have run out the whole remaining Reactive Mind. We are awfully lucky to have the combination to the vault as it's been shut thoroughly for the trillions. That's done by a process known as R6-GPMI—or GPMs by Items. ... It took several years and thousands of hours of research auditing to just find the pattern of it. This is the longest job (R6-GPMI) and requires now at least 14 months of daily solo auditing. And then one is 5th Stage and ready for a polish and Clear.”          LRH
(from HCOB 5 Aug 65 “Release Stages”)

Thus an ordinary Dianetic Clear would still have this tiger following his tracks...

It is noted that Release Stages was a previously used term, they were referred to since September 1965 as Grades of Release.
“In earlier material and lectures the terms ‘1st Stage Release’ indicated a person released anywhere between Level Zero and Level IV, a ‘Second Stage Release’ indicated a Power Process Release, a ‘Third Stage Release’ was one made by orientation processes and a ‘Fourth Stage Release’ meant one made by R6 EW.”          LRH
(from HCOB 22 Sept 65 “Release Gradation, New Levels of Release”)
“Fifth Stage Release, which would then be Clear”          LRH
(from Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #65, renumbered 1991: #428 “Stages of Release”, given on 27 Jul 65 - See also ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’ at “Stages of Release: Fifth Stage Release”)
And further with the information found in HCOB 12 Jul 65 “States of Being Attained by Processing” and HCOB 27 Sept 65 “Release Gradation Additional Data” they would then graphically relate to each other as follows:

  Grade Name Materials Achievement Former name
↑    Grade VIII   Operating Thetan  R1 Drills    Operating Thetan
↑   Grade VII  CLEAR  Clearing Course    Clear
↑   Grade VI
 Whole Track Release  R6 EW
(Routine 6 End Words)
 whole basic reactive mind audited out  Stage 5 Release
 locks audited out  Stage 4 Release
↑   Grade VA
 Power Plus Release  Added Power Process  bits and pieces of whole track cleaned up  Stage 3 Release
↑   Grade V
 Power Release  Power Processes  secondaries and engrams reduced  Stage 2 Release
↑   Grade 0-IV
 Communication (0), Problems (I), Relief (II), Freedom (III), Ability (IV) Release  Communication Processes (0), Problems Processes (I), O/W Processes (II), ARC Break Process (III), Service Facsimiles (IV)  locks reduced  Stage 1 Release

Go back Inconsistency in terms: ‘Scientology Clear’  or  ‘no Scientology Clear’?
(Includes:  Listing of ‘Clear’ definitions from old Glossaries)

An inconsistency can be pointed out in the use of the terms. We already find this in the title of HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear” which says: “There is only a Dianetic Clear and he is a Clear.”, then why calling it Dianetic Clear? In its 4th paragraph it says: “He can be given Touch or Contact Assists (as can Scn Clears and OTs), ... .”. Here is referred to a Scientology (Scn) Clear. Why are both terms used, although “There is only a Dianetic Clear and he is a Clear.”. Isn't all that a bit confusing? This term Scn Clear is maintained in later revisions of this HCOB, including its latest 1988 revision.

And it does get confusing as various of the earlier references that directed their attention to Scientology Clear are still found in the 1991 release of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes and are till this day thus considered valid references.
We still find for example HCOB 2 Apr 65 “The Road to Clear” being a valid reference, and it still does denote a Dianetic Clear as being just a release. Just pull the issue and read what it actually says. It is all about that previous Road to Clear and this road being “very definite”, about Grade V & VI and related matters. Technically its data would have been surpassed since September 1978. But the reference is still around in its original form!
We also find the term Scientology Clear used in ‘LRH ED 298 Int’, 19 Sept 78 “A.D. 28, The Year of Technical Breakthroughs” that introduced NED for OTs. But there are additional references making mention of these. The problem is that they in fact clash with the since 1978 adopted and circulated definitions. We have not even mentioned the existence of a variety of lectures given by L. Ron Hubbard that also clash with it.

Listing of ‘Clear’ definitions from old Glossaries

The definitions for the Dianetic Clear and the Scientology Clear that were found in Glossaries of various of previous editions of the basic books appear very clear-cut. These definitions are not found anymore in the present editions of the very same books (starting with the 1989 editions).

The book publication ‘Notes on the Lectures’ (first published 1950) says in the 1968 edition in its Glossary:
“CLEAR:  The Dianetic Clear is now called a Release due to ~total~ (Scientology) Clear being so much higher, and ~total~ clear, which we are today making in Scientology is completely out of comparison with what Dianetics was trying to do. The Dianetic Clear was: ~an optimum individual~, no longer possessed of any engrams. The Scientology Clear is a person who can be at cause knowingly and at will over ~mental~ matter, energy, space and time as regards the first dynamic (survival for self). A Scientology Clear is a being who has attained this state by completing the Clearing Course and been declared Clear by the Qualifications Division.
  Dianetics was the route from aberrated or aberrated and ill human, to capable human. Scientology is the route from human being to total freedom and total beingness.”

And the book ‘Dianetics 55!’ (first published in 1955) says in the 1974 and the 1979 edition in its Glossary:
    “CLEAR (noun):   
     (1)  Dianetic Clear is today referred to more usually as Dianetic Case Completion.            
The term Clear today normally refers to Scientology Clear, resulting from standard technology for levels up to and including the Clearing Course (at Advanced Organizations): a being able to be at cause over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards the First Dynamic (survival for self).”

And the book ‘Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics’ (first published in 1970) says in the 1976 edition in its Glossary:
“CLEAR (noun):  (1) Scientology Clear:  A thetan who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards the First Dynamic (survival for self). The state of Clear is above the Release Grades (all of which are requisite to Clearing) and is attained by completion of the Clearing Course at an Advanced Organization.   (2) Dianetic Clear:  See Dianetic Case Completion.
DIANETIC CASE COMPLETION:  One who through Standard Dianetic Counselling by a qualified Dianetic auditor has become a healthy, happy, high-I.Q. person, free from those things which make a person susceptible to, and ‘hold in place’, physical ills.”

And in ‘Dianetics: The Original Thesis’ (first published 1948) says in a ’70s edition in its Glossary:
“CLEAR - (1) Dianetic Clear:  An individual who has been cleared of all engrams and chains and who has achieved a general tone four; a Dianetic Case Completion; one who through Dianetic processing has become free of those things which make a person susceptible to, and ‘hold in place,’ psychosomatic ills, and is a healthy, happy human being.  (2) Scientology Clear:  A person who, having received all the processing gains from Dianetics to Grade VI (highest Scientology Release Grade), has then completed the Clearing Course at an Advanced Organization. A Scientology Clear has by definition the ability to be cause over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards the First Dynamic.”

Go back The Clear Bracelet

In 1958:
“Each person cleared by the Hubbard Guidance Center is now given a clear identification bracelet. The bracelet is sterling silver and is very beautiful. The oval plate is embossed with the large ‘S’ and double triangle of Scientology; the underside bears the words ‘Scientology Clear’, LRH's initials, and the engraved name of the person and the date of the test.
  In the field, an auditor who clears someone may fill in a complete test blank as given by HCO and submit it, notarized with $15.00, and his Clear will receive a bracelet.
  There are no clears who do not have such a bracelet at this time. There should be none. Too much randomity and too many false claims used to gather around the subject. The clear bracelet prevents this. If a person says he is clear, ask him for a look at his bracelet. No false clears now, when we really have it made, thank you.
  Do you recall 1952?
  Today's clears are quite clear. The state is finite, precise and stable. We ought to be able to say so.”
           (from ‘Ability 67’, mid Feb 58 “Clear Bracelets”)  
Note that it does say “bears the words ‘Scientology Clear’”.

“All clear bracelets cost £4. This is the only price. Applies to Field Offices, ACC students, individuals, everybody. The only FREE bracelets issued are to HGC-made clears, and cleared Permanent Staff Members, London.”          LRH
(from HASI PL 30 Jun 58 “Clear Bracelet Procedure)

For the year “1965” the publication ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1978 edition), page 315 carries the following description and illustration:  (underlining is mine)
         The Clear Bracelet
  Grade VII* Clear is signified by a silver identification bracelet with the S and double triangle on it. The bracelet is sterling silver. The underside bears the words ‘Scientology Clear’, L. Ron Hubbard's initials, the engraved name of the person and the date they were declared Clear and their Clear number.”
  * Grade VII.  Someone who has done the upper Grades V-VII which makes a Scientology Clear, see also ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’. It was referred to during a short period of time in a couple of HCOBs, see HCOB 22 Sept 65, HCOB 27 Sept 65 & HCOB 9 Feb 66.
  Note: The entry in the book is followed by “The O.T. (Operating Theatan) Bracelet”. It looked the same carrying the S and double triangle, but was instead “a gold identification bracelet.”

