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Scientology: A ‘Golden Age of Tech’ (GAT), A.D. 1996 (2) or
A remarkable tool if used as originally intended
(Scientology: A history of ‘drilling’ (1956-76) or
A detailed historical overview of ‘drilling for technical purposes’) |
(to other Scientology pages) |
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The arrival of new information (7) -
A ‘Golden Age of Tech’ (GAT), A.D. 1996 (page 2)
(An account of the implementation of an extensive ‘drilling’ system)
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index page
Historical notices
A history of drilling (1956-76)
A history of drilling - Introduction |
1956-57 - Training Drills (TRs) 0-9 |
- Background information
- Training Drills (TRs) 0-4 - Communication
- Training Drills (TRs) 6-9 - Upper Indoctrination
- ‘Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist’ course and its ‘Training Course Manual’ (1957) |
1965, Feb - E-Meter Drills |
1965 - ‘Drills, Allowed’ vs ‘Out Tech and How to Get It in’ |
- HCO PL 16 Apr 65 II “Drills, Allowed”
- HCOB 13 Sept 65 “Out Tech and How to Get It in” |
1969-70 - Session Drills: TR (100, 100-A,) 101, 102, 103 & 104 |
1971, Jun - CR0000 Drills |
1971, early Sept - ‘A Talk on a Basic Qual’ |
1971, late Sept - Drills released for the HQS course |
1971, Oct/Nov - Drills Courses (as announced by L. Ron Hubbard) |
- BTB 8 Nov 76 “Drills BTBs Cancellation”
- HCOB 24 Jan 77 “Tech Correction Round-up” |
Final rundown (1956-76) |
Drills courses vs Standard Dianetics & Academy Level 0-4/SHSBC checksheets |
A history of drilling - Introduction
As Golden Age of Tech is pretty much about drilling, it justifies having a historical overview of how this has been dealt with in the past. Which criteria had been in use, what drills were already in use, when were they developed and so on.
Drilling can be separated in 2 parts, drills for technical purposes (aimed for use in session by auditors) and drilling for administrative purposes (for administrative non-auditing purposes, this includes public relation and such). In particular a historical overview of the drilling for technical purposes is given here, as this is after all what the Golden Age of Tech is about.
Included in this overview is as well a discussion of those references that affected the use of drills, or to not use certain drills.
1956-57 - Training Drills (TRs) 0-9
“TRs Course: TR stands for Training Regimen or Routine and the full set of TRs comprise the fundamental drills on how one audits another person and gets the results desired. These drills are the basis of auditing.” |
(from ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1978 edition), page 11) |
Background information
Per HCOB 11 Jun 57 “Training and CCH Processes” these Training Drills (TRs) were developed during the following time intervals: |
TR 0 to 9 (1953-57) |
TR 0 - Washington, March 1957
TR 5 - London, April 1956 (from principles developed in Camden, N.J., 1954) |
TR 1 - London, April 1956 |
TR 6 - Camden, 1953 |
TR 2 - London, April 1956 |
TR 7 - London, 1956 |
TR 3 - London, April 1956 |
TR 8 - Washington, Feb-March 1957 (17th ACC) |
TR 4 - London, April 1956 |
TR 9
- Washington, Feb-March 1957 (17th ACC) |
It may explain here why TR 0 is called exactly that. The TRs 1-4 had already been put there about a year earlier.
TR 0, 8 & 9 appear to have been a development that came about during the 17th Advanced Clinical Course (ACC), 18 February through 31 March 1957.
“ADVANCED CLINICAL COURSE, 1. basically a theory and research course which gives a much further insight into the phenomena of the mind and the rationale of research and investigation. (PAB 71) 2. L. Ron Hubbard's special courses personally taught by him, scheduled by him, and sponsored for him by an HCO office. (HCO PL 24 Feb 60) Abbr. ACC.” |
(from ‘Modern Management Technology Defined’* (released 1976)) |
It was further worked out at the 18th ACC as follows: |
This is also the reason why TR 5 dropped out of being part of the Training Drills (TRs): |
Note: This HCO PL is only found in the 1970-74 release of ‘The Organization Executive Course’ volumes, it has been excluded from the 1991 release of these volumes. |
Training Drills (TRs) 0-4 - Communication
“What does the Communication Course consist of? |
 The Communication Course is a course in elementary communication and control. It consists of training drills on communication and to put the student at cause over the environment. Knowledge is of no real value unless it is applied; hence the emphasis on practical application of the data on courses. This is what gives a person certainty in any area. You work with other students on the drills and you have a trained course supervisor who will give you all the help you need.” |
(from ‘What Is Scientology?’ (1978 edition), page 209) |
1957: The basis description of these was laid out in HCOB 11 Jun 57 “Training and CCH Processes”.
The Training Drills (TR 0-5) that were released to the 18th ACC (July 8 to August 16 1957) were issued in HCOB 12 Apr 61 “Training Drills” “in their original form”. They were referred to as “the correct drills for use in all instruction”.
1961: In 1961 the TRs 0, 1, 2, 3, & 4 were revised and issued as HCOB 17 Apr 61 “Training Drills Modernized” (it had already this early dropped TR 5 from its listing!).
1963: A variation of this was revised issued as HCOB 29 Apr 63 “Modernized Training Drills Using Permissive Coaching”. It noted that it was “Developed by Reg Sharpe with the advices of L. Ron Hubbard in April 1963 at Saint Hill to teach students how to coach the TRs.”. Nonetheless this release carries the signature of L. Ron Hubbard underneath it as if he had issued it. It never seems to have been in extensive use though, if at all. Its release was cancelled by HCOB 21 Jan 70 “Cancellation of Permissive TRs” that notes that: (full text of this bulletin is given) |
“HCO B 29 April 1963, MODERNIZED TRAINING DRILSS USING PERMISSIVE COACHING, is cancelled and is not to be used on any checksheet. |
The correct TRs and application are as listed on HCO B 17 April 1961, TRAINING DRILLS MODERNIZED. |
The 1963 revision was not done by me and has been found to be not workable. The best method is the original 1961 way of doing TRs.” LRH |
Note: It does appear that HCOB 29 Apr 63 “Modernized Training Drills Using Permissive Coaching” actually has the wrong signature. It does appear as fully attributed to L. Ron Hubbard with the initials ‘LRH:jw.rd’, although it does print the notice near the end of the reference “HISTORY: Developed by Reg Sharpe with the advices of L. Ron Hubbard etc...”. Initials for this issue should have read ‘LRH:RS:jw.rd’ and that it was done for L. Ron Hubbard. It also would have deemed the issue to have been reissued as an BTB in that evolution of 1974 (non LRH-written issues were reissued as BTBs). We do then find it in ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology: Volume V, 1962-1964’ (1976 release) on pages 266-272, altough it is indicated here as being cancelled by that earlier quoted HCOB. |
1965: In 1965 we got HCOB 1 Oct 65 “Mutter TR”, which is a drill variation on TR 0-4 for so-called muzzled auditing (see HCOB 25 Mar 59 “HAS Co-Audit & Comm Course”).
1971: HCOB 17 Apr 61 “Training Drills Modernized” was revised by HCOB 5 Jan 71 “Training Drills Modernized”. Do you have this, then please contact me!
