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Scientology: Various mistaken ideas of ‘Ethics’ clarified (3)
(Metamorphosis of the Scientology Ethics book (1968-2007))
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Scientology: Various mistaken ideas of ‘Ethics’ clarified  (page 3)

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The transformation of the book ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’ (1968-2007)

Introduction and ‘The Scientology Ethics System’ ...
           - Introductory notices to this publication
- The announced publication ‘The Scientology Ethics system’ (never published)
Schematic overview of the book (editions/prints, copyrighting, chapters and annotations)
‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’ (1968-80):  Source of the original chapters
Descriptions of Dianetics and Scientology that we find in the various editions
Noted differences found in book chapter “The Ethics Codes” (1968, 70, 82 & 89)
    - The odd occurrence in where a book publication is ‘revising’ a policy letter (1970)
- 1) The removal of the mention of the term ‘fair game’
- 2) Changes in text regarding ‘potential trouble source’
- 3) “Continued adherence” and “Failure to handle or ... disconnect”
The year 1973 enforces an American spelling for the book both in USA and Europe
The ‘Confusion formula’ included since the 5th edition (1978), and compared to 1989 edition
A different version from Denmark (Mar 1982)  vs  The ‘unregistered’ USA revision (Oct 1982)
The first ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ edition (1989)
    - About copyright, authorship and ‘based on’ notifications
- Noteworthy additions found in this edition of the book (‘disconnection’, ‘knowledge reports’)
- About an observed change in the “Bibliography” listing
The ‘Golden Age of Ethics’ edition (1998)
The ‘Golden Age of Knowledge’ or ‘Basics’ edition (2007)

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Introductory notices to this publication

'Introduction to Scientology Ethics' 1968 editionIf there is one Scientology book publication that has been subjected to vast change then it would be this one. Originally a compilation and/or extraction from various policy letters and lectures dating from March 1965 to March 1968 and then collectively first published in August 1968*.
[* both the 1976 & 1991 release of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes list it as “Published July 1968”, although according to ‘Ron's Journal 68’ this was published 21 Aug 1968]One should understand that these HCO PLs or policy letters were, at that time and until early 1974, for use and available to Scientology staff only. Tape lectures however could be bought by Scientology public on reel to reel. And so it was thought back then to make various of this information about Scientology ethics available to its public, so that they could take advantage of that as well. Hence the release of this little book, and indeed tiny it was. Measuring at just 11 x 18 cm (4⅓' x 7'), thick only ½ cm (¼'). See illustration on the right for 1st edition cover. Carrying a 53 pages of actual text plus a vocabulary of 4 pages. A paperback and a rather cheap production, but easy to take with you.
‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology: Volume VI, 1965-1969’ (1976), on page 235 relates that it “was published at Saint Hill Manor in answer to a demand for a manual for learning and applying the Scientology Ethics system, which had proved to be so tremendously workable.”.

This analysis aims to give a somewhat thorough overview of the various publications and transformations that we have seen of the book. This includes addressing some of the surrounding happenings leading up to some of these publications. It goes into detail about some of the more significant changes with given annotations.

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The announced publication ‘The Scientology Ethics system’ (never published)

In this first little publication of ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’ we see as part of the final pages a reserve/order slip for a forthcoming book:
  orderslip for 'Scientology Ethics Book'
With the slight problem that it never has been issued. There may here exist some correlation with the staff release ‘Scientology Basic Staff Hat Book, Number 1’ also issued in 1968. A large volume paperback that contained all of the policy letters relating to matters of ethics in its first section “Ethics (conditions and other ethics policy)” (pp. 7-122), the second section listed various other administrative policy (pp. 123-176). But mind that this publication was for Scientology employees, and not for public. Now, this staff publication was a compilation from staff for use by staff. It was not for public release. As staff were often given a free hand to create things it may have been something that this staff working on that thought would be a good idea to issue something similar for use by public. The fact however remains here that the initiative never physically realized in an actual book release. Was it L. Ron Hubbard that changed his mind or was it this staff that was ordered to not bother about it. We don't factually know, but I tend to go with that an order from L. Ron Hubbard went down the lines abandoning it. Anyhow this little ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’ publication is the only source I know of carrying these notices about that “fortcoming new, major book”:

By L. Ron Hubbard
This is the total, comprehensive, first publication of all the writings of L. Ron Hubbard which comprise the Ethics System of Scientology.
It is of major importance—to you, personally, now. To your job, your life, and to your attainment of greater freedom and ability.
BUY this book, know what Ethics and the Conditions Formulas are all about, and APPLY them—to your life and success.
This book tells the truth and pulls no punches. It is the key to the first hope of a great culture, a true civilization, that Man has had.
An easy book to read and understand, you will apply the knowledge naturally and immediately.
Make your advance First Edition reservation for this book NOW !”
Another suggestion can however be made that such an initiative was abandoned because there were more urgent projects to be realized. For example book releases for all the internally published administrative and technical materials. Thus far one had to work with loosely printed papers of mostly rather inferiour mimeograph type quality, produced by a stencil machine (Roneograph). At that time there were a lot of materials about, but it was not properly organized in compilation volumes, and was lacking a convenient searchable index. The previously mentioned release ‘Scientology Basic Staff Hat Book, Number 1’ was the first attempt known to handle this situation.
A project had been started for that since so about 1969. The administrative materials were released (for staff only) during 1970-74 (‘The Organization Executive Course’ volumes). The technical materials had been worked on since about 1971 and were released in 1976 (‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes).

It is also interesting to note here that one thus had started out with the administrative materials. Antony Phillips, who participated in this policy letter compilation project, told me: “What I remember was that along with Ron's commendation of the green volumes there was a note that the red volumes (technical bulletin volumes) should have come first, and they were to be done in chronological order.  It was a principle from the 50s that red on white (technical bulletins) took precedence over everything else.”
Obviously L. Ron Hubbard then found that the availability of the technical bulletins in organized and easy to find form of much more importance than the administrative materials that include the matters regarding ethics.

Go back Schematic overview of the book (editions/prints, copyrighting, chapters and annotations)

Each noted edition contains various revisions, whereas the noted reprints would be identical in text to that edition. New copyright can be taken (added) for those years in where revisions actually have occurred. The table below shows a persistent inconsistency in regards to copyright years listed.