Although these Clear Bracelets are still available to have and wear by Clears, they do not suit the same purpose as they had when they were introduced back in 1958. At their introduction and for many years forward $15,00 (or £4) would have sufficed, in December 1980 they were offered for sale in 3 sizes:  small: $110,00;  medium: $145,00;  large: $195,00 (source: ‘Ability 344’, [Dec 80]).

There is this reference that is still found in the 1991 release of ‘The Organization Executive Course’ volumes which is HASI PL 30 Jun 58 “Clear Bracelet Procedure” that says: HCO Bd of Review then submits all tests to LRH for a final review. Only after LRH certifies a person as ‘Clear’ can a clear bracelet be issued.”  LRH.  Although L. Ron Hubbard will not be certifying any of these anymore today that this HASI PL puts as a requirement.

Go back The ‘Alternate Route to Clear’  (Sept 78) (complete overview)

Below this road in detail as per Grade Chart released in June 1970:
  State of Being Processes Audited Ability Gained Inability Lost Training Required
↑    Clear*  Clearing Materials  Ability to be at cause over mental matter, energy, space and time on the 1st dynamic (survival for self)  Freedom from inability to be at cause over mental matter, energy, space and time. ‘Stops’ being non-survival on the 1st dynamic.  Clearing Course
 Grade VI release  R6EW  Return of powers to act on own determinism  Freedom from dramatization  Solo audit course
 Grade VA release  The Power Plus processes  Stabilizes ability to handle power  Freedom from detested parts of track  No training required
 Grade V release  The Power processes  Ability to handle power  Freedom from inability to handle power  No training required
  * Sometimes accredited as Grade VII, see HCOB 22 Sept 65 “Release Gradation, New Levels of Release”, HCOB 27 Sept 65 “Release Gradation, Additional Data” & HCOB 9 Feb 66 “Release Grades”.

This was the path that was travelled by everyone, this until at least September 1978 after which it was only treaded by those persons that were said had not gone ‘Clear’ on Dianetics. It was obviously implying here that one was thus supposed to go Scientology Clear on Dianetics! A state that in effect meant one had eradicated his or her reactive mind.

Technically it meant that one was passing by:
BASIC BASIC—This belongs in Scientology. It is wholly beyond the scope of Dianetics. It means the most basic basic of all basics and results in clearing. It is found on the Clearing Course. If contacted or run before the pc was brought up through the Scientology Grades, he wouldn't be able to handle it anyway as experience has shown. So this is part of Scientology, not Dianetics.”          LRH
(from HCOB 23 Apr 69 “Basic Definitions”)
Skipping the Clearing Course means then also that one was skipping this Basic Basic. So, how does this all fit together here?

It was stated by HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear” that “There is only a Dianetic Clear and he is a Clear.”. Thus wiping out the necessity of running either Power (Grade V), Power Plus (Grade VA) & R6EW (Grade VI) or the Clearing Course as per HCOB 25 Jun 70RA (Revised 6 Oct 78) II “Glossary of C/S Terms” that tells “A Dianetic Clear is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course, but goes directly onto OT I (after doing the Solo Auditor Course).”. Thus also leaving the Basic Basic for what it is, i.e. not run out (see HCOB 23 Apr 69 “Basic Definitions”). Still it was found that an Alternate Route to Clear was called for as (for some reason and unexplained why this was) not every person actually went ‘Clear’ on Dianetics. Although very little attention was given to this.
It is not until 9½ months later that we are assured:
Of course not! But some may have thought so because of all of the Dianetic Clears that were being produced by New Era Dianetics. New Era Dianetics IS powerful and DOES produce many Dianetic Clears, but this is not a promise of New Era Dianetics.
For those of you that got all the way through New Era Dianetics and did not attest to Dianetic Clear, rest assured that this is just as normal as attesting to Dianetics Clear, and no, it is not ‘unusual’ to take the Clearing Course.
There is still a course Supervisor supervising the course, there are still prerequisites to the course (not Dianetic Clear, Power, R6EW, and Solo), there are still checksheets for the Clearing Course, and the packs are not covered with dust and cobwebs tucked away in some corner of the room down at the bottom of the stack of packs, that ‘aren't used very much’.
The Clearing Course is alive and well and living at AOLA.”
          (from ‘Clear News 164 (AOLA edition)’, 12 Jul 79)
It can be seen in for example the periodical Clear News (AOLA edition) that indeed very, very few completions are noted that launched on Grade VI (thus did not go ‘Clear’ on Dianetics), and they get even fewer as time progresses. Various persons did report to me that the Clearing Course went (practically) out of use.

Prior to September 1978 a Dianetic Clear “still need Expanded Lower Grades to make Scientology Clear”. However “Becoming a Dianetic Clear does not stop them from getting Power Processing. Modern Power is to its total End Phenomena.”  LRH  (from HCOB 25 Jun 70 II “Glossary of C/S Terms”). Meaning you were a “Scientology Clear” after running “Expanded Lower Grades” (=Grade 0-IV). Per this, Grade V, VA (& VI) were not found mandatory to achieve that. But it also says that it “does not stop them (=Dianetic Clear) from getting Power Processing” and this “to its total End Phenomena”. And you did in fact always run out the Basic Basic (see HCOB 23 Apr 69 “Basic Definitions”).
Since September 1978 this was all simply skipped. Why this is so is not properly explained anywhere! We are just informed that “Now NED produces far faster gains and many (not all) NED pcs began to go Clear.”  (from ‘LRH ED 301 Int’, 17 Dec 78 “Ron's Journal 30, 1978—The year of Lightning Fast New Tech”). What is the actual exception (technical wise) that ruled/determined that “not all” went Clear if about all are claimed to actually go Clear on Dianetics? We are not informed about that! We have not been given any specifics!

When we consult the Grade Chart which is included in the book ‘What Is Scientology?’, (issued December 1978), then we find that these Grades V, VA & VI are still listed at their usual places. This could though have been be for reason that it was too late to remove them, as it was released just 2 months after the issuance of HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear”. But it appears not to be so as the December 1980 Grade Chart also fully lists Grades V, VA & VI. But this time we do see a notice at the position of CLEAR on the Processing side that reads: CLEARING COURSE MATERIALS (Unless person has gone Clear at some point earlier on Grade Chart materials, with the state fully verified by a Dianetic Clear Special Intensive.)”. This is actually the earliest indication I have been able to find that offers the possibility that not everyone would actually go Clear on Dianetics! This in effect is the first indication then that points to an Alternate Route to Clear.
A valid question to ask here would be why we are still finding Grades V, VA & VI listed on this December 1980 Grade Chart? Does this not counteract the September 1978 change! You see, this was already 2 years later in time!

Adding to the confusion is that in ‘What Is Scientology?’, (issued December 1978), we find an entry on page 12 at “Clearing Course:” that says: “The State of Clear is attained by completion of the Clearing Course at an Advanced Organization.”. This too is defying HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear” that states “There is only a Dianetic Clear and he is a Clear.”; and consequently acts against HCOB 25 Jun 70RA (Revised 6 Oct 78) II “Glossary of C/S Terms” that delegates “A Dianetic Clear is not run on Power (Grade V-VA), R6EW (Grade VI) or the Clearing Course (Grade VII).

In November 1981 then a little twist was added as these Lower Grades (Grade 0-IV) were placed to be done prior to receiving Dianetics. This was just a sequence change of the Lower Grades and Dianetics, it is noted that this did not actually interfere with Grade V, VA & VI.

On January 1982 Grade Chart (=HCOB 19 Jan 82) we see then this Alternate Route to Clear fully listed for the very first time. See illustration here (pop-up window).

On the 1983 Grade Chart the Alternate Route to Clear is listed on the right side of the chart in a separate column (outside of the Bridge itself), but this time as a very brief summary only. I made some interesting comments in regards to this 1983 chart on my Grade Chart analysis page, click here (separate window).