A ‘Rapid TR-2’ was introduced by HCOB 16 Jun 71 I “Rapid TR-2”. This is not made part included in the regular Training Drills (TRs). It was a special action originally only for use in cramming. It was addressed as ‘CR0000-2’. Please see section entitled: “1971, Jun - CR0000 Drills”.
HCOB 5 Jan 71 “Training Drills Modernized” was revised by HCOB 21 Jun 71 III “Training Drills Modernized”. If you have a copy of this, then please contact me!
Once again revised by HCOB 16 Aug 71 II “Training Drills Modernized”. It added: |
And the original TR 0 developed originally in Washington, March 1957 was now revised in August 1971 and split into 2 Training Drills: |
TR 0 Confronting
TR 0 Bullbait |
1978: In July 1978 a TR 2½ was added. Additional changes occurred in 1980 which later on got reversed again. Details about this can be consulted here (separate window).
Training Drills (TRs) 6-9 - Upper Indoctrination
The basis description of these was laid out in HCOB 11 Jun 57 “Training and CCH Processes”. Roughly it can be said that these are about to get your intention across using your voice and not using your voice.
The standard established since 1968 was laid out in HCOB 7 May 68 “Upper Indoc TRs”. This is still in use today.
A TR 9 (b) and TR 9 (c) were issued in HCOB 13 Nov 58 “TR 9 (b) and TR9 (c)”. It says that: “HCO was asked for a TR number for ‘Handling ARC Breaks and Opening and Closing a Session’” LRH. I am not aware of them being in use today. They for sure are not a standard that all do. The reference still appears included in 1991 release of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes.
‘Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist’ course and its ‘Training Course Manual’ (1957)
Following up on the development of the Training Drills for use by in particular Auditors, we see the Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist course coming into being. For this purpose a course booklet was issued: ‘Scientology Training Course Manual - Field Validation & Hubbard Apprentice Scientologists’. It was compiled by L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. (first-born son of L. Ron Hubbard) & John W. Galusha (one of the cofounders of the Church of Scientology in 1953).
“The HAS Course is designed to instruct students in how to communicate with and handle people to bring about a higher degree of efficiency in their business and in their life and to better understand living and to feel better and in, Life.
Communication and control are prerequisites to successful living. If a person cannot communicate with people or has difficulty with communication it then much lessens his potential of being successful.”
 (from ‘Scientology Training Course Manual - Field Validation & Hubbard Apprentice Scientologists’ (1957)) |
These matters are important in auditing procedures as one needs to establish a communication and a mutual understanding if one is to accomplish anything in auditing sessions.
1965, Feb - E-Meter Drills
E-Meter Drills had been performed in previous years although there was no particular set of of E-Meter Drills provided for. At least not until the release of ‘The Book of E-Meter Drills’, released in February 1965. This publication contained ‘basic drills by L. Ron Hubbard’ and it was ‘Compiled by Mary Sue Hubbard’. There were 27 Training Drills on the E-Meter listed in there (EM 1-27). More data in particular of the history and particularities of this publication can be found on my Mary Sue Hubbard page, to consult click here (separate window).
The year 1971 added 3 additional E-Meter Drills: CR0000-3, CR0000-4 & CR0000-5. They are described in the ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’, and since the 1975 edition they are listed in ‘The Book of E-Meter Drills’. See also in section later on this page entitled: “1971, Jun - CR0000 Drills”.
“Having the data that Out-technology is the result of a lack of study,
drill and familiarity, it is imperative that meter drills be done well. |
As it is the Academy's purpose to train auditors, students must do the
required meter drills for each level and must not resort to the use of a pen to
represent the needle of an E-Meter.” LRH
 (from HCO PL 21 Sept 65 V “E-Meter Drills”) |
1965 - ‘Drills, Allowed’
vs ‘Out Tech and How to Get It in’
HCO PL 16 Apr 65 II “Drills, Allowed”
L. Ron Hubbard however also does put some restrictions to what drills one performs. This was established by him just 4 months prior to the release of the in the previous paragraph quoted HCOB.
The rule became “for HGCs and Academies and Courses”: |
“Your Comm Course and Upper Indoc TRs and your meter drills from The Book of E-Meter Drills are now the only drills permitted.” LRH
 (from HCOB 18 Apr 65 “How to Apply Level Processing”) |
So how does go together with the drilling as implemented according this Golden Age of Tech? It can not be denied that this HCO PL does create a problem, the more because we find no reference from L. Ron Hubbard that directly counteracts it. We also still do find this reference in its original form in the 1991 release of ‘The Organization Executive Course’ volumes. It is still denoted and acknowledged today as being a valid reference. We find it in ‘The Organization Executive Course: Technical Division, Volume 4’ (1991) on page 616 & ‘The Organization Executive Course: Qualifications Division, Volume 5’ (1991) on page 188. I personally do not really see how we can go around this reference in regards to Golden Age of Tech drilling. Although it appears that this reference was written to counteract a situation in where people were just busy inventing all kinds of drills. |
“During the past few years, unbeknownst to me, a whole sphere of action
built up which made students drill processes. I swear, there has been a ‘practical drill’ made out of half the processes we have. |
These were all abolished as DRILLS in HCO Pol Ltr 16 April AD 15*.” LRH
 (from HCO PL 17 May 65 “CCHs”) |
Some points made in “HCO Pol Ltr 16 April AD 15” however endure, which are: “They consume time uselessly” & “The standard drills as listed above have proven sufficient for years.” LRH. |
HCOB 13 Sept 65 “Out Tech and How to Get It in”
The ‘Inspector General Network Bulletin No. 22’ does go on about it with further quotations from HCOB 13 Sept 65 “Out Tech and How to Get It in”: “All auditors go through this. All of them, once trained, know the right processes. Then they have to graduate up to doing the right processes.” LRH. It is noted here that this “All auditors go through this.” in its context is not relating to drilling to be done. The impression may have been given in the bulletin that it does (see page 13 of the bulletin). The context in where it is found in the reference is as follows: |
“Most golfers know that you have to keep your eye on the ball just before, during and after you hit it. That's the basic datum of powerful, long drives down the fairway. So if this is so well known then why do so few golfers do it? They have arrived at a point of knowing they must. They have not yet arrived at a point of being able to. Then their heads get so scrambled, seeing all their bad drives which didn't go down the fairway, that they buy rabbits feet or new clubs or study ballistics. In short, not being able to do it, they disperse and do something else. |
All auditors go through this. All of them, once trained, know the right processes. Then they have to graduate up to doing the right processes. |
Observation plays an enormous role in this. The auditor is so all thumbs with his meter and unfamiliar tools he has no time or attention to see what goes on with the pc. So for 15 years lots of auditors made releases without ever noticing it. They were so
involved in knowing and so unskilled in applying, they never saw the ball go down the fairway for a 200 yard drive!” LRH |
This reference makes for interesting reading. The importance of drilling itself can not be denied. A few further quotations relating: |
“You have to know your tools very very well to see past them! An auditor who squirrels, who fools about with a pc, who fumbles around and seldom gets results just isn't sufficiently familiar with a session, its patter, his meter and the mind to see past them to the pc. |
Drill overcomes this. The keynote of the skilled technician is that he is a product of practice. He has to know what he is trying to do and what elements he is handling. Then he can produce a result.” LRH |
“Alter-is and poor results do not really come from not-know. They come from can't-apply. |
Drills, drills, drills and the continual repetition of the important data handle this condition of can't-apply. If you drill auditors hard and repeat often enough basic auditing facts, they eventually disentangle themselves and begin to do a job of application.” LRH |
Mind though that this reference and all that it says actually coexisted with HCO PL 16 Apr 65 II “Drills, Allowed”. Written in the same year and only 5 months apart. It may be a good thing to study these references in more detail and find out how things actually fit together, read between the lines (getting a concept) and come down to what actually is meant.
