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The story of David Mayo (Snr C/S Int 1978-82) (2) or
A detailed analysis of the data found in publications relating
(Inquiring: Was he a Saint or a Judas?) |
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“Individual staff members, secretaries and executive secretaries are commended, promoted, demoted or Comm Eved* on the basis of their stats*. A person with high stats has Ethics protection. A person with low stats not only has no Ethics protection but tends to be hounded. ... |
Run only by statistics.” |
L. Ron Hubbard |
(from HCO PL 5 Feb 70 “Statistics, Management by”) |
The story of David Mayo (Snr C/S Int 1978-82) (page 2)
This section of the ‘The story of David Mayo’ will have a focus on technical matters.
Go to ‘The story of David Mayo (Snr C/S Int 1978-82)’ index
Technical matters
The matter of “misdefinition of the State of Clear”
It was ‘SO ED 2344 Int’, 20 Aug 83 “The Story of a Squirrel: David Mayo” that accused David Mayo of having “broadly published a misdefinition of the State of Clear”. As he was holding the position of the Senior C/S International (1978-82), he can then be held responsible for the changes in the definition of Clear as it was carried through during that time. The position that he held represents the top-tech terminal after L. Ron Hubbard, but then... L. Ron Hubbard wasn't been seen.
The source of ‘NED for OTs’ (NOTs) and its direct consequence (1978)
We have very strong notions indeed that New Era Dianetics for OTs (NOTs) was actually developed, written and published by David Mayo. Followingly it is of very grand significance if we regard that what it caused. It surely set a lot of wheels in motion. Particularly far-reaching was that ‘any Clear’ now would not be run on ‘any form of Dianetics’, this we see established through the issuance of HCOB 12 Sept 78 “Dianetics Forbidden on Clears and OTs”.
It was thus far ruled by The No-Interference Area (1971) that one does not interfere with a person's auditing line-up while he is on “R6 Solo [=Grade VI] to OT III”. It was deemed that other actions that were not part of that line-up “cannot profitably” been done “between Solo R6 and OT III”. Then áfter attesting for OT III “one can run more Dianetics”.
The difference with the ruling from 1978 was that it forbade any Dianetics run on any person having attested as little as Dianetic Clear (or Grade V completion) and forward. Attest for Dianetic Clear and there will be no Dianetics run ever more on your person! It is here that this NOTs is starting to play its role. An action that is claimed to run somatics and engrams, but does no such thing. These things are addressed by the Dianetics auditing procedure and certainly not NOTs. The name given to it, New Era Dianetics for OTs, is a true misnomer. It got nothing to with Dianetics techniques. |
The result: “It efectively knocked out the use of Dianetics!” |
Remember also that in the original No-Interference Area ruled that other actions (including Dianetics) “cannot profitably” be run. Well, the forbiddance from 1978 is really stepping up things here as ‘LRH ED 301 Int’, 17 Dec 78 “Ron's Journal 30, 1978—The Year of Lightning Fast New Tech” said “it was deadly to go on running Dianetics on a Dianetic Clear”. It makes you wonder however that from 1971 to 1978 where have the dead bodies been piling up, as there surely must have been quite a few of them! Yes, it is surely funny to say this, but I say it to point out that the forbiddance makes no sense! Not in the technology and not in the real world. Think this over for a moment! |
Now, why would you use such terms as “deadly”? Of course the reason is the scare the hell out of you, that you keep as far-far-far away from Dianetics as you possibly can. You are supposed to be afraid! Think this over as well for a moment! |
The incongurities keep on piling up... The matters of concern for Dianetics is handling somatics and running engrams with its technigue. NOTs claims to do the same thing, but isn't NOTs part of Scientology? L. Ron Hubbard warned in 1969: |
“Dianetics is Dianetics and Scientology is Scientology. |
They are separate subjects. They have in common certain tools like the E-Meter, TRs and auditor presence. But there it ends. |
Dianetics addresses the body. Scientology addresses the thetan. |
While a thetan can produce illness, it is the body that is ill. |
Thus Dianetics is used to knock out and erase illnesses, unwanted sensations, misemotion, somatics, pain, etc. Scientology and its grades are never used for such things. |
Scientology is used to increase spiritual freedom, intelligence, ability, to produce immortality. |
To mix the two has been a very bad error.” LRH
(from HCOB 22 Apr 69 “DIANETICS vs SCIENTOLOGY”) |
Want another one?