On this December 1985 Grade Chart it's an equally brief summary, although now we find its location moved to the bottom of the chart, underneath the actual Bridge.

In 1989 it noted: “For those persons who do not go Clear on NED, there is the alternate route to Clear which consists of doing Power, Solo auditor training, R6EW and then the Clearing Course at an Advanced Org.”  (from HCOB 25 Jun 70RC (Revised 16 Aug 89) II “Glossary of C/S Terms”).
And as compared with previous versions of the same reference:
HCOB 25 Jun 70 II
“Glossary of C/S Terms”
HCOB 25 Jun 70RA (Rev 6 Oct 78) II 
“Glossary of C/S Terms”
HCOB 25 Jun 70RC (Rev 16 Aug 89) II 
“Glossary of C/S Terms”
Becoming a Dianetic Clear does not stop them from getting Power Processing. Modern Power is to its total End Phenomena.” “A Dianetic Clear is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course, but goes directly onto OT I (after doing the Solo Auditor Course).” “For those persons who do not go Clear on NED, there is the alternate route to Clear which consists of doing Power, Solo auditor training, R6EW and then the Clearing Course at an Advanced Org.”

Starting with the in 1990 released chart we see the Alternate Route to Clear actually reappearing to be listed on the Bridge itself. Here it is still a brief summary though. On the 1991 chart we then see that the full steps of the Alternate Route to Clear are listed. On the 1995 chart (only the Printed in Spain & Swedish text version) we see that the regular Route and the Alternate Route are listed side by side on the chart, instead (as on the 1990 & 1991 chart) underneath each other. This is the chart as we know it today. The 1998 chart appears identical in every aspect (design and all) to this Printed in Spain & Swedish text version.

Go to index

Back to Main Index (c) The ‘Clear Cognition’

Go back ‘Clear Cognition’ defined

The original Clear Cognition was explained as follows:
“But if you keep at it and at it and at it, gradually gradually the case runs deeper and deeper into the past and confronts heavier and heavier incidents.
Then, as it goes along, the case runs faster and faster, requiring far more ‘commands per unit of time in session’.
Finally the case begins to blow by inspection and, ideally, has what is known as a ‘Clear Cognition’.
Scientology, dealing with the thetan and considerations, is now able to function with total bite.
Power and R6EW really get the pc somewhere.
The Clear and OT sections make him fly.”          LRH
(from HCOB 29 Jul 69 “The ‘Art’ of Case Supervision”)
It thus directs, in disregard of your cognition, that you will do “Power (=Grade V) and R6EW (=Grade VI).
And here:
“Now so this person has had their graph raised, they've had a graph rise. Fine, but they still have psoriasis. Now what is that all about? Well, their attitudes and ideas and so forth have shifted but the body has been left there. Now when they don't do a good solid beginning preparation with Dianetics, then when they start to pull these ideas out of the engrams, they will get the ideas out of the engrams and the incidents will stay there and the Bank will tend to group. So that when a case is not thoroughly run on Dianetics, when you have quicky Dianetics you can expect a case that had very bad psychosomatic difficulties you could expect that case to hang fire. And that is why we don't let anybody on Advanced Courses now with a low OCA. Do you follow it?
So these cases that you're auditing, in many, many instances have gone onto Advanced Courses without having been set up. Here's one here. Now this case had what she called a Clear cognition, and I'm sure that was the case and etceteras. But for some reason best known to man or beast, it left all of her attitudes in place which have never been run out. So her attitudes are very poor indeed and they're kicking her brains out right now.”          LRH
(from Expanded Dianetics Course (XDN) lecture #1 “Expanded Dianetics”, given on 3 Mar 72)
sound  Sound snippet
Per the above this is just a cognition ... This is not a Scientology Clear.

Go back A situation in 1970 attended to. History repeating itself in 1978?

(Includes:  Clear Cognition? Onto the ‘Dianetic Clear Special Intensive’ you go!)


An early warning:
“Early on my pcs went keyed out clear and went away. They stayed that way a long time.
They were sure they had attained the zenith.
Today we are going to have the same problem.
A Release is going to feel sure he has gone up in number of Release when it's only the tiger out for lunch.”          LRH
(from HCOB 5 Aug 65 “Release Stages”)

In 1970 we are informed that some assumed certain things and acted accordingly, which was rectified.

ASHO* went completely mad a few months back and fed a ‘clear cognition’ (evaluation) to all incomplete Dn pcs and told them they could not now have Power or upper auditing. This is being handled and the practice stopped.”          LRH
(from ‘LRH ED 10 SH’, 6 Jun 70 “SH Pcs”)

“Every now and then, I understand it was being done in the Los Angeles area for a while, but every now and then somebody has been told that he has gone Clear on Dianetics. ... And in the Los Angeles area I understand that some fellows were actually trying to feed the data and cognition to people who had gone and become a Dianetic Clear. They'd actually tried to feed their data to make them think that they had hit the upper level of Clear. And it had some rather bad repercussions actually. These people felt quite spinny. They, they knew basically that they had not made it. And yet they were being told by people that they had made it and so on.”          LRH
(from GNC special lecture “Expanded Grades and Training”, given on 21 Jun 70 - Recorded lecture made by L. Ron Hubbard for presentation to the Grand National Convention of the “20th anniversary of Dianetics and Total Freedom” held in Los Angeles)
sound  Sound snippet
(Please note that above sound snippet is longer than the printed text that you find here above.)

DIANETIC CLEAR: There is such a state. It is not however attained by feeding people Scientology cognitions as was done in L.A.”          LRH
(from HCOB 25 Jun 70 II “Glossary of C/S Terms”)

“Inevitably, when any new approach or process is released, some will instantly assume that all ‘older’ (actually more basic) data has been cancelled. There is no statement to that effect. It is not guessed that this will be assumed and so we could lose an entire subject.
We did in fact lose Dianetics for a decade and all but lost Scientology in the following ten years.
A subject can be reorganized and made more workable. That was done in 1969 for Dianetics. BUT IT HAD NEVER BEEN UNWORKABLE!
The 1969 Dianetics Reorganization refined the 1962-63 discoveries of R-3-R. A better communication was made to the user and the preclear.
Amazingly, the reissue of Dianetics as Standard Dianetics caused about a dozen people (even in high places unfortunately) to at once assume that Dianetics wiped out any need for Power, Scientology Clearing or anything else! Even an unauthorized Policy Letter (not signed by me) and an HCO B (also not signed by me) gave this impression. They were of course cancelled the instant they were discovered to have been sent out.”          LRH
(from HCOB 30 Jun 70R (Revised 6 Mar 73) “VIII Actions”) (underlining is mine)


In spite of the warning relayed in the previous, we see in 1978:
“The Dianetic Clear, on achieving this state, can be audited on Scientology Grades 0-IV. He would not be run on the R3RA section of service facs, however. On completing Grades 0-IV, he is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course but goes onto OT I, after doing the Solo Auditor Course.”
(from HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear”)  (underlining is mine)
As based on originations and thoughts:
“Should a pc being audited on Dianetics originate that he has achieved Dianetic Clear, or if a Dianetic auditor thinks this has occurred with his pc, the folders must be routed to an org C/S who is Clear or above and who can adjudicate.”
(from HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear”)  (underlining is mine)
And maintained in the 1981 revision it reads:
“Should a pc originate that he has or might have gone Clear, or when he has read on a prepared list as having gone Clear, the folder must be sent to a C/S who is Clear and who is qualified to C/S the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive.”
(from HCOB 24 Sept 78RA III (Re-Revised 31 Mar 81) “Dianetic Clear” )  (underlining is mine)
Is history repeating itself?

Clear Cognition? Onto the ‘Dianetic Clear Special Intensive’ you go!

We can conclude that as soon as you at some point originate that you are or it is suspected that you might be Clear you would be put on this Dianetic Clear Special Intensive (this action was renamed later as the Clear Certainty Rundown).