1969-70 - Session Drills: TR (100, 100-A,) 101, 102, 103 & 104
“These have to do with student auditors remembering their commands in session, making him practiced in using commands while handling his meter and admin, training him to use the right command in the right place according to what the pc does and finally training him to use commands and handle the session in spite of any and all distractions or reactions from a pc.” LRH
(from HCOB 24 Jan 77 “Tech Correction Round-up”)
The TRs 101, 102, 103 & 104 were introduced by L. Ron Hubbard in HCOB 16 Jul 69 “Urgent - Important” as a “breakthrough in auditor training which eliminates failed auditors and failed sessions and gives us 100% training success and 100% on Dianetic sessions”. It was found that “Anytime a pc is made to wait, whether by a wrong command or no command or an auditor writing too much on his work sheet, a Dianetic session crashes.”. The chief reason located for “session fail or cause a Dianetics student not to obtain results” was adjudicated as “FAILING TO GIVE THE
“An auditor-student may think he knows his commands. When he is auditing a doll he can do it. When confronted by a live pc, he needs to know the commands so well that pc randomity does not throw him off the right command. |
I therefore developed four new Dianetic TRs. They are TR 101, 102, 103 and 104.” LRH |
The issues however that laid out how these were to be done were not actually written by L. Ron Hubbard. These were: |
HCOB 17 Jul 69 “Dianetic Command Training Drills” (TR 101-104)
Written and issued by Brian Livingston, CS-5* . |
& |
A more detailed rundown of TR 103 and 104 were laid out in following reference: |
HCOB 20 May 70 “TR 103, 104 Rundown”
Written and issued by Ulf Ronnquist, Flag Course Supervisor. |
This following release also listed TR 101 & 102: |
HCOB 9 Oct 71 VII |
Auditor Drills Series 7
“Drills Course for Auditors, Dianetic Drills” |
At such time that it was decided that references not written by L. Ron Hubbard were to be reissued on another issue-type these drills were then reissued respectively as: |
BTB 17 Jul 69R (Revised 19 Feb 74) “Dianetic Command Training Drills 101 & 102” & |
BTB 20 May 70 (Reissued 28 Mar 74) “TR 103, 104 Rundown” |
At this time they were still fully accredited with the contribution of Brian Livingston & Ulf Ronnquist. |
For some obscure reason BTB 17 Jul 69R (Rev 19 Feb 74) “Dianetic Command Training Drills 101 & 102” had then been cancelled by BTB 10 Dec 74 VI “Cancellation of Bulletins 1969”. One could however still find its drills listed and thus in use through HCOB 9 Oct 71 VII “Drills Course for Auditors, Dianetic Drills”. Either way it was a strange state of affairs that it got cancelled just like that on 10 December 1974 and was only reinstated as much as 2 years later on 3 December 1976 (as BTB 17 Jul 69R “Dianetic Command Training Drills 101 & 102”). An attempt for an explanation of this is found in HCOB 24 Jan 77 “Tech Correction Round-up”. This issue however names as the reinstatement reference instead HCOB 17 Jul 69R (Reissued 9 Dec 76) “Dianetic Command Training Drills”, issued only 6 days later. Difference is that this new release lists all the 4 drills (TR 101 to 104), more significantly is however that they were now suddenly fully attributed to L. Ron Hubbard, to that effect we find additional clarifying text written in the ‘I’ form. It is to be noted here that no mention is made or any credit is given to the earlier contributors Brian Livingston and Ulf Ronnquist in this release nor in any later release.
With the release of New Era Dianetics in July 1978 it added the TRs 100 & 100-A. Since then it listed thus TR 100, 100-A, 101, 102, 103 & 104. It was now issued as: |
HCOB 17 Jul 69RA (Revised 11 Jul 78)“New Era Dianetics Command Training Drills” |
It is presently in use as HCOB 17 Jul 69RB (Revised 4 Sept 78 & Reissued 10 Jun 88) “New Era Dianetics Command Training Drills”.
1971, Jun - CR0000 Drills
The ‘CR’ stands for cramming as these drills were originally intended for use in cramming. These drills are listed in the ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’. Although these references appear to have been compiled by other than L. Ron Hubbard, at least the E-Meter Drills are said to have been “Developed in 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard” (see ‘The Book of E-Meter Drills’, since 1975 edition). I found no reference or lecture in where L. Ron Hubbard talks about them or refers to them. If you know differently, tell me about it. |
Does anyone have copies of any of the references as listed here below, then please contact me! |
CR0000-1 - ‘Ideal Session Start’ |
HCOB 16 Jun 71 III
“The ‘Setup for a Perfect Session’ Drill” |
HCOB 16 Jun 71R III
(Revised 10 Apr 72)
“The ‘Setup for a Perfect Session’ Drill” |
BTB 16 Jun 71RA III
(Revised and reissued 11 Jun 74 as BTB)
“The ‘Ideal Session Start’ Drill” |
CR0000-2 - ‘Rapid TR-2’ |
HCOB 16 Jun 71 I
“Rapid TR-2” |
HCOB 16 Jun 71R I
(Revised 19 Feb 72) |
“Rapid TR-2” |
HCOB 16 Jun 71RA I
(Revised 30 May 73) |
“Rapid TR-2” |
BTB 16 Jun 71RA I
(Reissued 22 Jul 74 as BTB) |
“Rapid TR-2” |
E-Meter Drills: CR0000-3, CR0000-4 & CR0000-5 |
HCOB 16 Jun 71 II
“Advanced E-Meter Drills”
HCOB 16 Jun 71R II
(Revised 30 May 73) |
“Advanced E-Meter Drills” |
BTB 16 Jun 71R II
(Reissued 22 Jul 74 as BTB) |
“Advanced E-Meter Drills” |
1971, early Sept - ‘A Talk on a Basic Qual’
The ‘Inspector General Network Bulletin No. 22’ makes reference on
page 14 to an additional reference, which is a lecture entitled “A Talk on a Basic Qual”, given on 5 Sept 71. The bulletin refers to it as follows: |
“Most comprehensively, in a famous lecture from 1971, A Talk on a Basic Qual, LRH talked about creating a Drills Course with a drill for every auditing action.” |
This lecture appears to be available. Known to me is the old reel to reel tape release, still on sale during the mid ’80s. I has been made available in 1990 on cassette tape with transcript, but only for use in the Scientology organizations, you should find it available in your local org in the course room or at least in Qual. It is not on sale for public at present according to my knowledge. The bulletin referred to it as “a famous lecture”. But may be it should have been referred to as “a vital lecture”. Noted is as well that this is actually a talk on a basic Qual, now what does Qual stand for? It is often referred to as the correction division or the adjustment division (see also vocabulary at end of page). Meaning this is where you go if something asks for corrective action. Keep this in mind. |
In the bulletin this is followed with the following text: |
“Indeed, he gave a target at that time: |
He detailed this even further, describing what such drills would be like: |
These quotations, as it may seem at first, are not taken from that lecture from 1971. In fact I do not find these lines anywhere in the published writings from L. Ron Hubbard. The bulletin does also not say where they come from. They may have been taken from more uncommon internal church issue-types such as FPGMO (Flag Program Order), PJO (Project Order), FPJO (Flag Project Order) or FMO (Flag Mission Order). I can only guess here, I don't know. |