David Mayo actually did even more. secchecks No-Interference Area
Scientology vs Dianetics
Some notes concerning the ‘Happiness Rundown’ (HRD) (1980-81)
“In a review of the Happiness Rundown issues I have found that the tech of the HRD, as originally developed and written by me in late 1980, had been covertly sabotaged. Numerous instances of suppressive technical alter-is have been found in the issues of the 1981 HRD Series. These writings were not seen by myself and were falsely and illegally issued over my name.” (attributed to L. Ron Hubbard)
(from HCOB 15 Jan 84 “Happiness Rundown Additives”)
The above supposed findings caused the Happiness Rundown Series issues to be reissued. The blame for all this was put on the person David Mayo.
The Happiness Rundown
The Happiness Rundown was a usage directly based on the Way to Happiness booklet. It had 21 chapters that carried 37 precepts (although chapter 20 is treated differently). The basic routine of this rundown was Security Checking procedures. The concept was to become clean (and thus happy) basically by unburdening your conscience. Its steps consisted of these ever repetitive and recurring series of questions of which a variety of them were these typical Sec Check type questions, that were asked for each of the 37 precepts. Therefore a person that has had a lot to withhold may experience some benefits from this, but the person that has a pretty clean conscience overall may soon get into an overrun and become very upset indeed. |
This may account for some people reporting that this rundown would have been the cause for people leaving their staff position and/or the organization during the time of its release. If this rundown really was the reason then they would have left because of the wrong action applied to them. See, people leave if they are not sufficiently satisfied with services received. People that improve, get wins and such, their first notion would not be to leave. If staff personnel got better because of the rundown and would have become aware of any overall non-optimum situation, they initially would want to stay and improve matters as they will have risen in responsibility and strength. |
One should thus not forget that this rundown in essence would be an ethics measure taken! It should be clear here that this rundown was just not for every person a correct action or gradient. Nonetheless it was advertised at its release as something that everyone could/should do. An example of such a promotional advertisement: |
“A new rundown from Ron is producing immediate, life-changing gains in OTs and non-OTs alike! Rave successes have been pouring in from the AO HGCs where highly trained OT auditors are now delivering this action.”
(from ‘Advance! 74’, [ca Mar-Apr 82], page 2) |
Now, why would it be targeting OTs in this promotion here above? It can be questioned very much what they would benefit from this, as after all they would have passed this level long long since! The rundown would simply not register anything with these people. |
It appeared first listed on the Grade Chart issued in January 1982 implementing it as part of the Bridge to be received prior to ARC Straightwire pretty much as a mandatory action. The Grade Chart issued in October 1983 then moved it to ‘Routes onto the Bridge’, basically this meant that the action had turned optional. We also have HCOB 12 Nov 81RB (Revised 2 Oct 83) “Grade Chart Streamlined for Lower Grades” that was issued “to specify that the Happiness Rundown is not to be delivered to Clears” (thus including OTs). It thus took almost 2 years to figure that one out, after the rather extensive promotion to put everyone on it. |
In the interim however newcomers would have been put on this rundown, Now, was this an appreciated action? Well, obviously not if they were leaving again. The issue here would be if new public should have been/be subjected, as in standard approach, to something that involves that type of ethics actions? It had been a long standard rule in Scientology saying that “Well, when you've got technical in, why, ethics—that's as far as you carry an ethics action.” LRH (from SHSBC* lecture #61, renumbered 1991: #424 “Organization and Ethics”, given on 18 May 65), more about the purpose of ethics in Scientology is found here (separate window). |
An additional bother is that the rundown, as it was originally promoted, changed the sequence in which the processes should be received. Per the original Grade Chart you would start with Dianetics, when successfully completed you would go on to the Grades (which is Scientology), arriving at Grade II you would deal with that which is addressed with this Happiness Rundown. For the ordinary person it would thus be advised to simply follow the steps as they appear on that Grade Chart. |
Now there is something that is called Life Repair Program. This however is for people that have particular attention on some areas in their life in present time. Here, and only here this Happiness Rundown may apply, if the right action for that particular person, and allow him/her have some benefits from it. |
Some observations made while comparing the 1980-81 with the 1984 version
So, we have this HCOB 15 Jan 84 “Happiness Rundown Additives” that “listed the major outpoints of false data, technical perversion and alter-is that have been been cancelled and deleted in restoring the HRD to standard tech.”. This is thus the claim being made. You will not be able to find this reference included in the 1991 release of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes, probably because by then it was considered a done and closed cycle. It will have been found and decided that there was no reason to keep alive the explanation of how faulty and incorrect these previous series of these references must have been. After all we had a new 1984 Series. Hence we don't find it in these 1991 volumes. It just became a record of history.