    Scotland edition = Edinburgh, Scotland
Denmark edition = Copenhagen, Denmark
USA edition = Los Angeles CA, USA
1968-85 editions:  © L. Ron Hubbard
1989-07 editions:  © L. Ron Hubbard Library

Edition                   Where published - date           © years indicated        Notices                                                  
1st edition Scotland - (Jul) 1968 1968 Paperback, cover showing an old man with the appearance of a judge.
2nd edition Denmark - 1970 1968,70   Paperback.
3rd edition USA - 1970 1968,70 Hardbound.
4th edition Denmark - 1973
USA - 1973
Reprint: USA - May 1974
Reprint: USA - Jul 1975
Reprint: USA - Dec 1975
Reprint: USA - 1976
Notice: The Dec 1975 print lists the May 1974 print as a reprint whereas this is not so listed in this print itself.
19 (?)
The 1974 print displays very awkward copyright years as it abandoned all the previous listed copyright years.
The given copyright ©1951 listed in the 1975 and 1976 prints are also awkward as it was first published in 1968, then the source of the materials dates only back to 1965-68.
5th edition Denmark - (Aug) 1978
Reprint: USA - 1980
Listing a copyright for ©1974 and ©1975 are uncalled for as it was not revised in these years.
New edition Denmark - Mar 1982 1968,70,73,74,75,78,82 Hardbound, new dust wrapper design with 3 birds flying above the clouds.
- Reprint: USA - Oct 1982
Reprint: Denmark - Feb 1983
Reprint: USA - 1985

This is indicated as a reprint, although it reverts back to the 5th edition however with various changes implemented. It is herewith ignoring the Denmark New edition with its new design (dust wrapper), setup and changes. It added a ©1979 in its listing compared to the years listed for the 5th edition.
Reprint for 1985 abandons listing of all copyrighted years from the ’70s, and then suddenly lists ©1982 which was not even listed in the 1983 edition!
[1st ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ edition, expanded and reworked]
this was more than quadrupling its original size

USA - 1989 1989 First edition that is copyrighted ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ with all the earlier copyrighted years abandoned. All the 22 basic Dianetics and Scientology books were reissued like this, but the bulk of them still list an Earlier edition copyright for ©‘L. Ron Hubbard’ with those years listed, but this book makes no mention of that!
[‘Golden Age of Ethics’ edition, greatly expanded]
added some 100 pages to the book
USA - 1998 1968,70,73,78,89,98 This edition came about indirectly because of this Golden Age of Tech (1996) revolution. To get in tech one first had to have in ethics, this here is referred to as the Golden Age of Ethics.
Copyright indications are correctly given excepting only ©1982 which also for the USA edition was an actual revision.
[‘Golden Age of Knowledge’ or ‘Basics’ edition]
added another 50 pages to the book
USA - 2007 1968,70,73,78,89,98,07 In this year we were presented the results of a massive project to revise, correct, and so on, of all the basic Dianetics and Scientology books.

There will exist some additional prints. The years 1979 and 1990 are named. Also I haven't been able to consult the July 1975 print. If you have any prints that are not listed in the above table you may contact me. I would need a scanning of the copyright page.

In below link another schematic overview can be consulted:  (separate window)
    “‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’:   Schematic overview of the chapters”

Go back ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’ (1968-80): Source of the original chapters

These were the chapters that made up the original publication, i.e. 1st to 5th edition, printed from 1968 to 1980. The publications varied from 68 pages (1968) to 75 pages (1980), pending the setup of the pages and the size of the book and the text. In essence they were all the same, and presented the chapters in given sequence, with only some text adjustments and additions here and there.
In below table I give a summary of the source of where these texts are deriving from.


  Sources of the texts found in the 1968-80 prints of the book
Page #
(1st to 3rd ed., 1968-70)
“The Purpose of Ethics” Extracted/adapted/partly rephrased from Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #61, renumbered 1991: #424 “Organization and Ethics”, given on 18 May 65 7-8
“The Anti-Social Personality” Extracted from HCO PL 27 Sept 66 “The Anti-Social Personality, The Anti-Scientologist” (1st part), also published in ‘Ability 188’, [Jan 67] “The Anti-Social Personality, The Anti-Scientologist” 9-14
“The Social Personality” Extracted from HCO PL 27 Sept 66 “The Anti-Social Personality, The Anti-Scientologist” (2nd part), also published in ‘Ability 189’, [Feb 67] “The Social Personality” 15-20
“The Conditions” Extracted/adapted/partly rephrased from Saint Hill Special Briefing Course lecture #62, renumbered 1991: #425 “The Five Conditions”, given on 25 May 65 21
“The Table of Conditions” HCO PL 14 Mar 68 “Corrected Table of Conditions” 23
“The Conditions Formulas” HCO PL 23 Sept 67 “New Post Formula, The Conditions Formulas”
The 3rd edition (1970) added the second part from HCO PL 7 Feb 70 “ Danger Condition, 2nd Formula” (note: this HCO PL was replaced with HCO PL 9 Apr 72 “Correct Danger Condition Handling” which did not maintain this second part from the 1970 policy letter, for which reason it was excluded from future additions of ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’)
The 4th edition (1973) added 3 passages that were extracted from HCO PL 9 Apr 72 “Correct Danger Condition Handling” (most notably “Junior Danger Formula” & “First Dynamic Formula”)
The 5th edition (1978) added from HCO PL 8 Nov 75 “The Non-Existence Formula Expanded”, also added an extract from HCO PL 15 Feb 67 “The Responsibility of Leaders” [Third Dynamic Power Formula]
“Formulas for Conditions Below Non-Existence” In 1968 edition: HCO PL 6 Oct 67 “Condition of Liability”, modified by HCO PL 23 Oct 67 “Enemy Formula”
The 2nd edition (1970) added from HCO PL 16 Oct 68 “Treason Formula”
The 5th edition (1978) added from HCO PL 9 Feb 74 “Condition Below Treason” [Confusion condition]
“The Ethics Codes” Adapted from: [found as section in chapter:]  [pp.:]  37-52
HCO PL 7 Mar 65 “Offences and Penalties”   [37-47]
HCO PL 23 Dec 65 “Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, The Fair Game Law” [“High Crimes (Suppressive Acts)”] [48-51]
HCO PL 8 Mar 66 “High Crime” [“C. Technical High Crimes”] [51-52]
source?   [do you know?, contact me!] [“D. Criminal Issue of Materials”] [52]
The 2nd edition (1970) added from:    
HCO PL 12 Aug 68 “Ethics Power” [“E. Wilful misapplication”] [52]
“Petition” HCO PL 29 Apr 65 II “Petition” 53-55
“Rewards and Penalties” HCO PL 6 Mar 66 “Rewards and Penalties, How to Handle Personnel and Ethics Matters” 57-62
“Safeguarding Technology” HCO PL 14 Feb 65 “Safeguarding Technology” 63-64
“Glossary” Various of the definitions that are given in this glossary match the definitions as given in ‘Scientology Abridged Dictionary’ (1965), although not all. This publication was revised in 1970 and we do see that the entries in this glossary here were adjusted accordingly since the 2nd edition (1970) of ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’. 65-68

Go back Descriptions of Dianetics and Scientology that we find in the various editions

These are the notifications that you find in the various Scientology publications as a brief notice that defines these subjects of Dianetics and/or Scientology.