“With the boom in Dianetic Clears it became necessary that a procedure be developed so that the state of Clear would be safeguarded and so that those who did achieve Dianetic Clear could get it properly acknowledged and attain a full resurgence of the state.”
It gives various options for handling amongst other the following situation:
When an individual thinks he is or might be Dianetic Clear.”
Some questions asked in this Dianetic Clear Intensive are:
Has anyone evaluated for you on the subject of Dianetic Clear? (If so, get who and what was said.)
(If it turns out that someone suggested that he was Dianetic Clear, or tried to feed him the EP or cognition, take the evaluation or suggestion earlier similar to F/N*, and end off for a new C/S.)”
And then:  (underlining is mine)
“If Date/Locate has been correctly done, the pc has stated the Clear cognition in some wording, has a floating, floppy needle and floating TA*, with VVVGIs*, the C/S may send the pc to attest to the state of Dianetic Clear.”
(all above quotations are from HCOB 2 May 79 I “Dianetic Clear Special Intensive”)

Go back Consequence (1): Summation of the 1978 change  &  A matter of susceptibility

The original cognition of Clear was just a notion of being able to envisage what it was or could be like to be Clear. We simply got a glimpse of it. This very cognition later in 1978 was interpreted as if one actually was Clear for real. These are 2 very distinct different concepts! The latter option has unmistakably been defied by L. Ron Hubbard in earlier years!

HCOB 5 Aug 65 “Release Stages” says:
“In their understandable enthusiasm—they feel so much better and bigger and stronger—a release sometimes seeks additional acknowledgment by requesting a further release check.”
Still it only means that “The tiger is further off.” and that “There's less bank.”. Also realizing: “That R6 bank is still there.” (requires running Grade VI).
“At this stage the pc feels he can move mountains single-handed and is given to chest thumping. That he still depends upon a body gets overlooked.”
Reconsolidating and recognizing that:
“But ahead of him is the BIG job. There is still a tiger. This tiger if not vanished utterly will sooner or later creep up and eat up the goodies.
So one has to handle Mr. Tiger once and for all, run the total R6 bank and become a 5th Stage Release.
Now, and only now, with a bit of reorientation can one be CLEAR. No more tiger. He is not near or far. He doesn't exist.”          LRH
Thus feeling great does not substitute all of the above. It can be seen however how very easily things can go awry.
Therefore the susceptibility of man may resort to:
“Now understand, at each of these stages one has to go unrelease to make it to the next stage of release. This requires guts—and faith. One is feeling GRAND. The world is beautiful. The unbrave get nervous at the thought of diving back into the asphalt or, to keep our metaphor, about deliberately whistling up the Tiger—‘Here Tiger! Here Tiger! Come out wherever you are!’ So a way that is cooked up to avoid this further combat is to pretend an upgrade in number of release without the hard work and scratches necessary to honestly achieve it. ...
Many will come along selling the frightened the idea one can leap up through the numbers without pain or toil or auditing by flexing one's chest or eating Wheaties or praying. But that isn't the WAY. There's no bridge there.
The main point that will be stumbled on is this: Nobody has any real reality on how high up these states are or how utterly tall Clear really is.”          LRH
         (above quotations all from HCOB 5 Aug 65 “Release Stages”)

After all HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear” adjudicates:  (underlining is mine)
“The Dianetic Clear, on achieving this state, can be audited on Scientology Grades 0-IV. He would not be run on the R3RA section of service facs, however. On completing Grades 0-IV, he is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course on a Dianetic Clear but goes onto OT I, after doing the Solo Auditor Course.”
Now we can skip it with permission, who is going to withstand that?
Well, L. Ron Hubbard may be?
“... and there is no shortcut for VI [=basic bank] and VII [=Clearing Course]. Anybody who comes along and tells you there's any shortcut for VI and VII, he's just trying to cut your throat. Remember that. There is no shortcut. ...
I'm not trying to scare you; I'm just trying to keep you from making mistakes.”          LRH
         (from Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #72, renumbered 1991: #435 “Dianetic Auditing and the Mind”, given on 28 Jul 66)
sound  Sound snippet

Go back Consequence (2):
Damaging the credibility and predictability of Dianetics & Scientology

Dianetics and Scientology were introduced and presented as having the approach of a science. Its results therefore were predictable. It is also being promoted as being laser precise. Now, how scientific and how laser precise then does it remain to be if you introduce this kind of ‘Clear Cognition’? How can we continue to determine with confidence when we are facing such turnarounds in that State of Clear and the ways to confirm these conditions?
With the 1978 change theoretically the condition of Clear had turned into something that in scientific ways could no longer adequately be confirmed. It would be sufficient to utter a notion that one might be Clear to get this ball rolling. I have seen various persons starting on this Clear Certainty Rundown and not getting anywhere. Per the indicators of these persons that I have observed I could confidently have said to them that they evidently were not Clear. Although they would not have listened either way, further the approach is that one is not to invalidate their Clear Cognition. (I would thus have gotten into trouble myself if I had!) Nonetheless the behavioural indicators of these persons should not be ignored, but they as a rule are. The new concept of the Clear Cognition created all these fishy situations. Here Scientology had turned into a guessing game.
At least in the earlier days you knew where you were at:
“I am the last one to throw cool water over anyone's head about Release. But I have a passion for stating truth as I know it when I know it. You can always depend on that. It's not always popular but it's honest.”          LRH
(from HCOB 5 Aug 65 “Release Stages”)

Thus it had all turned to: “if ... the pc has stated the Clear cognition in some wording” (from HCOB 2 May 79 I “Dianetic Clear Special Intensive”), then it may result in you to be send “to attest to the state of Dianetic Clear.” if the indicators (VGI's) are found in favour of this. And may be verified by the Dianetics Clear Special Intensive (DCSI), that today is in use as the Clear Certainty Rundown (CCRD).
This realization of being Clear, in concordance with aforesaid HCOB 24 Sept 78 IV “The State of Clear” (Confidential) & HCOB 29 Nov 78R (Revised 31 Mar 81) “Dianetic Clear Attests”, could happen at any point in processing but may be as early as the Objectives* (located prior to the Grades). With this also considering, as per the 2 earlier named HCOBs, that it may even be someone that had gone Clear in a past life. If this was so found then he still “can be audited on Scientology Grades 0-IV”. Although “On completing Grades 0-IV, he is not run on Power (Grade V), R6EW (Grade VI) or the Clearing Course (Grade VII) but goes onto OT I, after doing the Solo Auditor Course” (from HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear”). Then HCOB 4 May 94 (from LRH despatch 11 Dec 1981) “Clear and Release” proposes: He will or won't go Clear on NED. If he doesn't, there's still the Clearing Course in the AOs.”. And so Grade V, VI and VII had turned conditional.
Well, according to the status quo prior to 1978 there were no shortcuts. Do remember: “Anybody who comes along and tells you there's any shortcut for VI and VII, he's just trying to cut your throat. Remember that. There is no shortcut.”   LRH

Another uncertainty is provided for in HCOB 29 Nov 78 “Dianetic Clear Attests” which proposes that those “(a) Manifestating PTSness and illnesses ... (b) Appearing to be no case gain, out-ethics cases. (c) Not moving on the Bridge ... (d) Becoming inactive as a Scientologist”, that all these could be suffering from some sort of “unacknowledged state of Clear”. Thus the worst scenario could unfold a shining jewel if only acknowledged?
Nonetheless an “LRH despatch of 11 December 1981” urges to be confident about it:
“A person feels so much better with auditing that he is certain he must have gone Clear, whereas he has actually attained ‘Release.’ Clear is a specific, definite manifestation and there is no arguing with it: one is or one isn't. When a person really goes CLEAR, he knows it.”
But how then does the no-Clear know it? We are left here still with 2 persons that claim that they are Clear, this thus answers no questions.
A little later in the despatch it says:
“What is the EP of clearing anyway? It is simple: the definition of Clear is: the person no longer has his own reactive mind. So the state of Clear is not cloudy even one little bit!”
But how is it determined? Mind that only the person that supposedly “really goes CLEAR, he knows it”. Nonetheless the no-Clear remains “certain he must have gone Clear” too.
And near the end of the despatch it says:
“Don't get into quibbling about what Clear is as there is no quibble. But people can mistake Release for it just because they'd had a floating TA or their wife said ‘How changed you are!’ after ARC Straightwire.”          LRH
         (above 3 quotations all from HCOB 4 May 94 “Clear and Release”)
It seems to me however that the quibble remains. The despatch does not answer the questions.