On the overall it can be said that in essence it is pretty much the same rundown with only some minor changes and adjustments here and there that however do make a difference. Although the HCOB names “Numerous instances of suppressive technical alter-is have been found in the issues of the 1981 HRD Series.”. Various of these would however not interfere directly with the auditing/Sec Checking procedures themselves. I will address here the ones that do interfere and thus do carry a particular significance. |
As a first main observation we see that the 1984 series removed 3 of these typical Sec Check type questions for each of these precepts. Remind that that we had here a total of 37 precepts (entries), that had been set up in the same line of questioning but was just changing its precept. |
(1) It lists in HCOB 16 Feb 81 “Happiness Rundown Command Sheets”: |
Question 6: |
“How have others transgressed against the precept ‘... (fill in)’?” |
“Is there an earlier time when others transgressed against the precept ‘...’?” |
* |
Question 7: |
“How have you transgressed against the precept ‘...’?” |
“Is there an earlier time when you transgressed against the precept ‘...’?” |
* |
* optional auditing question |
The 1980-81 series as per HCOB 24 Feb 81 “How to Audit the HRD” runs these “transgressions” from “E/S” (Earlier Similar) to “F/N” (Floating Needle). This means that the 2nd question listed at each Question # was optional (*). This question was run (and repeated) until no charge was left and the needle thus was floating. This is actually good as it will release the person of the mental charge it had, including earlier similar's. This is what can be regarded as erasing charge from incidents, thus resulting into case gain. |
Now, when we look in HCOB 19 Jan 84 “Happiness Rundown Command Sheets” we see that this 2nd question is dropped from mention. Then HCOB 18 Jan 84 “How to Audit the HRD” notes: “the rundown is begun, starting from the top of the command sheets and carrying on through them step by step”, it makes no mention anywhere here of running any earlier similar. Which is actually typical for so-called Sec Checking approach, as it will not run earlier similar, and will thus not result in erasing incidents, it will only relieve (unburden) the person, leaving earlier similar's fully in place. This is not the sort of auditing that will result in case gain. |
Therefore, in this sense the earlier 1980-81 approach is actually preferred. But this does not mean either that everyone had to run the Happiness Rundown, after all this rundown was on a very basic (beginning) level indeed. |
Rather interesting here is that the corrective HCOB 15 Jan 84 “Happiness Rundown Additives” does NOT EVEN MAKE MENTION OF THIS OBSERVATION! |
(2) We see that HCOB 19 Jan 84 “Happiness Rundown Command Sheets” also dropped Question 7a: “Have you thought of something you didn't tell me?”. This we find is actually addressed by the corrective HCOB. It states that the question should not be actually asked but that “This however does NOT give the HRD auditor any license to miss withholds.”. It goes on with: “If any missed withhold symptom is present in the session THE AUDITOR MUST HANDLE IT BY PULLING THE MISSED WITHHOLD ...”. Thus although it is not being asked for with a question the withhold(s) must be found nonetheless. A minor observed change.
(3) Whereas the original version of the Happiness Rundown insisted that every question should be run on the pc: “None of these questions or actions are omitted. Provided the auditor
follows the command sheets, without omission nor introducing any other action, the HRD is
one of the smoothest and most rewarding rundowns to audit.” (from HCOB 24 Feb 81 “How to Audit the HRD”:). The 1984 reissue instead promoted the contrary. The corrective HCOB 15 Jan 84 “Happiness Rundown Additives” considers the original routine: “One of the blatantly destructive points of technical alter-is”, which is “the idea that one should run every single question of the HRD procedure on every pc doing the RD, even if it were an unreading question.”. The HCOB further states that “there were quite a number of auditors who wondered about it, since it is contrary to tech fundamentals.”. The only technical reference it forwards however is dating to 1980, HCOB 23 Jun 80RA “Checking Questions on Grade Processes”, a reference with a rather curious history*. |
* [A history that is told at the beginning of that HCOB, and that we find preserved even in the version of that HCOB that is included in the 1991 release of ‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’ volumes. The original version of that HCOB, per the RA-version, “incorrectly stated that an auditor was not to check the processes of a grade for read before running them.”. Rather interestingly we find here thus a similar battle that is also fought in the HRD!] |
Either way HCOB 18 Jan 84 “How to Audit the HRD” states that “There are questions in the rundown which ask for false data and these are not tested for read.”. Here it thus does not make a great deal of difference concerning these particular questions if you run an unreading item or not, as these are not tested for a read anyway! |
Per this the corrective HCOB 15 Jan 84 “Happiness Rundown Additives”, at least regarding this matter, was correct in its judgment. From this then follows that, if it be so that the original Happiness Rundown did run everything either way, then this would tend to result easily into an overrun. This in turn would explain why people on staff would have left. In part however this would be pending also how proficient and sensitive the auditor is, as a skilled auditor can limit and even prevent any damages if any overrun tends to occur. But that then will be the merit of the auditor, not of the routine of the Happiness Rundown. In essence thus the outset of the original Happiness Rundown would be destructive, in particular if run by a rather newly trained and inexperienced auditor. |
It would thus appear that both the versions of the Happiness Rundown have their downsides. The original version (1980-81) tends to go into overrun, and the revised version (1984) skips the E/S. |
Thought provoking may as well be that the line of questioning, that involve false data stripping procedures and withhold pulling auditing procedures, these are all put together in these Happiness Rundown auditing sessions. Is this mixing practices? Now which questions do have to be listed for a read, and which do not? It all adds to an uncertainty factor with the auditor, in particular with the revised 1984 version. Which is thus creating an arbitrary. |
Notes about authorship
The references as found in the Happiness Rundown Series that make up this Happiness Rundown (HRD) witness of an obvious involvement of David Mayo. This is confirmed by the composer/typing initials in these references, but also because the bulk of them mentioning “as assisted by Senior C/S Int” in the signatory area. Mind that this “assisted by” according to new rules introduced by HCOB 24 Jan 77 “Tech Correction Round-up” refers here to the actual composer of the reference (see here, separate window).