Facing the title page we find in the Scotland 1st edition from 1968:
Scientology is Applied Philosophy. The word Scientology comes from the Latin SCIO (knowledge) and the Greek LOGOS (study) and means ‘knowing how to know’ or, ‘the study of wisdom’. ”

In the Denmark 2nd edition from 1970 we find instead:
Scientology is a religious philosophy possessing a technology for spiritual recovery and the increase of individual ability. The word Scientology comes from the Latin SCIO (knowledge) and the Greek LOGOS (study) and means ‘knowing how to know’ or, ‘the study of wisdom’. In its standard application to individuals Scientology uniformly obtains the result of a free, powerful immortal being.

The above was upheld until the USA reprint from October 1982 changed it into:
“DIANETICS™: From the Greek dia (through) and noos (soul), thus ‘through [soul’,] a system for the analysis, control and development of human thought which also provides techniques for increased ability, rationality, and freedom from the discovered single source of aberrations and psychosomatic ills. Introduced May, 1950, with publication of DMSMH by LRH. Dianetics is what the soul is doing to the body.
SCIENTOLOGY® is an applied religious philosophy and technology resolving the problems of spirit, life and thought; discovered, developed and organized by L. Ron Hubbard as a result of his earlier Dianetic discoveries. Coming from the Latin, scio (knowing) and the Greek logos (study), Scientology means ‘knowing how to know’ or ‘the study of wisdom.’ Scientology is the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life.”
Strictly taken it would be incorrect to have it now include Dianetics here as Ethics and these matters were part of Scientology and not Dianetics.

Since the 1st ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ edition, USA 1989 a new separate “To the Reader:” page is added here, replacing the earlier descriptions. It is the boiler plate statement that is found in most Scientology books since this period. About Dianetics and Scientology it reads:
“Scientology® applied religious philosophy contains pastoral counseling procedures intended to assist an individual to gain greater knowledge of self. ...
Scientology philosophy and its forerunner, Dianetics® spiritual healing technology, as practiced by the Church, addressed only the ‘thetan’ (spirit). ...”

Since the 2007 edition the “To the Reader:” page reads about Dianetics and Scientology:
“Scientology is defined as the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, universes and other life.
Scientology and its forerunner and substudy, Dianetics, as practiced by the church, address only the ‘thetan’ (spirit) which is senior to the body, and its relationship to and effects on the body.”

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Noted differences found in book chapter “The Ethics Codes” (1968, 70, 82 & 89)

    … (ellipses) indicate the place where text has been excluded
(note that ellipses are here only for use in this table, they are not found in the various publications)
    Purple text indicate changed, new or added text

It would appear that the Denmark 2nd edition from 1970 was subjected to a variety of small changes in text in this chapter here and we don't actually know where they are deriving from. They are however in the line of where the development of the technology was going towards and reflect the status quo of that technology of that time. It possibly may be safe to assume that they were directed by L. Ron Hubbard, but we simply don't know this for a fact.

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The odd occurrence in where a book publication is ‘revising’ a policy letter (1970)

The book is:
    ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’ (1970, 2nd edition)
The policy letter is:
    HCO PL 23 Dec 65 “Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, The Fair Game Law”
The former revised the latter!

Policy letters contain policy, this policy in turn is regarded senior in regards to that what is published in books. Books are in this respect not considered to contain senior information. The matter here is however that the policy letter here had failed to adapt the new information, not until much later in time, until 31 Dec 1979. That what had changed in these texts is listed here in the sections following below.

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1) The removal of the mention of the term ‘fair game’

Sections of HCO PL 23 Dec 65 “Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, The Fair Game Law” were found in book chapter “The Ethics Codes”, at section with heading “High Crimes (Suppressive acts)”. These sections did include the mention of fair game in the Scotland 1st edition of ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’.
A practice of fair game was outruled by the reference HCO PL 21 Jul 68 “Penalties for Lower Conditions” that had replaced HCO PL 18 Oct 67 IV “Penalties for Lower Conditions”. It would appear that this written abolishment of the practice had arrived too late to have this implemented in the Scotland 1st edition of the book which was reportedly issued in July 1968.
The Denmark 2nd edition from 1970 did however reflect this change.

Book chapter: “The Ethics Codes”
“High Crimes (Suppressive acts)”
Source:  HCO PL 23 Dec 65 “Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, The Fair Game Law”
Scotland 1st edition from 1968, on page 48:
“A Suppressive Person or Group becomes ‘fair game’.
By FAIR GAME is meant, without right for self, possessions or position, and no Scientologist may be brought before a Committee of Evidence* or punished for any action taken against a Suppressive Person of Group during the period that person or group is ‘fair game’.
Suppressive Acts are defined as actions or omissions undertaken to knowingly suppress, reduce or impede Scientology of Scientologists.
Cancellation of Certificates, Classifications and Awards and becoming fair game (assignment of a Condition of ENEMY) are amongst the penalties which can be levelled for this type of offence as well as those recommended by Committees of Evidence.”

Denmark 2nd edition from 1970, on page 48:
Suppressive Acts are defined as actions or omissions undertaken to knowingly suppress, reduce or impede Scientology of Scientologists.
Cancellation of Certificates, Classifications and Awards and … assignment of a Condition of ENEMY … are amongst the penalties which can be levelled for this type of offence as well as those recommended by Committees of Evidence.”
It is interesting here that this rephrasing is not deriving from some revision of HCO PL 23 Dec 65 “Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, The Fair Game Law” being issued. As a matter of fact this HCO PL itself was not revised reissued until 31 Dec 1979. But it is found here in this revision in this book.
It should not be mistaken here that this would mean that in some HCO PL it was still not prohibited. The policy letter system simply does not work like that. If some information has been surpassed by a policy letters issued at a later date it automatically means that this would be senior data.
Nonetheless it can be looked upon as a significant flaw that the HCO PL had to wait for its revision close to 12 years later! After all both the practice of fair game and disconnection had been abolished in 1968, but the HCO PL version had mention of these matters contained in them until revision.

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2) Changes in text regarding ‘potential trouble source’

Book chapter: “The Ethics Codes”
“Crimes” - “C. Technical Crimes”
Source:  HCO PL 7 Mar 65 “Offences and Penalties”
Scotland 1st edition from 1968, on page 44:
“2. Receiving auditing while a Potential Trouble Source.”