In spite of that we do not find these quotations in that 1971 lecture, this lecture does appear to confirm what these lines relate about. There is however a flaw found in regards to the referral to this lecture as found in ‘Inspector General Network Bulletin No. 22’. This is what L. Ron Hubbard actually says in this lecture: |
“Now, you say, ‘Drills?’ Well yes. Actually we are just packaging up a Drills Course which has a drill for every auditing action, the wildest thing you ever saw in your life. It hasn't been piloted out to amount to anything yet, but it's been done by experts. And that goes right in the direction of your Cramming Section regardless of whether you taught a Drills Course. This fellow can't seem to do listing and nulling. Well, there are listing and nulling drills, so it is written down and these are the steps. So, the Cramming Officer simply would have to take this, hand it to him, listing and nulling. He just does the steps with the meter sitting there, and he goes through it on a sort of a doll proposition until he only gets the steps down. He says, ‘Oh, I see. Um, yeah, I got it.’ You know? He goes through the motions, because it's the confusion of sequence of motions is what he is up against. He is unsure of them. So, the second the Cramming Officer can pick out from a great big, long, thick pack of drills he can pick the drills that the fellow has been flunking in his auditing and make him drill those things. And the second that you can set him up with another guy and have him read the bulletins he is supposed to be doing on Method 2 and pick up the misunderstood words. And, if you have got a library there that has the information in it, oh, you've got it made, flubless auditing! A piece of cake!” LRH
 (from lecture “A Talk on a Basic Qual”, given on 5 Sept 71) |
Sound snippet |
We find that the bulletin missed out completely to make mention of “Cramming Section” and “Cramming Officer” as is actually found in this lecture. It becomes clear from the above that this “Drills Course” were for use in the Department of Cramming. |
Next ‘Inspector General Network Bulletin No. 22’ says that “This project has never been done!!!”. Actually this appears not to be an entirely correct statement! L. Ron Hubbard does say in this lecture: “It hasn't been piloted out to amount to anything yet, but it's been done by experts.”. A little further on he says: You got your drills packs coming right up. They are being mimeographed at this moment.”. And this he said on 5 September 1971. We may assume that this was that pilot that was being mimeographed. Then a little over a month later we see the final release of these so-called Drills Courses (see section entitled: “1971 Oct/Nov - Drills Courses”). Either way this can be seen as what the Golden Age of Tech was supposed to be about. But the claim “This project has never been done!!!” appears erroneous.
Then the bulletin informs that “Every different type of drill LRH ever mentioned anywhere was employed. New training aids (Drills Simulator) were developed. Exhaustive research covering every potential auditing situation or handling was conducted. And all this was continued until we had a gradient lineup of drills to teach an auditor any skill flawlessly.”. This is all very nice of course, but it wasn't left for primary use in the Cramming Section as L. Ron Hubbard advised that it should.
Now as indicated earlier we do not find this lecture “A Talk on a Basic Qual” itself being easily available in recent days in the Scientology organization. Why is that? This is a question that basically can not be avoided. This realization coupled with that the ‘Inspector General Network Bulletin No. 22’ only refers to some quotations where we don't know from where they are actually coming from. It would actually have been correct and applicable to simply quote from the lecture. But then it would also become clear that which it says in relation to this “Drills Course” that it was for use in the “Cramming Section”. |
Mind you that L. Ron Hubbard did point out that “The whole of technology is released in HCO Bulletins and HCO Policy Letters and Tapes I do and release.”
(from HCO PL 16 Apr 65 I “The ‘Hidden Data Line’”). Why then is chosen to refer to quotations we don't know where they are coming from? Although it is not so that which the lecture relates about is widely made available either. This all doesn't really add up. One gets the impression that the flow of information has been manipulated to go in a certain direction. That would be the aim to implement this Golden Age of Tech on everyone right from the very start, no matter what. This also would involve that any auditor trained per the old way had to be retrained. |
1971, late Sept - Drills released for the HQS course
These drills all said that they were compiled by or extracted by “Special Project”. Initials given for all of these releases is ‘PE’. It is quite plausible to assume that this “Special Project” was initiated by the Personal Efficiency Foundation, this also would explain where the ‘PE’ stands for. It has “less than 10 staff members”. “The PE Foundation is an entrance point to Scientology.” It aims to “pass people from testing to a PE Course, from a PE Course to co-audit and from co-audit to the Academy and HGC”. (quotations taken from ‘Modern Management Technology Defined’ (released 1976)) |
This all is also the intent of this Hubbard Qualified Scientologist (HQS) course. It is a basic course in the fundamentals of Scientology technology and gives a gradient of application of a few vital principles. It addresses amongst other TRs 0-4, 6-9 and co-auditing on various processes. One gets the general idea of how this all works. |
There is no indication given anywhere that L. Ron Hubbard was in any way involved in these releases themselves, and it was not required either. The routing as indicated on these issues, or elsewhere mentioned do denote these for use by those on the Hubbard Qualified Scientologist (HQS) course.
These series were made up of the following: |
HQS course drills |
HCOB 30 Sept 71 V |
“Co-Auditing Drill - Model Session for CCHs 1 to 4” |
HCOB 30 Sept 71 VI |
“CCHs 5, 6 & 7” |
HCOB 30 Sept 71 VII |
“Drills - Model Session for CCHs 5, 6 & 7” |
HCOB 30 Sept 71 VIII |
“Drill - Model Session for Op Pro by Dup” |
HCOB 30 Sept 71 IX |
“Drill - Recall Lists Model Session” |
HCOB 1 Nov 71 |
“Drill - Checking for Overrun or Unflat for Use on the HQS Course” |
Except for one of them they were reissued during 1974-75 as BTBs.
HCOB 30 Sept 71 VI “CCHs 5, 6 & 7” had been “Taken verbatim from HCO B 11 June 1957 for use on the HQS Course.” by this ‘Special Project’. It remains listed in ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes although “Amended & Reissued 19 April 1974 (Only change is in signature & commands of CCH7.)”. The change in signature concerned that it was now attributed to L. Ron Hubbard.