A major inconsistency however can already be found in these composer/typing initials in the original Series. A total of 5 references (of the 9) that we find in the Happiness Rundown Series carry incorrect initials (HRD Series 3, 4, 5, 7 & 8). Because these list “as assisted by Senior C/S Int” together with ‘dm’ (‘LRH:dm:ljb’). Just ‘dm’ would indicate a typist, as opposed to ‘DM’ that indicate the composer. |
The HRD Series 6 & 9 should have it correctly indicated as they do note ‘DM’, in combination with “as assisted by Senior C/S Int”. |
HRD Series 1 & 2 is a different story. Here it does indicate a ‘dm’, but they also fail to note “as assisted by Senior C/S Int”. Presumably here it would still mean that these initials stand for David Mayo, but that he had only transcribed it. There is some information that tells that the L. Ron Hubbard from that time was recording everything on a dictaphone. This was relayed to me by Pierre Ethier who prior to becoming a Flag auditor was stationed and worked in Flag Mimeo. |
The only checksheet that I have been able to consult of the original Series also have ‘dm’ in combination with “as assisted by Senior C/S Int”, which is deemed being incorrect. The 3 remaining checksheets probably may also have it incorrectly indicated like that. |
The specifics about these signatories and its controversies are all indicated on my HRD publication list, consult here (pop-up window). |
Merril Mayo's Open Letter,
ca. 1983. Extract from a letter
which was received from Merrill Mayo that I found posted on the Internet. I don't know to whom it was send and can also not vouch for its authenticity, but it probably is authentic. |
“In late 1980 and early 1981, given the data of the Happiness Rundown, David assisted LRH in getting this data put into an auditable rundown, testing it and piloting it until it was ready for public. He personally, for 6 weeks, trained auditors and C\Ses from all over the world. This produced a huge resurgence in the Orgs. These are a few of the specific products David has helped LRH with. The tech is LRH's. The exact implementation of that tech is what David has done.” |
She was the wife of David Mayo at that time and also functioned as his assistant. |
A communication from Julie Mayo, dated 28 April 1996, which is found on the Internet posted on a newsgroup amongst other relates: |
“In late 1981, LRH began communicating with David Mayo, Senior C/S INT, and the CMO and his personal accountants. From 1981 until August of 1982, David Mayo and the Senior C/S INT Office received many messages and letters from LRH. Amongst other things, LRH suggested that David develop a Happiness Rundown, which David did. When the rundown and course were completed, auditors and C/Ses from around the world came to ASHO in LA. David personally taught the course and internship. It was a huge success.” |
Note: At the time she was known as Julie Gillespie, it was not until later that she married David Mayo.
Please realize that I can not vouch for the reliability or the source of this data, but it is probably authentic due to the detailed nature of these messages. |
Did David Mayo cause sequence change: First grades then Dianetics? (Nov 81)
A first attempt for change was attempted in November 1969. It was proposed by a policy letter not written by L. Ron Hubbard, it however never solidified and this policy letter as it appears was taken out of use quickly. The proposal forwarded by that now obsolete policy letter still left you with an option. You still could first do Dianetics and then Scientology if you chose to do so or if warranted for, however not so in the second attempt for change made in November 1981.
This was an attempt for change, and a successful one, by a policy letter written by David Mayo. This was HCO PL 12 Nov 81 “Cancellation of Class 4, NED Prereq”. It directed: “NED now comes after Expanded Grade 4 on the Grade Chart”. This reference was signed with “Assisted by Snr C/S International”, and composer initials ‘DM’. Per the guidelines as found in HCOB 24 Jan 77 “Tech Correction Round-up” this basically meant that he actually wrote it.