Denmark 2nd edition from 1970, on page 44:
“2. Receiving routine auditing other than that intended for the handling of a Potential Trouble Source.”
A rephrasing that it not deriving from a revision of HCO PL 7 Mar 65 “Offences and Penalties”.

USA 1st ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ edition from 1989, on page 200:
“Receiving auditing while a Potential Trouble Source.”
Here we see that it is reverting back to what it said in the HCO PL where this text originally was taken from.

Book chapter: “The Ethics Codes”
“High Crimes (Suppressive acts)”
Source:  HCO PL 23 Dec 65 “Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, The Fair Game Law”
Scotland 1st edition from 1968, on page 48:
“A POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE is defined as a person who while active in Scientology, or while a preclear, yet remains connected to a person or group that is a Suppressive Person or Suppressive Group. Until the environment is handled nothing beneficial can happen (A Potential Trouble Source is a person or preclear who ‘roller-coasters’, i.e., gets better, then worse. This occurs only when he is connected to a suppressive person or group, and he must, in order to make his gains from Scientology permanent, either handle the source of suppression or disconnect from it).”

Denmark 2nd edition from 1970, on page 48:
“A POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE is defined as a person who while active in Scientology, or while a preclear, yet remains connected to a person or group that is a Suppressive Person or Suppressive Group. Until this connection is handled by secial [sic special] auditing, nothing beneficial can happen (A Potential Trouble Source is a person or preclear who ‘roller-coasters’, i.e., gets better, then worse. This occurs only when his connection to a suppressive person or group is unhandled and he must, in order to make his gains from Scientology permanent, receive processing intended to handle such.)”
Here again a rephrasing that is also not deriving from a revision of HCO PL 23 Dec 65 “Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, The Fair Game Law”.

USA 1st ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ edition from 1989:
The original part of this section of the chapter that referred to and circumscribed Potential Trouble Source we find now rephrased in the chapter entitled “Suppressive Persons and Potential Trouble Sources”, on pages 129-130. Pretty much the same definition information is being provided for although it is completely mixed around and mostly rephrased.

Book chapter: “Glossary”
Source (in part):  ‘Scientology Abridged Dictionary’ (1965)
Scotland 1st edition from 1968, on page 67:
“POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE: Any person who, while active in Scientology or a preclear, remains connected to a Suppressive Person or group. (A person ‘roller-coasters’, i.e., gets better, then worse, etc., only when connected to a Suppressive Person or group, and in order to cease rollercoastering must either handle the source of suppression or disconnect from it).”
This text would appear to have been taken from ‘Scientology Abridged Dictionary’ (1965).

Denmark 2nd edition from 1970, on page 67:
“POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE: Any person who, while active in Scientology or a preclear, remains connected to a Suppressive Person or group. (A person ‘roller-coasters’, i.e., gets better, then worse, etc., only when connected to a Suppressive Person or Group, and in order to cease rollercoastering must receive processing intended to handle such.
The rephrasing as we find it here is fully in accordance with the 1970 revision of ‘Scientology Abridged Dictionary’ (1965). It is noted here that since the USA 1st ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ edition from 1989 it is not listed anymore as en entry in its glossary.

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3) “Continued adherence” and “Failure to handle or ... disconnect”

Book chapter: “The Ethics Codes”
“High Crimes (Suppressive acts)” - “B. Disavowal, Splintering, Divergence”
Source:  HCO PL 23 Dec 65 “Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, The Fair Game Law”
Scotland 1st edition from 1968, on page 51:
“6. Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by the Hubbard Communications Office.
7. Failure to handle or disavow or disconnect from a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts.”
It is sort of noteworthy that it actually says in the HCO PL where this is taken from: “Failure to handle or disavow and disconnect from a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts.” (underlining is mine). This must most likely have been miscopied. It was corrected in the 1989 edition.

Denmark 2nd edition from 1970, on page 51:
“6. Continued adherence to a … group pronounced a Suppressive … Group by the Hubbard Communications Office.
7. Aiding or abetting a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts in such acts.
Again a rephrasing that is also not deriving from a revision of HCO PL 23 Dec 65 “Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, The Fair Game Law”.

USA reprint from October 1982, on pages 57-58:
“Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO;
Failure to handle a person demonstrably guilty of Suppressive Acts;”
This change in the text is as directed by HCO PL 23 Dec 65R (Revised 31 Dec 79) “Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists”.

USA 1st ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ edition from 1989, on pages 209-210:
“Continued adherence to a person or group pronounced a Suppressive Person or Group by HCO.
Failure to handle or disavow and disconnect from a person demonstrably guilty of suppressive acts.”
And this is as directed by HCO PL 23 Dec 65RA (Revised and reissued 10 Sept 83) “Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists” that reverted back to the original text from the 1965 version of this text.
It is noted here that this 1989 edition of the book was adding more and more entries from this HCO PL that were not actually present in the earlier versions of the book. We can cite from here page 226:
“Any PTS who fails to either handle or disconnect from the SP who is making him or her PTS is, by failing to do so, guilty of a suppressive act.”
And from page 233:
“Any HCO Secretary may receive evidences of disconnection or disavowal and, on finding them to be bona fide, must place copies of such evidences in the ethics file and in the central files folders of all persons named in them.”

Go back The year 1973 enforces an American spelling for the book both in USA and Europe

Since 1959 L. Ron Hubbard had been located at Saint Hill Manor in East Grinstead in England. Since that time there has been a predominance in regards to the spelling of the books that were published in the United Kingdom, which was thus the British spelling. The original publication of ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’ was first published in Scotland, and used the British spelling.
When the Scientology Publications Organization changed its location to Copenhagen in Denmark near the end of the ’60s it did maintain the British/European spelling of the English language in its 2nd edition from 1970.
The 3rd edition that was published in USA in 1970 copied the book pretty much as it was but maintained the British spelling.
A change we see then occurring in the year 1973 which saw a 4th edition simultaneously issued in USA and Denmark. In this edition however the spelling had been reverted into the American one for both these publications.

As a few examples we find that on page 49 of the 3rd edition (1970) from USA it read:
“Cancellation of Certificates, Classifications and Awards and assignment of a Condition of ENEMY are amongst the penalties which can be levelled for this type of offence as well as those recommended by Committees of Evidence.”
And on page 52:
In truth, any Executive Council which is enforcing Ethics penalties without applying Ethics rewards is liable to a charge of wilful misapplication.
Wilful misapplication (Ethics or Tech) is a High Crime.”