Human behaviour already forecasted in 1965:
The third Q and A* a C/S can pull is to agree to the pc's demands for the next grade despite all contrary indicators.
‘I'm ready for Clear now!’ says the pc full of somatics whose R6EW wasn't really done and who can't talk.
The Registrar, execs and others push on this also.
The D of P* and C/S have total authority on this. They should be diplomatic. ‘He can have the grade of course but I will have to prepare him for it,’ is the best answer. ‘Please make arrangements for Clear preparation—25 hours.’
If the C/S doesn't hold the fort on this the pc put into the next grade who isn't ready will fall on his head.
If this pressure from the pc (in any version) continues, have him sign a waiver ‘I will not hold the org or any principals responsible and waive any refund if I am put on next grade.’ That either gets home or he says okay and signs. So put him on the grade and hope he doesn't fall on his head—and if he does, now demand he get the hours needed to get fixed up so he can really make it.
A D of P or C/S often have other pressures exerted on them that are not technical in nature such as economics, ambition, status symbols (of having a high grade regardless of a headache) and have to cope with these diplomatically. But any but tech considerations are dangerous to entertain.”          LRH
(from HCOB 19 Jun 70 “C/S Q and A”)

Go to index

Back to Main Index (d) The ‘Keyed-Out Clear’  (abandoned 1978)

This has similarities with the condition addressed in previous chapter the ‘Clear Cognition’ as in effect that may be seen also as a ‘Keyed-Out Clear’ or a release.


“The basis of the reactive mind is the actual Goals Problem Masses (GPMs*).
Life has pulled these out of position and thrust the pc into the mess.
When you find what lock words have been tied into the GPMs in this or even an earlier lifetime and key them out (destimulate them) (untie them from the main mass) the GPMs sink back into proper alignment and cease being effective.
This makes a Key-Out Clear.”          LRH
(from HCOB 17 Oct 64 III “Clearing, Why It Works, How It Is Necessary”)

This is a simulated clear. We called it a ‘keyed out clear’ quite properly. But it isn't a clear I know now, it's a RELEASE. The person has been released from his reactive mind. He still has that reactive mind but he's not in it. He is just released from it.”          LRH
(from HCOB 2 Apr 65 “The Road to Clear”)

“Now, I have made Releases with Dianetic auditing, and so on, and they were the first Clears. It's not too hard to do. But of course, they were simply Keyed-Out Clears which today we call Releases. Those people remained stable or didn't remain stable or something of the sort, but it completely changed their lives.”          LRH
(from Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #70, renumbered 1991: #433 “Dianetic Auditing”, given on 21 Jul 66)
sound  Sound snippet

“... a key out is just that, a key out. Just because one no longer has a tiger in his lap does not mean the tiger has vanished. He's merely stepped out into the hall. In the course of life somebody is going to leave the door open. The tiger won't come back into one's lap but he'll sure sit on the rug and sneer. Key out means there's still a tiger. Release means he's away. One First Stage can be more released than another First Stage. The tiger is further off.”          LRH
(from HCOB 5 Aug 65 “Release Stages”)


Then all of a sudden in 1978:

“The state of Clear can be achieved on Dianetics.
I have now determined there is no such thing as Keyed-Out Clear. There is only a Dianetic Clear and he is a Clear.”
(from HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear”)

This change is upheld in the 1985 revision (RB version) and the 1988 revision (RC version) which is still in use today. It says: “This bulletin revises the definition of ‘Dianetic Clear’, pages 113-114, Technical Dictionary, and the definition of ‘Keyed-Out Clear’, page 221, Technical Dictionary, 1st printing 1975, 2nd printing 1975 and 3rd printing 1978.”.

In effect this abandoned the release, a person that felt great because he was not in his reactive mind. It turned the “simulated clear” into a full-fledged clear.

Go to index

Back to Main Index (e) The ‘Natural’ Clear

Go back “There has never been a true Clear or true OT”  vs  The ‘Natural’ Clear (1979)


It used to be like this:
“We know all the attributes of Clear and Operating Thetans.
In the history of this universe there has never been a true Clear or true OT.
Every Clear ever encountered in this universe was a Keyed-out Clear—a Release. He still had all his bank, GPMs and engrams. They were simply keyed out and not influencing him.
We have known that for some time.”          LRH
(from HCOB 18 Jun 65 “Clear and OT Behaviour”)

“Now, just giving you the scouted background history of this thing. Now the most that was ever achieved by any of these was a type of Release. And since the beginning of the universe, so far as we know; there has never been anything but a Release. There has never been a Clear. There has never been a cleared anything. So that these are all forms of release.”          LRH
(from Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #75, renumbered 1991 #438 “Releases and Clears”, given on 16 Aug 66)
sound  Sound snippet

“You are a Clear. Well done and congratulations.
This state has not previously been attained in this universe and we must all work towards getting more people—many more people—up to this level.”          LRH
(from HCO PL 17 Jan 67 “An Open Letter to All Clears”)

There is a percentage of people who go totally Clear on Dianetics is too slight to give it much attention. I am, now I am talking about the state of absolute Clear.”          LRH
(from GNC special lecture “Expanded Grades and Training”, given on 21 Jun 70 - Recorded lecture made by L. Ron Hubbard for presentation to the Grand National Convention of the “20th anniversary of Dianetics and Total Freedom” held in Los Angeles)
sound  Sound snippet
(Please note that above sound snippet is longer than the printed text that you find here above.)

“The truth is, it's absolutely impossible to make a Clear, it's absolutely impossible to make an O.T. We've now made thousands of Clears and we're well on the way to making a tremendous number of O.T.s. But there's a lot of blood, sweat and tears that goes into it. It's not a mild operation. Because life is quite an adversary. The bank is quite an adversary.
You shouldn't ever under value these things. Therefore you can't really over value the state of Clear. It has never been achieved before.”          LRH
(from ‘Clear News 71 (AOLA edition)’, [ca Jan/Feb 72], page 5)


Then all of a sudden starting in 1979:

“Technically, a very few thetans have never been anything but Clear. These few didn't ‘go Clear’ on anything; they have simply always been Clear. When a natural Clear is found it should be so stated.”
(from HCOB 5 Mar 79R (Revised 6 Mar 79) “Dianetic Clear False Declares”)

“The only exception, very, very, very rare, is one who didn't have a reactive mind in the first place.”
(from HCOB 14 Dec 81 “The State of Clear” )

This defies what was related to us during 1965-67. There is a clashing element present here as these sources from 1965-67 as quoted earlier are still considered valid and are in use today. An oddity is also that we find in ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1992 edition) the following phrase on page 221 in the section entitled “The State of Clear”: “The state of Clear has never existed before.”. Why does this book not confirm the existence of a ‘Natural’ Clear? This all is actually very confusing as conflicting information and statements are found in present-day accepted writings. Either way 7 ‘Natural’ Clears were attested for in the periodical ‘Source 21’, Jun-Jul 79 “Flag Completions” and another 12 ‘Natural’ Clears attested in August 1979 (see periodical ‘Ability 329’, Aug 79 “Graduates & Releases”).
The problem may also be that it has not adequately been explained why we would have Natural Clears! Why would some person(s) not have a reactive mind? As after all the only thing we have all in common is this very reactive mind! Therefore this change proposed in 1979 does not appear to be properly accounted for. In addition it also puts the door wide open for the new Clear Cognition concept as introduced in 1978, these terms appear quite related. Off you go to the ‘Dianetic Clear Special Intensive’ (later called ‘Clear Certainty Rundown’).

The closest we actually get to a ‘Natural’ Clear is a statement in Grand National Convention lecture “Expanded Grades and Training”, given on 21 Jun 70. L. Ron Hubbard says there:
“There is a percentage of people who go totally Clear on Dianetics is too slight to give it much attention. I am, now I am talking about the state of absolute Clear.”          LRH
Mind that this obviously is not some ‘Natural’ Clear as Dianetics is being run on these few people. It's just that they skip the higher grades (Grade 5-7). Still a very long way from this ‘Natural’ Clear indeed. Now, how probable would it be that ‘Natural’ Clears would surface if that “percentage” that could skip the higher grades are already “too slight to give it much attention”?