‘No-Interference Area’ interfered with & stiffening Sec Checking procedures implemented by David Mayo? (Mar 82)
Through 6 to 10 Mar 1982 a total of 6 references were issued relating to increasing control over the phenomena of Security Checking alternatively Confessionals and its use on people where each of these references carried an authorship initial of David Mayo.
The most significant one of these references being the one that effectively interfered with this so-called No-Interference Area, which name speaks for itself. It was first established with HCOB 23 Dec 71 “The No-Interference Area” . Then 10 years later this was replaced with HCOB 8 Mar 82 “Confessionals and the Non-Interference Zone” which does indeed carry his authorship initials (do also note the different reference date!). Just one year later it was, slightly revised, reissued as HCOB 8 Mar 82R (Revised 24 Apr 83) “Confessionals and the Non-Interference Zone”. This time around however it had been stripped from any reference to David Mayo in the signature area and now seemingly appeared to have been written by L. Ron Hubbard. It is the very version of this HCOB that remains in use till this day!
But there is more. Another of these references was for instance HCOB/PL 6 Mar 82 “Confessional Tech Policies” that directed that “Anyone who refuses a Confessional or who refuses to answer a reading question should be turned over to the Ethics Officer and the Guardian's Office notified then and there.”. Things were really stepping up quite a bit with various of these new HCOBs that in effect were allowing increased control of the Scientology parishioner and also staff.
David Mayo sure has a lot of attention on confessional. What ever happened with HCO PL 26 Aug 68 “Security Checks Abolished” ? (underlining is mine)
David Mayo issued: |
6 Mar 82
7 Mar 82
8 Mar 82
8 Mar 82
9 Mar 82
10 Mar 82
“Confessional Tech Policies”
“Confessionals Included in Expanded Grade 2 Processes”
“SHSBC - Confessionals”
“Confessionals and the Non Interference Zone”
“Eligibility for OT Levels”
“Confessionals - Ethics Reports Required”
The ‘David Mayo Bridge’, established 1978-82 and still going strong this day...
This time frame signifies the time that the present-day Bridge or Route to Freedom as offered by the Church of Scientology was physically established. This is the tale of kicking a guy, but adopting basically all that was established while he was the top technical person (after L. Ron Hubbard). People probably don't want to hear about that, although it is simple proven fact. It is effectively proven by my documentation and published studies into these matters.
Course checksheets and some peculiarities concerning the ‘Hubbard Solo Auditor Course’
In his capacity of Senior C/S Int naturally David Mayo was involved in various compilations of so-called checksheets. Some notes can be made about these. All the ones that I know about are listed in the below overview:
Method One Co-Audit Checksheet
Reference |
Title |
Attributed |
Initials |
Notices |
HCO PL 25 Sept 79 III |
“The Method One Co-Audit Checksheet” |
LRH As assisted by Snr C/S Int |
LRH:DM:gal |
In use as HCO PL 25 Sept 79R III (Rev 5 Apr 89) “same title” |
HCO PL 25 Sept 79 I “Successful Training Lineup” said in the revision notes: “BPL 18 Oct 7 6RD, Rev. 10.9.78 URGENT IMPORTANT, SUCCESSFUL TRAINING LINEUP is canceled because it dropped Method One Word Clearing out of training. It sought to solve students on Academy courses being held up due to incomplete Method One, by no longer requiring Method One. As a result Method One Word Clearing dropped out of use and Academy students and interns are now being delayed in training because they haven’t had Method One. The ‘problem’ of incomplete Method One isn't even a problem, all one would have to do is complete the Method One!
Method One Word Clearing is now being reinstated by HCO PL 25 Sep 79 II METHOD ONE WORD CLEARING.” |
Hubbard Solo Auditor Course (Non-Confidential) Part One & Two
The periodical ‘Advance! 74’, [ca Mar-Apr 82] tells that “Ron's new Grade Chart (released March 1982) has brought the Solo Auditor Course closer to home. You can begin you Solo Training right at your Class IV Organization. Solo Training is now in two parts. Part One is done at the Class IV Orgs and Part Two is done at the Saint Hill or Advanced Orgs.”.
Part One
Reference |
Title |
Attributed |
Initials |
Notices |
HCO PL 6 Dec 79 |
“Hubbard Solo Auditor Course (Non-Confidential)” |
Assisted by LRH Technical Compilations I/C
and Kathy Stewart CS3-4
and Snr C/S Int
for the BDCSC |
:PM:kjm |
(see next) |
HCO PL 6 Dec 79R I[?]
(Rev ?) |
? |
? |
? |
(see next) |
HCO PL 6 Dec 79RA I[?]