1971, Oct/Nov - Drills Courses (as announced by L. Ron Hubbard)
“Now, you say, ‘Drills?’ Well yes. Actually we are just packaging up a Drills Course which has a drill for every auditing action, the wildest thing you ever saw in your life. It hasn't been piloted out to amount to anything yet, but it's been done by experts. And that goes right in the direction of your Cramming Section regardless of whether you taught a Drills Course. ... |
You got your drills packs coming right up. They are being mimeographed at this moment. ... |
Now, I am telling you some things here that are based on very long line experience with having worked with a Qual, and I've worked with a Qual very hard here in the last couple of years. ... |
Now, there undoubtedly will be things constructed on this line, and there will undoubtedly be evolutions and so forth, but this is very easily the best Qual that I have ever seen. It's a doll baby. And when I first took a look at this I said ‘Look, that's very easy to get in. It is very easy to train auditors for it.’ Ah-so! Now, the technology which it uses is not very extensive. Now, let's see if we can't build up this technology so that it is well packaged. (The Drills Course, you see?)” LRH
 (from lecture “A Talk on a Basic Qual”, given on 5 Sept 71) |
We may assume that this was some pilot that was being mimeographed here.
Although 5 days prior to this, HCO PL 31 Aug 71 “The EC Network Disbanded” (EC = Executive Councel) already made a small notice of Drills Courses in regards to increase delivery: “A Qual Sec Course (Mini Qual) and Tech Establishment Officer Course were begun. Word Clearing Tech, an auditing drills course and other material were rapidly formulated and released.” LRH. Then HCOB 30 Aug 71 “Student Completions” laid out what points were calculated to determine how this delivery progressed: “Auditor Drills Course counts 5.”. It lists following this: “Supervisor Drills Course counts 5.”. To date I have no information about the existence of some Supervisor Drills Course. It appears that in this instance of time Drills Courses was something that was being looked into and talked about at as I have been unable to find any other referral to these in L. Ron Hubbard writings or lectures, not at an earlier nor at a later date.
Either way a little over a month later we see the actual final release of these Drills Courses for Auditors. Each of them noted: |
“PURPOSE: To improve the quality of auditing by familiarizing auditors with the exact procedure of each auditing action through the use of drills.” |
They made up the Auditor Drills Series 1-9 as follows: |
Auditor Drills Series 1-9 |
HCOB 9 Oct 71 I |
ADS # 1 |
“Drills Course for Auditors, Basic Drills” |
HCOB 9 Oct 71 II |
ADS # 2 |
“Drills Courses for Auditors, Level 0 Drills” |
HCOB 9 Oct 71 III |
ADS # 3 |
“Drills Courses for Auditors, Level I Drills” |
HCOB 9 Oct 71 IV |
ADS # 4 |
“Drills Course for Auditors, Level 2 Drills” |
HCOB 9 Oct 71 V |
ADS # 5 |
“Drills Course for Auditors, Level III Drills” |
HCOB 9 Oct 71 VI |
ADS # 6 |
“Drills Course for Auditors, Level IV Drills” |
HCOB 9 Oct 71 VII |
ADS # 7 |
“Drills Course for Auditors, Dianetic Drills” |
HCOB 9 Oct 71 VIII |
ADS # 8 |
“Drills Course for Auditors, Interiorization Rundown Drills” |
HCOB 26 Nov 71 IV |
ADS # 9 |
“Drills Course for Auditors, Expanded GF-40X Drills” |
I don't actually have copies of any of these original HCOB releases. The above information is that which is found in HCO Admin Letter 3 Mar 72 “Series and Numbering” which “listed all the different series to date and their correct numbering”. They appear also all of them copyrighted in the US copyright database at under given titles. This is also confirmed by the reissues of them as BTBs in later years. These BTBs actually changed title and didn't say anymore Drills Course. This can be explained as these were no actual Courses that included some checksheet which you signed off as soon as you were done with some drill. These references were just listings of various drills. The release history of these Drills Course references cover 1971-75 after which the bulk of them got cancelled in 1976. This may be the reason that these are so very little known today! Even Religious Technology Center (RTC) appears to have overlooked their existence while doing their evaluation (see earlier chapter“1971, early Sept - ‘A Talk on a Basic Qual’”). If you have copies of especially these original HCOBs or otherwise any of the BTBs reissues then please contact me.
BTB 8 Nov 76 “Drills BTBs Cancellation”
This cancels the Auditor Drills Series 1-7 from the BTB reissues, and also 3 additional Drills BTBs issued in 1974. It was issued by “Julie Gillespie,
Training & Serv Aide FB” & “Approved by CS-5*”, indicated with initials ‘JE’, which stands for John Eastment.
The argumentation given for cancellation was: |
“Auditors and Students should refer directly to Source materials when studying the Technology of Processing. |
As on occasion it has been found that Drills BTBs have not been adequate in giving Auditors full know how on LRH Source materials and HCOBs covering the technology of Auditing, they are therefore CANCELLED. Auditors are to refer to the Bulletins referenced on the Expanded Grades BTBs for know how on how to audit the processes. ... |
New Checksheets are soon to be issued which exclude these Drills BTBs. In the meantime, students on courses are to study the referenced Bulletins in the Expanded Grades BTBs and in their checksheets for the Source materials on the technology of each process. Drills are to be done as per the checksheet entries using LRH materials as source references. The Drills are to be done on dolls using fruit words both bullbaited and unbullbaited as per their checksheets.” |
The reason given is interesting. They were found to “have not been adequate in giving Auditors full know how on LRH Source materials and HCOBs covering the technology of Auditing”. But L. Ron Hubbard said that “it's been done by experts” on his lecture “A Talk on a Basic Qual”, given on 5 Sept 71. Then did it take 5 years to find out that it wasn't workable? (released 9 Oct 71 - cancelled 8 Nov 76). I don't know either how different these BTB versions issued in 1974-75 were compared to the original HCOBs released in 1971. Referred in the first paragraph is to “Source materials when studying the Technology of Processing”. It is noteworthy that no replacements drills are provided for, just to study the “referenced Bulletins in the Expanded Grades BTBs and in their checksheets for the Source materials on the technology of each process”. But these do not in particular provide for exact guidelines for drills. It says also that this is to be done “In the meantime”. But to my knowledge no replacements drills bulletins of some sort were ever provided for in later years either. “In the meantime” turned out to be of a rather permanent nature.
Why was the Drills Course initiative abandoned? I do not see anywhere that L. Ron Hubbard was involved in this or gave order to do so. In a sense it seems to counteract that which he had said in “A Talk on a Basic Qual”, given on 5 Sept 71. Anyone care to fill me in on that? You see, for me this is all a little too abrupt and leaves you with the situation as it was prior to the issuance of these Drills Courses! It's too little explanation! Was it more “adequate” to not have any Drills courses?
Interesting is also that it says: “New Checksheets are soon to be issued which exclude these Drills BTBs.”. Now, why had they ended up on checksheets? The only reference we have from L. Ron Hubbard on this matter is that these go “right in the direction of your Cramming Section” but also notices “regardless of whether you taught a Drills Course” (from lecture “A Talk on a Basic Qual”, given on 5 Sept 71).
It may be noteworthy that not any of the references as released in these Auditor Drills Series are included in ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes. These volumes were released in August 1976, although the bulk of the Auditor Drills Series references were not cancelled till the release of BTB 8 Nov 76 “Drills BTBs Cancellation”, i.e. about 3 months later. Was there a particular reason why they had not been included, or did it have anything to with that it was decided at an earlier date that they were to be taken out of circulation and use?