Problems arising, consequences and solutions

Now, if we for a moment take this ‘Natural’ Clear seriously, then what would be a good solution to this situation? If they are really Clear, then why don't you let them walk on the standard route anyway? If they are Clear it would be expected they would very quickly fly through it. You certainly will then not risk having a person attesting to Clear when he or she is in fact not a Clear. It may seem a riddle why the option chosen was to send such ‘Natural’ Clear originators to do this Clear Certainty Rundown (CCRD). Here you may utter a particular sentence and off you go to attest for Clear. Yes, it was that easy, and it was equally easy to make the mistake having someone attest for Clear when he was not.

Some people have forwarded the notion that invalidating someone having attested to this state of being Clear, or even denying them to attest for that, that this is looked upon as a High Crime. In the Scientology organization this would be considered a serious matter. Voices are being heard that one will mess up the case of an individual if you do not acknowledge and go along with the (‘Natural’) Clear cognition. But... did L. Ron Hubbard not also forewarn that: “—and there is no shortcut for VI and VII. Anybody who comes along and tells you there's any shortcut for VI and VII, he's just trying to cut your throat. Remember that. There is no shortcut.”   LRH

Is the easy way ‘through’ or rather taking a “shortcut” not to simply originate a (‘Natural’) Clear cognition? The question to ask would then be if not some “throats” are getting “cut” in the process?

People in 1979 reportedly were standing in line to be declared Clear. And what happened since? This day these ‘Natural’ Clears have been called back in. Their Clear status has been revoked and they were found to not be Clear after all. Now they could start all over again. One may wonder how many “throats” were that?

Go back The ‘Natural’ OT?

If suddenly we know there would be these Natural Clears, now why would one then not also expect to find Natural OTs?

“Now, when you put somebody back to the level of Operating Thetan, you're putting somebody back there who is different than any being who has ever been on the track. Where there has never really been one on the track—because he's operating with experience. Now, before, there has never been in the history of the universe anything more than a released OT. So we must get the difference between a Clear OT and a released OT. So there are two different types of OT.
Now, a fellow who's a released OT is just temporarily up and feeling high and great, but he can fall on his head. A Clear OT, particularly because of experience and so forth, it would be very, very difficult indeed—if at all possible—to make him fall on his head. So the way we use OT is we really mean Clear OT. That's what we really mean when we say, ‘We're going for OT.’ All right, we mean Clear OT. And so, therefore, you must always be careful to use the word release ahead of an OT who is simply an exterior.”          LRH
(from Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #82, renumbered 1991: #445 “Scientology definitions I: OT and Clear Defined”, given on 29 Nov 66)
sound  Sound snippet

And phrased in a Scientology magazine (1969) as follows:
“When you put somebody back to the level of Operating Thetan you are putting somebody back who is different than any being who has ever been on the track - there's never before been an OT with experience.
Never before in the history of the universe has there been anything but a released OT, a being who is temporarily exterior and feels great but sooner or later - within minutes or centuries - his bank catches up with him and he falls on his head.”          LRH
(from ‘Clear News 3 (AOLA edition)’, 21 Nov 69, page 1)

It appears however that to date Natural OTs have not surfaced nor have any been acknowledged.

Go to index

Back to Main Index Remaining expressions for Clear  
Go back ‘MEST Clear’ versus ‘Theta Clear’

MEST:   A coined word, meaning matter, energy, space and time, the physical universe. All physical phenomena may be considered as energy operating in space and time. The movement of matter or energy in time is the measure of space. All things are mest except theta.
theta:  Thought, life force, the spirit or the soul.  

A specific practical definition is attached to these 2 terms. They were in use as early as 1951. A MEST Clear may resemble a Dianetic Clear. A Theta Clear may in a sense resemble a Scientology Clear. The use of these terms however are rather specific.

The booklet ‘Scientology: Clear Procedure, Issue I’ (published Dec 57), chapter 2, “Definitions, Goals” notes: “There are three possible goals in processing a preclear. The first of these is Mest Clear. The second is Theta Clear. The third is Operating Thetan.”  LRH.  (This is also published as HCOB #1, 3 Dec 57 “Clear Procedure; Definitions, Goals”). Additional information and clarification can be found in this chapter of this booklet or the HCOB.
Some specific technical information regarding this can be found in HCOB 18 Mar 63 “R2–R3, Important Date, Don't Force the PC”, section “Clear Tests”, I have quoted from this in my following section on this page entitled: “Certifying Clears: ‘Clear Tests’ and ‘Clear Checkouts’”.

Selections from ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’:
“MEST CLEAR, 1. by mest clear is meant a Book One clear. Here we defined clear in terms of facsimiles. This is a rather simple mechanical definition. It said in effect that so far as human beings were concerned our preclear finally arrived at a point where he had full color-visio-sonic, had no psychoses or neuroses and could recall what had happened to him in this lifetime. (Scientology Clear Procedure, p. 3)  2. if a fellow can exist without synthetic beingnesses, which are solutions to problems he can't confront, you've got a mest clear. He is still in a body. He's got body beingness yet, but he's gotten rid of these synthetic valences. (SH Spec 36, 6108C09)”
“THETA CLEAR, 1. it is a person who operates exterior to a body without need of a body. (SH Spec 59, 6109C27)  2. a theta clear, then can be defined as a person who is at cause over his own reactive bank and can create and uncreate it at will. Less accurately he is a person who is willing to experience. Theta clear is stable. (Ability 92M)  3. theta clear would mean clear of the mest body or cleared of the necessity to have a mest body. (5206CM26A)  4. there are two types of theta clear, the theta being which is cleared of its necessity or compulsion to have a body and a theta being which is cleared all the way on the track. (5206CM26B)  5. the basic definition of theta clear is: no further necessity for beingnesses. (SH Spec 36, 6108C09)  6. in its highest sense, means no further dependency on bodies. (Scientology Clear Procedure, p. 3)  7. an individual who, as a being, is certain of his identity apart from that of the body, and who habitually operates the body from outside, or exteriorized. (The Phoenix Lectures, p. 16)”
“THETA CLEARING, 1. to create a theta clear it is only necessary to bring the being up to a point where it can leave and return upon a mest body. (HOM, p. 59)  2. the emancipation or exteriorization of a soul. (The Phoenix Lectures, p. 26)”

Go back ‘Clear OT’,  ‘Theta Clear’,  ‘Clear Theta Clear’  &  ‘Mest Clear’ attestations

The below information is found in respective issues of the ‘Source’ magazine issued at and for Flag (Clearwater, Fl). Somewhere near the end in these magazines we find the section carrying the title: “Flag Completions”. It lists various course completions, auditing level completions and various other things that were completed or successfully attested for.
Attested for: ‘Source 22’,
Aug/Sept 79 
‘Source 23’,
Oct/Nov 79
‘Source 24’,
Dec 79/Jan 80 
 Clear 19x [many] x [many] x
 Clear OT 11x 7x -
 Theta Clear 9x 5x 10x
 Clear Theta Clear 7x 3x -
 Mest Clear - - 1x

Clear, Theta Clear and Mest Clear have been defined previously on this page. Clear OT* and Clear Theta Clear is found in the ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’ as follows:

“CLEAR OT, our definition of an operating thetan is that of a Clear Operating Thetan. This is a proofed-up being who no longer has a bank, and who has experience. This is a completely stable state—a being who won't hit the banana peel. (SH Spec 82, 6611C29)”
“CLEARED THETA CLEAR, 1. a person who is able to create his own universe; or, living in the mest universe is able to create illusions perceivable by others at will, to handle mest universe objects without mechanical means and to have and feel no need of bodies or even the mest universe to keep himself and his friends interested in existence. (Scn 8-8008, p. 114)  2. next level above theta clear (which is cleared of need to have a body). All of a person’s engrams have been turned into conceptual experience. He is clear all the way along the track. He can really deliver the horsepower. (5206CM26A)  3. one who has full recall of everything and full ability as a thetan. (Scn 8-80, p. 59)”

If anyone would care to explain how these last 4 named attestations came about, how they were performed, and how they were tested (checked) for, please throw me a line. It is noted that only these 3 #s of this ‘Source’ magazine listed these. Clear OT, Theta Clear, Clear Theta Clear & Mest Clear are not listed as attestations in any of the other numbers of this magazine, and not in any other Scientology magazine either that I have been able to verify. These terms are all defined in the ‘Dianetics and Scientology, Technical Dictionary’, but the question is how they were checked for, were they cognitions of some sort which were attested? I am curious to know.