(Rev ?) |
? |
? |
? |
(see next) |
HCO PL 6 Dec 79RB I
(Rev 25 Nov 81) |
“Hubbard Solo Auditor Course (Non-Confidential) Part One” |
Assisted by Senior C/S International |
(see next) |
This checksheet was previously in use as BPL 12 Dec 71RD (Revised 24 Jan 78) “The Solo Auditor Course (Non-Confidential)”. It appears that this HCO PL was simply replacing the BPL and that it was split into 2 parts at that time. |
Reference |
Title |
Attributed |
Initials |
Notices |
HCO PL 28 Jan 82R I
(Rev 27 Mar 82) |
“The New Hubbard Solo Auditor Course (Non-Confidential) Part One”
(Cancels & Replaces HCO PL 6 Dec 79RB) |
Assisted by Senior C/S International |
Cancelled and Replaced by HCO PL 23 Feb 84 I “same title”
(although above issue was never cancelled the one presently in use is HCO PL 13 Jun 96R (Rev 23 Sept 96) “same title”) |
Revision notes of HCO PL 28 Jan 82R I said: “(This checksheet was redesigned by LRH to include basic books, theory, L & N and more thorough meter trilling. It is now possible to make a far superior solo auditor than ever before.)”. |
Revision notes of the replacing checksheet (HCO PL 23 Feb 84 I) said: “CANCELS HCO PL 28 JAN 82R Same title, which was written by another. Arbitraries and complexities entered into the structure of the checksheet resulted in an overlong course, and extended the length of time on Solo training and the road to OT. It is replaced with this new streamlined Solo Auditor course.”. |
Some peculiar notes concerning the Part One checksheet |
An interesting note can be made with HCO PL 2 Oct 83 “Solo Course Part One, Prerequisites”. It noted: “(Modifies the prerequisites as given on page one of HCO PL 28 Jan 82R, Issue I, THE NEW HUBBARD SOLO AUDITOR COURSE -- PART ONE)”. |
It basically means that it positively confirms that in October ’83 (i.e. 6 weeks after the issuance of the SO ED 2344, 20 Aug 83 “The Story of a Squirrel: David Mayo”), a checksheet is being upheld that was compiled by David Mayo as was clearly indicated on that very checksheet. A checksheet which less than 4 months later was cancelled and replaced because of “Arbitraries and complexities entered into the structure of the checksheet resulted in an overlong course, and extended the length of time on Solo training and the road to OT.”. |
David Mayo was already removed from post late August ’82. A Condition Order declaring him a Suppressive Person was issued on 2 Mar ’83. Still one had somehow missed this Hubbard Solo Auditor Course, it was only found necessary to update its prerequisites. |
It seems quite odd to me that if it was found that David Mayo was such a bad dude as has been proclaimed, then one would have expected that anything in which he was involved would have been withdrawn immediately or at least be subject to thorough review and investigation. A vital course such as this Hubbard Solo Auditor Course was allowed to be in actual continued use up to at least one whole year later. Why had one missed this? |
About that “the checksheet resulted in an overlong course, and extended the length of time on Solo training and the road to OT.”, it can be confirmed that the indication of “LENGTH OF COURSE” changed from “4 weeks full time” in HCO PL 28 Jan 82R I to “2 weeks full time, 4 weeks part time” in HCO PL 23 Feb 84 I. |
Odd is also that this HCO PL 2 Oct 83 “Solo Course Part One, Prerequisites” is actually found in ‘The Organization Executive Course: Technical Division, Volume 4’ (1991 release) on page 663. It is odd because it is referring to this 1982 Solo Auditor Course, that was already replaced as early as 1984 with HCO PL 23 Feb 84 I “The New Hubbard Solo Auditor Course (Non-Confidential) Part One”. In fact I found that the data as given in HCO PL 2 Oct 83 “Solo Course Part One, Prerequisites” was fully incorporated in this replacement HCO PL! This simply had turned this HCO PL 2 Oct 83 superfluous, although even as late as today (August 2006) I have found no record of it being cancelled, which is what should have happened already in 1984. |
Part Two
Reference |
Title |
Attributed |
Initials |
Notices |
HCO PL 28 Jan 82 II |
“The New Hubbard Solo Auditor Course (Non-Confidential) Part Two” |
? |
? |
Cancelled and Replaced by HCO PL 23 Feb 84 II “same title” |
I have not been able to consult any actual copy of any version of this checksheet. although the 1982 version is assumed compiled with the involvement of David Mayo. |
OT III Class VIII Course Checksheet
Reference |
Title |
Attributed |
Initials |
Notices |
HCO PL 2 Feb 80 |
C o n f i d e n t i a l