Whereas on these same pages in the 4th edition (1973) for both Denmark and USA it now read:
“Cancellation of Certificates, Classifications and Awards and assignment of a Condition of ENEMY are amongst the penalties which can be leveled for this type of offense as well as those recommended by Committees of Evidence.”
In truth, any Executive Council which is enforcing Ethics penalties without applying Ethics rewards is liable to a charge of willful misapplication.
Willful misapplication (Ethics or Tech) is a High Crime.”

From this time forward the American spelling was thus the dominating one. On the other hand it appears that the Denmark edition still had a leading role in regards to being first with issuing a new revised edition. Noted here are the Denmark 5th edition from August 1978, and the Denmark New edition from March 1982.
But then we see that this latest Denmark New edition entirely being ignored, and since the USA ‘reprint’ (= revised edition) issued just 6 months later in October 1982 it appears that the USA edition carried the dominance over its contents from here on out.

Go back The ‘Confusion formula’ included since the 5th edition (1978), and compared to 1989 edition

This was added to chapter “Formulas for Conditions Below Non-Existence” of the book. It was taken from HCO PL 9 Feb 74 “Condition Below Treason”.

    … (ellipses) indicate the place where text has been excluded
(note that ellipses are here only for use in this table, they are not found in the various publications)
    Purple text indicate changed, new or added text
(take note that in this list purple text has not been attributed if a change from lower-case to capitals or reverse have occurred! The focus is here on different wording!)

Denmark 5th edition from August 1978, on pages 43-44:
There is a Condition below Treason.
It is a Condition of CONFUSION.
The formula of the Condition is:
It will be seen that the progress upward would be in Confusion, find out where you are; in Treason, find out that you are; and for Enemy, find out who you are.
The additional formula for the Condition of Confusion is:
1. Locational on the area in which one is (Locational: ‘Locate the _________.’ The auditor has the preclear locate the floor, the ceiling, the walls, the furniture in the room and other objects and bodies.)
2. Comparing where one is to other areas where one was.
3. Repeat Step 1.
Lack of this Condition sometimes brings about an assignment of Treason in which the person cannot actually find out that he is and occasionally does not make it on up the conditions.
Many more person are in this Condition than is generally realized.”
Which reflects the full text of HCO PL 9 Feb 74 “Condition Below Treason”.

Denmark New edition from March 1982, on pages 66-67:
There is a Condition below Treason.
It is a Condition of CONFUSION.
In a Condition of Confusion the being or area will be in a state of random motion. There will be no real production, only disorder or confusion.
In order to get out of Confusion one has to find out where he is.
It will be seen that the progress upward would be in Confusion, find out where you are; in Treason, find out that you are; and for Enemy, find out who you are.
The formula … for Confusion is:
[Note: it is important that the person who is in Confusion be cleared up on the following definition of Confusion (Confusion: A confusion is only a confusion so long as no factor is clearly defined or understood. Confusion is the basic cause of stupidity. More broadly, a confusion in this universe is random motion.). This is done before the formula itself is started.]
The additional formula for the Condition of Confusion is:
1. Locational on the area in which one is (Locational: ‘Locate the _________.’ The auditor has the preclear locate the floor, the ceiling, the walls, the furniture in the room and other objects and bodies.)
2. Comparing where one is to other areas where one was.
3. Repeat Step 1.
Lack of this Condition sometimes brings about an assignment of Treason in which the person cannot actually find out that he is and occasionally does not make it on up the conditions.
Many more person are in this Condition than is generally realized.”
The changes in the text are due to that the original policy letter where it had been taken from had been revised in 1980. We find the original source now as HCO PL 9 Feb 74R (Revised 17 Feb 80) “Condition Below Treason, Confusion Formula and expanded Confusion Formula”.
This time it is only an extraction from that reference as it did not add the text for this “Expanded Confusion Formula” and the remaining text of the revised HCO PL.

The USA reprint from October 1982 ignored this Denmark New edition and so in the USA print we see the text as it was in that 5th edition from August 1978. All this was upheld in the February 1983 Denmark print and lastly in the 1985 USA print.

‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ copyrighted edition from 1989, on pages 103-104:
(Note: The purple text and the ellipses (…) here below indicate changes compared with the August 1978 edition!)
The Condition of Confusion
There is a Condition below Treason.
It is a Condition of CONFUSION.
In a Condition of Confusion the being or area will be in a state of random motion. There will be no real production, only disorder or confusion.
In order to get out of Confusion one has to find out where he is.
It will be seen that the progress upward would be, in Confusion, find out where you are; in Treason, find out that you are; and for Enemy, find out who you are.
The formula for Confusion is …
Find out where you are.
Note: it is important that the person who is in Confusion be cleared up on the definition of Confusion as given here:
Confusion can be defined as any set of factors or circumstances which do not seem to have any immediate solution. More broadly, a confusion in this universe is random motion or an uncontrolled randomness. A confusion is only a confusion so long as no factor is clearly defined or understood. Confusions, no matter how big and formidable they may seen, are composed of data or factors or particles. They have pieces. Grasp one piece and locate it thoroughly. Then see how the others function in relation to it and you have steadied the confusion and, relating other things to what you have grasped, you will soon have mastered the confusion in its entirety.
This is done before the formula itself is started.
The additional formula for the condition of Confusion is …
1. Locational on the area in which one is. …
2. Comparing where one is to other areas where one was.
3. Repeat step 1.
It still did not include the text for this “Expanded Confusion Formula” and the remaining text of HCO PL 9 Feb 74R (Revised 17 Feb 80) “Condition Below Treason, Confusion Formula and expanded Confusion Formula”. For this we have to wait another 9 years until the release of the 1998 edition of the book.

Interesting is the difference between the versions as they appear in the March 1982 New edition and the later revision from 1989, considering that they both operated off the revision of HCO PL 9 Feb 74 from 1980!
March 1982 edition reads:
“Confusion: A confusion is only a confusion so long as no factor is clearly defined or understood. Confusion is the basic cause of stupidity.”
1989 edition reads:
“Confusion can be defined as any set of factors or circumstances which do not seem to have any immediate solution.”
And what about the additions found in the 1989 edition that are not actually warranted according to what we find in that 1980 revision of HCO PL 9 Feb 74 ?:
“Confusions, no matter how big and formidable they may seen, are composed of data or factors or particles. They have pieces. Grasp one piece and locate it thoroughly. Then see how the others function in relation to it and you have steadied the confusion and, relating other things to what you have grasped, you will soon have mastered the confusion in its entirety.”
So, where is the above text deriving from?
And who actually has been deciding what text to choose in these entries?

Go back A different version from Denmark (Mar 1982)  vs  The ‘unregistered’ USA revision (Oct 1982)

'Introduction to Scientology Ethics' 1982 edition'This is a bit of an odd situation we are having here. There are 2 apparent inconsistencies to be observed here. First we had this Denmark edition from March 1982 coming out of the blue. It received a nice spacious dust wrapper illustration with these birds flying around. Quite something different than that serious looking old judge that thus far had flagged the front cover of the book. The book itself also underwent some changes, a few chapters were excluded, and 4 new ones were added.