Why did they get abolished? Was it a High Crime?: |
If so, it had not been caught nor corrected! Well, not until May 1996 anyway. Although a lot more was done then only reinstituting it. |
HCOB 24 Jan 77 “Tech Correction Round-up”
Does it have something to do with this: |
“Auditors and Scientologists for 27 years have tended to be suspicious of HCOBs and Policy Letters not written by myself. |
Until a few months ago my opinion was that this, while flattering, was not entirely justified. |
However, these last few months have sharply changed my belief into total agreement with all those who have expressed some fear of reinterpretations of bulletins by others. |
I have been engaged for some months now in a round-up of out tech issues. |
And I have found, I am sorry to say, that mice have been gnawing at the pillars of the Bridge, putting up traffic barriers and false detour signs.” |
This reference does address the issue of that TR 101, 102, 103 & 104 had been abandoned for a while: |
“The first inkling that the Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course curriculum had gone adrift was noticing that two key drills had been omitted and even cancelled by others even though they were vital to an auditor's skill in handling a Dianetic session. |
These drills were Dianetic Training Drills 101, 102, 103 and 104.” |
The “two key drills” referred to that “had been omitted and even cancelled by others” appear to be TR 101 & 102. This was done by BTB 10 Dec 74 VI “Cancellation of Bulletins 1969” cancelling HCOB 17 Jul 69
“Dianetic Command Training Drills”. To that effect it appears also not listed anywhere in ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes, released in August 1976. Then BTB 9 Oct 71R (Revised 28 Mar 74) VII, Auditor Drills Series No. 7,
“Drills for Auditors, Dianetic Drills” that also listed TR 101 & 102 drills & HCOB 20 May 70
“TR 103, 104 Rundown”, both of which were theoretically still valid issues are not either found in these Technical Bulletins volumes from 1976.
I noted earlier that these issues that laid out how to perform these drills were not compiled by L. Ron Hubbard. First issued as non-LRH HCOBs, then reissued as BTBs. May this have been the reason that they (or at least TR 101 & 102) had been abandoned from use as HCOB 24 Jan 77 “Tech Correction Round-up” tells us? Either way this HCOB tells us that they were “emphatically reinstated in HCOB 19 July 1969R reissued 9 Dec 1976” . Strangely enough however this very reference cancelled/replaced BTB 17 Jul 69R (Reissued 3 Dec 76) “Dianetic Command Training Drills 101 & 102”, that also reinstated the drills. And this was issued only 6 days earlier!
Nowhere however in HCOB 24 Jan 77 “Tech Correction Round-up” is any mention made to the Auditor Drill Series. And the bulk of them had been cancelled only about 2½ months earlier (BTB 8 Nov 76 “Drills BTBs Cancellation”). Was this Tech Correction Round-up from January 1977 part of them having been cancelled or had they been missed somehow? It is noteworthy that no mention is made anywhere of them disappearing from use, just like that, and for no apparent supported and explained reason! Now was this may be done for some similar reason as why these Auditor Drill Series had been abandoned?
We should not forget when we go over all this that the original advice of L. Ron Hubbard was to actually have these Drills Courses. Now were these put aside simply because of them having been worked out by some others (although he did say: “It hasn't been piloted out to amount to anything yet, but it's been done by experts.”, or did L. Ron Hubbard simply changed his mind about all that? (although he did say: “some things here that are based on very long line experience with having worked with a Qual, and I’ve worked with a Qual very hard here in the last couple of years.”). These are the 2 options that we have. Either way we have no proven involvement of L. Ron Hubbard in abandoning these Drills Courses anywhere! It has been silent from him regarding this since he gave this lecture “A Talk on a Basic Qual”, on 5 Sept 71.
Final rundown (1956-76)
1956 & 1957 provided for the establishment of basic sets of Training Drills: TRs 0-9. These were for to see to it that a communication was established and could be maintained with ease throughout the auditing processes, and to get across the intention of the auditor properly. For this purpose the Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist (HAS) course was established in 1957.
February 1965 established a basic set of 27 E-Meter Drills to ensure the expertise of the auditor to operate and interpret this instrument.
“During the past few years, unbeknownst to me, a whole sphere of action
built up which made students drill processes. I swear, there has been a ‘practical drill’ made out of half the processes we have.” LRH
 (from HCO PL 17 May 65 “CCHs”) |
Which lead to that since April 1965: |
“Your Comm Course and Upper Indoc TRs and your meter drills from The Book of E-Meter Drills are now the only drills permitted.” LRH
 (from HCOB 18 Apr 65 “How to Apply Level Processing (for HGCs and Academies and Courses)”) |
Then one year later in April 1966 this was added upon: |
This culminated in July 1969 to the coming into being of the TRs 101, 102, 103 & 104: |
“An auditor-student may think he knows his commands. When he is auditing a doll he can do it. When confronted by a live pc, he needs to know the commands so well that pc randomity does not throw him off the right command. |
I therefore developed four new Dianetic TRs. They are TR 101, 102, 103 and 104.” LRH
 (from HCOB 16 Jul 69 “Urgent – Important”) |
How to perform them was laid out in the non-LRH release HCOB 17 Jul 69 “Dianetic Command Training Drills”. |
With this and at about this time the basic drills to be used had been established. Although June 1971 added the 5 CR0000 Drills which as they indicated originally were meant to be used in cramming procedures.
In early September 1971 we hear for the first time about Drills Courses. Also these were primarily for use in the Cramming Section as L. Ron Hubbard fairly clearly laid out on his lecture “A Talk on a Basic Qual”, given on 5 Sept 71.
Late September 1971 then called for the coming into being of 5 drills especially prepared for the HQS course. Early November 1971 saw the release of a 6th drill in this series.
Finally during October/November 1971 we see the official release of the Drills Courses as announced by L. Ron Hubbard in his lecture “A Talk on a Basic Qual”. They were issued as Auditor Drills Series # 1-9.
Although they were referred to for use in the Cramming Section as the lecture indicated. Nonetheless various of these drills did in fact end up in the Academy on the Academy level 0-4 checksheets. We see various of them listed on the checksheets that were issued in 1974. I have however not been able to consult the course checksheets that were issued during 1970-72, although the listing that I have of these indicate various revisions at the time of the release of the Drills Courses (see next chapter entitled: “Drills courses and Academy Level 0-4/SHSBC checksheets”).
The year 1974 called for a new additional numbered series of drills: Auditor Expertise Drills Series # 1-2. Noteworthy is that # 1 was replacing the original Auditor Drills Series # 1. Instead this # 1 became to contain (already in 1973) the ARC Straightwire Drills, which is in logical sequence with the Auditor Drills Series # 2-9. This year 1974 also called for Word Clearing Drills.
Early December 1976 the bulk of the Auditor Drills Series, both the Auditor Expertise Drills Series issues & the Word Clearing Drills got cancelled for unclear circumscribed reasons. Exempted from this cancellation were Auditor Drills Series # 8-9. I have been unable to find any cancellation notices for these, they also seem to not have been reissued as BTBs during 1974 as the other issues in this series were. They may have gotten cancelled by the same evolution that turned the other HCOBs in the Auditor Drills Series into BTBs.