“The Confidential - OT III Class VIII Course Checksheet” |
As assisted by Kathy Stewart CS-4 and
Snr C/S Int |
This is likely revised or at least reissued since, no data however has been found. |
CS-4:‘Commodore Staff-Division 4’. Mainly concerned with external Sea Org actions like handling Scientology Orgs, missions to be send for correction and Sea Org matters. Division 4 is the Technical division of a Scientology organization. CS-4 is also referred to as ‘Training and Services Aide’. |
Survival Rundown Checksheets
Reference |
Title |
Attributed |
Initials |
Notices |
HCO PL 13 May 80 II |
“Survival Rundown TRs Checksheet” |
? |
? |
Both of them Cancelled by HCOB/PL 3 Apr 90 “Cancellation of the Survival Rundown Series” |
HCO PL 26 May 80 |
“Survival Rundown Co-Audit Supervisor's Checksheet” |
? |
? |
It is not very likely that David Mayo was involved in these 2 checksheets, although it is likely that Merrill Mayo was involved. Unverified as yet though. |
Hubbard Happiness Rundown Courses
Reference |
Title |
Attributed |
Initials |
Notices |
HCO PL 2 Mar 81 |
“Hubbard Happiness Rundown Auditor Course” |
as assisted by Senior C/S Int |
LRH:dm:ljb |
Cancelled and Replaced by HCO PL 22 Jan 84 I “same title”
HCO PL 3 Mar 81 |
“Hubbard Happiness Rundown Auditor Internship” |
? |
? |
Cancelled and Replaced by HCO PL 22 Jan 84 II “same title” |
HCO PL 4 Mar 81 |
“Hubbard Happiness Rundown Case Supervisor Course” |
? |
? |
Cancelled and Replaced by HCO PL 22 Jan 84 III “same title” |
HCO PL 5 Mar 81 |
“Hubbard Happiness Rundown Case Supervisor Interneship” |
? |
? |
Cancelled and Replaced by HCO PL 22 Jan 84 IV “same title”
All of these are also cancelled by HCOB 15 Jan 84 “Happiness Rundown Additives” |
The whole of the Happiness Rundown indicates David Mayo involvement as does the only checksheet I have been able to access. It is assumed that David Mayo was responsible for these other 3 as well. |
Hubbard Professional TRs Course Checksheet
Reference |
Title |
Attributed |
Initials |
Notices |
HCO PL 17 Jun 81 |
“Hubbard Professional TRs Course Checksheet”
Assisted by Research and Technical Compilations Unit |
Cancelled by HCOB 8 Aug 83 “Cancellation of Issues on TRs”
Replaced by HCO PL 7 Aug 83 “The New Hubbard Professional TR Course”
Presently in use is HCO PL 7 Aug 83RB (Rev 10 Sept 98) “The New Hubbard Professional TR Course” |
There is no indication of David Mayo involvement in compiling this issue, although a quick glance reveals that 3 David Mayo issues are listed on the checksheet. For which reason it must have been replaced since by HCO PL 7 Aug 83. |
Hubbard Basic Career Auditor Course
Reference |
Title |
Attributed |
Initials |
Notices |
HCO PL 3 Dec 81 I |
“Hubbard Basic Career Auditor Course (Prov)” |
Assisted by senior C/S International
Accepted by the
(see next) |
HCO PL 3 Dec 81R I
(Rev 3 Mar 82) |
“Hubbard Basic Career Auditor Course (Prov)” |
Assisted by senior C/S International |
CSI:LRH:DM:pc:bk |
Cancelled and Replaced by HCO PL 3 Oct 83 “Hubbard Basic Career Auditor Course Phase-Out Per New Streamlined Grade Chart” |
HCO PL 3 Dec 81R I said: “The purpose of this course is to train a Scientologist to be able to deliver Expanded Arc Straightwire and the Happiness Rundown so that he can start auditing as a career.”. |
..R, ..RA, ..RB (etc) or #R, #RA (etc):
For example: ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70R’ & ‘HCO PL 24 Sept 70RA’, etc. The given date denotes the first time it has been published in issue-form. The R, RA indication may also follow after an issue-number. The R stands for ‘Revision’ and would refer to that it has been revised since it was first published.
If it is revised a 2nd time it is indicated as RA, a 3rd time RB, then RC, and so on.
Advanced Org(anization) (AO):
The denominates a Scientology organization which delivers higher level auditing and training. The first Advanced Organization was located in Saint Hill, England. The initials AO will appear somewhere in the name for the various AOs. For example: AOLA, ASHO, AOSH EU, etc.. This may also be referred to as a Saint-Hill organization.
Short for ‘Advanced Organization’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
‘Board Policy Letter’. Color flash–green ink on cream paper. These are the issues of the Boards of Directors of the Churches of Scientology and are separate and distinct from HCO Policy Letters written by LRH. Only LRH issues may be printed green on white for policy and only LRH issues may have the prefix HCO. These Board issues are valid as Policy. (BPL 14 Jan 74R I, New Issues).