This change was not for long though, as in the published in USA edition from October 1982 (just 6 months later) it was all reverted again. One could thus rightfully wonder what had actually happened here. Was the Denmark edition not approved for some reason, and thus had not gone through the proper approval lines? Was this then done without the knowledge of L. Ron Hubbard? Then who was responsible for this publication, and how could it happen? The fact is that some effort had been undertaken to have the publication disappear very quickly. Today this March 1982 edition from Denmark is fairly rare, but findable.

Chapters Source for the added chapters in the March 1982 release from Denmark Page #
“The Basics of Ethics” HCO PL 12 Jul 80 “The Basics of Ethics” 1-5
“The Eight Dynamics” Chapter 4: “The Eight Dynamics” of book ‘Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought’ (1956) 8-10
“Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics” HCO PL 9 Jul 80 “Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics” 11-28
“Statistic Graphs, How to figure the Scale” HCO PL 6 Mar 66 II “Statistic Graphs, How to figure the Scale”   45-46
  Chapters stricken from this edition of the book  
“The Ethics Codes”      

The unregistered USA revision from October 1982

And so this edition had ignored the changes made in that Denmark edition from 6 months earlier. It pretty much reverted back to the original setup of the book chapter wise and all that. Although this book was not entirely the same in text as that earlier 5th edition from 1978 either. Revisions were actually implemented. Therefore the 2nd inconsistency that we encounter here is that this particular edition noted on its copyright page: “Reprinted October 1982”. The problem here is that this was not just a reprint, this was an actual revision, but it was not noted as such! This is not either acknowledged in any later released edition of the book, as they all skip the year 1982 as a given copyright year. Mind here that we have actually 2 revisions occurring in this very year! One in March and the other in October.
Insofar as I have checked and compared various of these changes it would appear that it was still loyal to the revisions that had been implemented since in the original HCO PLs where these chapters had been taken from. Nonetheless these were revisions in the book, and therefore it should have indicated New edition or 6th edition or something like that. It should definitely not just have said “Reprinted”, as from which earlier edition of the book would it have been a reprint?

The year 1982 conveys a rather strange happening of affairs.

Go back The 1st ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ edition (1989)

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About copyright, authorship and ‘based on’ notifications

As with all the 22 books that make up the so-called series of Basic Books of Dianetics and Scientology that were issued within the ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ copyrighted edition (issued during 1988-89), they all display an interesting change. We see that starting with this print, and all later editions of these books, that the usual notification “by L. Ron Hubbard” had changed into “L. Ron Hubbard”. This may actually bear some significance.

The little book ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’ was basically a collection of varous selected HCO PLs written by L. Ron Hubbard on the subject of ethics, conditions and more such things. At the interval of the various editions released during the ’80s it appears that the actual text taken from these original HCO PLs resemble that version/revision of the reference that was in use at that particular time. Thus revisions of these original HCO PLs were carried on in later editions of this book.

It was then in 1989 that we see that copyright name change in the book. We see that ‘© L. Ron Hubbard’ had turned ‘© L. Ron Hubbard Library’, but there is no actual relation between these 2 names. They are different copyrights! You can't upgrade to another copyright name. If that happens, according to US copyright law, it directs that the previous one had been lost. Here we should also understand that a lost copyright can not be revived. The rule is, once in the public domain, always in the public domain.
Interesting with this 1st ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ copyrighted edition is that it actually listed previous copyrighted years.
As an example the basic book ‘Scientology 8-80’ gives the following copyright indication:
    “Copyright © 1989, L. Ron Hubbard Library”
Followed by (in smaller print as in the book):
    “Earlier Editions Copyright © 1952, 1973, L. Ron Hubbard”
Here it is clearly indicated that they are treated as different copyrights.
Not all the books in this series however received this ‘Earlier Edition(s) Copyright’ notification, and it is rather unclear why this is so. No standard appears to have been applied, it thus seem plausable that some volumes simply had been overlooked and were forgotten about. Whatever the reason it appears that 5 of the 22 books did not receive it, one of them being ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’. See complete list here (pop-up window).

Now, to be able to utilize a newly registered copyright you are then required to implement changes, you have to rework texts, you may change a book design, the dust wrapper design, a font type, illustrations added, add texts, remove texts, and so on. But the copyright utilized will only concern these very changes, it does not include the original work! You see, if you don't implement these changes you simply can not register the new copyright for that publication. Here then we can understand a possible significance of changing “by L. Ron Hubbard” into “L. Ron Hubbard
The realization however that a new copyright is be utilized would essentially be an indication that the previous copyright would have been lost. The rule however is, once in the public domain, always in the public domain. You see, one just can not revive a previous copyright. I address this in more detail in this article: “What does ‘© L. Ron Hubbard Library’ actually represent?” (separate window).

‘© L. Ron Hubbard’ | ‘© L. Ron Hubbard Library’       
'Introduction to Scientology Ethics' covers: 1985, 1989, 1998, 2007
1985 print | 1989 edition | 1998 edition | 2007 edition

We can see here above the covers for the last 4 prints/editions of the book. The 1985 print is the last release to still carry the ‘L. Ron Hubbard’ copyright name, whereas the other 3 are all ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ editions. We also see that the 1985 print still says “by L. Ron Hubbard”, where the other 3 all had dropped “by” (it shows the same on the actual title pages).
The illustration cover for the 1985 print is still the same as it was on the 1968 edition. Each of the ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ editions display a ‘new’ old man on the cover. The 2007 edition mentions even a copyright on that: “Artwork © 2007 L. Ron Hubbard Library”.

What we do see that particularly since the 1989 edition is that it has been very thoroughly reworked. It is like a different book. But we also see that the text does not always reflect anymore the original sources found in these original HCO PLs. Pieces of text are being moved around, mixed in with texts that are found in other chapters/sections in the book, rewrites that are not accounted for or can be verified, and so on. We are simply losing track here! It has not been my aim to carefully document all these changes, as there are many, but a few examples are given of these in this analysis of the book. If you have a copy of this and an earlier print you can easily check matters for yourself.

There is another observation that has been made in the “To the Reader:” page foregoing the title page of all of these books that made up the 22 Basic Books of Dianetics and Scientology released in 1988-89. Whereas it in the 2nd paragraph in most (18) of the publications read:
“This book is part of the religious literature and works of the Scientology founder, L. Ron Hubbard.”
In 4 of them, including ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’ it instead read:  (underlining is mine)
“This book is based on the religious literature and works of the Scientology Founder, L. Ron Hubbard.”
Which is a rather clear indication of texts having been reworked. The question is who has been approving such actions?