I am also not clear about what these attestations actually implicated. Were they all fully acknowledged Clears, and their next step would be the OT Levels? These listings as I came across them in these magazines is all that I know, and they puzzle me. They appeared in August 1979 and disappeared again January 1980.

Care to fill me in? Contact me!

Go to index

Back to Main Index Brief summary (a-e) of the changes and new approaches

Term Introducing Reference
(a) The Dianetic Clear - The state of Clear can be achieved on Dianetics, it is not just a Release. HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear”    
(b) The Scientology Clear  - Claiming that a Clear is a Dianetic Clear may implicate that a Scientology Clear may not exist. Confusion concerning what a Scientology Clear actually is as the term continues to be used in references that are considered valid today. HCOB 24 Sept 78 IV “The State of Clear” (Confidential)  &
HCOB 29 Nov 78R (Revised 31 Mar 81) “Dianetic Clear Attests”
(c) The ‘Clear Cognition’ - Reintroduction of not running Power etc after having the state of Clear certified.
- Reintroducing the approach that originating that one might be Clear suffices to get it certified.
[previously in 1970 these were introduced by others, as soon as LRH found out about it it was immediately cancelled and taken out of use]
HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear”
(d) The ‘Keyed-Out Clear’ - There is no such thing as Keyed-Out Clear. HCOB 24 Sept 78 III “Dianetic Clear”
(e) The ‘Natural’ Clear - Confirmed to actually exist first in March 1979, after repeated and categorical statements from LRH that there never have existed any Clears. HCOB 5 Mar 79 “Dianetic Clear False Declares”
SH Spec 75, 6608C16 “Releases and Clears”  &
HCO PL 17 Jan 67 “An Open Letter to All Clears”
‘Clear News 71 (AOLA edition)’, [ca Jan/Feb 72]
‘Dianetic Clear Special Intensive’ (DCSI) - Introduced and released since May 1979. HCO PL 1 May 79 “Dianetic Clear Special Intensives”  &
HCOB 2 May 79 I “Dianetic Clear Special Intensive” (Limited Distribution)  &
HCOB 3 May 79 “Dianetic Clear Special Intensive C/S and Auditor Requirements”

These noted changes are still going strong in the Church of Scientology of this day!