This issue-type was established in January 1974. In October 1975 a project was started to cancel HCO PLs not written by L. Ron Hubbard and if still found being of value having them reissued as BPLs. By 1980 all BPLs had been revoked.
‘Case/Supervisor’. 1. That person in a Scientology Church who gives instructions regarding, and supervises the auditing of preclears. The abbreviation C/S can refer to the Case Supervisor or to the written instructions of a case supervisor depending on context. (BTB 12 Apr 72R) 2. The C/S is the case supervisor. He has to be an accomplished and properly certified auditor and a person trained additionally to supervise cases. The C/S is the auditor's “handler.” He tells the auditor what to do, corrects his tech, keeps the lines straight and keeps the auditor calm and willing and winning. The C/S is the pc's case director. His actions are done for the pc. (Dianetics Today, Bk. 3, p. 545)
1. What we mean by Clear is an erasure of the mental mass which inhibits their thinking, postulating, and so on. (SH Spec 75, 6608C16) 2. An unaberrated person. He is rational in that he forms the best possible solutions he can on the data he has and from his viewpoint. He obtains the maximum pleasure for the organism, present and future, as well as for the subjects along the other dynamics. The Clear has no engrams which can be restimulated to throw out the correctness of computation by entering hidden and false data in it. (Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, p. 111)
earlier similar (E/S):
Whenever an auditor gets a read on an item from rudiments or a prepared list it must be carried to an F/N. If you know bank structure you know it is necessary to find an earlier item if something does not release. What has been found as a read on a prepared list would F/N if it were the basic lock. So if it doesn't F/N, then there is an earlier (or an earlier or an earlier) lock which is preventing it from F/Ning. (HCOB 14 Mar 71R)
‘earlier similar’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
‘Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin’. Color flash–red ink on white paper. Written by LRH only , but only so starting from January 1974. These are the technical issue line. All data for auditing and courses is contained in HCOBs. For more information go here (separate window).
‘Hubbard Communication Office Policy Letter’. Color flash–green ink on white paper. Written by LRH only, but only so starting from January 1974. These are the organizational and administrative issue line. For more information go here (separate window).
‘Hubbard Guidance Center’. The department of the technical division of a Scientology organization which sets you up for and delivers auditing.
An usual abbreviation for ‘L. Ron Hubbard’.
Operating Thetan (OT):
1. Willing and knowing cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space and time. And that would of course be mind and that would of course be universe. (SH Spec 80, 6609C08) 2. An individual who could operate totally independently of his body whether he had one or didn't have one. He's now himself, he's not dependent on the universe around him. (SH Spec 66, 6509C09) 3. A being at cause over matter, energy, space, time, form and life. Operating comes from “able to operate without dependency on things” and thetan is the Greek letter theta (θ), which the Greeks used to represent “thought” or perhaps “spirit” to which an “n” is added to make a new noun in the modern style used to create words in engineering. (Book of Case Remedies, p. 10)
‘The Organization Executive Course’:
Subtitled in the 1970-74 release: ‘An Encyclopedia of Scientology Policy’. This is a series of books that contain the HCO PLs, and any references that are primarily dealing with administrative matters. They are divided up division wise. The HCO PLs are printed in green ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in green bindings. These books may also be referred to as the ‘green volumes’ or even ‘OEC volumes’. The ‘old green volumes’ then would refer to the 1970-74 release, the ‘new green volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
Short for ‘Operating Thetan’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (SHSBC):
This was a course delivered by L. Ron Hubbard at Saint Hill, England during 1961-66 and comprises of 447 lectures. Its result is a very adept auditor and thorough know-how of Scientology itself. The materials are studied in chronological sequence so as to fully understand the development of the technology. This will make you a Class VI Auditor.
Sec Check(ing):
Short for ‘security check(ing)’.
SH (org):
‘Saint Hill (organization)’. A Saint Hill organization applies to any organization authorized to deliver the advanced level Scientology services. May also be referred to as an AO (Advanced Organization). For example AOSH UK or AOLA. The first AO was located in Saint-Hill, England.
‘Saint Hill Special Briefing Course’. See at that entry in vocabulary.
‘The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology’:
This is a series of books that contain the HCOBs, and any references that are primarily dealing with technical matters. The HCOBs are printed in red ink on white paper, and the volumes themselves come in red bindings. The references are arranged in chronological release order (per issue date). These books may also be referred to as the ‘red volumes’. The ‘old red volumes’ then would refer to the 1976-80 release, the ‘new red volumes’ instead to the 1991 release. See a listing of published volumes here (pop-up window).
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This page revised:
15 August, 2024