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Noteworthy additions found in this edition of the book (‘disconnection’, ‘knowledge reports’)

We find this statement in the “Foreword” of the book in its second paragraph:
“Since the original compilation of this book in 1968, Ron made numerous additional discoveries concerning the use of ethics technology and expanded the subject considerably. Many of these materials have been included in this new edition of the book.”
—The Editors 1980
Which we find phrased as follows in ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology: Volume VIII, 1966-1969’ (1991), on page 168:
“In the years following the book's first publication, Ron made numerous new discoveries in the field of ethics technology. In 1989 a new edition of Introduction to Scientology Ethics was released, updated with these breakthroughs and enhanced with graphs and a comprehensive glossary.”
These statements are pretty much a misnomer as the bulk of the information which was added had already been around for a very long time. We see that it is mostly adding more quotations and references that had been around since the ’60s.

For example on pages 35-91 we find:
    - New sections on statistics and how to read them;
- New sections on completing formulas and doing these steps.
As another example we find that the previous edition of the book only had listed the Third Dynamic Power Formula as part of the chapter “The Conditions Formulas” which was extracted from HCO PL 12 Feb 67 “The Responsibilities of Leaders”. In this 1989 edition of the book we now find the full text of this lengthy reference listed as a separate chapter on pages 237-262.

But we also do find some additions of a later date of which the most noteworthy ones are:
    pp143-148 as section “Disconnection” added to the 5th chapter of the book:
Which is HCOB 10 Sept 83 “PTSness and Disconnection”.
  Note:  This only added close to the full text of HCOB 10 Sept 83 “PTSness and Disconnection” that reinstated the ‘practice of disconnection’. Most notably it skipped the justification for its reinstatement (see in the original HCOB version the section headed “Lost Tech”, the first 3 paragraphs are missing in the book version).
and ...
    pp180-185 as section “Knowledge Reports” added to the 6th chapter of the book:
Which is HCO PL 22 Jul 82 “Knowledge Reports”.
But is this actual new information, or are these the “breakthroughs” that one is bragging about? The disconnection information is actually old information, at one time misused (late ’60s-’70s) and now reinstated in a much more rigid form. And how new is the matter of knowledge reports? This had been well accounted for by HCO PL 1 May 65 “Staff Member Reports”.

Both of these 2 references themselves also received various annotations. Regarding HCOB 10 Sept 83 “PTSness and Disconnection” it has since been figured that a person is always considered PTS (negatively affected) if he/she in some manner is connected to a suppressive person, and thus it is directed that the person has to disconnect regardless. In addition we have the situation here of an accredited authorship that has been seriously questioned. More about that on page “Scientology: ‘Practice of Disconnection’ - A detailed study”:  (separate windows)
    “‘Disconnection’ A.D. 1983:  (a) The terms ‘handle’ and ‘disconnect’ confused”
  Regarding the authorship of HCOB 10 Sept 83 ‘PTS-ness and Disconnection’
The problem with HCO PL 22 Jul 82 “Knowledge Reports” is that it called into being a so-called snitch or informer system in where one is basically urged to spy on one's fellow staff member or fellow Scientologist. More about that in link here below:  (separate window)
    “HCO PL 22 Jul 82 “Knowledge Reports”:  Collecting information and control”

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About an observed change in the “Bibliography” listing

Additionally noteworthy would be that this 1989 edition actually removed the detailed “Bibliography” listing (exact sources where the information in each of the chapters in the book were deriving from) that appeared on pages 88-89 of the USA October 1982, Denmark February 1983 and USA 1985 prints of the book. We then find that the 1989 edition maintained that chapter title “Bibliography”, this time around however it listed a general list of Scientology publications. This is something very different indeed!

As the book became a bit larger it is quite good to have such a bibliographical listing, in particular if a book became larger in size. Such a listing would be enabling the reader to consult the original source, understand better the surrounding happenings that caused it to be written, what date it carries, and so on. This appears to have been thought of in the 1982-85 prints. “No”, we are being told in 1989, “we don't need that anymore!”.

Go back The ‘Golden Age of Ethics’ edition (1998)

In May 1996 we have had this introduction of this Golden Age of Tech (GAT). It was an initiative that implemented extensive drilling to all main courses. Certain results were expected from this, but stumble blocks had been observed. This in turn instigated the Golden Age of Ethics, as it was figured that one does not get Tech in when Ethics is out. And thus we had all sorts of courses coming into being that was to take care of the Ethics side of it all, so that then Tech could go in.

June 1998 released HCO PL 24 May 98 “Hubbard Scientology Ethics Specialist Course”. Containing 33 all new drills based on the Golden Age of Tech claimed breakthroughs. It was thought that if one was trained properly with this Ethics technology that it would lead to expansion as that would have removed all stops to accomplishing that. This is all explained in ‘Int Mgmt Bulletin No. 335’, 1 Jul 98 “A Golden Age of Ethics to Get Tech in”.

This evolution also involved the release of a new revision of the book ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’. And here we get these various promotional actions to accomplishing all that in this CREATING A GOLDEN AGE OF ETHICS TO GET TECH IN revolution.
Part of that was the release of ‘IMEC* ED 2506’, 7 Sept 98 “Introduction to Scientology Ethics Book Educating the Potential Trouble Source” that instructed that those undergoing this PTS handling were “to purchase their own copy of the book and should be advised to study the entire book for a more complete understanding of ethics in addition to the exact parts of the book to be used in de-PTSing.”. It further instructed that all that staff that were servicing Scientology public with these procedures that they were “to get High Crimed [=checked out] in Qual* on Chapter 7 of the new edition of the Introduction to Scientology Ethics book.”.
Further we have ‘IMEC ED 2505’, 6 Sept 98 “Introduction to Scientology Ethics Book Educating the Potential Trouble Source Implementation Project” that focuses on to have the new edition of the book in use throughout the organization and to have only this version of the book in use. Responsibilities were given to Scientology organization staff to have that accomplished.

These are the background circumstances that were in force to have this new reworked edition for the book released.

Go back The ‘Golden Age of Knowledge’ or ‘Basics’ edition (2007)

This Golden Age of Knowledge has been roughly divided in 2 phases. The 1st phase dates to 2005 in where a complete series of these Congress Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard had been digitalized and released on DVD. It was all about restoring the original materials in their original glory, or so we are told, and making these available through various releases.
That what is referred to as phase 2 involves the release of the series of Basic Books on Dianetics and Scientology (originally released 1952-70). This was announced in a grandiose manner at the OT Summit 2007 event held at the Fort Harrison Hotel in Clearwater, FL.