     ..R, ..RA, ..RB (etc) or #R, #RA (etc):
For example: ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70R’ & ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70RA, etc. The given date denotes the first time it has been published in issue-form. The R, RA indication may also follow after an issue-number. The R stands for ‘Revision’ and would refer to that it has been revised since it was first published. If it is revised a 2nd time it is indicated as RA, a 3rd time RB, then RC, and so on.
Advanced Clinical Course’. 1. Basically a theory and research course which gives a much further insight into the phenomena of the mind and the rationale of research and investigation (PAB 71)  2. L. Ron Hubbard's special courses personally taught by him, and sponsored for him by an HCO office. (HCO PL 24 Feb 60).
American Saint Hill Organization’. A higher level Scientology organization residing in Los Angeles.
The mental image picture collection collection of a person. It comes from computer technology where all data is in a “bank”. (HCOB 30 Apr 69)  See also at ‘reactive mind’ in vocabulary.
     Book One (or Book I):
Refers to ‘Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health’ that functions as ‘A Handbook of Dianetic Therapy’. It was first published in 1950.
Board Technical Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on cream paper. These are the issues of the Boards of Directors of the Churches of Scientology and are separate and distinct from HCO Bulletins written by LRH. Only LRH issues may be printed green on white for Technical Bulletins and only LRH issues may have the prefix HCO. These Board issues are valid as tech. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I, New Issues).
  This issue-type was established in January 1974. In December 1974 a project was started to cancel HCOBs not written by L. Ron Hubbard and if still found being of value having them reissued as BTBs. By 1980 all BTBs had been revoked.
Case/Supervisor’.  1. That person in a Scientology Church who gives instructions regarding, and supervises the auditing of preclears. The abbreviation C/S can refer to the Case Supervisor or to the written instructions of a case supervisor depending on context. (BTB 12 Apr 72R)  2. The C/S is the case supervisor. He has to be an accomplished and properly certified auditor and a person trained additionally to supervise cases. The C/S is the auditor's “handler.” He tells the auditor what to do, corrects his tech, keeps the lines straight and keeps the auditor calm and willing and winning. The C/S is the pc's case director. His actions are done for the pc. (Dianetics Today, Bk. 3, p. 545)
A case supervisor direction of what to audit on a pc. (HCOB 23 Aug 71)
     Clear:  (extensive definition list)
1. A Clear, in an absolute sense, would be someone who could confront anything and everything in the past, present and future. (Ability Minor 56)  2. A Clear is somebody who has lost the mass, energy, space and time connected with the thing called mind. (SH Spec 80, 6609C08)  3. A Clear has no vicious reactive mind and operates at total mental capacity just like the first book (DMSMH) said. (HCOB 2 Apr 65)  4. The name of a button on an adding machine. When you push it, all the hidden answers in the machine clear and the machine can be used for a proper computation. So long as the button is not pressed the machine adds all old answers to all new efforts to compute and wrong answers result. Really, that’s all a Clear is. Clears are beings who have been cleared of wrong answers or useless answers which keep them from living or thinking. (Auditor 4 UK)  5. What we mean by Clear is an erasure of the mental mass which inhibits their thinking, postulating, and so on. (SH Spec 75, 6608C16)  6. An unaberrated person. He is rational in that he forms the best possible solutions he can on the data he has and from his viewpoint. He obtains the maximum pleasure for the organism, present and future, as well as for the subjects along the other dynamics. The Clear has no engrams which can be restimulated to throw out the correctness of computation by entering hidden and false data in it. (Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, p. 111)
     D of P:
The ‘Director of Processing’ will interview you on matters concerning your auditing progress and the scheduling of your auditing.
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health’. The first book published on he subject. ‘A Handbook of Dianetic Procedure.’
Short for ‘Dianetics’.
     Expanded Dianetics (Ex Dn, XDN):
(1) “its results are freedom from cruel impulses and chronic unwanted conditions and ability to act in an optimum manner without restraint.”;  (2) about the course: “Trains a person to understand and handle irrational behavior in others and chronic unwanted conditions.” (What Is Scientology? (1978), p 10 & 12)
     floating needle (F/N):
The idle uninfluenced movement of the needle on the dial (of an E-meter) without any patterns or reactions in it. It can be as small as one inch or as large as dial wide. It does not fall or drop to the right of the dial. It moves to the left at the same speed as it moves to the right. It is observed on a Mark V E-meter calibrated with the TA (Tone Arm) between 2.0 and 3.0 with GIs (Good Indicators) in on the pc. It can occur after a cognition, blowdown of the TA (Tone Arm) or just moves into floating. The pc may or may not voice the cognition. (HCOB 7 May 69 V)
floating needle’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
Goals Problem Mass’. 1. A GPM is composed of mental masses and significances which have an exact pattern, unvarying from person to person, whose significances dictate a certain type of behaviour and whose masses, when pulled in on the individual, cause psychosomatic effects, such as illnesses, pains or feelings of heaviness and tiredness. (Scientology Abridged Dictionary).  2. The problem created by two or more opposing ideas which being opposed, balanced, and unresolved, make a mass. It's a mental energy mass. (SH Spec 83, 6612C06).  3. The basis of the reactive mind is the actual Goals Problem Masses (GPMs). (HCOB 17 Oct 64 III)
     HASI PL:
Hubbard Association of Scientologists International Policy Letter’. This is an early name for an HCO PL. ‘HASI’ is also referred to as the ‘Founding Church’. In the 1991 release of ‘The Organization Executive Course’ volumes these are renamed FCPL (‘Founding Church Policy Letter’). See further at ‘HCO PL’ in vocabulary.
Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on white paper. Written by LRH only , but only so starting from January 1974. These are the technical issue line. All data for auditing and courses is contained in HCOBs. For more information go here (separate window).
    HCO PL:
Hubbard Communication Office Policy Letter’. Color flash–green ink on white paper. Written by LRH only, but only so starting from January 1974. These are the organizational and administrative issue line. For more information go here (separate window).
Hubbard Guidance Center’. The department of the technical division of a Scientology organization which sets you up for and delivers auditing.
1. An analytical moment in which the perceptics of the engram are approximated, thus restimulating the engram or bringing it into action, the present time perceptics being erroneously interpreted by the reactive mind to mean that the same condition which produced physical pain once before is now again at hand. Locks contain mainly perceptics; no physical pain and very little misemotion. (Science of Survival, p. 112)  2. A situation of mental anguish. It depends for its force on the engram to which it is appended. The lock is more or less known to the analyzer. It's a moment of severe restimulation of an engram. (Dianetics: Evolution of a Science, p. 84).
An usual abbreviation for ‘L. Ron Hubbard’.
A coined word, meaning matter, energy, space and time, the physical universe. All physical phenomena may be considered as energy operating in space and time. The movement of matter or energy in time is the measure of space. All things are mest except theta.
Refers to a package of processes which are part of a step found somewhere at the bottom of the Grade Chart or Bridge (Classification Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates). Generally this consists of the CCH processes I-IV (see HCOB 1 Dec 65 “CCHs”).
(CCH: Control, Communication & Havingness. Several associated processes which bring a person into better control of his body and surroundings, put him into better communication with his surroundings and other people, and increase his ability to have things for himself. They bring him into the present, away from his past problems.)
     OCA, APA:
Oxford Capacity Analysis’. The OCA (Oxford Capacity Analysis) is the English version of the American Personality Analysis (APA). The OCA (or APA) consists of 200 questions. These 200 questions are divided up into series of 20 questions, each of which measures a single personality trait. Thus ten traits are measured in all. (HCO PL 3 Nov 70 II)
     Operating Thetan (OT):
1. Willing and knowing cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space and time. And that would of course be mind and that would of course be universe. (SH Spec 80, 6609C08)  2. An individual who could operate totally independently of his body whether he had one or didn't have one. He's now himself, he's not dependent on the universe around him. (SH Spec 66, 6509C09)  3. A being at cause over matter, energy, space, time, form and life. Operating comes from “able to operate without dependency on things” and thetan is the Greek letter theta (θ), which the Greeks used to represent “thought” or perhaps “spirit” to which an “n” is added to make a new noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering. (Book of Case Remedies, p. 10)
     ‘The Organization Executive Course’:
Subtitled in the 1970-74 release: ‘An Encyclopedia of Scientology Policy’. This is a series of books that contain the HCO PLs, and any references that are primarily dealing with administrative matters. They are divided up division wise. The HCO PLs are printed in green ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in green bindings. These books may also be referred to as the ‘green volumes’ or even ‘OEC volumes’. The ‘old green volumes’ then would refer to the 1970-74 release, the ‘new green volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
Short for ‘Operating Thetan’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
     overt-withhold mechanism:
‘overt-motivator sequence’:  1. If a fellow does an overt, he will then believe he's got to have a motivator or that he has had a motivator. (Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress, Lecture #2, 6012C31)  2. The sequence wherein someone who has committed an overt has to claim the existence of motivators, the motivators are then likely to be used to justify further overt acts. (The Phoenix Lectures glossary)
Short for ‘Overt/Withhold’. See at ‘overt-withhold mechanism’ in vocabulary.
Professional Auditors Bulletin’. Scientology periodical (monthly) send to all members to keep auditors informed about the latest discoveries concerning processing procedures and other.
     preclear (pc):
1. A person who, through Scientology processing, is finding out more about himself and life. (The Phoenix Lectures, p. 20)  2. A spiritual being who is now on the road to becoming Clear, hence preclear. (HCOB 5 Apr 69)  3. One who is discovering things about himself and who is becoming clearer. (HCO PL 21 Aug 62)
     Q and A:
Question and Answer’. 1. When the term Q and A is used it means one did not get an answer to his question. It also means not getting compliance with an order but accepting something else. (HCOB 5 Dec 73)  2. The origin of the term comes from “changing when the pc changes.” A later definition was “Questioning the pc's Answer.” The basic answer to a question is, obviously, a question if one follows the duplication of the comm formula completely. Q and A is a failure to complete a cycle of action on a preclear. An auditor who starts a process, just gets it going, gets a new idea because of pc cognition, takes up the cognition and abandons the original process is Q and A-ing. (HCOB 7 Apr 64)
     R (as in R1, R3 or R6):
Routine’. A standard process, designed for the best steady gain of the pc at that level. (HCOB 11 Dec 64)
Routine 3 (Revised)’. Consists solely of finding a goal, then finding a terminal that matches the goal and running the terminal, and then finding another terminal for that goal, and another terminal for that goal, till that goal disappeared. And then finding that the goal had probably disappeared, and finding another goal, and finding a terminal for that goal, and so on. ... And eventually you got into the situation where you'd find a goal and it would blow up and you'd find a terminal and it would blow up, and then you just couldn't find anything, and you got a free needle. What you've done in essence was to pick off a number of pieces of the goals problem mass so the pc was floating free of the goals problem mass. (SH Spec 139, 6204C26)
  Goal: The prime postulate. It is the prime intention. It is a basic purpose for any cycle of lives the pc has lived. (SH Spec 160, 6206C12)
  Terminal: An item or identity the pc has actually been sometime in the past (or present) is called a terminal. (HCOB 8 Nov 62)
Routine 6’. It means the exact processes and aspects of case handled at Level VI of Scientology (BTB 12 Apr 72R)
Routine 6 End Words’. When the pc has taken the locks off the reactive mind itself, using R6EW, he attains Fourth Stage Release. (HCOB 30 Aug 65) [Grade VI Release].
     reactive mind:
1. That portion of a person's mind which works on a stimulus-response basis (given a certain stimulus, it gives a certain response) which is not under his volitional control and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions. It consists of GPMs, Engrams, Secondaries and Locks. (Scientology Abridged Dictionary)  2. Stored in the reactive mind are engrams, and here we find the single source of aberrations and psychosomatic ills. (Scientology 0-8, p. 11)  3. ‘bank’: a colloquial name for the reactive mind. This is what the procedures of Scientology are devoted to disposing of, for it is only a burden to an individual and he is much better off without it. (Scientology Abridged Dictionary)  4. The reactive mind acts below the level of consciousness. It is the literal stimulus-response mind. Given a certain stimulus it gives a certain response. (The Fundamentals of Thought, p. 58)
     Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC):
This was a course delivered by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill, England during 1961-66 and comprises of 447 lectures. Its result is a very adept auditor and thorough know-how of Scientology itself. The materials are studied in chronological sequence so as to fully understand the development of the technology. This will make you a Class VI Auditor.
A mental image picture of a moment of severe and shocking loss or threat of loss which contains misemotion such as anger, fear , grief, apathy or “deathfulness.” It is a mental image recording of a time with severe mental stress. It may contain unconsciousness. Called a secondary because it itself depends upon an earlier engram with similar data but real pain, etc. (HCOB 23 Apr 69)
     SH (org):
Saint Hill (organization)’. A Saint Hill organization applies to any organization authorized to deliver the advanced level Scientology services. May also be referred to as an AO (Advanced Organization). For example AOSH UK or AOLA. The first AO was located in Saint-Hill, England.
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
     SO ED:
Sea Org(anization) Executive Directive’. This is basically an ED (temporary policy) issued by the senior echelon within the Church of Scientology.
Going off into weird practices or altering Scientology. (HCO PL 7 Feb 65, Keeping Scientology Working)
tone arm (action)’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
     ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’:
This is a series of books that contain the HCOBs, and any references that are primarily dealing with technical matters. The HCOBs are printed in red ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in red bindings. The references are arranged in chronological release order (per issue date). These books may also be referred to as the ‘red volumes’. The ‘old red volumes’ then would refer to the 1976-80 release, the ‘new red volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
     tone arm (TA):
1. Tone arm refers to the tone arm or its motion. (HCOB 13 Apr 64)  2. Tone arm action. A technical term for a quantitative measure of case gain in the Scientology processing of a preclear for a given unit of time. (Introduction to Scientology Ethics, p. 38)  3. The measure of accumulation of charge. (Class VIII No. 6)  4. A measure of the amount of encysted force which is leaving the case. (SH Spec 291, 6308C06)
Very Good Indicators’. It means good indicators to a very marked degree. Extremely good indicators. Pc happy.
     XDN or Ex Dn:
Short for ‘Expanded Dianetics’.  See at that entry in vocabulary.

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