Drills courses vs Standard Dianetics & Academy Level 0-4/SHSBC checksheets
I noted in previous chapter that various of these drills listed on these Drills Courses had ended up on Academy level 0-4 checksheets and on some of the Standard Dianetics checksheets. We see various of them listed on the checksheets that were issued in 1974. I have no complete track however of what was found on the checksheets in use and issued prior to that. I do however have a listing of the checksheets that have been in use. I like to verify and see how the development during these early ’70s were reflected on the checksheets issued during that time period. We can see from the Academy checksheets that in a short time period they had been reissued various times in exactly that time period that the Drills Courses were issued. |
If there are any out there that actually has any of these checksheets or packs or any such then please contact me! |
Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course (HSDC) checksheets
Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course (HSDC) checksheets |
HCO PL 7 May 69 I |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet”
(referred to in HCO PL 7 May 69 II “HSDC Policy”) |
HCO PL 20 May 69 |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet”
(contains references dated upto 29 May 69) |
HCO PL 30 Jun 69 |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet Amendments, Deletions & Additions” |
HCO PL 24 Jul 69 |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet” |
HCO PL 1 Dec 69
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet”
(Updates HCO PL 24 July 1969) |
HCO PL 28 Apr 71
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet” |
HCO PL 28 Apr 71R
(Revised 14 May 73) |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet” |
BPL 10 Oct 74 |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet” |
BPL 10 Oct 74-1
(Added 29 Dec 74) |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet Addition” |
BPL 10 Oct 74R
(Revised 8 Jul 75) |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet”
BPL 10 Oct 74RA
(Revised 2 Dec 76) |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet” |
BPL 31 Mar 77 I |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet”
(Cancels BPL 10 Oct 74RA) |
BPL 31 Mar 77 II |
“Senior Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course Checksheet” |
BPL 31 Mar 77 III |
“Basic Dianetics Books Checksheet” |
Related: |
HCO PL 6 Aug 71
(Revised 22 Sep 71
Revised 23 Mar 75
Revised 23 Apr 75) |
“Org Auditor Okay to Audit Checksheet -
A Dianetic Okay to Audit” |
Dianetics Supervisor & Case Supervisor checksheets: |
HCO PL 1 Jun 69 III |
“Hubbard Dianetic Supervisors Course Checksheet” |
HCO PL 18 Nov 71 |
“Hubbard Dianetic Supervisors Course Checksheet” |
HCO PL 2 Jan 70
(Amended 2 Jun 70) |
“Introduction to the Dianetic Case Supervisor Checksheet” |
HCO PL 2 Jan 70
(Amended 2 Jun 70) |
“The Dianetic Case Supervisor Checksheet” |
HCO PL 6 Apr 70 |
“The Dianetic Case Supervisor Checksheet” |
HCO PL 9 May 73 |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Case Supervisor Course” |
BPL 1 Oct 74 |
“Hubbard Standard Dianetics Case Supervisor Course” |
Academy Level checksheets:
Academy Level checksheets: |
HCO PL 30 Jun 70 |
“Standard Level 0 Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 1 Jul 70 |
“Standard Level 1 Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 2 Jul 70 |
“Standard Level 2 Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 3 Jul 70 |
“Standard Level 3 Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 4 Jul 70 |
“Standard Level 4 Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 15 Jul 70 III |
“0-IV Academy & SHSBC Checksheets - Amendments, Additions, and Deletions” |
HCO PL 30 Sep 71 II |
“Scientology Level 0 Standard Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 27 Oct 71 |
“Addition to Scientology Level 0 Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 14 Oct 71 I |
“Scientology Level 1 Standard Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 14 Oct 71 II |
“Scientology Level 2 Standard Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 31 Oct 71 |
“Scientology Level 3 Standard Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 9 Nov 71 II |
“Scientology Level 4 Standard Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 26 Jan 72 IV |
“Scientology Level 0 Standard Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 26 Jan 72 V |
“Scientology Level 1 Standard Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 26 Jan 72 VI |
“Scientology Level 2 Standard Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 26 Jan 72 VII |
“Scientology Level 3 Standard Academy Checksheet” |
HCO PL 26 Jan 72 VIII |
“Scientology Level 4 Standard Academy Checksheet” |
(Note: All the HCO PL 26 Jan 72 checksheets were later revised reissued first on 11 Oct 74, then on 7 July 75, again on 7 Dec 76, on 25 Mar 77, and lastly during 23 Feb/1 Mar 78, all on the BPL issue-type format. In late 1978 they turned HCO PL 28 Sept 78, Issue I to V, Level 0 to IV) |
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) checksheets:
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC) checksheets: |
HCO PL 30 Jun 70 |
“Standard Level 0 SHSBC Checksheet” |
HCO PL 1 Jul 70 II |
“Standard Level 1 SHSBC Checksheet” |
HCO PL 2 Jul 70 II |
“Standard Level 2 SHSBC Checksheet” |
HCO PL 3 Jul 70 II |
“Standard Level 3 SHSBC Checksheet” |
HCO PL 4 Jul 70 II |
“Standard Level 4 SHSBC Checksheet” |
HCO PL 7 Jul 70 II |
“Standard SHSBC Class V Checksheet” |
HCO PL 8 Jul 70 |
“Standard SHSBC Class VI Checksheet” |
HCO PL 8 Jan 72 II |
“Level V Checksheet SHSBC” |
HCO PL 8 Jan 72R II
(Revised 17 May 72) |
“Level V Checksheet SHSBC” |
HCO PL 8 Jul 70R
(Revised 6 May 72) |
“Standard SHSBC Class VI Checksheet” |
HCO PL 26 Aug 72 I |
“Unit A SHSBC Checksheet” |
HCO PL 26 Aug 72 II |
“Unit B SHSBC Checksheet” |
HCO PL 26 Aug 72 III |
“Unit C SHSBC Checksheet” |
HCO PL 26 Aug 72 IV |
“Unit D SHSBC Checksheet” |
HCO PL 26 Aug 72 V |
“Unit E SHSBC Checksheet” |
HCO PL 26 Aug 72 VI |
“Unit F SHSBC Checksheet” |
BPL 8 Jul 70RA
(Revised 1 Feb 75) |
“Standard SHSBC Class VI Checksheet” |
BPL 18 Mar 75 II |
“Level V Checksheet SHSBC” (review classification for level 0-4) |
BPL 18 Mar 75 III |
“Senior SHSBC Class VI Checksheet” (all Units in this one checksheet) |
BPL 18 Mar 75R II
(Revised 25 Mar 77) |
“Level V Checksheet SHSBC” |
BPL 25 Mar 77 |
“Senior SHSBC” |
(Note: In 1980 reissued in series of 6 checksheets as HCO PL 10 Feb 80, Issue I to VI, Level A to F) |
..R, ..RA, ..RB (etc) or #R, #RA (etc):
For example: ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70R’ & ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70RA’, etc. The given date denotes the first time it has been published in issue-form. The R, RA indication may also follow after an issue-number. The R stands for ‘Revision’ and would refer to that it has been revised since it was first published.
If it is revised a 2nd time it is indicated as RA, a 3rd time RB, then RC, and so on.
‘After Dianetics ..’. The main book ‘Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health’ was first published in 1950. Therefore for example AD8, AD12, and AD29 would respectively give the years 1958, 1962 and 1979.
audit, auditing, auditor:
The application of Scientology processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor (listener). The goal of the auditor is to make the receiver of the auditing look at incidents and reduce the mental charge which may lay upon them. The auditor may not evaluate and has to adhere to the Auditor's code.