A few quick observations made already unveils that the original series of Basic Books can be set to a total of 22 books. The 1st ‘L. Ron Hubbard Library’ special edition also specifically counted 22 books. By 2007 (and a bit earlier) however it was agreed upon that only original L. Ron Hubbard materials were anything to have, and thus 5 books that had been compiled by organization staff from original LRH materials or that were partly written by others were purged and thus excluded and discontinued. The set of Basic Books consisted now of 18 books, mind here that book ‘The Way to Happiness’ (1981) was now added to this series. As we now had arrived at a time that L. Ron Hubbard officially has passed away in 1986 it may be wondered who's idea it actually was. You see, each of these 5 deleted books had been around during all these years that he was physically around, then why had they have to go now, so much time after he would have died? So, if L. Ron Hubbard had condoned them during all that time, then who was not condoning them today? We are not being given any official explanation for this! A list of these Basic Books can be consulted here (pop-up window).

DVD's of this OT Summit 2007 event have been very widely distributed at no cost. It is about 2½ hours long, and it is pretty much all about restoring these original publications and getting rid of all signs of participation and additions from other persons. We are being told that these texts have been compared with the original sources, recorded on tape or handwritten materials, and restored accordingly. The event is a running off of all the (many) errors that had been discovered. There exist however various inconsistencies with a variety of these new releases. The inconsistency in regards to ‘Introduction to Scientology Ethics’ is that it, by no means, resembles the original publication as it was in print during 1968-80. the 1989 edition had already more than four-doubled its contents. The 1998 edition added another some 100 pages of text, And finally this 2007 then adds 50 pages on top of that. The book had become huge in size. It now carried a formidable 507 pages (this includes an extensive glossary and index).
An advantage to consider is just that the sequence of the chapters are more conform to the 1968-80 editions. This had been mixed around previously in the 1998 edition.

Go back Afterword

Now, what did actually happen here? Why did a tiny little book of some 70 pages grew to become a huge book volume carrying 8 times as many pages in its latest version? Not to mention the page size increase which of course can now carry more text.

Another question that should be forwarded is the matter of how significant or insignificant the matter of this ethics actually is? It undoubtedly will carry some significance, but if one considers the original outset of this ethics, then is one today not putting far too much weight on this? This would include the excessive Security Checking that Church of Scientology public is subjected to at about every turn and auditing action.
You see, its application today is not anymore an action which carries a specific purpose to make auditing and training happen. It has grown to be an action because of ethics itself. Once it was an action just to remove barriers in order that another action could take place. Today in its application it is not just about removing that barrier anymore!
The reality of the matter is that the only true significance that this ethics ever had was for removing barriers so that auditing and training can happen. If that is happening then basically you can drop internal organizational ethics actions right there.

At least since the last 20 years or so one is urged to do purchase the latest version of this ethics book as soon as another one had been released. I do recall these answers to letters from for example ED International frequently inquiring if one already had purchased the latest edition of that book.

                                        1998 edition versus 1968 edition                          
'Introduction to Scientology Ethics' book: 1998 vs 1968



     ..R, ..RA, ..RB (etc) or #R, #RA (etc):
For example: ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70R’ & ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70RA, etc. The given date denotes the first time it has been published in issue-form. The R, RA indication may also follow after an issue-number. The R stands for ‘Revision’ and would refer to that it has been revised since it was first published. If it is revised a 2nd time it is indicated as RA, a 3rd time RB, then RC, and so on.
     audit, auditing, auditor:
The application of Scientology processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor (listener). The goal of the auditor is to make the receiver of the auditing look at incidents and reduce the mental charge which may lay upon them. The auditor may not evaluate and has to adhere to the Auditor's code.
     Committee of Evidence:
A fact-finding group appointed and empowered to impartially investigate and recommend upon Scientology matters of a fairly severe ethical nature. (Introduction to Scientology Ethics, p. 28)
Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on white paper. Written by LRH only , but only so starting from January 1974. These are the technical issue line. All data for auditing and courses is contained in HCOBs. For more information go here (separate window).
    HCO PL:
Hubbard Communication Office Policy Letter’. Color flash–green ink on white paper. Written by LRH only, but only so starting from January 1974. These are the organizational and administrative issue line. For more information go here (separate window).
International Management Executive Committee’. This is a higher management echelon within the Church of Scientology. They give out instructions and programs to implement some decided upon action or initiative. These instructions are send to lower level organizations in so-called IMEC EDs.
An usual abbreviation for ‘L. Ron Hubbard’.
Mimeograph section. The section within the Scientology organization that takes care of all the printed references, printing, storing, organizing, filing etc. Since the ’80s however the printing is not done anymore with a mimeograph machine (or ‘Roneo’), it became off-set printing. However the name Mimeo is still the name used to address this section.
     ‘The Organization Executive Course’:
Subtitled in the 1970-74 release: ‘An Encyclopedia of Scientology Policy’. This is a series of books that contain the HCO PLs, and any references that are primarily dealing with administrative matters. They are divided up division wise. The HCO PLs are printed in green ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in green bindings. These books may also be referred to as the ‘green volumes’ or even ‘OEC volumes’. The ‘old green volumes’ then would refer to the 1970-74 release, the ‘new green volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
     preclear (pc):
1. A person who, through Scientology processing, is finding out more about himself and life. (The Phoenix Lectures, p. 20)  2. A spiritual being who is now on the road to becoming Clear, hence preclear. (HCOB 5 Apr 69)  3. One who is discovering things about himself and who is becoming clearer. (HCO PL 21 Aug 62)
     PTS, PTSness:
potential trouble source’.  1. Somebody who is connected with an SP (suppressive person) who is invalidating him, his beingness, his processing, his life. (SH Spec 63, 6506C08)  2. He's here, he's way up today and he's way down tomorrow. (Establishment Officer Lecture 3, 7203C02 SO I)  3. The mechanism of PTS is environmental menace that keeps something continually keyed in. This can be a constant recurring somatic or continual, recurring pressure or a mass. (HCOB 5 Dec 68)
     Qual (Div):
Qualifications Division’. 1. It could be called the correction division or the adjustment division. But qualifications would also serve. (SH Spec 77, 6608C23)  2. The Qual Division monitors not only technical quality and honesty but the administrative quality and honesty of the entire organization. HCO establishes the org, but Qual makes it run. (BPL 22 Nov 71R)  3. The division where the student is examined and where he may receive cramming or special assistance and where he is awarded completions and certificates and where his qualifications as attained on courses or in auditing are made a permanent record. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)
Short for ‘suppressive person’.

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