‘Board Policy Letter’. Color flash–green ink on cream paper. These are the issues of the Boards of Directors of the Churches of Scientology and are separate and distinct from HCO Policy Letters written by LRH. Only LRH issues may be printed green on white for policy and only LRH issues may have the prefix HCO. These Board issues are valid as Policy. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I, New Issues).
This issue-type was established in January 1974. In October 1975 a project was started to cancel HCO PLs not written by L. Ron Hubbard and if still found being of value having them reissued as BPLs. By 1980 all BPLs had been revoked.
‘Board Technical Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on cream paper. These are the issues of the Boards of Directors of the Churches of Scientology and are separate and distinct from HCO Bulletins written by LRH. Only LRH issues may be printed green on white for Technical Bulletins and only LRH issues may have the prefix HCO. These Board issues are valid as tech. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I, New Issues).
This issue-type was established in January 1974. In December 1974 a project was started to cancel HCOBs not written by L. Ron Hubbard and if still found being of value having them reissued as BTBs. By 1980 all BTBs had been revoked.
‘Case/Supervisor’. 1. That person in a Scientology Church who gives instructions regarding, and supervises the auditing of preclears. The abbreviation C/S can refer to the Case Supervisor or to the written instructions of a case supervisor depending on context. (BTB 12 Apr 72R) 2. The C/S is the case supervisor. He has to be an accomplished and properly certified auditor and a person trained additionally to supervise cases. The C/S is the auditor's “handler.” He tells the auditor what to do, corrects his tech, keeps the lines straight and keeps the auditor calm and willing and winning. The C/S is the pc's case director. His actions are done for the pc. (Dianetics Today, Bk. 3, p. 545)
A section in the Qualifications Division where a student is given high pressure instruction at his own cost after being found slow in study or when failing his exams. The cramming section teaches students what they have missed. This includes trained auditors who wish to be brought up-to-date on current technical developments.
‘Commodore Staff-Division 5’. Mainly concerned with external Sea Org actions like handling Scientology Orgs, missions to be send for correction and Sea Org matters. Division 5 is the Qualifications division of a Scientology organization. CS-5 is also referred to as ‘Qual Aide’.
‘Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on white paper. Written by LRH only , but only so starting from January 1974. These are the technical issue line. All data for auditing and courses is contained in HCOBs. For more information go here (separate window).
‘Hubbard Communication Office Policy Letter’. Color flash–green ink on white paper. Written by LRH only, but only so starting from January 1974. These are the organizational and administrative issue line. For more information go here (separate window).
‘Hubbard Guidance Center’. The department of the technical division of a Scientology organization which sets you up for and delivers auditing.
‘Hubbard Qualified Scientologist’. 1. Teaches about co-auditing and how to handle other people with group auditing. Processes taught are TRs (Training Routines) 0 to 4 and 6 to 9, co-auditing on CCHs (Control Communication Havingness processes), Op Pro by Dup (Operating Procedure by Duplication process) and Self Analysis Lists. 2. This course is a basic course in the fundamentals of Scientology technology and gives a gradient of application of a few vital principles.
An usual abbreviation for ‘L. Ron Hubbard’.
Method 2 Word Clearing:
By meter in classroom. The earlier passage is read by the student while on a meter and the misnunderstood word is found. Then it is fully defined by dictionairy. The word is then used several times in sentences of the student's own verbal composing. The misunderstood area is then reread until understood. (HCOB 24 Jun 71) Abbr. M2.
Refers to a word or words that have not been properly understood, and therefore one is unable to apply or duplicate.
‘Modern Management Technology Defined’ (released 1976):
This is within the Scientology organization commonly referred to as simply ‘Admin Dictionary’. Presently used editions of this book are identical to this first edition.
Short for ‘organization(s)’.
‘The Organization Executive Course’:
Subtitled in the 1970-74 release: ‘An Encyclopedia of Scientology Policy’. This is a series of books that contain the HCO PLs, and any references that are primarily dealing with administrative matters. They are divided up division wise. The HCO PLs are printed in green ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in green bindings. These books may also be referred to as the ‘green volumes’ or even ‘OEC volumes’. The ‘old green volumes’ then would refer to the 1970-74 release, the ‘new green volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
‘Professional Auditors Bulletin’. Scientology periodical (monthly) send to all members to keep auditors informed about the latest discoveries concerning processing procedures and other.
pc folder:
‘preclear folder’. The preclear is the person receiving Dianetics or Scientology processing. The folder contains all information relating to the processing the person is receiving.
‘Personal Efficiency’. Personal Efficiency Course, a five evening PE Course is given weekly. Its curriculum is precisely laid down. Its total purpose is to explain elementary Scientology and prepare and route people into the co-audit.
P/L or PL:
‘HCO PL’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
Pol Ltr:
‘HCO Policy Letter’. See at entry ‘HCO PL’ in vocabulary.
Qual (Div):
‘Qualifications Division’. 1. It could be called the correction division or the adjustment division. But qualifications would also serve. (SH Spec 77, 6608C23) 2. The Qual Division monitors not only technical quality and honesty but the administrative quality and honesty of the entire organization. HCO establishes the org, but Qual makes it run. (BPL 22 Nov 71R) 3. The division where the student is examined and where he may receive cramming or special assistance and where he is awarded completions and certificates and where his qualifications as attained on courses or in auditing are made a permanent record. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)
Qual Library:
‘Qualifications Library’. Located in Division 5 (Qualifications Division), Department 14 (Dept. of Correction). 1. There is a Qual Librarian, whose duties are essentially those of a librarian, collecting up the materials, logging and storing them safely, making up cross reference files so that the material can be easily located. (BPL 21 Jan 73R, Use the Library to Restore Lost Technology) 2. Now that takes an interesting librarian because he's the Technical Information Center. (7109C05 SO, A Talk on a Basic Qual) 3. Qual is in the business of finding and restoring lost tech. (BPL 22 Nov 71R, Qual Org Officer/Esto)
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC):
This was a course delivered by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill, England during 1961-66 and comprises of 447 lectures. Its result is a very adept auditor and thorough know-how of Scientology itself. The materials are studied in chronological sequence so as to fully understand the development of the technology. This will make you a Class VI Auditor.
‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’:
This is a series of books that contain the HCOBs, and any references that are primarily dealing with technical matters. The HCOBs are printed in red ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in red bindings. The references are arranged in chronological release order (per issue date). These books may also be referred to as the ‘red volumes’. The ‘old red volumes’ then would refer to the 1976-80 release, the ‘new red volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
Training Routine (TR):
Training regimen or routine. Often referred to as a training drill. TRs are a precise training action putting a student through laid out practical steps gradient by gradient, to teach a student to apply with certainty what he has learned. In particular these are for training of an auditor in regards to communication. The ones presently in use are OT TR 0, TR 0 confronting, TR 0 bullbait, TR 1, 2, 2½, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, 100-A, 101, 102, 103 & 104. (for more data see ‘Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary’ & HCOB 17 Jul 69RB)

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Snoeck. All rights reserved.
This page revised:
14 July, 2024